Tips for stone care

What stones go well with Sodalite?

Sodalite is a semi-precious mineral of the feldspathoid class, rarely found in nature. The history of its origin today has not been fully studied and is fraught with many mysteries. The gem cannot leave anyone indifferent. Its glassy shine and magical blue tints attract not only mineralogists and collectors, but also magicians, because, according to the latter, the stone has rare supernatural abilities.

History, physical properties and uses of the mineral

Sodalite is a chlorine-containing sodium aluminosilicate formed in permatites and alkaline igneous rocks. Its name comes from the English word soda and translated into Russian means “sodium”. The first mention of sodalite dates back to 1811. Despite its relatively short history, the stone was known to mankind long before its official discovery. The population of Ancient Egypt used the mineral as a material for decorating ritual attributes, and the Indians of South America used it to cover the walls and floors of houses, made figurines, jewelry, and a mineral base from it to obtain blue paint. Sodalite is a transparent or translucent mineral of a spectacular blue color with white spots and veins. Rare stone samples include crystals of yellow, pink, red, blue, green and gray shades. The most unusual sodalites are red gems that have the ability to darken when exposed to air, acquiring a black tint. These crystals were discovered at the beginning of the 20th century by Finnish geologist Viktor Gakman. In honor of their discoverer, they began to be called Hackmanites. Sodalite is a medium-strength mineral. Its hardness on the Mohs scale reaches 6 units. In addition to the listed characteristics, the distinctive features of the gem are:

  • glassy greasy shine;
  • white line color;
  • cubic system;
  • implicit cleavage.

Blue sodalite stone is widely used in the jewelry industry to create a variety of inserts and cabochons. Gems of other shades serve as ornamental materials for making boxes, figurines, mosaics and other interior decorative elements. The unique magical properties made the stone popular in the creation of religious objects. Sodalite is a mineral with pronounced photochromic properties. This feature allows it to be used in the television and radio industry.

Sodalite mining today is carried out in Eurasia, North and South America. Its largest deposits are located in the USA, Canada, Brazil, India, Portugal, Italy, Romania and Germany. In the Russian Federation, the mineral is mined on the Kola Peninsula.

Treatment with stone

Sodalite has unique healing properties that allow it to be used in the treatment of many ailments. Lithotherapists recommend paying attention to the stone for patients suffering from arterial hypertension, heart and vascular diseases. Blue sodalite has the ability to reduce food cravings and restore metabolism, so jewelry with it should be worn by people who want to gain slimness without following strict diets. Bracelets, beads and pendants with stones will help get rid of nervous tension and normalize sleep. They restore calm to a person, protect against stress and depression.

The gem is also suitable for those diagnosed with abnormalities in the liver, pancreas, bladder and kidneys. Wearing it allows you to normalize the activity of the lymphatic system, neutralize the negative effects of radiation exposure and strengthen bone tissue. Regular contemplation of the blue stone improves vision and normalizes intraocular pressure. Sodalite applied to the injured area can reduce pain and speed up the healing process. It will also help with tumors: under its influence, tumors on the body gradually decrease and after a while completely disappear.

Using gems in magic

The magical properties of sodalite stone deserve special attention, as they help a person discover and develop supernatural abilities. It is not without reason that sorcerers, mediums and esotericists treat this gem with special respect. It is used in various magical rituals, used in spiritualistic séances and meditation.

In some countries, it is widely believed that a woman whose body is decorated with jewelry with sodalite will become prettier every day and will be popular among members of the opposite sex. The stone will help a man become wise and reasonable, teach him to make the right decisions in difficult situations and achieve his goals.

To get rid of disturbing thoughts and find peace of mind, magicians advise wearing rings made of blue sodalite. Jewelry in the form of a pendant is ideal for young girls experiencing problems in relationships with men. Such a product will help them quickly meet a worthy life partner and find family happiness with him.

For magical purposes, you can use not only jewelry, but also decorative items with the mineral (vases, figurines, stands, etc.). Such products will prevent discord in the family and preserve love and passion between spouses. If one of the people living in the house is in danger, the mineral will definitely warn about this by changing its color.

Talismans and zodiac amulets

Sodalite in the form of a talisman is ideal for educators, teachers, doctors, lawyers and entrepreneurs. Representatives of these professions do not necessarily have to frame the gem in precious metal. To change their life for the better, all they need to do is carry a small raw mineral in their pocket or bag. Such an amulet has only positive characteristics. It will help its owner to be in harmony with the world around him and will attract good luck and happiness to him.

Who is suitable for sodalite according to the horoscope? The unique healing and magical properties of the mineral can be used by representatives of all zodiac signs without exception, but it will bring the greatest benefit to people born under the constellations of Aquarius, Virgo and Scorpio. Sodalite will relieve them of fears and help them achieve unprecedented success. For Sagittarius, the blue stone will allow you to discover hidden potential in yourself and find your purpose in life. The mineral will teach passionate and hot-tempered Taurus to control their emotions and treat the people around them more humanely.

Sodalite is a beautiful natural mineral bright blue color, enriched with sodium and able to change color under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. The crystal is believed to have strong energy, has the ability to improve human life. The main thing is that nothing bothers him, so it’s important combine correctly him with other gems.

What kind of mineral is this

Sodalite – semi-precious stone volcanic origin, which is sodium aluminosilicate with chlorine additives. It can be translucent or transparent, has medium hardness and low weight. Due to its beauty it is actively used for making jewelry.

The crystal is able to change its color under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and high temperature. If it has lost its rich color, the situation can only be corrected by irradiating it with x-rays

Which stones are ideally combined energetically?

Sodalite – mineral with peaceful energy, so most gems suit him. With some he establishes fruitful friendships, with others – a neutral neighborhood. Esotericists say that the magical effect of the crystal is enhanced representatives of the water element, as he himself relates to her. This:

  • aquamarine;
  • lapis lazuli;
  • clear quartz;
  • topaz;
  • coral;
  • alexandrite;
  • moon rock;
  • opal.

The energetically correct combination of sodalite with other stones helps him change a person’s life for the better, clear your head of bad thoughts, get rid of excessive emotionality. The gem makes women more attractive and prevents them from losing themselves in household chores and worries.

Sodalite recommended to wear people for whom it is extremely important in their work to maintain a cool mind and not give in to panic: doctors, firefighters, police officers. It’s also useful entrepreneurs and persons holding leadership positions.

Which minerals match the color

Jewelry should please with your beauty, look organic with different images and clothing styles. When combining minerals, you should pay attention not only to energy, but also to color harmony. Sodalite has a bright blue color, which looks great with any shades, except perhaps yellow, black and orange.

Undesirable combinations

Sodalite has a friendly energy for many, but it is not recommended to combine it with rock crystal: the latter will absorb all the energy of the first, adding negative properties to it

With other representatives of the Air element he feels neutral.

You also need to be be careful, combining sodalite with stones of the element of Fire: there may be conflicts and competitions between them. It may have a negative impact on the emotional and physical state of the owner of the jewelry.

What metal is suitable for sodalite?

If you plan to use sodalite only as a talisman and talisman, buy just a stone without a frame and wear it as a pendant around your neck, in your bag or pocket. If you want a full decoration, give preference to the following metals:

Remember that only correctly selected natural stones will become real for you protectors and amulets. Sodalite, as a water representative, is most comfortable “working” with its brothers in the elements. But also do not forget about the compatibility of the gem with your name, zodiac sign and personal feelings!

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