Tips for stone care

What stones should you wear all the time?

Amulets suitable for the zodiac sign of Leo are precious and semi-precious stones, which are identified by astrologers as favorable. They belong to the element of fire, and for Leos they are considered talismans that can protect against misfortunes and bring good luck and happiness. In this article we have collected recommendations from astrologers on what a real talisman should be, which gems are considered suitable according to the horoscope for those born under the sign of Leo, which are most suitable for women and which for men, as well as unfavorable gems.

Characteristics of the Leo sign

According to the zodiac horoscope, the Leo sign includes people born on the dates from July 23 to August 23. It is believed that Leos are people with a strong character, living their lives in activity and activity. Representatives of the sign do not know half measures; they can be hot-tempered, but also honest and noble. They are often let down by conceit, ambition, narcissism, sometimes they are overly emotional, subject to passions, quick-tempered and unpredictable. They often strive for global goals, but many challenges await them on the path to success and fame. The sign of Leo is under the protection of the Sun, so there are many public figures, politicians, and businessmen among Leos. Many Leos are indeed quite naturally gifted. Representatives of the sign love to attract the attention of others, so spectacular jewelry with expensive large stones fits naturally into their image. Leo is a sign under the influence of the element of fire, their planet is the Sun. Perhaps this is why astrologers recommend stones of “fiery” and sunny colors for this sign – yellow, orange, red.

What should a stone be like as a talisman?

Initially, since ancient times, the main purpose of jewelry was to protect and protect its owner. Not only a precious stone, but also a piece of jewelry with it can be a talisman, a talisman, an amulet. Because the stone can be worn permanently in a piece of jewelry, such as a ring or pendant, you can feel secure. According to esotericists, the stone should be in contact with the body, touching the skin. Therefore, choose a product design such that the main stone, the amulet, touches your body. A prerequisite for the talisman is the natural origin of the stone. That is, the stone must be natural, formed in nature. It is also believed that untreated (unheated, unirradiated) stones have stronger, more pronounced energy than those that have been treated. To confirm or refute the natural origin of a stone, you must consult an expert gemologist, or take your sample to a gemological laboratory for testing. Our catalog contains exclusively natural precious and semi-precious stones. At Gemlovers, we put every piece through a rigorous inspection process. And a significant part of the lots on the site are accompanied by expert opinions from reputable gemological laboratories. It is also important that the talisman has high purity and transparency, that is, it does not contain cracks, inclusions, defects and blemishes that can worsen the energy of the talisman. Be sure to look at the stone when purchasing so that it does not have large internal irregularities. Another condition for an effective magical amulet is to be given with all your heart and with bright and good wishes. When one person gives a stone to another, it is as if he gives the stone a special meaning, a special energy that is transferred to the recipient and protects him from troubles and adversity and brings good luck. If the stone is simply bought in a store, its magical properties will not be immediately manifested; perhaps they will intensify over time.

Stones of Lviv

  • Aquamarine
  • Diamond
  • Garnet
  • Alexandrite
  • Sapphire
  • Ruby
  • Chrysolite
  • Amber
  • Pomegranates
  • Zircon
  • Tourmaline
  • Citrine
  • Heliodor
  • Topaz


Aquamarine for Leo is a suitable talisman for such hot-tempered and sometimes unbalanced representatives of the sign, it seems to cool their ardor, it has a calming effect on emotions. The blue color of aquamarines helps to find inner harmony and overcome chaos in the soul. When set in a ring or pendant, it gives confidence, especially when speaking in public. For women, aquamarine strengthens family ties and helps strengthen the home. It also eliminates empty fears and helps overcome internal monsters that at times capture a person’s soul.


A diamond for Leo is the most expensive of the listed talismans, the most valuable, hard and luxurious. It is considered by astrologers to be the ideal stone for Leo because it symbolizes the Sun itself. Diamond helps to establish connections and find influential partners. This stone will also make you a more sociable person. In addition, a diamond in a product can be a good investment and a piece of the family collection that can be passed on by inheritance.

A diamond promises its owner success in all areas of life, good luck and happiness. If you are in business, a bevel cut diamond set into a lightweight setting will support you in your projects.

The diamond suits the horoscope of both men and women. This stone as an amulet should be of good purity, with a minimum content of inclusions or cracks, or better without them at all. The larger the stone, the stronger its magical properties. However, be careful, large diamonds in jewelry arouse the envy of others, so try to keep secret what kind of amulet you have. The color of a diamond for Leo can be anything, from classic white to fancy shades such as yellow, orange, cognac, etc.


Ruby for Leo is considered an energy-activating talisman. This scarlet gemstone, a variety of the mineral corundum, will enhance your analytical abilities, making your mind sharper and more receptive to incoming information. Ruby is a very strong amulet that will become your reliable assistant and attract the bluebird of good luck into your life. For Leo women, ruby ​​helps to attract love into life and find a soul mate. For men, the meaning of the talisman is financial well-being, cash flow, good luck in business and negotiations.


