Rare and valuable minerals

What stones go well with tourmaline?

Transparent rubellite, pink tourmaline, belongs to the III order precious stones. The remaining tourmalines are of the fourth order. Not every pink tourmaline has the right to be called rubellite (from the Latin “reddish”). More precisely, the color of rubellite can be defined as pink-raspberry-red or cherry-red.

History of the origin of the stone

Pink tourmalines have been known to mankind for a very long time. But they were not identified as a separate species, being taken either for rubies or spinels. Tourmalines were brought to Europe from Sri Lanka at the beginning of the 18th century. The crystals, when heated, attracted coal powder or ash from the burnt coal to one of their ends, which is why they were called “turmali” (“ash-attracting”) in Sinhala. The description and name of rubellite was given by the Irish scientist Richard Kirwan in 1794. In 1914, V.I. Vernadsky studied the chemical composition of pink tourmalines brought by the Soviet mineralogist and academician A.E. Fersman from the island of Elba. The scientist discovered relatively high sodium and lithium content in the samples, proposing the name “elbaite” for this variety.

Physicochemical characteristics

In terms of their composition, all tourmalines are boron-containing aluminosilicates. Among the minerals of the group, pink tourmaline is distinguished by the presence of manganese in its chemical formula, which determines the color of the crystals. Speaking about the properties of pink tourmaline, we should consider the group of these stones in general. Thus, they have the properties of pyro- and piezoelectrics, pleochroism, and polarization of light. Luminescence in tourmalines is usually weak, and in pink ones it is completely absent. All this allows for differentiation with other stones. Prismatic crystals have longitudinal shading and a characteristic glassy luster. With a fairly high hardness (7–7,5 on the Mohs scale), the mineral is quite fragile and requires careful handling.

Where are pink tourmalines mined?

Pink tourmalines in general and rubellites in particular are mined in Madagascar and Sri Lanka, Brazil, the USA, Afghanistan, Myanmar, Namibia, Mozambique and Transbaikalia. The mineral is found in igneous rocks, often together with achroite, green and blue tourmaline, quartz, lepidolite, albite, microcline. Crystals occur in the form of drusen.

Varieties and colors

Rubellite, together with Paraiba tourmaline and indigolite, is an expensive and sought-after variety of tourmaline. Bright crimson samples are especially highly valued. If the stone contains brown tints, this almost halves the cost per carat. Gemological centers indicate the name “rubellite” in certificates only if the tone saturation corresponds. Saturation depends on the amount of manganese in the composition. If the shade of the stone is closer to light pink, such samples are simply recorded as tourmalines. They are also called elbaites. Pink tourmalines and rubellites are classified as purity type III according to the GIA grading system. This means that they almost always contain inclusions.

Healing and magical properties of pink tourmaline

One of the beautiful properties of pink tourmaline is that people who wear jewelry with this stone remain young at heart for a long time. This has a positive effect on their appearance – people look younger than their age. Like many pink and red stones, tourmaline is credited with the ability to attract love. It is believed to be associated with the heart chakra. The mineral not only becomes an assistant for finding happiness in love, but also makes you fall in love, which is read by those around you. Helps to develop spirituality, tact, flexibility and compassion, to concentrate on one goal. Thanks to pink tourmaline, a person stops mentally returning to the past and learns to enjoy the moment here and now. Lithotherapists use the mineral for massage, as it is believed to have a beneficial effect on the skin. It is believed that tourmalines provide a physiotherapeutic effect by emitting weak currents. At the same time, negative ions are similar to those that are formed in nature: after a thunderstorm, in a forest, near waterfalls. The stone is able to purify the air.

Which zodiac sign suits pink tourmaline and rubellite?

Pink tourmalines are suitable for zodiac signs such as Aries, Leo and Libra. The stone will bring peace to the owner. But this variety has no incompatibility with other zodiac signs, so representatives of any of the twelve can safely wear jewelry. Find out more about which stone suits your horoscope in our guide.

Compatible with other stones

Pink tourmaline forms a favorable combination with kunzite and rose quartz. This strong trio helps to awaken self-love and broadcast love to the outside world, helping to choose a partner to create a harmonious union. Jewelers also combine pink tourmalines and colorless diamonds, verdelites, citrines, topazes and other stones in one piece of jewelry.

Where is pink tourmaline used?

Transparent samples are used in jewelry, opaque stones are used as ornamental stones. Tourmalines have also found use in lithotherapy, physiotherapy and radio engineering. Pink tourmalines are set in gold and silver and used to make rings, earrings, bracelets, necklaces, pendants, and brooches. In combination with colorless diamonds, light and dark pink tourmalines will be accents, and with colored stones they will form a bright mix.

