Which stone cures women s diseases?
Author: viktoria Category: Articles and store news Date of creation: 2021-01-04 Views: 3913 Comments: 0 People have believed in the miraculous power of stones since ancient times. They protect, protect from misfortune and give health and longevity. So what stones draw out diseases and help you gain strength, health and immunity? Some stones are distinguished by amazing strength and positive energy. They not only protect their owner from the effects of black magic and bad luck. Some minerals have an amazing ability, which is to draw out diseases. What stones can heal?
Lapis lazuli
This stone has valuable healing properties. The mineral is especially useful for pregnant women. It helps them avoid toxicosis. Another feature of lapis lazuli is the normalization of the mental state of a woman expecting a child. Lapis lazuli also helps to quickly get rid of bruises, increases the body’s immune resources, and copes well with colds.
Another stone that is distinguished by its ability to heal is garnet. It effectively tones and cleanses: • the immune system; • vessels; • lymphatic network; • respiratory system; • Gastrointestinal tract. Pomegranate is good for regular headaches and recurring sore throats. The brown and yellow varieties are great for allergies, constipation and various skin problems.
This mineral has several beneficial properties. The stone relieves headaches, swelling, fatigue. Amethyst is good for treating female diseases. It effectively restores the functioning of the liver, circulatory system and lungs. But the most interesting thing is that amethyst helps restore visual acuity. To do this, it is recommended to wear earrings with such a stone. However, they should not be removed even at night.
Emerald has an equally beneficial effect on the functioning of the body, which has a positive effect on: • kidneys; • nervous system; • heart; • lungs. Emerald is also effective in treating eye diseases. To do this, it is recommended to infuse water on this green crystal and drink it. The stone is excellent at relieving skin diseases. It is enough just to move it over the body. After such regular procedures, the skin will be beautiful, smooth, healthy.
Onyx is a mineral with very powerful healing properties. Wearing it has a particularly beneficial effect on the functioning of the central nervous system. It is not surprising that onyx is used to eliminate anxiety disorders, panic attacks and depression. This mineral helps normalize attention and improve memory. Onyx also has a rejuvenating effect and increases libido. What’s attractive is that the mineral is effective for both women’s and men’s health.
To draw out diseases from the body, it is very useful to wear turquoise jewelry. For example, beads made from this stone have a good effect on the liver and eliminate gastrointestinal problems. If you wear turquoise pendants or pendants, you can put blood vessels in order and stabilize the functioning of the heart. The gem also gives vigor. It eliminates pathological fatigue and lethargy. Turquoise eliminates skin problems and promotes the healing of wounds, scratches, and abrasions.
An incredibly beautiful mineral of a noble dark shade has various beneficial properties. Obsidian has several healing abilities. This unique stone: • helps eliminate depression; • heals wounds on the skin; • treats ulcers and erosions; • normalizes the functioning of the nervous system. Obsidian is also worn to strengthen the endocrine and immune systems. Jewelry is an important part of our wardrobe. They complement and complete it. But besides decorative decorations, there are those that help maintain health or treat illnesses. At least that’s what they say. Their effect lies in the properties of various natural minerals that affect human health in one way or another. There are minerals that are useful for hematopoiesis and blood pressure, and there are those that help in the treatment of female diseases.
What jewelry to wear so that there are no problems on the feminine side
People learned to heal with stones long before our era. Moreover, this was not only contemplation and carrying the stone with oneself. Minerals were ground into powder and added to decoctions and medicines for oral administration. Stone powder was added to medicinal ointments and creams. Today, fortunately, these practices are not used and lithotherapy is based on the effect of the stone on the skin through close contact. They wear amulets and jewelry made from various minerals and give massages with them.
IMPORTANT! Lithotherapy – treatment with stones. The practice has no scientific basis and is considered pseudoscience. But some people insist that therapy is beneficial. If you want to be treated with stones, you must firmly believe in their power. Perhaps the placebo effect will work and lithotherapy will really help you.
Stone massage is common among lithotherapists, and they advise patients to place the desired stone on the sore spot for a few minutes. In the form of jewelry, healing stones are worn in earrings, rings, and sometimes hung around the neck as an amulet. In addition to healing stones, there are special amulets that are aimed at solving women’s problems and preventing them. And remember, without true faith there will be no result. Our thoughts are so strong that they can come true, even if you don’t believe in it.
