Mineral Review

What stones accumulate energy?

Natural stones are found in every home – in the form of decorations or finishing materials in the interior. At first glance they seem cold and silent. But for those who know how to listen and understand them, the stones will reveal their extraordinary capabilities. Stone is usually considered an integral part of inanimate nature. In fact, natural stones are born, undergo various changes, turning into other minerals and rocks, and each of them has its own destiny. The energy information approach assumes that energy information fields exist around all objects in the Universe. The process of crystallization—the birth of a crystal—absorbs colossal energy. But it is the crystalline structure that is characteristic of the most durable types of natural stone. Even the ancient rishis of India, through meditation and clairvoyance, discovered that both living and inanimate nature are endowed with the energy of the Great Cosmos, the Hindus call it Prana, the Chinese – Chi, the Japanese – Qi. Minerals, natural stones (primarily precious ones) and metals are a condensation of this energy, and it can be used for medicinal purposes. According to the energy-informational approach, any adverse external influence, as well as internal pathogenic processes that negatively affect our body, mind and consciousness, can be eliminated by the fields of crystals and metals. When in contact with a stone, the energy it emits affects our body, cells and tissues. There is a constant energy exchange between minerals and the environment, and a wide variety of energy vibrations arise depending on the individual energy structure of the natural stone. There is an exchange of energy and information between stone and man. Even in ancient times, our ancestors noticed the unique and extraordinary properties of natural stone – the most amazing of all the elements of the earth. They endowed stones with mysterious healing properties and believed that they possessed living energy that helped fulfill desires, protect them from troubles and evil forces, envy and other troubles. In addition, they believed in the ability of natural stones to directly influence a person’s fate and health. Each natural stone is unique. It carries powerful energy, which, interacting with a person, can have a positive impact, bring harmony to his life, evenly distributing energy into different areas. Thanks to its properties, the energy of stones can relieve tension, relieve stress and protect from negative influences, and restore harmony between soul and body. Natural stones are truly amazing. Born from the earth, they are polished by natural water, caressed by the sun and wind. We can say that the clean natural sources of energy are the earth, the sun and space. Natural stones are a kind of energy accumulators that are not only capable of storing, but also accumulating their potential, giving it back to its owner at the right moment. Not so long ago, it was scientifically proven that natural stones in the house can even out the energy of the home. Each stone has its own philosophy and special magical properties – it’s not for nothing that people have been looking for the philosopher’s stone since ancient times, and some to this day. If you look closely at a stone and observe it for some time, you will notice that each stone lives its own unique life. Can feel, understand shades of mood, can serve the owner, or can control him. Once upon a time, natural stone was a mountain or simply the firmament of the earth. Therefore, the stone carries with it the spirit of the place from which it came, the smell of the sea, the radiance of the sun and the age-old wisdom of the earth, sky and ocean. In addition, brought into human use, each stone became something separate and individual, began to live its own life, one might say, was born again. Each natural stone and products made from it capture the history of the earth and, of course, man. Nowadays, there is the science of astromineralogy, which studies the interaction of natural stones and people. It has been experimentally proven that the energy impact of the stone is enormous. When exposed to radiation from stones, not only individual cells, but also entire organs of the human body change the frequency of oscillations and vibrations. This leads to big changes in the energy shells of a person: etheric, astral and mental. This in turn affects our physical and mental health. Since ancient times, various diseases have been treated with the help of natural stones. The mechanism of action is as follows: a natural stone is placed on the diseased organ, which, with its biofield, affects the damaged human biofield and restores it. Ancient healers passed on their knowledge from generation to generation about which stone to use for a particular disease. For example, in Mesopotamia, healers healed with the help of small hot stones, which were placed on the body of a sick person. Since ancient times, Japanese monks have used the healing properties of volcanic natural stones. The healing and energetic properties of natural minerals were successfully used by the Romans and American Indians. The Greeks and Arabs studied the healing properties of natural stones and minerals back in the first millennium AD. Indications of this can be found in the works of major scientists, mineralogists, chemists, alchemists and doctors: Al-Biruni, Galen, Paracelsus and others. The syncretic nature of the science of those