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What stones should not be placed in water?

Stones are capable of accumulating both positive and negative energy. Accumulation occurs not only during the wearing of jewelry, but also during the creation of the jewelry itself. For example, original works have always been valued higher not only because they are individual and sometimes exclusive works, but also because the author, as a rule, putting his soul into his work, lovingly processes the stone, which will sparkle with all its facets. And the person who chooses such jewelry will immediately feel that it was created for him.
During the mass processing of minerals, many crystals find themselves humiliated and offended, since the most valuable part is removed from them, reaching the mineral to the depths of their souls.
You should always cleanse your crystals before and after using them for protection, healing and empowerment.
When you have a new stone, cleanse it before charging it with your own energy. By the way, you can also remove all the energies, not necessarily negative ones, of those people who processed, packaged and sold the stone. However, if the stone was given as a gift, you can accept all the loving energies that fill the crystal and rely on your natural protective powers, which should filter out all the unconscious negative that remains from the previous owner.
You should also regularly wash your stones, if you use them, in running water to keep their energies pure.
Stones that have been used by other people should also be cleaned (or demagnetized). If a person constantly wears a stone, he thereby absorbs the energy of this stone, saturating it with its vibrations. In many theological schools, this phenomenon is used to transfer the influences of certain individuals who have reached a high level of development to those who have yet to work on this path.
So, you have a new stone, what should you do?
1. First, it is better to place the stone in a secluded place so that there are no outside influences or influences on it, so that it adapts to the new space, its energy and yours. Wrap it in a soft cloth and leave the stone alone, in the place previously designated for it.
2. It is better to start working with the stone 14 days after purchase. The work begins with holding the stone in your hands for short periods of time, stroking it, etc., this is necessary for the stone to get used to your energy, to accept you. Accordingly, from day to day you need to increase the time of communication with him, evenly. After about a month, the stone can already be held stably in your hands, carried with you and on yourself.
3. During contact with the stone, try to “enter it”, feel its energy, but this must be done carefully; if you feel something is wrong, put it aside.
4. If you feel unwell physically or psychologically, never communicate with the stone, this will cause negativity, tension and distortion of the work of the stone itself in the future.
5. The period of adaptation of the stone to you should last more than one month, as a rule, Moons are considered with stones: 2 lunar months.
6. No matter how strange it may sound, stones love “houses” and a good attitude towards them, they accumulate everything (minus and plus) from the environment and from the owner himself, this is always worth remembering. Being in a negative mood, it is better not to wear it, and after very crowded places, to clean it.
7. Cleaning the stone itself is a must! More information about cleaning stones: Crystals are cleaned in a variety of ways, but not every stone tolerates salt and water. The stronger the stone, the more resistant it is to destructive factors during cleaning.
No clean with salt solutions: aquamarine, apophyllite, belomorite, turquoise, hematite, labradorite, calcite, cacholong, lapis lazuli, malachite, onyx, opal, pyrite, rhodonite, rhodochrosite, carnelian, ulexite, fluorite, eudialyte, amber.
Must not clean with water: astrophyllite, heulandite, gypsum, rock salt, kyanite, muscavite (a type of mica), selenite, seraphinite (clinochlore), stilbite, uvarovite, celestite, chermigit (geyserite), fuchsia slate, chrysocolla.
It is best to clean the stones in the last days of the lunar month, before the new moon, this is due to the fact that the stones absorb energy during the full moon, and the cleansed stone must rest and recover.
After the stone has been cleaned and charged by you, it cannot be given to other hands; for this you will need to clean it again.
Fumigation: Smoldering herbs and using smoke to eliminate negative energy. Ideally, a mixture of herbs from sage, cedar, lavender, sweet grass, wormwood, and bedstraw is used to fumigate stones. Mix the herbs and set fire to smolder. Adapted method – you can fumigate with incense that suits your taste. It is better to light incense with a match. Allow the incense to “disperse”; you can blow it with a piece of cardboard to create a light curtain of smoke. Next, take the crystal in your hands and hold it in a stream of smoke until you feel that the crystal has been cleansed. After fumigating the crystals, you can use the smoke to walk around the space, fumigate yourself, etc.
