Which stone normalizes blood pressure?
Jade stone is considered one of the most beautiful. It is a monomineral aggregate of entangled fibrous amphiboles. The classification of A.E. Fersman classifies it as a semi-precious stone of the first category. The same order includes rock crystal, jasper, and agate. However, many scientists consider it precious. This creation of nature has been known since the Neolithic. Many girls like the beautiful color of jade. But not only the shade is important in this mineral. What does the mineral look like? If polished in cold water, it will resemble a human kidney in appearance. And the name comes from the Greek word νεφρό, which literally translates as “kidney”. In the old days, it was believed that it could cure kidney failure. The use of jade is widely known. It protects its owner from evil, ensures a long and happy life, and promotes family well-being. It is best to wear the stone near the heart in the form of a brooch or long jade beads. Blue jade is considered the most expensive. A red mineral will protect you from fires and natural disasters, while a yellow one will activate vital energy. There are pebbles of other colors – green, blue, white. But rich green is the traditional shade of the mineral.
Jade in China
In China, this stone is considered national. They say that it shows the essence of a person, his body and soul. A sharply darkened stone means that its owner has committed many sins. In Ancient China, it was valued more than gold and could only be worn by a select few. The mineral personified immortality, power and strength. Chinese philosophers say that different types of this stone have different effects on the essence of a person. Some represent mercy, others wisdom and honesty. A famous Chinese proverb says: “All gold has its price, but jade is priceless.” Descriptions of the mineral can be found in the works of Confucius and other famous Chinese philosophers. There are other famous sayings associated with this divine gift of nature:
- “An unpolished stone does not sparkle.”
- “He’s as pure as jade.”
Jade jewelry began to be made in the Middle Kingdom 7000 years ago. Most often it was used in magic for sacred rituals. It was minimally processed. Round disks made of yellow stones represented the Earth, blue ones – the Sky.
The most famous varieties of jade in China are called Khotan and Xiuyan.
General information
Jade color depends on the content of various impurities in the stone. As already mentioned, most often in nature there are variations of a green shade – from grass to emerald. A truly unique mineral will be yellow-brown.
The properties of jade are:
- Density – up to 3,5 units (on the Mohs scale).
- Hardness – up to 3,02 units.
- High degree of strength and toughness.
- Polishes well.
Jade mining continues continuously. Most of the deposits are located in places where igneous rocks are intruded. The largest sources where the mineral is mined are China, the Russian Federation, the USA, Brazil and Mexico. Blue pebbles are mined in large quantities in Transbaikalia. It is worth noting that resources are still far from being depleted.
Artificial jade is gaining more and more fans every year. It is valued primarily for its low cost. It is distinguished from the real thing by low light transmission and a sharp color transition.
Green jades in Russia are quite valuable. They help fight stress and ward off evil spirits. It is best to wear multiple pieces of jewelry, such as rings or earrings.
The pink stone is considered the protector of lovers. He has the power to give family well-being and mutual respect, but sometimes he develops cynicism in a person.
Red jade will be especially useful for spouses who have been living together for a long time. It helps restore relationships to their former novelty and ignites passion.
White jade clears thoughts of bad things, improves logical thinking, and gives its owner peace of mind. The mineral of this shade is most valued in the East. A perfectly shaped lotus colored stone can cost several thousand dollars.
Dark jade gives the owner wisdom and insight. The best birthday gift for your beloved man is a small figurine made of this mineral, because black stone improves reproductive function.
Magical and healing properties
The healing effect of the mineral on humans is truly great. Products made from it improve overall well-being, give strength and vitality. The stone is always pleasant to the touch because it has a high heat capacity.
The most famous healing properties of jade:
- Normalizes blood pressure, kidney and heart function.
- Strengthens bones.
- Relieves migraines and dizziness.
- Protects vision and hearing.
If you apply a jade figurine to your stomach, you will get a kind of heating pad that can relieve pain.
Massage with a jade roller has great beneficial properties. It improves complexion, fights wrinkles, makes the skin elastic and shiny. The stone helps restore youth, so women often use it on the body and face.
Massaging your head with a jade stone has a truly magical effect. It stimulates blood circulation and relieves chronic fatigue. This procedure is recommended to be carried out before an important event or meeting.
It is known that even during the Bronze Age, people made weapons and hunting tools from jade. The six-meter statue of Buddha, the tomb of Tamerlane, and the sarcophagus of Emperor Alexander III made from this mineral have earned worldwide fame.
Nowadays jade jewelry is in great demand. They should be given only to close people, with pure thoughts. Only natural minerals are welcome. The properties of the jade stone are such that it can bring both benefit and harm to its owner.
