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What to do if the ring becomes small?

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What to do if your favorite ring is no longer enough?

Details Category: USEFUL TIPS

What to do if your favorite ring has become small, but you don’t want to wear it and put it away in your jewelry box? There is a way out: today, jewelry makers offer a wide variety of professional services to increase the size of precious rings. However, there are many reasons why the ring size cannot be increased. Let’s look at some of them. For example, if the ring is jewelry made from base metals. Such alloys may behave in unexpected ways: the ring may darken, crack, or completely burst. If the ring has a ceramic insert. It is impossible to increase the width of such an accessory, because ceramics is a very non-plastic and fragile material. It is impossible to stretch ceramics.

If the ring is openwork, after stretching it will be easily deformed, which can damage the original beauty of the accessory. A separate point is if the ring is made of platinum. Working with platinum requires rare and very specific equipment, which is not even available in all jewelry workshops. And if there is no such equipment, then during processing, indelible black spots may appear on the platinum ring. Because platinum is a very hard and refractory metal. If the ring has an engraving, it is very easy to damage the inscription. If a ring is rhodium plated, the coating on the ring may permanently change its color.

So, what exactly do professional jewelry makers offer us to increase the size of our favorite ring?

Method one – the so-called boring. With this method, the craftsman cuts or grinds the inside of the ring. This way it is possible to increase the ring by about half a size. Of course, boring is only suitable for massive rings or thick signets. For engagement rings with massive studs or jewelry with a similar design. With this method, the ring loses significant weight. Therefore, the sawn-off parts of the precious metal are usually given to the owner of the ring.

The second method – mechanical restoration. This method is suitable for rings without inlays that have a smooth surface. To stretch, the ring is placed on a cone, and special equipment must be used. Stretching allows you to increase the ring by one or even two sizes if the shank of the accessory is not massive and wide. The process is quite labor-intensive, but an experienced jewelry maker can handle stretching a ring in just 20 minutes.

The third method – adding a piece of metal to the tavern ring. With this method, a small strip of metal is added to the cut of the shank of the ring. If the shade is chosen correctly, then after polishing the ring looks like new. However, inserting a new piece of metal into a ring is a very delicate piece of jewelry work. Which not every master undertakes. Because it is very difficult to choose a jewelry alloy that will not only match the color of the ring, but also have the same sample as a result.

How to increase the size of a gold ring at home? Everyone knows that gold is a fairly malleable and ductile precious metal. And if the gold alloy ring becomes too small, you can actually roll it out at home. To do this, you will need a cone-shaped form made of stone or metal. Pre-wrap the mold and ring, all separately, with regular foil. This is necessary to protect the accessory from possible scratches. Next, place the ring on the cone and very carefully, using a small hammer, tap the ring so that it moves down the cone. Check periodically to make sure the foil is intact. If necessary, restore the protective layer of foil and continue the procedure until you reach the desired size. At the end of the procedure, polish the ring with a soft flannel cloth.

Don’t even try to enlarge rings yourself that have inserts made of organic materials – amber, pearls, coral, ivory and other capricious compounds. The same can be said about rings with precious stones. After all, if it is quite difficult to damage, for example, a diamond crystal, then an equally precious emerald can be irreparably harmed once and for all by self-processing. Usually, in a jewelry workshop, any insert is carefully removed so that it is not damaged in any way. And then they put it back in. It is almost impossible to carry out such a procedure correctly at home.

Trying on someone else’s wedding ring is inviting trouble for yourself. And what can we say if you suddenly lost it? Quarrels, separation and even death promise omens to newlyweds. However, is everything so clear? Maybe not for grief, but for happiness?

July 30, 2020 256 0 –>


  1. What do signs and superstitions say?
  2. So is it still possible to change engagement rings or not?
  3. What are the cases and what to do?
    • If you were in a hurry
    • If you lost
    • If the size has changed
    • After a secular wedding
    • After the wedding
    • I wanted a new model
    • Wedding anniversary
  4. How to put on new wedding bands correctly?
  5. Is it possible to remove a wedding ring?
  6. Recommendations from astrologers and psychologists
  7. Conclusion

Since ancient times, wedding rings have been considered a special amulet for newlyweds. Because of this bad omen, a “cart and a small cart” formed around the engagement rings. For example, trying on other people’s wedding rings and passing on your own is taboo. Such jewelry should also not be lost, otherwise you will invite disaster.

