Rare and valuable minerals

What stones attract marriage?

Love is one of the most beautiful feelings a person can experience. And it doesn’t matter to whom: to parents, to a man or woman, to a child. When a person loves, he strives to express his feelings and talk about them. And it is jewelry with stones that can tell about love instead of a thousand words. Only they are able to attract this bright feeling into life, to conquer the object of their adoration.

Our ancestors firmly believed that minerals contain magical powers:

  • attract love, luck and wealth;
  • protect from evil spirits and the evil eye;
  • help cure illnesses and diseases;
  • capable of changing a person’s destiny.

From time immemorial, stones have been considered a powerful source of energy, and if it is channeled in the right direction, you can achieve a lot, including attracting love into your life.

And before we talk about which stones are capable of this, we would like to give some universal recommendations – how to choose the right products with stones and how they should be worn:

  1. Body-soul contact. It is very important that you feel that this stone is yours. The product should not cause mental or physical discomfort. It is ideal if during contact with the decoration you feel warm and uplifted. If you experience such sensations, congratulations, this is your stone, and it will live up to all your expectations. If you experience “coldness” and even some kind of hostility, then you should not wear jewelry with this stone.
  2. Astrology. If you believe that the stars have some influence on life, then you should listen to the recommendations of astrologers and choose products with minerals that suit your zodiac sign. Among these stones there will be a love amulet. Study the gems that suit you and choose among them the one that brings good luck in the love sphere.



In the photo: Fancy ring with 37 diamonds, the largest of which is a 1,56-carat fancy yellow diamond from Africa.

Stone number 1 for attracting love into life. This is a very powerful talisman, as well as a stone that bestows courage and bravery. Perhaps this is why he is chosen when proposing to his beloved. To a man – he gives courage and courage to admit his feelings, to a woman – strong feelings towards the giver.

It is believed that the diamond is the patron of fateful meetings. Moreover, according to popular belief, the larger the stone, the higher the likelihood of such an event. That is why many girls in the 16th-18th centuries believed that a diamond ring worn on the ring finger would send a strong energy impulse into the Universe, which would certainly make the owner of the ring happy.


In the photo: Cordana ring with amethyst 39,32 carats.

A crystal that can turn love into a fairy tale. Amethysts are considered to be strong amulets of love. The tradition of wearing jewelry with this gem was born in the Middle Ages. It was then that the custom arose of placing items with amethyst under the pillow if one of the partners became clear that the other’s feelings were fading.

Moreover, if you want your personal life to improve and feelings for you to flare up with renewed vigor, it is important that the stone is crystal clear, without any impurities. It is also customary to give jewelry with amethyst on the sixth wedding anniversary.


In the photo: Ring “Sky in the Palm” with the purest turquoise 11,27 carats from the USA.

Turquoise bestows mutual feelings on all those who ask. Several thousand years ago there was a belief that if you love a person very much, but he does not reciprocate, then you need to give him jewelry with turquoise, having first “spoken” him. It was worth asking turquoise several times for help in love affairs, and she will definitely fulfill your wish. In addition, the mineral has a unique ability to help the owner abstract from problems and focus on important matters, making the right decisions. In Japan, when a child is born, turquoise is placed in his crib. The Japanese believe that in the future this will help him meet his soul mate.


In the photo: “Triumph of Passion” ring with 1,55 carat garnet from Tanzania.

This stone is also called a love magnet. It attracts love into relationships that seem to have exhausted themselves long ago. Pomegranate helps to get reciprocity where it seems that there is no longer a chance. But that’s not all. The gem helps to find happiness, luck, and self-confidence. Many believe that pomegranate helps its owner develop leadership qualities and protects against the evil eye and envy. Jewelry with this gem is usually given as a gift on the second wedding anniversary.


In some countries, there is a belief that only married ladies should wear pearl jewelry. For the Slavs, everything is exactly the opposite.