For example, they give a bracelet if they want to wish them good luck and financial well-being. The ring is presented to those who dream of a happy family. The pendant will bring long years of life, improve health, and the brooch will improve the functioning of all internal organs.
A little astrology
The stone is best suited for Aquarius. A jade bracelet will help you gain strength and protect you from failure. This zodiac sign is often skeptical about marriage. The mineral will help you believe in love.
Rings made of black jade will give Cancers confidence. The Cancer woman will become more restrained and flexible, while the stone will help the man to quickly climb the career ladder.
It will cure Pisces of laziness, anxiety, and will contribute to the accomplishment of important life actions. This zodiac sign is often unable to accept someone else’s point of view. The stone will help correct this deficiency.
For an Aries woman, jade earrings will help get rid of conflict, stubbornness, and selfishness. And the properties of the black mineral will help you achieve inner harmony and improve mental balance.
Taurus is too independent. To achieve his goal, he stops at nothing. Precious green jade will make him softer and kinder.
With the help of such jewelry, Geminis will be able to get rid of inconstancy and gain faith in themselves.
The magical properties of the stone will also affect Leo. Jade products will help them to endure life’s difficulties with firmness.
Virgos cannot always achieve positive results in friendship. Jewelry will help you make new friends and treat others with understanding.
Libras can fall into inexplicable melancholy. Native jade produces a positive effect on them, dispels sorrows.
It is difficult to argue with Scorpios; they are too self-confident. Purple jade will help you find justice and make you listen to your opponent. A brooch made of mineral will dispel jealousy and groundless suspicions.
Sagittarians are overly impulsive and tend to go to extremes. Yellow jade will make them more restrained and protect them from impulses. In addition, it will improve the oratory abilities of representatives of this sign.
Capricorns are too proud and self-centered. Jade jewelry will help them find people who will accept these shortcomings. It’s no secret that it is difficult for this zodiac sign to find a mate.
In conclusion
The healing and magical properties of jade have been known since ancient times, and for some time it was even considered a divine untouchable stone.
Jade is mined in many countries, but it is truly valued and even worshiped in China. There he is considered a divine living creature.
According to the horoscope, the mineral suits all zodiac signs and has a beneficial effect on human health. But its use is capable of demonstrating the essence of its owner, so evil people will not be able to possess it.
Jewelry not only transforms its owner. If you choose the right jewelry accessory, it will help improve your health. Among the most popular stones that heal, turquoise, amber and corals. Learn about the ability of your favorite stones and metals to heal the body!
Our ancestors believed that petrified tree resin that has become amber, protects against heart disease, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the stomach, promoting overall health, and, importantly, protects the thyroid gland. A necklace with amber nourishes with energy. Jewelry with this insert reduces the sensitivity of people whose physical condition depends on weather changes.
Amber fills with energy and improves heart function
Pendants with amber
Bracelets with hematite help normalize blood pressure. The stone has a beneficial effect on the condition of the blood. It contains iron. Astrologers say that hematite acts as a kind of armor, protecting against the influence of negative energy. This the stone improves hormonal levels, protects against stress, improves sleep.
Earrings and brooch with hematite
In the old days, wounds were healed with the help of coral. It’s not for nothing that coral beads were one of the most popular jewelry; they reduce headaches and help avoid throat diseases, and have a beneficial effect on the heart. Jewelry with corals help fight fatigue and are considered a symbol of longevity. But they cannot be worn for too long due to the fact that the energy of the stones is very strong and can make the owner overly susceptible to external irritants.
Earrings and ring with corals
Turquoise helps cope with mental illnesses. It relieves stress, calms, and reduces headaches. To restore healthy sleep, it is recommended to wear silver jewelry with turquoise. It has a positive effect on the immune system. To improve vision, it is advised to concentrate your gaze on a stone from time to time.
Earrings and pendant with turquoise
Beneficial effects of gold
Round gold jewelry fill a person with energy. A ring made of this solar metal should be worn on the right hand to prolong life. Gold jewelry protects against depression, pendants improve heart function. Jewelry made from this metal gives optimism.
The benefits of silver
Silver is famous for its antibacterial properties. Unlike gold, which promotes activity, silver products calm and harmonize. To lower blood pressure, try wearing a silver ring on your ring finger; being on the middle finger will have a positive effect on the stomach.
Be sure to remove jewelry at night, especially for rings; you cannot act on biologically active points around the clock
A bracelet on the wrist has a positive effect on the functioning of the female reproductive system. It is believed that, protecting its owner from the effects of negative energy, silver can suddenly darken, and it can also darken, indicating that the person has health problems.
Jewelry “gets used” to the owner, charging with his energy. To cleanse jewelry from negative information, they need to be cleaned from time to time by rinsing with water. Favorite jewelry lifts your spirits and this is one of the most important therapeutic effects!