Amulets for conception
Every nation in the world has its own talismans, symbols and amulets. People believe in their magical powers and wear them in situations for which they are intended. If you are trying to conceive without success, try purchasing one of these amulets:
- lunnitsa is a talisman of the ancient pagan Slavs. She protects a woman who is preparing to become a mother and further protects her during pregnancy. Externally, the amulet looks like a crescent moon with its horns turned downward, with another horn in the center. From a geometric point of view, the symbol represents 3 triangles inscribed into each other. This symbolizes the 28 lunar days of the cycle.
REFERENCE! In gynecology, when managing pregnancy, the lunar calendar is used. One month is equal to 28 days or 4 weeks.
- Berkana is a strong female amulet. It helps with conception and pregnancy. Berkana is endowed with power that promotes growth, development and the birth of new life. This is a rune in the shape of the Latin letter “B”. It is carved on metal or stone jewelry. But often the berkana is embroidered on a towel. Moreover, a girl who wants to get pregnant cannot embroider the berkana herself.
- a woman in labor is a symbol of the feminine principle. Previously, it was given even to little girls whose temper was too harsh for a woman. With the acquisition of the amulet, the girl became flexible, learned to do housework and, growing up, dreamed of her own family. The woman in labor is suitable for women who want to become mothers and for those who have already become one.
Stones for conception
The next item in medicinal jewelry is stones and minerals. We are talking about earrings, rings and rings with healing stones. They are believed to have energetic vibrations and are capable of influencing a person’s physical and mental health. The latter, by the way, is often the cause of infertility. When all the examinations have been done and no pathologies have been revealed for both spouses, it turns out that the woman is simply afraid of motherhood. There are many psychological aspects of infertility and it’s not just fear.
So, stones that help to conceive a child:
- Rhodonite – wear it as a pendant around your neck. This is a talisman that helps to conceive a baby;
- jasper – treats infertility, stops bleeding and helps in the treatment of gynecological diseases;
IMPORTANT! Jasper should not be worn together with jade.
- carnelian – can have a positive effect on blood circulation in the pelvis, regulates the menstrual cycle. It is worn in a ring or in the form of a rosary. For the best effect, it is recommended to apply it to the uterus or lower abdomen in a state heated to 40 degrees;
IMPORTANT! It is safe to wear rosaries and rings with carnelian. But placing it on your stomach when it’s hot can be dangerous. Consult your doctor. There are diseases that, when the temperature rises, become worse or become even more inflamed.
- amethyst – affects the functioning of the endocrine system and calms the nervous system. An amethyst in a silver ring on the left hand is considered a talisman for conception;
- moonstone – as a talisman for conception, a ring with a moonstone should be worn once a week on the little finger. It is often used by already pregnant women, periodically removing it to allow the stone to rest;
- coral – helps restore hormonal levels and is a talisman for conception. Suitable in the form of coral beads or bracelet;
- labradorite or labradorite – helps with depression, stress and insomnia. Lithotherapists claim that the stone promotes the treatment of infertility and rapid conception;
- rose quartz – helps in the treatment of female diseases and impotence. Improves sleep quality, relieves stress.
Stones for women’s health
IMPORTANT! Lithotherapy is akin to herbal treatment – you cannot completely rely on their power. Do not refuse traditional treatment prescribed by a licensed physician. Otherwise, you risk worsening your condition and the course of the disease.
But it is not only women who want children who suffer. There are diseases that can cause infertility in the future – fibroids, cysts, hormonal disorders, fibroids and others. They should not be left untreated. There are also healing stones for this part:
- beryl – lithotherapists of the 21st century recommend beryl for problems of the nervous system. The ancestors believed that beryl in a ring would prevent prolapse of the uterus; in a bracelet – protects the ovaries and bladder; in earrings – protects against headaches;
- rauchtopaz – the stone is more aimed at mental health. Has a calming effect. This effect is important in the treatment of infertility, because not a single stress or experience has yet led to the healing of any disease;
- amber is a symbol of health and happiness. Helps alleviate the symptoms of hormonal changes and cure mastopathy, fibroids, and cysts. Of course, with complex therapy with traditional medicine. The stone inhibits pathological cell division, and its acid is important in the treatment of infertility;
- pomegranate – has a positive effect on hematopoiesis, accelerates tissue regeneration and soothes. It is called the stone of motherhood;
- lapis lazuli – has powerful energy, improves sleep and blood flow. It affects the functioning of the thyroid gland, namely hormones become a common cause of female diseases. Lapis lazuli normalizes the menstrual cycle and helps pregnant women with toxicosis.
Believing in lithotherapy or not is your right. The advantage is that with traditional treatment you can use the power of stones and amulets. This will not harm your health, unlike dubious herbal infusions. Caution is only needed with heated stones used in a sore spot.