Pearls are considered a powerful love magnet, capable of attracting new love into life and protecting existing relationships, including from the infidelity of one of the spouses. Since ancient times, pearls have been the keeper of the family hearth and a love talisman. And that is why it is given as a gift for the 30th wedding anniversary, which is named “Pearl” in honor of the pearls.

In conclusion, it should be said that not a single mineral will attract love into life or make the fire of passion flare up with renewed vigor if you are not ready for it. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is open your heart to a fateful meeting or a new round of your relationship. And then go to the catalog of the Maxim Demidov jewelry house and, listening to yourself, choose a piece of jewelry. Your heart and intuition will help you make the right choice.

Talisman stones, according to astrology, support us and guide us through life. For people born under the sign of Aries, there are also a number of precious and semi-precious stones and their jewelry varieties, suitable for this sign in terms of energy and depending on certain celestial bodies that patronized the sign at the time of birth.

This information will be useful not only directly to Aries men and women, but also to those who want to make a nice gift for a loved one, friend, loved one, born during this zodiac period. Given from the heart, such a talisman will carry your good wishes and have a beneficial effect on the recipient. It is believed that such gems have much stronger energy compared to purchased specimens and bring good luck and happiness.

Characteristics of the Aries sign

The sign of Aries includes people born on the dates from March 21 to April 20. Aries are very energetic, they are born leaders, they seem to be created to lead people and are able to ignite minds and hearts with incredible ideas. Aries women and men are known for their entrepreneurial spirit and ingenuity. This sign belongs to the element of Fire, and fully corresponds to it. Sometimes Aries are quick-tempered and emotional, sometimes they are overly stubborn and persistent, sometimes they are magnanimous, generous and prone to altruism.

Some astrologers note that Aries can be somewhat indelicate and interfere in the affairs of their relatives with the best intentions. Often, Aries strive to the forefront with great zeal, which can’t help but strain calmer colleagues and loved ones, so representatives of this sign should control their activity and control themselves. It is difficult for this sign to be led; they cannot tolerate outside control and competition, both in the family and at work.

Being in the power of something, be it feelings, love, jealousy, hobbies, hobbies, they give themselves entirely to it, without hesitation.

Which stones are suitable for Aries

The list of stones suitable for the Aries sign according to the horoscope as an amulet includes a number of gems:

  • Ruby
  • Diamond
  • Amethyst
  • Sapphire
  • Zircon
  • Pomegranates
  • Opal
  • Citrine
  • Emerald


Ruby for Aries is considered a strong talisman of good luck. This gem is the very embodiment of the fire element. Ruby resonates with the active energy of Aries, helps to overcome hot temper, be collected and restrained, while maintaining high potential. Ruby is the stone of kings; it is not for nothing that this gem is often present in the crowns and regalia of noble persons. It is a symbol of power, authoritarianism and leadership.

This gem, like Aries, does not tolerate competition, and it will compete with other stones, suppressing them, so wear this stone separately from other talismans or only with diamonds, since a diamond is also energetically strong, so they can be nearby and even strengthen each other.


A diamond – a cut diamond – is a symbol of the Sun, which patronizes the sign. This is a precious stone for Aries – the embodiment of leadership, achievements, it is a talisman of winners. It helps to establish connections between people, makes you more insightful and intelligent. Diamonds ward off negativity from people who are unpleasant and hostile towards you and protect you from the evil eye. It is necessary to choose a setting for jewelry so that the diamond can contact the body, at least from time to time, and ideally, touch it constantly while wearing it. Also, a diamond is especially suitable for an Aries woman, as it has strong energy and protects against the evil eye and envy.


Garnets are perfect for all Aries, without exception, both the classic and most famous red garnets, which include pyrope, almandine, rhodolite, and the rarest and little-known green garnets, including tsavorite, a type of grossular, and demantoid, a type of andradite.

