Where to get minerals for the body?
There are a huge number of myths and stereotypes associated with drinking water. To find out whether water with a lack of mineral salts actually causes teeth to fall out and bones to crumble, whether such water washes out calcium from the body, and whether it is even possible to “extract” all the salts the body needs from water, you should first decide on the basic concepts and sort out all reliable information.
How many mineral salts does the body need?
For normal functioning and development, any organism needs to receive a sufficient amount of microelements. Water contains several of them at once.
- Sodium salts. In other words, ordinary table salt, which is found in any kitchen. Its consumption rate is about 12 grams per day.
- Potassium salts. You won’t find them on the kitchen shelf, but they are also found in drinking water. The consumption rate of potassium salts is 2,5 grams per day.
- Calcium salts. Most myths and fears are associated with calcium. Its salts are hard salts and fall out in the form of scale on the kettle spiral. The daily norm for a healthy person is about 1 gram.
- Magnesium salts. They also belong to hardness salts and are found in drinking water, but, compared to calcium, in much smaller quantities. The daily intake of magnesium in the diet is 0,5 grams.
Thus, a person needs 12 grams of sodium, 2,5 grams of potassium, 1 gram of calcium and 0,5 grams of magnesium per day. That is, the total volume of necessary mineral salts is about 16 grams.
How many mineral salts are in water?
Some people believe that water must contain useful minerals, since without them it becomes harmful. However, supporters of this opinion do not take into account that the mineralization of drinking water varies greatly in different parts of the planet. For example, in the northern regions and Scandinavian countries, the population consumes water with very low mineralization, which practically lacks calcium and other trace elements. Water in the south of Russia, on the contrary, is highly mineralized. At the same time, local residents, as a rule, do not experience discomfort in either case.
The average level of water mineralization is approximately 600 mg per liter – this is the approximate value for water in Moscow and surrounding regions. At the same time, a healthy person consumes an average of 2 liters of water per day. In other words, in total we get about 1,2 grams of all mineral salts per day from drinking water – less than one tenth of the norm. Thus, greater or lesser mineralization of water has a minimal impact on the balance of microelements in the body, since such volumes are insignificant on a daily basis.
Where to get the missing microelements
Despite the obvious lack of nutrients in tap water, there is no need to run to the store for mineral water. The fact is that a person receives all of these elements from food. The lack of mineral salts in water is compensated by a healthy and varied diet.
- Sodium is found literally everywhere. We add table salt to food in its pure form, so it is very easy to compensate for its deficiency, and it does not occur often. Rich in sodium, for example, seaweed, fish and eggs.
- Potassium is found in beans, dried apricots, peas, almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, prunes, and raisins. One of the most potassium-rich foods is pistachios.
- The lack of calcium is easily compensated by milk, cottage cheese, cheese and sour cream. It is also found in garlic and oatmeal, as well as the previously mentioned almonds and pistachios. At the same time, there is no need to consume these products in excess: the daily requirement of calcium is contained, for example, in only about 100 grams of cheese.
- Magnesium “lives” in buckwheat, pine nuts, almonds, oatmeal, millet, cashews, peas, vegetables, herbs and other plant products.
Thus, it is completely unnecessary to obtain all mineral salts from water, and it will not be possible. All you need to do is eat right. And the main advantage of high-quality drinking water is not its level of mineralization, but its purity.
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You can achieve normal well-being and maintain health at the proper level with a balance of vitamins and minerals. Sometimes they are not enough, which manifests itself in various symptoms – headaches, lethargy, skin problems and much more. The necessary vitamins and minerals for the body can be consumed with food, selecting the diet individually according to needs. An alternative is to take special supplements that help take care of your health. You need to purchase only certified supplements made by trusted manufacturers. You can purchase these on our website dobavki.ua at a reasonable price.
Minerals for the body – a myth or a real necessity?
Mineral elements play an extremely important role in the functioning of all systems of the human body. Being practically nanoparticles, they influence the biochemical processes taking place in the cells of all organs.
Each mineral, be it the common iron or the lesser known molybdenum, is responsible for one or more processes in its own way. For example, iron plays an active role in the ability of red blood cells to carry oxygen through the blood to all parts of the human body. Lack of iron can lead to oxygen starvation and the gradual development of pathologies.
