What stones help you heal?
Stones can be used not only as decoration, but also for medicinal purposes. Just don’t forget that stone treatment – this is not a panacea. You cannot cancel the treatment prescribed to you by your doctor and completely switch to lithotherapy (stone therapy). Everything should be in place, so you will speed up your recovery. With the help of stones, massage, acupressure (pressing on active points), applications, acupuncture (acupuncture), wounds are disinfected and treated, and they are also treated with light radiation from the stone. Even just wearing something natural stone can charge your body with positive energy.
A little about understanding the origin of diseases
The term “health” means that the body is in balance with the emotional, mental, spiritual and physical energies that exist both within us and around us. The energies around us are formed as a consequence of our actions and knowledge of the world. Depending on our internal state, we ourselves create energies and ourselves reflect the energies around us. This means that a person is closely connected with his environment. And the Buddhist view of emptiness, and quantum electrodynamics created by Feynman, and quantum field theory, and Einstein’s theory of relativity – all these scientific theories are united in the fact that there is a connection between us and everything that surrounds us. To think that something exists on its own is nothing more than an illusion. Each action arises as a result of another action and in turn gives rise to the next. So, when our energies are harmonious, we feel good. If they are unbalanced, illness occurs and we become extremely susceptible to various diseases. The term “disease” was chosen to emphasize that to be sick means to be upset with oneself. Angelite, blue agate, calcite, carnelian, Mexican agate, emerald, jade, opal, rock crystal, ruby, rutilated quartz, silver, tiger’s eye and tourmaline in one way or another help to balance our energies, relieve ailments and, as a result, save or restore health. Any stress – mental, emotional or spiritual – can result in the manifestation of physical symptoms of the disease. This is not the same thing as a psychomatic illness, during which the illness actually occurs. Often the physical body can be weakened due to years of stress. Amethyst, carnelian, obsidian, pyrolusite, rhyolite, rutile, golden obsidian, sugilite, ulexite and unakite can help you recognize, understand, and therefore eliminate the root causes of stress. Unfortunately, at times, prolonged emotional stress becomes a natural part of our lives. To cope with it, we accept it or begin to ignore it. And it becomes very difficult for us to change our behavioral model. Listed above minerals will help you identify the root causes of your illness. Also, the root cause can be overcome by working with stones over any manifestations and symptoms.
Getting rid of physical ailments
MineralsThe information in this section will help you with common illnesses. Action crystals is to balance our subtle energies (also known as Qi, Prana or universal life force energy). When these energies calmly find a point of balance, our well-being improves. Symptoms of any ailment weaken or disappear completely. Any physical ailment has a root cause and crystals influence it directly. A physical symptom can be caused by countless different underlying causes and if you are unable to get results with one stone, try another. Because the stones move your energies, at times, before relief, you may feel worse. Don’t let that worry you; Typically your condition should improve within a few minutes, although in some cases it may persist for up to 21 days. Minerals can cleanse and heal the chakra system, and during this process you may feel that your physical symptoms are changing and you feel them in different parts of your body. This is due to the fact that stones bring to the surface problems deeply hidden within you, the presence of which you do not want to admit to yourself. If you allow this process to happen, you will feel much better as a result. As the experience of many people shows, complete crystal therapy course improves the patient’s well-being. You should know that symptoms are always an expression of an underlying disease or illness. In this case, if you feel unwell, Kamni-Market – online store rocks, minerals and fossils We strongly recommend that you seek the advice of a qualified primary care physician or alternative medicine physician of your choice. Although science has proven that minerals have many beneficial properties, there is currently no empirically proven evidence that any mineral directly affects physical illness in the human body. Stone treatment has been practiced for thousands of years and is called “lithotherapy”. But viruses live on Earth much longer and have complex mechanisms of penetration into body cells, which leads to the development of pathologies. Some minerals have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the immune system, thereby protecting a person from diseases.