Red garnets symbolize romantic feelings, the search for a soulmate, strengthening existing relationships, a successful marriage or marriage – in the purview of a scarlet or purple garnet. That is why the red garnet stone is considered especially suitable for the Aries woman.

Green garnets bring prosperity and good luck in career and commerce.


Amethyst is considered one of the popular talismans for Aries. This is a very democratic stone, suitable for both men and girls. It can be worn in jewelry regularly, preferably in a ring or bracelet. Amethyst serves as a reliable talisman – a protector, it restores mental balance, helps to bring harmony and creativity into your life. If you want to get creative, but you are uninspired or feel a lack of energy and lack of strength for no apparent reason, try wearing amethyst jewelry.


Sapphire is another gemstone that has powerful magical powers that can cope with the unbridled energy of the sign of Aries. Sapphire gives representatives of the sign what they so lack – prudence and restraint. This stone is an ancient symbol of sacred knowledge, wisdom and spirituality. Every person has a spiritual component, but sapphire helps to draw attention to this area of ​​life, hidden from us behind a heap of routine and everyday affairs.

Sapphires come in different shades, not just the classic blue. Aries, pay attention to yellow, orange sapphires, as well as a rare variety of padparadscha. If you are in doubt about which sapphire color to choose, rely on your intuition. Hold the stone in your hands, ask yourself what you feel, what are your sensations? If you feel warmth, if you like the stone, it attracts you – this is your talisman, it is in tune with your energy. By the way, this method of choosing your stone is suitable not only for sapphires, but also for any stones. The recommendations of astrologers described in this article are a general approach; remember that there are exceptions to any rule. Your feelings are a more reliable indicator of compatibility with a magical amulet, and they must be trusted.

Birthstones by date of birth

The astrological system for selecting a stone, based on the horoscope, involves focusing on the date of birth of a specific person. To simplify, depending on the influence of certain luminaries, the entire duration of the sign is divided into decades. Each luminary is suited to a certain stone or even a series of stones that is in tune with the sign. In the case of Aries, astrologers distinguish the following decades:

  1. 1st decade, from 21 to 31 March
  2. 2nd decade, from April 1 to 11
  3. 3nd decade, from April 12 to 20

The first decade of the sign Aries passes under the auspices of the planet Mars. These are energetic, decisive, strong-willed individuals, sometimes irreconcilable with other people’s weaknesses and shortcomings. These people are capable of becoming active leaders and achieving a lot. It is important to overcome your selfishness and think about the interests of others, not just your own.

Precious and semi-precious stones of bright red and orange color, as well as stones with a strong shine, are in tune with the planet Mars. So, for Aries of the first decade, ruby, red almandine garnets, pyrope, rhodolite, orange spessartine, citrine, zircons, and diamond are suitable.

These gems are designed to balance the fiery explosive nature of Aries, born under the influence of the planet of the god of war, to pacify internal conflicts and contradictions, to become more diplomatic and to improve relationships with others.

The second decade of the sign includes people whose date of birth falls from April 1 to April 11. Their ruling star is the Sun. Aries of the second decade carry such “sunny” character traits as the desire to shine, the ability to manage finances, present oneself in society, aristocracy, and creative inclinations. However, the other side of their personality coin is possessiveness, unwillingness to give in, imbalance, and weakness. To smooth out these internal sharp corners, tune in to harmony and well-being, Aries is recommended to wear stones of the Sun, with which the star has a connection: amber, pearls of warm colors, diamond, danburite, zircons, garnets of red and orange colors, pink and red tourmalines, rubellites. These gems will bring the owner good luck in love and business, prosperity in all matters.

Astrologers advise choosing stones for Aries of the third decade based on the influence of Venus, the planet of love and the arts, on the sign. Representatives of this sign are romantic, love music, are interested in literature, painting, and beautiful things. Among them there are many collectors, lovers of antiques, and connoisseurs of beauty. They have a penchant for artistic disciplines. Sometimes they can be overly emotional, pessimistic, sensitive, but sometimes, on the contrary, Aries of the third decade withdraw into themselves and cannot talk about their feelings, express what is in their hearts.

