Tips for stone care

What stone purifies human blood?

Hematite, or bloodstone, is a black or dark red shiny mineral, iron oxide. It is often called black pearl. For magicians, it is used to draw a magic circle and secret signs on the floor. Bloodstone is a stone of strong, persistent people. It should be worn in silver. Bloodstone was credited with the properties of stopping bleeding, helping with wounds, and treating tumors. It was believed that bloodstone reduced eye ulcers and healed them; it helped (as a medicine) with involuntary ejaculation of semen. Bloodstone is credited with healing properties from nervous diseases and genitourinary disorders, especially in men. People who have bloodstone jewelry that has nothing to do with magic can wear it calmly; it will not threaten anything, but it will not bring happiness either. The name “hematite” comes from the Greek word haimatos, which means “blood”. Other names for the mineral and its varieties: bloodstone, sanguine, iron kidney, red ironstone. Genetic classification – trigonal system Chemical formula – Fe2O3 physical properties
a) colors vary depending on the state of aggregation of the mineral: earthy varieties are red, in crystals they are iron-black. The line is cherry red,
b) hardness: 5 – 6,
c) density: 5 – 5,2,
d) transparent,
e) semi-metallic and metallic luster,
e) has no cleavage. Education
Crystals in the form of rhombohedrons and plates, sometimes form druses. More often the mineral is distributed in the form of solid dense cryptocrystalline masses and sintered forms with a glossy surface. Origin
Igneous, hydrothermal, pneumotolitic, exogenous and metamorphic. Application
Hematite is one of the most important iron ores. Pure powder varieties are used in the manufacture of paints and red pencils. Main deposits: Russia, Ukraine, Italy, Switzerland, USA. Medicinal properties
Since ancient times, there has been an opinion that hematite cleanses the blood and strengthens the blood-purifying organs – the kidneys, liver and spleen. It is recommended to place it over organs where there is poor blood circulation. Magical properties
In ancient times, this stone was valued as a powerful magical amulet. These properties are noted in the ancient treatise on precious stones, written by Azhalius of Babylon for the Pontic king Mithridates (who died in 63 BC). In Ancient Egypt, priestesses of Isis decorated themselves with hematite during rituals, since it was believed that hematite not only protected them from dark forces, but also protected the goddess, who descended to Earth during the ritual, It was revered as a magical talisman in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. It is known that Roman legionaries, going on campaigns of conquest, always took with them a product made from this stone (most often a figurine of a household god), because they were sure that the mineral would give them masculinity and courage. The peak of hematite’s popularity came in the Middle Ages, when magicians, sorcerers and alchemists simply could not do without it. In books describing magical rituals, hematite is an indispensable attribute of these actions. With its help, they summoned elemental spirits, communicated with the souls of the dead, and protected themselves from evil spirits. It is believed that hematite protects its owner from any astral attacks, opens the world to a person from a new side, and helps to decipher the signs sent by the Universe to people. Astrologers recommend wearing hematite to Cancers and Scorpios. It is strictly contraindicated for Gemini, Virgo and Pisces. The rest of the zodiac signs should wear it only if they are engaged in magical practice. Talismans and amulets
Since hematite is capable of giving its owner courage and bravery, it is a talisman for men and, above all, warriors. In former times, pieces of this stone were sewn into clothes, hung around the neck, and hidden in shoes. For a warrior leaving for war, they made a protective conspiracy to make blood and believed that it would certainly help the warrior return not only alive and well, but also weaken the enemy’s strength. Women can also use hematite as a talisman. He helps them in vocational training and in starting any enterprise. Hematite can only be set in silver. It brings happiness to men when worn on the index finger of the right hand, and to women when worn on the left. Hematite stone is the main ore for iron. The color of the mineral can be brownish-red or silver-gray and even black. Most often it is found in various rocks: hydrothermal, metamorphic, igneous, as granular inclusions, powdery and dense masses. The mineral forms lamellar and tabular crystals with a metallic luster. Its name is related to the Greek word hemo, meaning blood, due to the red-brown hue of this crystal.

Hematite has the following physical properties:

  • on the Mohs scale its hardness is 5-6,5;
  • mineral density is 5,3 g/s m³;
  • there is no cleavage;
  • the mineral has an uneven fracture;
  • has a metallic or matte shine;
  • the color of the trait can be either red-brown or cherry red;
  • opaque;
  • gray, red and black hematites are found.

Other names for the crystal are also known: bloodstone, sanguine, iron kidney, red ocher ironstone, iron red luster, black diamond.

The following modifications of hematite are distinguished:

  • the coarse-crystalline variety of the mineral is called iron luster or specularite;
  • the radial-fibrous variety is the red glass head.

Hematite deposits are located all over the world: Brazil, Algeria, Mexico, Germany, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Kazakhstan, Italy, Venezuela, Russia, Great Britain. In Ukraine and the USA, hematite stone is quite common in the form of sedimentary iron ores.

Properties of hematite stone

Hematite and its amazing properties have always amazed people. Basically, the crystal has a dark gray color with a metallic sheen, but if you grind it, you get a brownish-red powder. If you put it in water, it takes on a pink tint.

Ancient healers used the healing properties of hematite to cleanse the blood, strengthen the spleen and kidneys, and restore vision. Modern research suggests that hematite and its energetic properties can help with inflammation of the bladder and diseases of the genitourinary system in general. The mineral perfectly restores red blood cells and is capable of regenerating bone marrow. They treat anemia and anemia.

Lithotherapists recommend wearing the mineral to men who experience impotence. Representatives of the fairer sex can use hematite for menstrual pain. In addition, it relieves insomnia, neutralizes the effects of stress, and has a positive effect on the functioning of the hormonal system. Even breastfeeding women can benefit from the properties of hematite because it stimulates milk production. People suffering from changes in blood pressure should not wear the mineral constantly, as this can lead to a serious decrease in blood pressure.

The main thing is that the vibration of the stone coincides with your vibration. Otherwise, incompatibility may occur, which will manifest itself in nausea, headaches, and weakness. This means only one thing – the mineral is not suitable for you. Hematite is a stone of patient and strong people who are able to overcome various difficulties.

If you believe the stars, the mineral will enhance the positive qualities of representatives of the following signs: Scorpio, Capricorn, Aries, Aquarius, Cancer. Hematite is not suitable for Virgo, Gemini and Pisces.

Silver, copper, bronze and brass perfectly emphasize its beauty and uniqueness. The mineral will always give its owner determination and self-confidence, and will help in learning. Hematite always helps a person to increase their intuitive abilities and insight.

Publication Date: 07.11.2012

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