When should you wear a moonstone?
The stone received its name for its blue or silver-white iridescence, which is generated by its thin-plate structure. Otherwise, moon stones are called adularia or selenites. In India, moonstone is called jandarakand, which means “moonlight.” It is considered the most revered stone among moon worshipers. moon rocks can be milky white, purple or as if illuminated by an internal golden shimmer. There are moonstones with star patterns or a cat’s eye effect, but such specimens are rare. Moonstone is a type of potassium feldspar orthoclase that has no relation to the Moon. The composition of the stone is KAlSi3O8, it is potassium aluminum trisilicate. Crystallizes in the monoclinic system. The moonstone effect can be achieved by plagioclases (oligoclase-belomorite and albite), as well as orthoclase (not adularia). The color is usually white, light gray or bluish. The cabochon treatment brings out shimmering blue tones reminiscent of moonlight, giving the stone a special appeal. Crystals are translucent. The shine is silky, glassy. The specific optical effect observed in moonstone, as well as in other types of iridescent feldspars, is called schillerization (from the German Schiller – iridescence of colors). Weakly luminesces in X-rays. The mineral forms transparent prismatic or plate-like crystals with a bluish-white, “lunar” shimmer of the surface. Therefore, moonstone is sometimes called “fish eye”. There are also crystals of light yellow color. This mineral is extremely rare. The high quality crystals come mainly from Sri Lanka. Hardness – 6,0-6,6; density – 2,6 g/cm3. Low refractive indices: 1,518–1,528 to 1,533–1,535. Main deposit is located in India. Light flicker moon stones This is an amazing phenomenon in the gemstone world called “adularization.” The reason for this flickering is the internal structure of the stone in the form of lamellas. Incident light rays are refracted in the stone and scattered. Thus, a unique light phenomenon of its kind arises, making moon rock so unique and so desirable. This beautiful gemstone has its weak points. This is its relatively low hardness. Moonstones should be handled very carefully. The shine lost when wearing moonstones can be easily restored by repeated grinding and polishing. Moonstone has several varieties. Opaque feldspars are sometimes called moonstones. One of them, Labrador, was discovered in the 1781th century by missionaries of the German community of the Labrador Peninsula in Canada. A little later, a large deposit of labradorite was found in Russia – in the vicinity of St. Petersburg in XNUMX, during the construction of the road from St. Petersburg to the royal palace in Peterhof, boulders with labradorite were discovered. The St. Petersburg nobility began to wear rings and rings with these stones. By the way, we called the moonstone tausin – from the Persian “tausi” – peacock – for its resemblance to the iridescence of peacock plumage. Labradorite has a beautiful play of colors, and its dark variety, sparkling blue, is called black moonstone. The richest deposits of labradorite were later discovered in Ukraine. Moreover, there turned out to be so much of it that it depreciated in value, became a facing stone and was later used for cladding metro stations and many monumental buildings. Very beautiful Labradors are mined in Finland and Madagascar (Madagascar moonstone). Also among the feldspars there is a sunstone (aventurine feldspar), which has an unusual sparkling-golden tint. It is found in Norway, the USA, Russia (on the Selenga River, which flows into Baikal). Another variety of moonstone is belomorite: translucent, white, with a bluish tint. But real moonstones – adularia and sanidine – are still very rare. Their deposits are found mainly in India, Sri Lanka and Burma. And not so long ago, geologists discovered large deposits of sanidine in Mongolia. Medicinal properties
In many countries around the world it is believed that moon rockcan protect a person from the harmful influence of the Moon. Lithotherapists suggest that products made from moonstone or just a piece of the mineral should be worn on the body to relieve epileptic seizures, prevent uncontrollable outbursts of anger, and cure fears and insomnia. It is believed that this mineral has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the genitourinary system. It has a good effect on the functions of digestion and the pituitary gland, improves lymph circulation, and facilitates childbirth. Moonstone affects the heart chakra. Magical properties
Since ancient times moon rock used to attract love. People suffering from loneliness should wear brooches with this mineral on the left side. The stone not only attracts love, but also awakens this high feeling in its owner. A ring with a moonstone worn on the left hand corrects a person’s feelings, helps to avoid conflicts, relieves stress, makes him more tolerant and merciful. The ring on the right hand helps to completely relax, awakens imagination and creative impulses. Experts say that meditation with moonstone helps to reveal the subconscious, as well as hidden abilities and talents. Astrologers do not recommend using the power of moonstone for fire signs – Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. It is not contraindicated for other zodiac signs. It is especially useful for Cancer. Talismans and amulets