In order to restore Aries’ self-confidence and positive attitude, astrologers advise them to wear precious stones: diamond, ruby, sapphire. Also pay attention to emerald and zircons.

Talisman stones for Aries women

For women, Aries according to the horoscope, astrologers identify a number of stones based on their date of birth, which contribute to the development and maintenance of special, feminine energy; these stones are responsible for love, relationships, family, well-being, beauty and attractiveness.

Although emerald is often seen as a money talisman, it also has magical properties that are especially suitable for Aries women. Emerald is a stone for strengthening the family, because it is the woman who is the keeper of the hearth.

Emerald is usually given as a gift to married women. A wonderful reason to give an emerald in jewelry is the birth of a child, because a new addition to the family is a unique event. Girls are not advised to wear emerald; it will not work to their full potential.

If you are looking for your one and only man, take a closer look at red garnets; These beautiful transparent gems have symbolized true love and romantic feelings since ancient times.

Zircon is also considered a female talisman for the Aries zodiac sign. Ruby and diamond will also provide support and protection for representatives of the Aries sign by date of birth. These precious stones bring good luck and happiness in your personal life; it is especially important that they protect against negative magical effects, damage and the evil eye.

Talisman stones for Aries men

According to the horoscope, Aries men are suited to stones that activate typically masculine aspects of life: career, development, innovation, achievements. Gemstones for an Aries man include rubies and garnets.

So, for the prosperity of work affairs and business relationships, it is recommended to wear a green garnet; it can be demantoid or grossular tsavorite.

The ruby ​​gemstone will help you develop and demonstrate leadership abilities; in addition, it helps to get rid of the fear of public speaking, instilling self-confidence. Ruby is also an ancient symbol of power; it will help you earn authority among colleagues and partners. In a relationship with a loved one, it ignites passion and helps bring back fading feelings.

Almandine and pyrope are varieties of red garnet that promote career growth and personal development. These stones are good talismans for an Aries man, matching his date of birth, they will guide him in love and marriage, allowing him to avoid pitfalls in relationships.

Unsuitable stones for Aries

In addition to favorable stones for Aries, astrology reports on unsuitable stones, which, as a rule, have poor compatibility with the sign.

Such gems can adversely affect the energy of representatives of the sign, and can even be harmful.

However, esotericists agree that these are general recommendations, and everything is not always so bad. In particular cases, these stones can be completely neutral for the sign, and sometimes even become a good personal amulet-assistant.

So, Aries is not recommended to wear moonstone, transparent light aquamarine, or white round pearls. You should also avoid black tourmaline and black opal.

Green tourmaline makes Aries more aggressive and jealous.

What should a talisman be for an Aries?

First of all, the talisman stone for Aries and any other sign must be natural, of natural origin. If the stone is synthetic, it will not work as an amulet or amulet.

Particular attention should be paid to the cleanliness of the stone, the presence of inclusions and cracks. Of course, natural stones are not absolutely ideal: they are a living structure that has been formed for a long time in difficult natural conditions.

But in the case of large cracks and noticeable inclusions, the energy of the stone, according to esoteric views, will be weak and unexpressed.

Astrologers also claim that the larger the stone, the more effectively it will influence its owner. For some stones, such as yellow sapphire, the size of the stone is related to the body weight of the owner.

If you plan to wear the stone constantly, you can set it in jewelry. Among the requirements of esotericists is constant contact with the skin, that is, the frame should be thin, allowing the stone to touch the body.

If you want to choose a talisman stone for Aries or another sign, in our catalog you can choose a stone of natural origin, high quality, most of the stones are laid out with expert opinions confirming the characteristics. You can also order jewelry from us according to your wishes. If the desired stone is not on the website, we can find it to order.

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