What symbols attract money?
Do you work a lot, but still can’t afford a 5* vacation and brand new clothes? This means that you need helpers – amulets that attract financial energy. To be financially successful, “you have to work not 12 hours, but with your head.” Start with your own attitudes towards wealth and surround yourself with talismans that will help you tune in to the “money” wave. Share: Endless Eight To always have money, esoteric experts advise keeping banknotes in your house whose numbers begin or end with the number 8. The more eights there are in a number, the better. What’s the secret? An inverted figure eight looks like an infinity sign. Therefore, it is believed that such talisman bills provide the owner with an endless cash flow. There is no need to put this kind of money in your wallet – it should be kept in the house. But you can use the infinity sign as a body talisman. For example, in the form of a pendant or ring. It is better if the amulet is made of precious metals – gold or silver, which in themselves are symbols of prosperity. Banknote The most popular talismans symbolizing financial well-being and prosperity include coins and pendants with symbols of the ruble, dollar or euro. It is customary to carry coins in a wallet, handbag or outerwear pocket. A symbol of good luck can be an “unchangeable” ruble or a nickel of good luck. It is recommended to wear money symbols as decoration, for example, in the form of an elegant pendant with a symbol of a particular currency. To make the money magnet more effective, it is better to wear the pendant on a red cord or a red gold chain. Red enhances the flow of financial energy. golden frog Animals have magical properties attributed to them in many countries and cultures. For example, in China, the ability to attract money is given to an ordinary frog. The meaning of the symbol as a money magnet came to us from the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui. Feng Shui experts recommend placing a figurine in your home depicting a toad with a coin in its mouth. It should be located in the south-eastern part of the apartment. And you can carry an amulet in the form of a gold frog with you: it will protect you from unnecessary spending and help you find good luck in financial matters. Don’t forget to thank the talisman every time a significant amount of money comes to you. Four-leaf clover The four-leaf clover is an ancient symbol of good luck and prosperity. Our ancestors believed: whoever finds a four-leaf clover will find good luck in all matters and prosperity. At the same time, talismans found on a clear moonlit night have the strongest energy. If you are not ready to wander at night in search of a magical flower, there is an easier way – to purchase jewelry with its image. It is good if the amulet is decorated with green chrysolite, which is also considered a magnet for money, or a symbol of prosperity and luxury – a diamond. Lock with key I want this “Key and Lock” pendant made of gold and diamonds at the best price! The key is an ancient magical talisman that can open all doors for its owner, including those on the path to wealth. A pendant in the shape of a golden key also gives confidence in one’s strength, determination in business and promotes career growth. Beginning entrepreneurs are advised to wear it: the amulet will help the business actively develop and generate income. The castle is a symbol of preserving what has been accumulated. When combined, these two talismans enhance each other. The key will help you gain wealth, and the lock will help you preserve and increase it. Alena Yarkova July 4 2019 Share: Traditional symbols of luck are known, perhaps, to everyone who likes to compare events and find non-obvious connections between them. But sometimes the talisman may not be a clover leaf or a horseshoe, but something very unusual – a combination of two objects or a special symbol that has meaning only for its owner. You just need to notice and understand what little things bring good luck to you. We have made a small selection of jewelry that can become your personal or family talisman. For some, such a talisman may be a combination of an engagement and wedding ring placed on one finger; for others, a ring with a stone that matches their zodiac sign. And someone treasures with trepidation the very first precious piece of jewelry given by their parents for their birthday, and wears it on fateful days. The symbols can be any, and different: for each life situation there is a talisman.
Jewelry that preserves the memory of childhood and closeness with parents. Pendants or earrings in the shape of children’s heels and hands, angels, stars, figurines and hearts are an excellent gift for a young mother or child on the occasion of a memorable event. A selection of cute little things can be found in our online store. The precious clover will become a wonderful talisman for children for the new school year and will become a small reminder of parental support. For older girls, laconic jewelry with a small precious stone is suitable – perhaps it will bring good luck and help you get through difficult life stages.
Personal talismans for good luck
A traditional symbol that brings good luck, the four-leaf clover is suitable for a person of any age and status. The four petals of this plant are believed to symbolize faith, hope, love and luck. Give such jewelry to your loved ones or buy it for yourself if you are preparing for some important event, and good luck will not pass you by. Another talisman that can attract good luck is the infinity sign. Esotericists claim that the inverted figure eight enhances the effect of any ritual or thought. And it also helps to flourish and develop. A good reason to try the effect of the talisman on yourself. In many cultures, the ladybug is considered a powerful symbol that attracts good luck. So why don’t we trust this belief? In addition, decorations with ladybugs look very cute and unusual. Silver necklace with cubic zirconia 000-341960
If you believe in the evil eye, evil spirits and the influence of the negative energy of envious people on a person, protect yourself with a red thread bracelet. The main preachers of this cult – Kabbalists – believe in the powerful protective power of this symbol, and they are supported by Hollywood celebrities and famous Russian actors. Fans of astrological theories will find protection in their zodiac sign, embodied in gold or silver. The pendant will protect against illnesses and other troubles, at the same time bringing good luck and giving vitality. For believers, an icon depicting a saint or the Mother of God will become a reliable protector. In addition, the symbol of faith will help maintain contact with God or your patron.
In addition to the obvious symbols – coins, which are designed to ensure financial well-being – there are lesser-known icons. For example, in Eastern cultures, images of some animals are considered such – dragons, toads and frogs, turtles, fish and elephants. Any gold jewelry can be used as a money talisman. Like attracts like – a fundamental law of the universe, which it would be a shame not to take advantage of to improve your well-being. And if you believe in the magic of stones, take a closer look at chrysolite – the stone of bankers and successful traders. Perhaps jewelry with this particular stone will become your personal assistant in financial matters.