Alexandrite is a very good amulet for Leo, but it is a rare gemstone, a type of chrysoberyl. It will help to reveal leadership qualities in its owner, especially if Leo works as a team leader, and to overcome difficulties. After a while, you may discover that you have the gift of persuasion, and this is thanks to alexandrite. However, remember that alexandrite is a paired stone; you cannot wear only one faceted specimen in a product. You should definitely wear two alexandrites in jewelry, for example, earrings, cufflinks, two stones in a ring, or a ring and a pendant. `


Pomegranate for Leo is considered a proven reliable talisman. Astrologers say that jewelry garnets attract good luck and happiness to both men and women. If you don’t have a loved one in your life yet, red garnet will help you find your soulmate. It is interesting that pomegranate has been considered a symbol of love and passion since ancient times; back in the Middle Ages it was given to unmarried girls as a wish to meet the ideal chosen one. Garnets protect Leo, making them more energetic and active.

Since the garnet family consists of a number of varieties, you are sure to find a stone to suit your taste. Garnets include pyrope, almandine, spessartine, rhodolite, andradite (including demantoid, topazolite), grossular (tsavorite, hessonite). By date of birth, garnets are more suitable for Leos born in the second decade of the sign. With them, the stone can achieve the greatest resonance, supporting in the pursuit of high goals.


Chrysolite is a jewelry variety of the mineral olivine; abroad the stone is better known as peridot. From Greek the meaning of the word “peridot” is “golden stone”. This is the embodiment of spring energy, growth, development, prosperity. For women, peridot is a symbol of youth. Peridot for Leo, according to the horoscope, will help bring creativity into the life of the owner, make his life more diverse and reveal hidden talents. Large chrysolites are rare, however, they are believed to have strong magical properties.

Heliodor or yellow beryl

Heliodor is a jewelry variety of the beryl mineral of yellow and golden color; its name translated means “stone of the Sun.” This is a wonderful amulet for Leo, a sign ruled by the Sun. It clears the mind, helps to take a sober look at things, see them as they are and get out of troubling situations. Heliodor as a talisman for Leo has a positive effect on intellectual abilities, improves memory and concentration. Thanks to the beautiful bright color of solar heliodor, you are guaranteed a good mood!

Talisman stones for Leo by date of birth

Talisman stones for Leos born on different dates are divided by astrologers by date of birth. Different gems are recommended for three decades.

The following decades are distinguished:

  • 23 of July – 3 of August
  • August 4-12
  • August 13-23

So, the first decade of the sign begins on July 23 and lasts until August 3; those born on these numbers are under the protection of Saturn. Note the moonstone. This talisman will increase the energy of Leos born on these dates. According to astrologers, the main stone of the Sun – diamond – is suitable for Leo in the first decade. They are also consonant with natural rubies and sapphires of different colors.

Leos of the second decade, born from August 4 to 12, are incredibly pedantic. They know how to act according to circumstances, quickly make decisions, and defend their point of view. Citrine, amber, and heliodor are suitable for them as a talisman. Astrologers also recommend garnets and golden topaz-imperial for them. Amber, a healing stone, is considered a strong amulet for Leo; it protects against diseases and bad energy.

The third decade is a period that bestows determination, strength, and special intelligence on its wards. On the dates from August 13 to 23, the most pronounced representatives of the Leo sign are born. According to astrologers, the following stones are suitable for these people as a talisman: diamond, ruby, sapphire, alexandrite, zircon. Tourmaline, topaz, and emerald stones will also be good amulet for Leo based on their date of birth.

Stones for Leo women

For women – Leo, according to the horoscope, astrologers recommend yellow, orange and red topaz to increase financial status and attractiveness in the eyes of men.

Pomegranate will reveal all facets of femininity and help connect the energy of love. And if you are planning to start a family, the heliodor talisman will help you out. It can also strengthen relationships with older relatives if it is difficult for you to find mutual understanding.

A ruby, bright red or pinkish corundum will help revive fading feelings and attract a loved one; a pure natural stone weighing more than 1.5-2 carats will work best as a talisman.

For evening outings, the best companion in the product will be a diamond – a precious stone for real “socialites”.

All facets of femininity will be revealed by the moonstone adularia. When you wear jewelry with a beautiful adularia, your beauty, softness and grace will become even more attractive to men.

Stones for Leo men

For Leo men according to their zodiac sign, talismans are suitable that can increase wisdom and the ability to manage their own lives. Among those listed, ruby, alexandrite, topaz, and diamond are suitable.

Garnet is suitable for those who work in the creative field; this stone will help bring more creativity into your life, bring inspiration and reveal talents. According to the horoscope, a diamond is considered a suitable stone for Leo men. Even a small stone will enhance the energy of this sign.

Unfavorable stones for Leo

Astrologers not only highlight stones as talismans, but also advise paying attention to some minerals that can disrupt the internal harmony of Leo. It is believed that constantly wearing them can adversely affect the energy of the sign and even weaken it. For example, one should be wary of stones of the Water element. This is amethyst, blue turquoise, blue topaz. Astrologers also advise avoiding pearls, especially beads.

If you really like the listed gems, you shouldn’t give them up completely, just keep in mind that wearing them every day is not recommended.

