Stones by zodiac signs

Which stone reveals abilities?

We all have a sixth sense, intuition, intuition, basic instincts, whatever you want to call it, but intuition can have a big impact on our lives. This innate knowledge is vital to our well-being and has been honed over millennia of evolution. The same instincts that warned us of imminent danger from an approaching tiger or a hidden snake can now be felt when you take an unfamiliar route home or go on a date with someone you’ve just met. We use our intuition in many different ways, from accepting a job offer, buying a house, getting married, to more mundane people, what to have for dinner or what movie to watch. However, our inner voice can be drowned out by our environment and feelings. Anger, depression, blocked chakras, negative thoughts, fatigue, self-doubt, energy zombies and stress are just a few factors that can suppress your intuition. What can we do to strengthen our subconscious early warning system? Trust your instincts, get plenty of rest and relaxation, meditate, pay attention to your surroundings, pay attention to your dreams and maintain relationships. Spiritual assistance from gemstones will maximize some or all of these elements. After a little research, we’ve found the perfect six crystals to boost your intuition. Let’s start with an old favorite.


I have written many articles on the health benefits of gemstones over the years and am continually amazed at how often amethyst is used for countless spiritual purposes – it truly is a master healer. Increasing your intuition is no different. Your dreams are a natural source of intuition, and analyzing them can reveal hidden truths. Amethyst promotes lucid dreams and will help you remember them the next day. What happens in a dream, what characters appear, what emotions are experienced in a dream, interpreting all these aspects can enhance your intuition. Amethyst is also great for meditation, stress relief, spiritual protection and psychic abilities – all of which aid intuition.


Amethyst’s powerful rival is iolite, the so-called “stone of intuition.” This crystal stimulates vision and perception, as well as communication with your inner wisdom. Iolite is associated with the third eye chakra, which in turn influences intuition. When this chakra is open or balanced, it will help you make good decisions with deep self-confidence. Iolite is also great for stress relief, meditation and communication.


Labradorite is another versatile crystal for intuition. It is a well known aid to all mental and psychological faculties, helping you to access the knowledge of your inner wisdom. Labradorite supports your psychic pathways – the internal communication pathways to intuition. In addition, Labradorite eases depression, relieves anxiety and stress, aids meditation, and increases positivity, confidence, and creativity—well-known factors that smooth the flow of intuition.


Negative emotions such as anger, depression and pessimism can suppress your intuition and often lead to poor decision making. Research has shown that people make better intuitive choices when they are in a positive state of mind than when they are in a negative state of mind. Citrine is a crystal of joy, happiness and enthusiasm, filling with the energy of the sun. Its nicknames include “the stone of happiness,” “the stone of success,” and “the merchant’s stone,” so you know it will bring nothing but positivity into your life, laying the foundation for your intuition to blossom.


Intuition may be intuition, but your life experiences will play a role in all your decisions. You may not remember everything that happened in your life, but that doesn’t mean your subconscious hasn’t stored that information for future use. Hematite is a “mind stone” that expands mental awareness, stimulates concentration and improves memory. This gemstone can prevent distraction and organize your thoughts, allowing you to focus on your intuition.

Black Tourmaline

Being surrounded by people who drain your energy and destroy your dreams and ambitions is not only toxic, but can seriously impact your intuitive abilities, leading to poor lifestyle choices. Eliminate these energy vampires from your life and encourage positive people into your circle. Black tourmaline is the top protective crystal. It is the most powerful gemstone for protection against all types of negative energy by expelling negative energy and negative souls from your aura. This protective shield will give your intuition the freedom to do its work. We believe that these six gemstones will support your own intuitive skills and abilities.

What is the best way to use gemstones for intuition?

The most obvious way is to wear these gemstones as jewelry so that you can have them with you throughout the day without thinking about them. Alternatively, you can keep a few loose gemstones in your pocket or bag to carry around with you. Gemstones can be placed by your bed to facilitate lucid dreaming and placed on the floor next to you or in your hands during meditation. Further investigation may yield even more specialized care. Information on crystals for the sixth chakra or third eye chakra, which are associated with intuition, gemstones that aid meditation, and gemstones for a good night’s sleep, can be found in the following articles. Taking the first hesitant steps into the magical, mysterious world of noble precious minerals, it is necessary to extract incredible feelings from the depths of the soul that help to understand the graceful energy sources of these great precious stones.
After all, the main purpose of crystals is to reveal the qualities and abilities bestowed by nature in the individual. Even in ancient times, people believed that petrified natural creations had miraculous and powerful powers that could be fully transferred to the owner of the mineral.
Then the forefathers of mankind brought precious gems into their lives, which filled them with vital energy and tone. The crystal also had a beneficial effect on an unstable and weak aura.

Gems for Creative People

What stones reveal creative talents?
Today there are many types of minerals, thanks to which a person can get to know himself and his essence, finding in himself many different abilities bestowed at birth by fate. This also applies to creative inclinations, which precious gems can help reveal.
• Tourmaline
Represents the main crystal of creative people. First of all, this applies to designers and artists. Minerals can be of absolutely different shades, but for artists, a crimson specimen is the ideal option.
The fact is that this gem is capable of awakening creative qualities in a person and leading to fame and success. A variegated crystal will also be an effective assistant, as it generates impulses of creative inspiration and also significantly improves the abilities of various creative professions.
• Ruby It is a “poetic” talisman, since the mineral generates an attraction to everything great, and also leads to great achievements, while completely restoring wasted energy. It is ideal for Aries, Scorpio, Leo, Capricorn and Cancer.
• Malachite
This gem is literally created for composers, musicians, writers, artists, etc. It is capable of increasing memory performance, developing extraordinary imagination, and also endearing the public to its owner. It has a great effect on the activities of Taurus, Libra and Capricorn.
• Rauchtopaz or smoky crystal
It can bring a lot of benefits to musicians, artists, writers and poets. The mineral can awaken the hidden creative characteristics in a person and make his imagination incredibly vast and limitless. Finds harmony to a greater extent with Pisces.
• Zircon
It has a beneficial effect directly on scientific creativity, because it increases desire and interest in a variety of sciences, and also contributes to the emergence of a creative original idea. It is simply ideal for inventors and scientists born under the sign of Aquarius.
• Amethyst Capable of leading to great fame in any form of art. Designed for individuals who are representatives of the following zodiac signs: Sagittarius, Libra, Aries, Pisces and Aquarius.
• Lapis lazuli Helps increase intellectual and creative activity. In addition, the gem directs the talents of its owner in the right direction and attracts high-ranking patrons to his activities.
• Beryl It directly affects the clarity of creative thinking. Intended for philosophers and scientists. It is most active between October and November. Summing up .
Creative stones are capable of revealing all of a person’s talents and demonstrating to a greater extent the most developed of them. However, a creative person must also make efforts to realize his plans and successes, and not rely only on the stone, since it is only a “helper”.

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