Moonstone – a talisman for people of creative professions: writers, musicians, artists. It reveals their talents, gives inspiration, and encourages creative impulses. The stone is considered to bring happiness and is highly valued as a gift to lovers, as it helps to awaken tender feelings and makes it possible to read the future. A stone of love and harmony with the environment, moonstone was valued more than gold by many peoples and was considered sacred. Special power moon rock fills during the full moon. Its glow arouses dreaminess, softness, tenderness in people, relieves tension, eliminates anger and excessive self-confidence. ApplicationMoonstone – jewelry stone. This gemstone was loved a hundred years ago during the Art Nouveau era. French jeweler Rene Lalique used it in his products, which today can only be seen in museums and private collections. When purchasing moonstone jewelry, you may encounter price differences. The price is determined by the color intensity, size and transparency of the stone. Excellent blue moonstones have incredible three-dimensional color depth that is visible when the stone is rotated. Such specimens are highly valued by collectors due to their rarity and, accordingly, expensive. Multi-colored Indian moonstones are generally less expensive than classic blue moonstones, so everyone can choose a stone that suits their taste and budget. Interesting about the moonstone. In India, moonstone was considered to bring good luck and was sacred. Moonstone was highly valued as a gift to loved ones, as it was considered capable of awakening tender passion and gave lovers the opportunity to discover their future fate. In Greek mythology, pearlspar was associated with the legendary Hyperboreans. The northern region of the Hyperboreans gave the world moonstones, containing mystical revelations and the ability to see visions. Magicians have always highly valued these properties of moonstones, but treated them with great caution, since the stones could destroy wizards. And in historical documents about the Chaldeans who lived in Southern Mesopotamia in the 1st millennium BC, it was reported that they especially valued the magical properties of moonstone: on the full moon, when the power of the stone increased, the Chaldean priests put it under their tongue and said prayers and prophecies . Adularia was considered sacred and bringing happiness in Ceylon. Interest in moonstone did not fade away in the Middle Ages in Europe. It was called the stone of lovers; girls wore it as an amulet and believed that it brought happiness in love. They also said that the stone cried on a moonlit night and that the moisture it released healed fever. At all moon rock endowed with other healing properties. So, many still believe that it helps with epilepsy and treats kidneys. In addition, according to ancient legends, moonstone is one of the best natural psychotherapists: it helps to cope with melancholy, depression, relieves fear, and helps to overcome situations associated with difficult experiences and emotional stress. And some men are still convinced that moonstone helps restrain hysterical attacks in women and cools the lusts of nymphomaniacs. О moonstone there are many legends. It is said, for example, that a white spot appears on its surface, growing as the moon’s brightness increases until the full moon. At this time, magical powers return to the stone. Since Wilkie Collins’s novel The Moonstone was published in 1868, the image of a mysterious mineral influencing the fate of people and associated with the deities of the East has invariably worried mystical lovers of precious stones. However, Collins had in mind a yellow diamond, while the moonstone is a completely different gem: adularia, also known as selenite, also known as mother-of-pearl and pearlspar. Many legends, beliefs and myths are associated with it. One of the ancient minerals with which many legends and mysteries are associated. Its magical glow will leave few people indifferent. But not everyone can find a stone a reliable talisman. Sometimes moonstone properties is absolutely negative. It is important to simply know who it is suitable for, how to choose and what to wear with products that contain this unique gem. The cost of a stone depends on its variety, shade, transparency, quality and size. The most valued is adularia (natural stone), which is mined in Sri Lanka, Burma and India. This is a stone that is characterized by such effects as asterism (star effect) and cat’s eye. The fact what does moonstone look like with the cat’s eye effect, known to many. But it is worth recalling this enchanting effect in one image. The magical properties of the stone The mineral has been used by humans since ancient times. Had moonstone magical properties throughout its centuries-old existence. It is shrouded in many legends that have survived to this day and have a completely reasonable interpretation. It is best to wear moonstone jewelry when the moon is full. Experts say that when the moon is waning, such products are simple jewelry. They should not be considered a talisman; they lose their qualities when the moon is in a similar phase. In order to endow the adularia with magical properties, it is necessary to hold it under the moon during the period when the celestial body begins to grow. He is strongly connected with the Moon. That is why this “recharging” is considered the best. The owner of jewelry containing moonstone has the following qualities:
- epiphany;
- calmness;
- luck;
- success in love and family life.
