Myths and legends

Which stone protects against alcohol?

This stone has saved more than one thousand people from drunkenness. If it were not so widespread, it would certainly become one of the most expensive jewelry minerals in the world. The gem attracted attention precisely because of its extraordinary purple color, transparency and beautiful crystal shape. Throughout the history of its existence, magical, healing and divine properties have been attributed to amethyst every now and then. One of the most popular is the ability to relieve alcohol intoxication and hangover symptoms. In ancient Rome, anyone who had a piece of amethyst with them could drink wine like water and not fear the consequences. The mineral was sold everywhere precisely for this purpose. Special amulets and even wine cups were made from it. It is believed that amethyst is not afraid of hops due to a legend that has survived to this day. It says that the god of wine, Dionysus, fell in love with a nymph named Amethyst. The young maiden did not reciprocate, as she was in love with a simple shepherd, and then God decided to take possession of her by force. Then the girl called the goddess of hunting Artemis for help, and she turned her into a transparent stone. Dionysus tried to revive the statue and poured grape juice on it, but the nymph did not recover from the spell. Her figure only acquired a blue-purple hue. It was from this stone statue that all amethyst subsequently came from. The gem was also assigned a very practical function in the fight against drunkenness. The fact is that the wine that was drunk in Ancient Greece was famous for its strong density and strength. Therefore, the drink was diluted with water, but in order not to make a mistake with the dosage, amethyst was used as an indicator. The concentration was considered optimal when the color of the hop liquid became similar to lilac amethyst. In Russia, the mineral was also highly valued as a stone that drives away cravings for alcohol and helps in military battles. All because of the same legend, amethyst was considered a stone of love. In the 19th century in Europe, lovers gave the gem to each other. According to legend, the mineral evoked a wonderful feeling for any person who gives it. At the same time, the stone broke the previous attachment. Therefore, in order not to accidentally fall in love, jewelry with amethyst was not accepted from strangers. Amethyst is involved in many stories of love and deception. Princess Tarakanova, a famous adventuress who claimed her rights to the Russian throne at the end of the 18th century, was the owner of an antique amethyst ring. The decoration always helped the owner to skillfully confuse her tracks and hide from dangers, but it did not protect her from the main trap in her life. As you know, it was Count Orlov who was instructed by Catherine the Second to kidnap Princess Tarakanova and take her to St. Petersburg. During a meeting with the count, the princess could not resist his charm, believed in his declarations of love and agreed to leave with him for Russia. She gave him the amethyst ring as a sign of love and fidelity. A day after their imaginary wedding, Tarakanova was arrested and imprisoned, where she soon died. Count Orlov got rid of the fatal decoration and, according to the recollections of his contemporaries, even took to drinking for several months. As for the healing properties of amethyst, it also has them in abundance. In the Middle Ages, during epidemics, amethyst was carried with them to help the body fight infections. Healers infused water with the mineral all night, and then gave the drink to patients with a high fever. Nowadays, lithotherapists recommend treating insomnia with amethyst. In addition, amethyst is used in cosmetology. The stone removes freckles and age spots from the skin. Amethyst has a spectacular appearance, but in our country it is not classified as a precious stone. The mineral is considered very common and not at all rare, with the exception of collectible specimens. Although amethyst was the first stone that began to be processed to create jewelry. However, amethyst products are very popular. However, you need to be careful with them. When exposed to sunlight, the bright purple mineral can become completely transparent. Therefore, it is important to protect amethyst jewelry from daylight. Subscribe to what interests you! A stone with powerful magical properties, chrysocolla, has long been considered a talisman for those prone to alcoholism. Amulets made of blue-green, turquoise-like gems were worn by both aristocrats and commoners. He has not lost his popularity to this day.