There are so many taboos and horror stories around engagement rings that you wonder – why not? Is everything so clear?

Should you listen to signs, what to do if you suddenly lost your wedding ring, in which cases it is better to change/remove it – read below in our article.

What do signs and superstitions say?

There are many superstitions associated with wedding rings, which supposedly help protect a young family from the evil eye, quarrels, and adversity. Basically, these are oral instructions from mothers/grandmothers, supported by “folk horror stories.” Whether to believe superstitions or not is up to each couple, especially when it comes to such a personal event as a wedding. Some strictly follow the signs so as not to get themselves into trouble, others listen partially. But there are also those who demonstratively do the opposite.

So, the 5 most important wedding signs:

  1. If the rings are not made of a homogeneous smooth metal, your family life will be the same – unsmooth/troubled;
  2. Dropping or losing a ring after the wedding means a quick divorce;
  3. Letting your ring be measured means transferring your energy;
  4. If the ring falls in a church/registry office – to separation and even death;
  5. But finding a wedding ring is a sign that predicts marriage.

According to psychics and esotericists, all round gold rings, due to their closed shape, accumulate the energy of their owner. Therefore, by putting on a stranger’s ring, you risk “taking on” his illness.

After a divorce, it is not recommended to continue wearing your wedding band. It can interfere with further life together with another person. It is better to melt such a product into another accessory.

So is it still possible to change engagement rings or not?

A wedding ring is a static product, but the physical parameters and tastes of the bride/groom can change. But, like any other product, an engagement ring is not insured against damage and loss. In such situations, it is quite natural to want to change it. Some choose a half-hearted option – change something in the decor, adjust the size, others – buy a new product instead.

What are the cases and what to do?

Did you rush and buy an unsuccessful model, or did you gain weight and the ring began to put pressure? Quite common situations. The jewelry workshop will help you adjust the size/decor of the product without compromising quality. If the product has become pretty boring after 10-15-20 years, you can add a pattern to it, or buy a bracelet with a similar inlay to go with it. A radical option is to purchase a new product and wear it paired with your first engagement ring.

If you were in a hurry

The process of preparing for a wedding is a hectic period during which many organizational issues have to be resolved. Among them, buying a ring is not always a priority. Some couples leave this issue for later and end up buying the product in a hurry. Time passes and the ring turns out to be an awkward size, or does not fit your style or wardrobe.

Advice from YK: It’s better to buy rings slowly, after trying on different models. Models with inlay are more demanding to wear and are less amenable to adjustment.

If you lost

Drowned at sea, lost, or worse, stolen. Quite an unpleasant incident that can happen to anyone. The solution here is to order a copy of the ring from a jeweler.

At the same time, the situation can be turned to your advantage. Losing a ring is an opportunity to purchase a new beautiful piece that emphasizes the level of your family’s wealth.

If the size has changed

A successful diet, expecting a baby, physical activity, or lack thereof, inevitably affect the appearance of the ring owner. As always, the result is the same – the ring becomes small or large.

The simplest option is to give it for smelting. Making a ring smaller is always easier than making it bigger. To increase the size of a product, the following techniques are used: metal insertion, mechanical stretching, or boring.

Advice from YK: When adjusting rings with patterns, engravings and heavy inlays, difficulties may arise. It is better to give such products to trusted craftsmen, because even the most minimal compression can deform the base of the ring, and therefore the fastening of the stones.

After a secular wedding

In a traditional wedding, the exchange of rings is the climax of the official ceremony. The ring gives the lovers a new status of “husband and wife” and serves as a demonstration of this to others. Such rings can be made using a variety of decorative and metal processing techniques.