times and the encyclopedic volume of knowledge of these great people contributed to the fact that a completely scientific justification for the properties of natural stones was based on taking into account the energetic sources of the origin of minerals. Today, science is again trying to master the achievements of those distant times in order to fully use the properties of the natural materials around us, among which natural stones are especially valuable in terms of healing energy abilities. Currently, stone therapy (treatment with natural stones) is widely used. This trend has received official recognition and is in great demand not only in beauty salons, but also in most medical centers. The use of natural volcanic stones helps relieve stress and has a relaxing effect. Stone massage is very effective. Helps cope with depression, chronic fatigue, increases vitality, gives tone and promotes the health of the body as a whole. Agate promotes inner stability, calmness and self-confidence. The mineral encourages a sense of reality and pragmatic thinking, is useful in self-analysis and helps to reveal hidden circumstances that interfere with your well-being Onyx is an excellent material for making a wide variety of jewelry, showcasing a unique contrasting stripe or one color of the stone. Black onyx contrasts well with gold and silver Aventurine is known as a stone of good luck. Green aventurine is supposed to have the strongest energy compared to other colors. Aventurine stimulates dreams and has a positive effect on psychic abilities Aquamarine is famous for its breathtaking aqua color, which ranges from light blue to bluish green, with an internal sparkle. In the ancient world it was considered the stone of the god of the seas, Poseidon. Surprisingly, the most expensive beryl, emerald, has the largest number of inclusions and the lowest transparency. Amazonite is a stone of health, courage and bravery. Restores vitality. The stone of youth is suitable for those who are in search of their soul mate; it helps to attract a partner who is focused on a serious relationship. Amulet of family relationships Amethyst has strong magical properties that help it resist the forces of evil, as well as protect its owner from them; can be used as a talisman Natural bronzites may contain iron oxides in excess of the established norm. Bronzite, when polished in certain areas, “shows” a cat’s eye effect or asterism (star effect) It is believed that jade is the stone of dreams and it can bless all endeavors. Physically, jade is considered a restorative stone. Jade in jewelry is ideal for both men and women The element of the Heliotrope stone is fire, it has a very strong protective energy associated with the root chakra. Heliotropes are believed to have strong medicinal properties Hematite puts a person in a positive mood and helps him get rid of negative emotions. It calms and frees the owner from feelings such as rage, anger and irritability. The stone helps to make the right decisions. Howlite is a very calming stone and many people use it to relieve stress, it has the wonderful property of absorbing the wearer’s negative energy and transforming it into positive energy. Almandine colors come in crimson, cherry, black-red, purple and black. The hardness of this stone is close to rubies and is 7,5 Mohs. Jewelers consider colorless (transparent) almandines to be the most valuable. Jadeite is ideal for both men and women. It can be mixed with other precious stones and combined with gold and silver Calcite is associated with all elements: fire, earth, wind and water. The mineral is also believed to enhance all metaphysical energies and is known as a grounding and protective stone. The motto of this stone is to make the impossible possible! The ability to “catch the wave”, to accomplish what seems impossible. Reveals hidden potential and helps determine the true path. A talisman for those at great risk For thousands of years, Lapis Lazuli has been a treasured and coveted stone throughout the world since antiquity for its intense, beautiful blue color and is excellent and often used for both men’s and women’s jewelry Like citrine, kyanite never accumulates or retains negative energies, so it does not require cleansing. Thanks to this property, kyanite can be used to cleanse other stones and crystals. Moonstone and noble silver in rosaries and bracelets from CHETKI.su organically complement each other, the expressiveness of the gloomy radiance of moonstone is played out so advantageously in our products! The largest Russian malachite deposits, where blocks weighing more than 20 tons were discovered, are practically exhausted. Currently, most malachite is mined in Zaire, Australia, Chile, Namibia, Zimbabwe and Arizona Obsidian is considered a powerful protective stone that can provide protection from negativity. It is sometimes called the “stone of truth” and is also considered a balancing and grounding stone. Opals come in all the colors of the rainbow. There are more than a hundred varieties of natural opals of various shades, which are caused by impurities of manganese, nickel, iron and other elements Prehnite is a protective stone and is known as the stone of prophecy. It is considered a very powerful dream stone, enhancing vitality and energy. Prehnite promotes calm, forgiveness and acceptance, great for meditation Rhodonite is called peach blossom jade, jade jam or pink marble; in the Urals – orlets, cormorant, mountain stone