But in order to fully use the magical properties of the mineral, you need to know some tricks that allow you to use the stone to your advantage.
1. Choose a mineral in accordance with your zodiac sign. If astrologers are categorical, then there is no point in experimenting. In this case, the jewelry will remain just beautiful jewelry.
2. You can find love and preserve it for many years if the active adularis (charged under the Moon) is located in the area of the heart.
3. A ring with a moonstone, located on the ring finger of the left hand, will bring peace. It is quite difficult to get such a person out of patience.
4. Creative people often suffer from the lack of a muse. A small ring with a mineral on your right hand will help bring it back.
5. In order to quickly make important decisions that will bring a positive result, you can carry small rosary beads with stones or a bracelet during negotiations and transactions. It is not necessarily a bright and expensive mineral. Pearlspar is ideal for this purpose.
During the period when the Moon is full, the stone has the most powerful magical properties. It is best suited for people who were born under the luminary in its full phase.
Some clairvoyants use gray moonstone, which can activate their abilities.
Regardless of the shade of the stone, the mineral normalizes Yang energy. Therefore, it is often recommended for company managers who need to control their own psyche and understand the emotional state of employees.
For many centuries, the mineral was used by Tibetan monks in the treatment of the following pathologies:
- epilepsy;
- liver and kidney disease;
- mental disorders.
The monks made no secret of this and offered to use the properties of the mineral to women to enhance reproductive abilities and assist in childbirth. In addition, adularia can help with the following diseases:
- gastrointestinal pathologies;
- stones in the kidneys and pancreas;
- insomnia;
- oncology;
- cardiac pathologies.
There is no official confirmation that the mineral helped get rid of diseases. But traditional and folk medicine recommends its use in complex therapy. In order for the stone to gain healing powers, it is necessary to follow several rules for its storage and use.
1. In the freezer, a stone can forever lose its magical and healing properties.
2. A white spot on the surface indicates that the mineral is currently saturated with lunar energy.
3. You should not wear it at a time when the moon is waning. The most active stone is during the full moon. This moment should not be missed to recharge it. It is enough to keep the decoration on the windowsill, which is illuminated by the light of the moon.
4. It is advisable that when wearing jewelry the stone comes into contact with the skin and it is best if this happens in the area of the heart.
There is a belief that moonstone is a natural psychotherapist. Its powerful energy can relieve depression, relieve stress, and calm surging hysterics. Despite such a number of positive magical and healing characteristics, it is not advisable for everyone to use it.
Who is moonstone suitable for?
There are only a few zodiac signs that can feel the full power of the mineral’s effects on themselves. For others, this is simply not available or the impact of the stone will be minimal. Some useful tips from astrologers and healers will help you determine whether it is worth making or purchasing jewelry for yourself.
It is better to use adularia for people with a balanced character. Those who are suspicious and capricious should choose other minerals, since the stone only activates negative traits.
Representatives of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius should not use the stone. He will become a reliable companion for all other signs in business, love and well-being.
1. Cancers are most able to feel the positive influence of adularia. Especially if a person was born during the full moon. An amulet made of moonstone will attract good luck, relieve the effects of the evil eye, and fill the house with prosperity. In combination with silver, the effect of the mineral is enhanced.
2. Such a talisman will help Pisces find family happiness, and unmarried girls will find true love. In general, the mineral helps the fair sex more, as it is considered a feminine stone.
3. Products made from selenite (a type of mineral) will help Gemini. This will help get rid of frequent depressive moods and find ways out of crisis situations.
4. For Libra, amulets made from moonstone bring harmony to family relationships, have a beneficial effect on the results of negotiations, relieve unnecessary nervousness and add decisiveness before important transactions. Even a small talisman present on your desktop will definitely bring good luck.
5. Virgos are recommended to wear blue moonstone jewelry. It will give harmony, career growth and happiness in your personal life.
In the room where the baby sleeps, it is enough to place a small amulet near the crib or on the windowsill to normalize night sleep and protect against the influence of negative energy.
It is best to use the magical properties of moonstone for people who do not hold negative thoughts in their heads, do not envy the successes of others, and in no case wish harm to anyone. That is why astrologers recommend purchasing the mineral only for positive people, otherwise its magical power may turn against the owner.
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