The ring as a symbol of marriage can change over time, but is worn in the same place – on the ring finger of the right hand.

After the wedding

But here it gets more serious. The Church gives rings a special sacredness. They carry protection and God’s blessing for the family.

Before the wedding, the rings must be blessed. According to a long-standing tradition, identical wedding items are made for the bride and groom, on which the words of prayer and the engraving “Save and Preserve” are applied. Wedding rings, unlike wedding rings, are placed on the ring finger of the left hand – where the engagement ring flaunts.

If you decide to change the ring, you may have to confess, take communion and bless the new rings at a prayer service.

I wanted a new model

We’re sure that when you look at photos of yourself from 10, 20, and 30 years ago, you wonder, “How could I wear that?” Fashion changes, and, naturally, your hairstyle, clothes and style in general change. There is nothing strange in the fact that you are no longer satisfied with the engagement ring, which has long gone out of fashion or no longer corresponds to your feelings and tastes.

It may also happen that the jewelry chosen in happy anticipation of the wedding is not suitable for everyday life. Before the birth of your child, could you imagine how many problems would arise due to a complex wedding ring design when simply changing a diaper? And if they could, they would definitely buy a simpler model. The rings you choose a few years after your wedding should be comfortable and attractive for many years to come, unless, of course, you plan to change them every five years.

Wedding anniversary

Times change, as do tastes. If you suddenly liked a more modern, unusual model of an engagement ring, your wedding anniversary is an excellent occasion to give a nice gift to your wife and please yourself.

Give new jewelry a new meaning that only you two can understand. A new ring, for example, for the 15th anniversary, will bring pleasant emotions into your family life and perhaps even enliven it.

You don’t have to take off the first engagement ring you buy. You can wear it simultaneously with a new update, or on the ring finger of your left hand.

How to put on new wedding bands correctly?

When you decide to buy new rings, perform the same ritual as at the wedding. As psychologists say, by exchanging rings again, the spouses seem to open a new page in their Love story.

In honor of the purchase of new engagement rings, you can organize a mini-celebration. Invite your friends and have a wedding party. Place the rings on each other’s fingers while listening to the music played during the wedding ceremony and repeat your vows. Resourceful spouses can add new promises to their vows.

As for the signs, they say: you should not wear a ring over wedding gloves (if the bride has any), otherwise the lovers will face a quick divorce. On the wedding day, the bride should not wear other jewelry on her right hand.

Is it possible to remove a wedding ring?

If the couple is married, then this is not recommended. When choosing a wedding ring, it is better to choose simple, smooth models without unnecessary decoration. Such a product will last longer in wear, and daily activity will not interfere with maintaining its original appearance.

For secular weddings, they choose models with more varied decor – there is a huge choice, ranging from rings with a single inlay to jewelry completely decorated with stones and patterns.

Advice from YK: Precious metals do not improve from close contact with acids and alkalis, or from salt water. Therefore, it is best to wash dishes with gloves, and before going to the pool, temporarily remove the ring.

Recommendations from astrologers and psychologists

If you suddenly lost your engagement ring, don’t panic and expect a quick divorce. As psychologists emphasize, by often thinking about bad things, a person attracts negativity into his life.

If an item has “gone” from you, perhaps it has no place in your life. A missing thing often saves a person from more terrible losses.

The best way to survive this situation is to go to a jewelry store and buy a new gold item. Throw yourself a little celebration in honor of your new purchase. Perhaps buying a new ring will be the beginning of a new bright stage in your family life.

According to astrologers, the loss of an engagement ring leads to positive changes in the lives of the spouses, since the ring takes with it all failures, fears and disappointments.


Not a single omen, even the worst one, can be an obstacle to strong love. After all, every person is the creator of his own life, and horror stories about power will only be in people’s heads.

Undoubtedly, a wedding ring is a special symbol of love, but not the most important one. After all, it is not the ring that keeps lovers together, but their feelings of love, tenderness, and respect for each other. There are situations when jewelry has to be changed or removed. But you can always make a small celebration for yourself by purchasing a new gold wedding ring.

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