You can choose a stone for Leo in the catalog of our website, following the recommendations of astrologers and your preferences. All our stones are tested for naturalness, many are accompanied by expert opinions. If you have not found a suitable option, write to us, we will personally select the required copy.

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The magic of stones has been known since ancient times. They are imbued with natural energy, which they can distribute to selected people. Esotericists advise giving preference to stones based on your own desires.

There are certain amulets and talisman stones for attracting money. Each stone has special properties and has its own abilities. If you choose them correctly, you can enlist the support of your assistant. And the talisman will help you succeed in those areas in which a person lacks strength.

What stones are natural talismans?

1. Carnelian.

This natural mineral works to build relationships. If for some reason you can’t get to know a person or you doubt the quality of negotiations, then the stone will help to positively resolve the situation. The ring with the stone should only be worn on the little finger of the ring finger. Decorating a bracelet with carnelian will also be beneficial.

The action of the stone is quite simple. With his power he will adjust the biofield to the desired wave. And then the person will be able to please his opponent. The stone has a special effect from mid-spring to early autumn. At this time, all forces are activated. The most favorable time for working the stone is Thursday.

2. Tiger’s eye.

It can be worn as a chain decoration around the neck. Also, the stone will work favorably if a girl makes a hair clip with this stone. The mineral is particularly active in the summer. During winter and autumn, the strength and power of the stone noticeably weakens.

When wearing a stone, you can notice various little things. And intuition will work in high mode. If you need to make an important purchase or go to an interview, it is recommended to wear a chain with a stone. But in order for the mineral to gain strength, it must be periodically given rest and hidden from sunlight.

3. Cetrin.

It works as a protective function. Its main goal is to increase concentration, improve memory and protect against depression. It also perfectly protects against energy vampires and negative people.

As a talisman, this stone can be carried in your wallet or pocket. If the mineral is constantly with its owner, it will give him strength and the desire to move forward.

4. Topaz.

Natural stone is most often chosen by leaders. For leading individuals, the stone will be a real find that will lead to success. Topaz will help strengthen respect for a person.

It is best to charge the mineral with natural material during the full moon. It should be placed on the windowsill in the evening and left there until the next morning. The talisman will become a real source and ally of creative forces.

5. Selenite.

The stone can be safely worn as jewelry on a chain. It also looks perfect on the desktop in the form of various shapes. But they must always be in sight in order to fully unleash the potential of their owner.

The stone is suitable for creative people. He helps them develop creative thinking and find a non-standard way out of any unusual situation. Any idea can come true if you constantly wear a talisman stone according to your zodiac sign.

The power of stones can positively influence human energy. All minerals can be combined with each other or used alone.

The magic of stones has been known since ancient times. They are imbued with natural energy, which they can distribute to selected people. Esotericists advise giving preference to stones based on your own desires.

There are certain amulets and talisman stones for attracting money. Each stone has special properties and has its own abilities. If you choose them correctly, you can enlist the support of your assistant. And the talisman will help you succeed in those areas in which a person lacks strength.

What stones are natural talismans?

1. Carnelian.

This natural mineral works to build relationships. If for some reason you can’t get to know a person or you doubt the quality of negotiations, then the stone will help to positively resolve the situation. The ring with the stone should only be worn on the little finger of the ring finger. Decorating a bracelet with carnelian will also be beneficial.

The action of the stone is quite simple. With his power he will adjust the biofield to the desired wave. And then the person will be able to please his opponent. The stone has a special effect from mid-spring to early autumn. At this time, all forces are activated. The most favorable time for working the stone is Thursday.

2. Tiger’s eye.

It can be worn as a chain decoration around the neck. Also, the stone will work favorably if a girl makes a hair clip with this stone. The mineral is particularly active in the summer. During winter and autumn, the strength and power of the stone noticeably weakens.

When wearing a stone, you can notice various little things. And intuition will work in high mode. If you need to make an important purchase or go to an interview, it is recommended to wear a chain with a stone. But in order for the mineral to gain strength, it must be periodically given rest and hidden from sunlight.

3. Cetrin.

It works as a protective function. Its main goal is to increase concentration, improve memory and protect against depression. It also perfectly protects against energy vampires and negative people.

As a talisman, this stone can be carried in your wallet or pocket. If the mineral is constantly with its owner, it will give him strength and the desire to move forward.

4. Topaz.

Natural stone is most often chosen by leaders. For leading individuals, the stone will be a real find that will lead to success. Topaz will help strengthen respect for a person.

It is best to charge the mineral with natural material during the full moon. It should be placed on the windowsill in the evening and left there until the next morning. The talisman will become a real source and ally of creative forces.

5. Selenite.

The stone can be safely worn as jewelry on a chain. It also looks perfect on the desktop in the form of various shapes. But they must always be in sight in order to fully unleash the potential of their owner.

The stone is suitable for creative people. He helps them develop creative thinking and find a non-standard way out of any unusual situation. Any idea can come true if you constantly wear a talisman stone according to your zodiac sign.

The power of stones can positively influence human energy. All minerals can be combined with each other or used alone.

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