Prevention and relief of stones from colds and flu
Previously, it was believed that stones could cure a person of colds and get rid of viruses, but this is a myth. However, immunity plays an important role in the treatment and prevention of viral pathologies. Some minerals can have a positive effect on it – this is a reality.
The stone, which protects against viruses, has an immunostimulating effect. In addition, it enhances the functioning of the thymus gland (thymus), an organ whose functioning fades over time.
It is where lymphocytes grow and mature. These are important processes for the normal functioning of the immune system, because it is what protects a person from disease. Certain minerals have bactericidal properties and can drive away pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, water infused with them is used to gargle and rinse the nose. This protects against diseases.
List of cold stones
- Amethyst. Drives away viruses, reduces fever.
- Grenades. Lithotherapists believe that they protect the lungs from viruses and bacteria.
- Shungite. An ancient rock similar to anthracite and graphite, it is composed primarily of carbon. Used externally.
- Red agate. An interesting stone with high antiviral activity.
- Pearl. Water infused with the mineral neutralizes microorganisms.
- Quartz. It is considered one of the best minerals that protects against viruses and helps in the treatment of diseases of the nose and throat.
- Jasper. Recommended to be worn in any jewelry – bracelets, earrings, beads, pendants. The stone protects during the ARVI and flu season, and helps with coughing attacks.
Stones for throat diseases:
- Alunite has a pronounced bactericidal property and is easily saponified in water. Gargle with the resulting solution.
- Moss agate. Jewelry with it is worn on the neck as close to the throat as possible. Usually this is a pendant, beads or pendant on a short rope or chain.
- Aquamarine. Used for tonsillitis, bronchitis, viral diseases. It is applied to the neck.
- Ruby. Lithotherapists recommend it for chronic tonsillitis.
- Turquoise. Used for ENT pathologies.
A transparent variety of quartz will help with a runny nose, including those caused by viruses. It is placed in a humidifier, which is placed indoors.
Those who know how to rinse their nose can use another option – put the stone in water for 10 hours, then remove it and add table salt (the solution should be very salty).
Carry out the procedure for cleansing the nasal mucosa as needed or in the morning, evening and after visiting crowded places during the epidemic. This protects against viruses and germs.
To view a review of stones from ARVI:
Recipes for using stones for colds:
- Pearls are placed in clean drinking water for an hour. Then gargle with infused water or drink it.
- To prevent colds, shungite plates are placed on the chest for 30 minutes every day. It protects against viruses by boosting immunity.
- Amethyst is placed in water overnight. In the morning, drink the infused water.
Proper use of stones, which will help protect against viruses:
- externally – it is advisable to preheat the minerals to a temperature of 38–40 °C, then wear them as jewelry or purposefully apply them to the skin;
- To infuse water, only the stones themselves are taken, since the metal parts of the jewelry will oxidize, poisoning the water and losing their appearance;
- You cannot rely only on minerals, especially if the disease progresses and the person’s condition worsens.
Hazardous stones
Each stone is a collection of chemicals, some of which are poisonous. They pose a danger not only when worn and in contact with the skin, but also when in the same room with a person. These minerals include:
- Galena. Beautiful, silver, in the form of perfect cubes. Contains lead, the dust of which settles in the respiratory system, causing cancer.
- Coloradoite. It consists of an alloy of mercury and tellurium – two extremely poisonous metals. During contact with the skin, they begin to penetrate the body. If coloradoite is heated, toxic steam will begin to be released.
- Arsenopyrite, or fool’s gold. The shiny crystals containing arsenic give off a strong garlic odor when heated. The mineral has toxic and carcinogenic effects.
- Chalcanthite. Blue crystals contain copper and sulfur in large quantities. Upon contact with water or sweat, the metal comes out of the stone, being absorbed through the skin. Accumulating, it leads to severe poisoning, damage to the nervous system, and death.
See the top 10 toxic minerals:
Stones vary in composition, which is why they have not only positive, but also negative effects on humans. Some of them can enhance immunity, protect against viruses, and destroy bacteria. Others do harm. It is better to avoid unfamiliar minerals.
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