It is important to avoid a lack of minerals in the body, of which there are more than 20. But an excess of mineral elements also negatively affects the development of organs. To maintain the normal functioning of all organs and perform the necessary functionality, it is necessary to achieve and maintain a balance of minerals in the body.
Where can I get minerals for the body?
Minerals for the body can come from several sources. First of all, food products of both animal and plant origin are, of course, considered as the main source. However, there are some disadvantages to this method of replenishing mineral balance. In particular, it is necessary to monitor the composition of foods, paying attention to the content of certain microelements in the diet, and think about where to get minerals for the body.
The most convenient option is to use complex vitamin supplements. As a rule, they already contain a completely balanced set of microelements necessary for humans. Daily intake of complex medications helps solve the problem of vitamin deficiency and a balanced composition of minerals in the body.
Essential vitamins and minerals for the body
The organ that allows you to think, learn, remember, and concentrate is the brain. The nutrients supplied to the body have a great influence on its normal functioning.
So, how to effectively improve memory and concentration? Your diet should be rich in minerals and vitamins. These same substances are important for the functioning of the body as a whole:
- Vitamin B1 is very important for brain function, namely for the transmission of nerve impulses. Its deficiency causes damage, which affects the functioning of the entire nervous system. Vitamin PP, the deficiency of which weakens memory and concentration, causes problems with rapid communication and concentration. Vitamin B6 also affects the functioning of the nervous system. When there is not enough of it in the body, it can cause premature aging of nerve cells and even lead to depression. To counteract this, you should include in your diet, for example, walnuts, hazelnuts, lemons, oranges.
- Magnesium supports concentration, relieves stress and tension.
- Zinc is another element that protects the nervous system and supports memory.
- Potassium helps oxygenate the brain and supports normal nerve function.
- Phosphorus improves memory as well as mood.
- Iron is a very important carrier of oxygen delivered to the brain through the bloodstream.
- Vitamin C improves immunity, gives resistance to viral and colds.
- Choline helps improve memory.
All these ingredients can be delivered to the body not only through a natural diet, but also with the help of appropriate supplements. Their balance is a guarantee of health, normal well-being, and good mood. More details on the website.
Products: where to get minerals for the body?
Vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, and legumes are valuable for the body. They contain useful minerals for the body, as well as vitamins:
- To get vitamin B1, you need to eat nuts, sunflower seeds, and beans.
- Good sources of vitamin PP are liver, eggs, and cheese.
- Grapes, plums and grape juice are rich in vitamin B6.
- To equip your body with the required dose of magnesium, you should include milk, yogurt and kefir in your diet. A good solution is also to replace white bread with wholemeal bread.
- Zinc is found in oysters, beans and nuts.
- Potassium is found in large quantities in bananas, tomatoes, currants, nuts and legumes.
- Phosphorus is found mainly in cheese, meat and fish.
- It is worth including liver and red meat, legumes, cereals and dried fruits, which contain a lot of iron, in your diet.
- The best source of choline is lecithin, which is found in soy products, eggs and beef.
Carbohydrates are also a valuable source of energy necessary for the proper functioning of the brain and the body as a whole. The healthiest carbohydrates for the brain are complex carbohydrates found in whole grain breads, cereals, brown rice, wholemeal pasta, muesli and oatmeal.
Another important building block of the organ is the protein responsible for the regeneration of nerve cells. It is found in lean meat, cottage cheese and fish.
Where to buy minerals and trace elements?
If you want to purchase vitamins or minerals for the human body, you need to trust only trusted stores. We offer a wide range of quality products. We only stock products from trusted manufacturers and at competitive prices.
You can buy vitamins and minerals for the body from us with fast delivery throughout the country. Place your order at dobavki.ua and we will ship it on the same day.
Comparative table of drugs
Preparation | A portion | Number of servings | Form of issue | |
Multimineral Without Iron, Bluebonnet Nutrition, 180 Capsules | 4 capsules | 45 | Vegetable capsule | |
Trace Elements, Life Extension (Minerals), 90 Capsules | 1 capsule | 90 | Vegetable capsule | |
Multiminerals, Nature’s Plus (Multiple), 180 Tablets | 2 tablets | 90 | Tablet | |
Multiminerals, Mega Multi Mineral, Solaray, 200 capsules | 4 capsules | 50 | Capsule | |
Minerals, Thorne Research (Biomins II), 120 capsules | 4 capsules | 30 | Capsule |
Sources of
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15212745/
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31940634/
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17241918/
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16200467/
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31849042/