or ruby ​​spar. The surface of the mineral has a glassy and pearly luster, often striped, with layers ranging from white or light pink to almost red and opaque. Although the main color of the stone is rose-red, it can also be yellowish or orange Rose Quartz is considered a calming crystal that promotes love and healing. Opens the heart to love. Helps the owner to increase self-esteem, enriches the inner world Already in ancient times, Mars passed from mythology to astronomy as the “bloody planet”. Even now there is a planetary association between Mars and Sardis, probably due to this early comparison Simbircite is a warm stone. It gives off its energy when you touch it, it seems like you are taking a little sun in your hands. Products made from simbircite are symbols of prosperity, family well-being and happiness The stone has magical properties. It helps arrange your personal life. Because it resembles a heart, it is considered a powerful amulet of love. The stone has the properties of a talisman; it protects the home and family hearth High-quality blue or blue-violet sodalite is used in jewelry and also as a decorative facing stone. Sometimes mistaken for lapis lazuli Green and pink tourmaline encourage love and compassion. Purple is associated with spiritual development, yellow is associated with intellect, black protects its owner from negativity, watermelon tourmaline encourages unconditional love Tiger’s eye is a powerful amulet against misfortunes, scandals, quarrels, and dangers to life. He also guards love. This stone can give a person everything except the measured flow of affairs Rutile quartz has several varieties and names – hairy quartz, hair of Venus, beard of Mohammed, arrows of Cupid, arrows of love For a man, a rosary or a talisman made of smoky quartz is a guarantee of male strength and sexual energy. In this capacity, it clears evening thoughts, normalizes night dreams, and dissolves morning anxiety Rock crystal is perfectly transparent and clean. It is cool to the touch and impossible to warm in your hands. The mineral is very hard. It’s very difficult to scratch Citrine emits positive energy, is known as the “stone of success”, “merchant’s stone” and is believed to promote prosperity and abundance, especially in business-related situations Chalcedony – belongs to the quartz group of minerals and is the gemological term applied to all varieties of quartz in cryptocrystalline form, various colors, sizes and patterns Chrysoprase is often associated with healing and is believed to bring peace, happiness and prosperity to those who wear it. Chrysoprase is believed to promote emotional balance, self-confidence and compassion. The Serpentine stone helps to achieve your goal and strengthens willpower. It gives strength to a person to move forward and helps to overcome all obstacles that may arise on his way. Ayurveda has always used Sandalwood. Touching Sandalwood beads will awaken a wonderful healing aroma that has relaxing properties and is considered an aphrodisiac. Ebony is an extremely hard, dense and heavy wood with a very fine grain. The sapwood is a bright pink-red-brown color while the heartwood is a uniform jet black or black-brown wood. Jet is a stone of organic origin and is not a mineral. The color of jet varies from black-brown and brown to deep black. Waxy, matte shine; less often – glass, glossy Ebony, in addition to the exceptional density and decorative qualities of its wood, also has pronounced medicinal properties. Wherever ebony grows in nature, it is valued for its medicinal properties. Unakite stone helps a person to remain calm and balanced, no matter what happens. Thanks to this, you can soberly assess the situation and choose the right path to solve problems. Jasper promotes the development of self-discipline and increases energy levels. Its slow but steady vibrations help avoid extremes and encourage perseverance. Pyrite is ideal as a talisman and amulet for men and is a protective stone. The ancient Greeks revered pyrite as a symbol of courage in battle, ardent passion and reckless courage. Fluorite protects against any negativity directed against the owner. At the same time, the stone transforms it into positive energy and gives it to the person. The mineral makes a person calmer and more balanced. Amber is an organic gemstone, a fossilized resin several million years old. This solar stone is valued for its beauty and variety of colors, for its 100% natural healing and healing properties. Talisman stones have a special ability – they help a person focus on achieving a goal and make the right decision. They do not solve your problems for you, they help you control your feelings and thoughts aimed at making the right decisions. Meditation stones have been used for many centuries and this practice is based on the interaction of natural stones and the work of our energy centers (chakras). Meditation is the deepest form of communication with a stone.

Choosing the material for the rosary

In the online store rosary.su We value natural stones as an unconditional gift of nature, as an amazing and unique material, and not as a cheap product and a waste of money. When choosing “your” stone, there should be an exchange of energy between you and the stone, which will give “light” and positive energy into your life. Accepting this energy and losing negativity is the first sign that you have chosen the right stone for yourself.

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