King Solomon’s Stone

Even during the reign of the famous Jewish monarch, chrysocolla was known and highly valued in all countries on the Mediterranean coast. Industrial mining of the gem was carried out only in a single place: near the present city of Eilat. It was there, according to legend, that the famous mines of King Solomon were located. And already in those distant times, the main properties of chrysocolla stone – to help with alcohol addiction – were known and very much appreciated. The mineral was no less valuable for goldsmiths. Eilat stone powder was added to the solder used to join parts of jewelry. The modern name chrysocolla stone received due to its practical use; it is formed from the Greek words “chrysos”, which means “gold”, and “colla” – glue. The gem was also called “gold glue” by Ural jewelers, who knew the mineral well as an accompanying rock in malachite veins. But both the Eilat stone and the Ural goldstone are very thin layers of chrysocolla in various types of minerals. Frequently found rosaries and beads consist of malachite, feldspar and azurite, among the inclusions of which turquoise veins of pure mineral are noticeable. Deposits of stones of jewelry value are currently known all over the world: on the American continent (Nevada, Peru, Mexico), in Africa (Republic of the Congo), in Australia and Eurasia (Israel, Kazakhstan, European countries). A large number of expensive jewelry grades of the mineral under the geological name demidovite are mined in the Urals, at the former malachite mines of A. N. Demidov. Clusters of industrial significance have also been discovered in Transbaikalia, at the Udokan copper deposit. Jewelry varieties of the mineral (azur-chalcedony, copper azure, psilomelane) most often resemble turquoise, but there are also varieties of blue color with black veins. Quartz chrysocolla in the form of large translucent fragments is valued both as an ornamental and as a semi-precious jewelry stone.

Chrysocolla – a talisman against addictions

It is believed that amulets made from Eilat stone can relieve people from obsessive thoughts and conditions. This property is the basis for the widespread use of mineral products as amulets against alcohol addiction. But the magical properties of the stone only work in certain situations. It would be naive to attribute to the mineral the ability to rid people of their addictions without any participation of the patients themselves. Treatment of alcoholism, even in traditional medicine, will not be successful if the patient himself does not want to be healed. Therefore, those who secretly place or sew this stone into the clothes of an alcoholic – a talisman against drunkenness – will be doomed to failure in advance. But in the case when a person becomes burdened by his condition, when he, of his own free will, begins to show a decision to end alcohol addiction, chrysocolla is able to provide assistance in difficult situations for the patient. Usually the addict is preoccupied with thoughts about his illness. You should not think that he is focused only on looking for an opportunity to drink. Most often, during the treatment process, of his own free will, the patient thinks about how not to relapse. Thoughts about alcohol as a source of pleasure arise much less frequently, and addiction is expressed in a constant struggle with one’s own nature. But focusing on denying your bad habit and trying to keep yourself from thinking about vodka leads to focusing on the problem itself. The magic stone chrysocolla can break the vicious circle of obsessive thoughts and distract a person. Touching the amulet, the alcoholic gradually begins to turn his thoughts away from addiction. Besides drunkenness and thoughts about it, there is a world in which sober and happy people live. They do many different things, without intoxicating themselves with anything. The stone of wisdom and sober thoughts helps to achieve liberation from illusions associated with drinking alcohol.

How to choose and wear an amulet?

Traditional healers especially note the need for the future patient to independently acquire the amulet. In practice, this means that an addict must visit a gem store and choose from a scattering of fragments or finished products the pebble that he likes best. What his decision will be based on is not so important: visual or tactile sensations should make him want to take the chrysocolla with him. If the alcoholic is a man, then a piece of the mineral can be used as a keychain or a decorative insert on a tie clip or on cufflinks. It is important that he has frequent contact with his owner. Sometimes it is recommended to carry a gem ball in your pocket and hold it in your hands from time to time. You can also use rosaries with chrysocolla beads. For women, a stone against drunkenness will be appropriate in any product. A beautiful pendant or ring with a gem, a bracelet and beads – everything that a lady will like and will be her favorite decoration can simultaneously serve as a talisman against alcoholism. There is one more important rule in wearing anti-alcohol amulets. When the stone begins to have an effect and a person gradually comes to his senses, getting rid of addiction, one should not refuse contact with the amulet. It is important to wear a gem once chosen until it leaves its owner (is lost or destroyed). There is no need to replace the amulet while the first one exists, since the characteristics of the correctly chosen stone correspond to the needs of the owner.