How to distinguish a fake

Synthetic rubellites are practically not produced, since it is not commercially viable. More often you can find simple imitations – glass, doublets, synthetic corundum and spinels. Red-brown tourmalines are often refined by heating to 450–650 °C, causing the stones to turn pink. Irradiation is also used. For a quick diagnosis, electrify a sample by rubbing it against a synthetic cloth and hold it close to small pieces of paper, dust or fluff – real tourmaline will attract them. You can also use an ultraviolet flashlight: rubellites do not produce a glow, or it will appear very weakly. Specialists use more complex diagnostic methods – testing with a refractometer, polariscope, etc.

Care and storage rules

The main rule for caring for tourmaline jewelry is to remember the fragility of the stone and remove rings and bracelets when doing housework. In addition, for the same reason, products with tourmaline should be stored separately from the rest. When getting ready to go out, jewelry is put on last, after applying cosmetics and using perfume.

Interesting facts about the stone

1. The Diamond Fund houses the so-called Caesar ruby ​​- a pinkish-crimson tourmaline weighing 255,75 carats, cut in the shape of a bunch of grapes. The first reliable owner of the stone is the French King Charles IX. And according to legend, tourmaline was given by Cleopatra to Julius Caesar. 2. Rubellite is 8–10 times more expensive than just pink tourmaline (elbaite). 3. Throne of Boris Godunov, made by Persian craftsmen at the end of the XNUMXth – beginning of the XNUMXth centuries. and presented to the Russian Tsar, inlaid with pink tourmalines. 4. In the old days, all pink and red stones, including rubellites, were called lalas. 5. In Brian Davis’s novel Raising Dragons, a rubellite ring was worn by a dragon during his time in human form. Tourmaline is a gemstone known for its vibrant colors. Among its specimens there are pink, green, blue, red, brown minerals. It is also possible to find purple, black and completely colorless nuggets, but this does not happen as often. Jewelry with them never goes unnoticed, but sometimes they are complemented with other minerals. About which ones are suitable for the role “neighbor” of tourmaline, vy uznaete v etoy state.

Combination by color

Tourmaline can be combined with many other minerals that are similar in color. This option is suitable for those who do not believe in the magical properties of natural stones. Thanks to a fairly extensive color palette The following will look good next to tourmaline:

  1. Pink: spinel, sapphire, topaz, rubellite, morganite, kunzite.
  2. Green: emerald, sapphire, amethyst, chrysoberyl, moldavite.
  3. Blue: aquamarine, jadeite, lapis lazuli, iolite, tanzanite.
  4. Brown: amber, topaz, tiger’s eye.
  5. Red: ruby, jasper, garnet, spinel.
  6. Purple: ametrine, charoite, tanzanite, apatite, fluorite.
  7. Black: morion, obsidian, onyx.
  8. Colorless: diamond, moissanite, achroite, phenacite, rock crystal.

Please note that completely transparent stones should be combined with completely transparent ones, and slightly translucent ones with slightly translucent ones.

Otherwise, they will not look harmonious in the neighborhood

Elemental compatibility

Tourmaline belongs to air element, so it can be safely combined with its “brothers”: sapphire, citrine, sardonyx, quartz, carnelian. Also suitable for combination: rock crystal, lapis lazuli, chalcedony, amazonite. The listed breeds will enhance each other’s magical properties, thereby creating more powerful energy.

Earth element stones are also compatible with “air” minerals. These include jade, sarder, jet, melanite, jadeite, and labradorite. In addition to them, chrysoberyl, hematite, morion, and zircon can be used for combination. Together they will provide the owner with protection from negativity and attract a lot of positive emotions into life.

“Air” gems are always conflict with minerals of the Water element. That is why it is worth refusing to be in the neighborhood with: emeralds, pearls, corals, alexandrites, heliotropes, aquamarines, opals, etc. It is generally accepted that such stones will conflict and take away each other’s magical power. As a result, their owner will not feel any positive influence, and in some cases will only receive harm.

Astrology combination

Astrologers say that it is best to combine gems that are associated with the same planet. Tourmaline belongs to Mercury, so the couple should also relate to it. For a combination, choose: emerald, citrine, peridot, topaz, jade, carnelian, jasper, turquoise, aquamarine.

If any of these stones do not visually match each other, you can wear one of them under your clothes. This way he won’t be conspicuous, but at the same time will enhance the magic of the “neighbor”

Mercury conflicts with Mars, so the nugget cannot be worn simultaneously with: ruby, garnet, coral. Together they create negative vibrations that will cause anxiety and self-doubt in a person, and will also attract problems into his life.

Tourmaline is a gem that surprises with its variety of colors and magical properties. If you choose a partner correctly, your life will easily change for the better, and you will be protected from negative events.

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