Sound cleansing: using bells, tuning forks, singing bowls and other sources of sound vibrating waves. To do this, you need to lay out the stones and reproduce sound vibration next to them using the instrument of your choice. If there is a singing bowl, then the stones can be placed directly in it.
Cleansing with water: is a simple method, not suitable for all stones (for example: astrophyllite, turquoise, azurite, fluorite, heulandite, gypsum, rock salt, kyanite, muscavite (a type of mica), selenite, calcite, seraphinite (clinochlore), stilbite, uvarovite, celestite, chermigite (geyserite), fuchsid slate, chrysocolla). Take the crystal and hold it under running water until you feel sufficiently cleansed. If you are in nature, take a stone with you and wash it in streams. This cleaning method is suitable for stones that have little negativity on them.
More water cleaning method: a couple of days before the new moon, the stones are placed in a bowl or plastic bag, filled with water and transferred to the freezer. In this way, the information is “zeroed”. You need to take out the stones during the new moon, let them defrost, then wash them with water for a long time, dry them, and wipe them with a soft cloth. The stones are ready to work.
Cleansing by fire: take a lit candle in your right hand and draw circles over the stones, clockwise for Yang stones, counterclockwise for Yin stones, imagining how everything dirty leaves the stone, it is better to draw an odd number of circles. Or take the stone in your hand and carry it over the candle flame. You cannot extinguish the candle after cleaning, you need to let it burn out, so it is best to take a thin church candle. You can read prayers or any words that seem acceptable to you. It is best to clean stones that are given to you or inherited with fire. Cleansing with salt: find a bowl, place the crystals there, cover them with salt and leave for as long as you see fit. This is a deeper way to cleanse stones. If there is a lot of negativity on them, or the stones are often worked with, then such cleansing can last up to several days. It is best to cover the container from moisture, dust, etc. This method is suitable for very hard stones.
Cleansing with saline solutions: allows for stronger purification of crystals on an energetic level, but it is destructive for some stones (for example: aquamarine, apophyllite, belomorite, turquoise, hematite, labradorite, calcite, cacholong, lapis lazuli, malachite, onyx, opal, pyrite, rhodonite, rhodochrosite, carnelian, ulexite, fluorite, eudialyte, amber), this method is suitable for stones with a non-porous structure, and is suitable for all quartz. But I would use it only in extreme cases, when accumulating or removing strong negativity, having first carefully studied the stone, its structure, properties, etc. The procedure itself consists of immersing the crystal in a saline solution. To do this, take dishes, preferably glass, natural salt, sea salt, untreated rock salt, clean water. Fill the bowl halfway with water, add a little salt and stir until it is completely dissolved (2 spoons: 1 liter). Place the stones in this solution so that it completely covers them. As a rule, the duration of such cleansing ranges from 1 hour to several days. Next, the stones must be removed from the saline solution and washed in cold, clean water, dried, and then wipe each crystal with a soft cloth.
Earth cleansing: refers to a radical method of cleaning, just like salt. Take a flower pot, fill it halfway with soil, then place a stone there and sprinkle soil on top of it. Ideally, if you are at the dacha and you have a plot of land, you bury this pot in the ground (having previously marked the place). The pot can be left for several weeks. At home, the pot with the stone should be placed in a dark and cool place.
After the cleaning procedures, I wrap the stones I am working with in a soft dark cloth and put them in a dark place for a couple of days so that the stone comes to its senses. How to charge a stone.
In addition to cleaning, you can also charge the stone – this means accumulating in it radiant energy emanating from space. In the old days, it was believed that the ideal days for charging stones were the days of the summer solstice, since the Sun was closest to the Earth at this time. But there are other days for this.
Any stone can be astrally charged every time there is a full Moon (full moon), this procedure is especially powerful at the moment when the Moon is simultaneously still passing through the star with which this or that stone is associated. This happens every year for three days.
You need to take your stone into the light of the full moon. Hold it so that moonlight falls on it. You can also fill a plate with water and place it in the open air, catching the reflection of the Moon in it. After this, the stone must be lowered into water under increasing moonlight, and then left to dry.
You can also wash the stone in sunlight, but I believe that the lunar method is gentler on the stones, which should act primarily as guardians. However, try it, maybe sunny water will suit you better.
Since all stones are charged for a specific person, ask the Moon or Sun yourself to lend you strength, or perhaps you would prefer not to turn to the luminaries and allow these ancient forces to work themselves.
