History of use

What stones go with Selenite?

Selenite is a special type of gypsum mineral. The stone is named after the ancient Greek goddess of the moon Selene. The Greeks especially appreciated the beauty of this mineral and even made windows from it. The Egyptians also paid attention to gypsum; they used it for decorative purposes. It is extremely interesting that in the Church of Santa Sabina in Rome, the large arched windows, built in the 5th century, are made of sheets of selenite rather than glass. Many believe that selenite has a special energy that awakens femininity and promotes rejuvenation. This stone symbolizes clarity and reason.

Physical and chemical properties of selenite

  • Formula – CaSO4•2H2O
  • Color – white, gray
  • Line color – white
  • Hardness – 1,5-2,0
  • Cleavage – perfect according to
  • Density – 2,31-2,33 g/cm³
  • Syngony – monoclinic


Varieties of Selenite

  • Satin spar
  • The Desert Rose
  • Gypsum flower

Selenite color

Selenite comes in pale pearly whites with a clay-like texture, as well as yellow, blue, beige and pink.

How is selenite formed?

Selenite often forms as a result of salt accumulation in areas where salt water has dried up

Selenite often forms as a result of salt accumulation in areas where salt water has dried up. Over hundreds of years, as the liquid evaporates, clumps of salt form, which later begin to crystallize. If this occurs in areas where the mineral gypsum is present, the crystal will absorb some other substances. The color of selenite varies depending on the environment. For example, alkali produces clear crystals, while the presence of iron causes them to turn brown.


Where is selenite mined?

Selenite can be found throughout the world, but is most commonly found in Mexico, Poland, Russia, Greece, Japan, Australia, Argentina, Brazil and the United States.

Magical and healing properties of selenite

Selenite helps get rid of anxiety and worries

Selenite is said to help align the spine and solve problems related to the skeleton and bones. Many believe that it fights free radicals, prolongs youth and improves the condition of skin and hair. The mineral also has a positive effect on eye health.


Selenite also helps get rid of worries and worries. This stone encourages us to be open and honest, sincere and relaxed, and also teaches us to let go of situations and people that no longer bring anything positive.

How Selenite is Used in Feng Shui

Selenite is always ready to bring a sense of harmony to your home. By placing a stone in the hallway, you will prevent toxic energy from entering the room.


Selenite can be placed anywhere – in any case, it will fill the space with positive energy and repel negativity.

Selenite for men and women – who should wear it and when?

For men, selenite gives them self-confidence and makes them more decisive.

A woman should wear selenite if she has problems in her family life.


The stone can also provide inspiration for creative projects and provide energy and strength for work.

Selenite for zodiac signs

Selenite is ideal for Taurus

Selenite is ideal for Taurus. Representatives of this zodiac sign are known for their stoic demeanor, practical approach, and also extreme stubbornness at times. The mineral helps them grow wings. With an unusually peaceful nature and dreamy feminine energy, Selenite helps these individuals balance all of their powerful masculine energy. He brings peace to a turbulent heart.


Compatibility of selenite with other stones

Selenite can be combined with amethyst, moldavite, black tourmaline, moonstone, rose quartz, clear quartz, carnelian, shungite, angelite, aquamarine and jade.

How to properly use and store selenite

Selenite can be used in the form of a selenite stick

It is in jewelry that selenite shows itself best. One of the main reasons to choose products with stones is that when they come into contact with the skin, they perfectly tune into your personal vibration. The absence of other materials between you and the mineral encourages it to send its healing powers directly to the desired chakras. In this case, the magic will not be muffled by anything.


Selenite can also be used in the form of a selenite wand to clear a space of negative energy, massage the body and promote good sleep. If you find yourself becoming distracted throughout the day, keep a selenite wand at your desk or office to help you stay focused and collected. To cleanse the aura, pass the stone product a few centimeters from the body so that it absorbs all the negative energy. For a good night’s sleep, place it under your pillow or next to your bed.

The best way to clean selenite is to use a soft-bristled toothbrush, wet it with warm water, and gently brush it across the surface of the stone. This way you will eliminate all the negative energy that the mineral has absorbed.

Selenite needs additional charging. From time to time it should be left in the light of the full moon. Another way to quickly charge selenite is to place it next to a lit white candle.


Since selenite is a very soft stone, it must be handled with care. It is easy to scratch or break, so be careful. It is better to store the mineral away from water and direct sunlight. We recommend using a padded case or fabric bag.

How to distinguish real selenite from a fake

Nowadays there are a huge number of fakes on the market. To distinguish a natural stone from a fake one, you need to know its characteristics.

Selenite is a very soft stone and can be easily scratched with a fingernail. If there are no traces left on it, it is a fake.

It should feel warm to the touch.

To make sure that you have natural selenite, take a needle or pin, heat it over the fire and slowly touch the stone. If he doesn’t react, it means he’s real.

Perfection is also a sign of an artificial material. Real selenite should have tiny impurities inside.

Selenite (mineral gypsum) is an ornamental stone that attracts attention with its incredible beauty, mystery and delicate color. It is often called “capricious”, since externally it is not compatible with all crystals. In addition, the “friendship” of selenite with some stones has a beneficial effect on the wearer, while with others it can have a very negative impact on the mental state of the owner and his health.


The unusual nugget is named in honor of the moon goddess Selene, which was once worshiped by the ancient Greeks. This mineral is considered the personification of femininity, tenderness and love, so it is mainly suitable for the fair sex.

The nugget has the optical effect of a cat’s eye, silky shine and transparency. It is formed in layers of sedimentary rocks found in caves.

The most valuable samples of mineral gypsum are found in Mexico, USA, Australia, Germany, Egypt and Canada. In Russia, its active production is carried out in the Urals and the Perm region.

What stones are combined with

The compatibility of selenite with other crystals is assessed based on various factors – belonging to the elements, aesthetics and symbols of the planets

Being under the auspices of the moon, the mineral enhances its power next to the following gems:

  1. White opal. This gemstone is considered a source of peace and prudence, making it ideal for a person who wants to get rid of anxiety and apathy. In combination with it, selenite helps to find spiritual harmony and peace.
  2. Aquamarine. This is a mineral of friendship, courage and justice, which can enhance the effect of mineral gypsum, filling it with powerful energy.
  3. Adular. Selenite is often called moonstone, so it has high compatibility with this mineral. In tandem, they reveal the potential of the wearer, help meet a soul mate and protect from ill-wishers.
  4. Blue beryl. The combination of crystals provides an influx of positive energy, protection against family discord and attraction of good luck.

Selenite is a stone of the air element, so energetically it also perfectly combines with minerals of the Fire and Air elements.

According to esotericists, an equally ideal combination for a nugget would be: amber, jasper, malachite, aventurine, onyx and garnet. In addition, mineral gypsum is considered a soft stone, so it can also “neighbor” with crystals of a similar structure.

Which ones doesn’t go well with?

If we talk about the visual component, jewelers do not recommend combining the mineral with precious stones. Such gems can overshadow the beauty of selenite, attracting increased attention: this is especially true for diamonds, sapphires, emeralds and rubies.

The neutral compatibility of mineral gypsum is noted with water stones. It’s about about pearls, hematite, olivine, heliotrope and topaz. Thanks to their delicate shine, soft glow and unpretentiousness, they can become good “neighbors” for an airy nugget.

Mineral gypsum is completely incompatible with almost all nuggets of the Earth element, since they negatively affect it.

Selenite is a mineral that should preferably be combined only with soft-structured gems, air and fire crystals. Also, the nugget is highly compatible with stones under the protection of the Moon. All these minerals are able to enhance the energy of selenite without overshadowing its beauty.

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