Healing and magical properties of the mineral

Chrysocolla is a stone for alcoholism, but its abilities are not limited to this property. It is believed that the gem makes its owner more balanced, gives him wisdom and tolerance for the vices of others. Jewelry with Eilat stone is recommended to be worn by people involved in scientific work, teachers and researchers. Communication with the mineral can help them formulate thoughts clearly. The stone helps closed and insecure individuals get rid of shyness. This is due to its ability to dispel illusions: as with alcoholism, with painful shyness a person is absorbed in his own thoughts about how others accept him. This is a kind of dependence on someone else’s opinion, and chrysocolla stone successfully solves this problem. In lithotherapy, the property of the mineral to have a beneficial effect on the condition of the genitourinary system is used. Wearing amulets during treatment of female infertility often helps solve the problem and increases the possibility of conception. For sexual impotence (impotence) in men, communication with a gem can give confidence and smooth out the manifestations of the disease. It is believed that wearing chrysocolla beads also helps with diseases of the thyroid gland and respiratory tract.

Gemstone and Zodiac Signs

Chrysocolla, whose magical properties include getting rid of illusions, is especially well suited for the signs of the Water and Air trine. People whose horoscopes indicate daydreaming and a penchant for fantasies especially need the support of a wise adviser. For Cancers, Pisces, and Aquarius, the stone’s ability to return those hovering in dreams to solid ground may be very important. The stone will be equally useful for hot-tempered Scorpios and fiery Leos, despite the polarity of their controlling elements (Water and Fire, respectively). The ability to balance a person and give him sobriety in thoughts and actions will play a role in frequently arising conflicts. Wisdom and tolerance can show angry individuals the best way out of the situation. For pragmatic signs of the Earth trine, the stone can serve as an ordinary decoration, helping only in cases where a person is unable to make a decision. Strengthening the natural prudence of Taurus or Virgo, chrysocolla will give them extraordinary clarity and correct vision of the situation. Those for whom the gem is suitable include any representatives of the zodiac circle. Wisdom in decision-making, a condescending attitude towards the weaknesses of others, the ability not to depend on opinions and circumstances – these are the qualities that King Solomon’s stone can give to those who carry it with them.

Products with gemstones and their care

Buying jewelry with Eilat stone inserts is not very difficult. Thanks to the large number of ornamental and jewelry varieties mined, everyone can choose chrysocolla products according to their wallet and needs. The price for them depends on the type and size of the stone insert. When choosing, keep in mind that talismans are not strong or weak depending on the size of the stone and the price. The determining factor should be the attraction of each specific product. Even a small cabochon in a simple silver frame, purchased out of one’s own preference, will be much more useful than an expensive item purchased out of a desire to have some special wisdom and sobriety. Craftsmen carve figurines and animal figures from ornamental varieties of chrysocolla. Such talismans, as well as a scattering of polished fragments in a vase, are used as interior decoration. By contemplating crafts or touching them, a person comes into contact with the mineral, uses the power of the chrysocolla stone, the properties and abilities of the gem. If you constantly wear jewelry, you will have to clean it from time to time to remove sweat and fat secretions and energy negativity. You should be aware that the mineral does not tolerate treatment with abrasives and interaction with powder, soap or similar products. Long contact with water can ruin the natural beauty of the mineral. To remove various contaminants of organic origin, you need to wipe the insert or pendant with a dry soft cloth as necessary. Polishing movements will give the product an unobtrusive shine. When used as a talisman, the mineral also needs energetic cleansing. To remove negativity, it is best to hold the amulet under running water for 2-3 seconds, then wipe with a dry cloth. When using products made from Solomon’s stone as amulets or talismans, one should be wise and not count on the stone being able to do something for a person. The mineral only gives support to those who themselves want to get rid of addiction or become more tolerant and balanced.

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