And never charge uncleaned stones. Remember, if you are asked to remove a stone to look at it or try it on, the jewelry must be placed on the table so that another person can pick it up from the table and not from your hands. After a person looks at the stone, he must also place it on the table. Otherwise, there is a danger of being “infected” by its negative vibrations. For storage, it is better to use bags for each stone separately. The bag should be silk or cotton. In such packaging, gems can be stored in one box or box.
Stones, like all living things, can get tired. Therefore, from time to time, give the stones a rest: bathe them, wipe them with oils, charge them with water, talk to them. In the process of wearing, your stones not only give off their positive energy, but also absorb a lot of negative information. You may notice that sometimes a bracelet (or any other product made from natural stones) becomes uncomfortable, “heavy”, you want to take it off, and irritation may appear on the skin. This means that your stones are dirty (energetically) and need to be cleaned. There are five main types of cleansing – earth, salt, water, plants and the sun. 1 way – in the ground. To do this, place a product made of natural stones on top of the ground (this could be a flower pot or soil in your garden) so that all the stones are in contact with the ground. It is recommended to carry out such cleaning daily, leaving the stones on the surface of the earth overnight. The earth neutralizes all the negative energy accumulated in the stone and in the morning you can put on your useful jewelry and again feel its beneficial effects. Method 2 – in sea salt. Pour sea salt into a container, place the products in it and add salt on top so that it completely covers the surface of the stones. Salt must be free of dyes and fragrances. In the absence of sea salt, you can use coarse table salt. You can also mix sea salt with white rice – this will prevent the salt from sticking to the stones if the salt gets damp. Stones that require careful care or are set in silver should first be wrapped in cotton cloth to avoid damage. Leave the cleaning stones in salt for 1-3 days (depending on the degree of contamination and frequency of cleaning). Then rinse the product with water and dry it. The salt must be thrown away. Reuse of salt is not allowed! When cleaning selenite, simply wipe it with a soft cloth, as this stone cannot be wet! Method 3 – cleansing with water. If you need to quickly clean your stones, hold them under running cool water. You can also put the pebbles (product) in a container and place it under running water. Cleansing time is 10-20 minutes. However, remember that not all stones can be cleaned in this way! It is not recommended to clean sodalite, malachite, lapis lazuli, azuromalachite, mother of pearl, fluorite, chrysocolla, garnet, dioptase with water. Selenite cannot be cleaned with water – it may simply crumble. Citrine can only be cleaned in cold water. Rhodochrosite should be cleaned with care – not for a long time and not often. Method 4 – cleansing with plants. Trees are perfect for this cleaning method – just hang the decoration on a tree branch (closer to its base) for 20-30 minutes. Although there is no time limit for such cleaning. It is advisable that the stones should not be exposed to direct sunlight, since not all minerals tolerate the sun well. Trees not only cleanse negative energy, but also fill stones with powerful energy, which the minerals subsequently transfer to their owner. You can also place stones at the roots of a tree or plant. Method 5 – sun cleansing. For such cleaning, the stones must be placed in the sun. It is better if it is direct sunlight – not through glass. It is good to carry out cleaning in the countryside – in your garden. Cleaning time is from half an hour to an hour. There are stones for which prolonged exposure to direct sunlight is not recommended. Amethyst, mother of pearl, fluorite, aventurine – no more than 15 minutes. Pearls, aquamarine, citrine, sodalite, lapis lazuli, rose quartz – no more than 5 minutes. Malachite – no more than 30 minutes. *If the stones are heavily soiled, they should be buried in the ground, first wrapped in cloth, and left to clean for 1-3 days. When cleaning such stones with salt, it is recommended to place a lit hour candle in the middle of the container filled with stones. Such cleaning, in particular, may be required if the stones were inherited or given as a gift, when their previous owner was ill, suffered, or experienced other negative experiences, information about which the mineral could retain. When cleaning any stones, it is important to avoid sudden temperature changes! BE SURE TO CLEAN YOUR STONES! When cleaning is required, your intuition is the best guide. If you regularly wear stones, it is recommended to cleanse them daily, but at least 2-3 times a week. Wear your jewelry made from natural stones with pleasure and benefit!

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