Stones by zodiac signs

Which stone symbolizes death?

Since ancient times, people have treated natural precious stones with special awe and respect. Various magical properties were attributed to gems, and legends were made about their origin. And, surprisingly, some observations are confirmed in modern life. Let’s try to reveal the secrets of precious stones.


According to one legend, almighty deities lived on the sacred Mount Kailash in India. One day a man dared to turn to the rulers of the world and asked to show what the coveted “seventh heaven” looks like. God Brahma appreciated his husband’s courage and sprinkled the drink of immortality amrita around himself. Where the drops fell, blue stones of incredible beauty appeared. These, according to legend, were sapphires.
Surprisingly, to this day the best sapphires in the world are mined on the island of Sri Lanka and in the province of Kashmir, not far from that very mountain. Products with sapphire have powerful energy and serve as the strongest amulets. It is not for nothing that in ancient times this stone was chosen by royalty and priests. The symbol of wisdom, spirituality, and justice helps to curb passions and forces one to make decisions with reason, not guided by emotions.
A person wearing jewelry with a “royal” gem gets sick less. There is an opinion that it relieves insomnia, helps improve heart function, solves vision problems, and copes with diseases of the respiratory system.
The ability of sapphire to bestow calmness, prudence, clarity of mind and confidence is especially pronounced.
This amulet will protect you from the evil eye, concentrate your inner strength and develop intuition. It is not for nothing that sapphire is called the “stone of the wise” and the “talisman of scientists, philosophers and poets”; it personifies success, victory and the search for truth, strengthens memory and promotes the desire to create and learn. Sapphire protects the owner when traveling, helps in business and protects, even if lost. But anyone who decides to take possession of the stone dishonestly faces real trouble; sapphire will not forgive this.
The stone has a calming energy. It will be an ideal talisman for Aquarius, Sagittarius, Leo. The mineral will give them more thoughtfulness, help them find themselves and increase their work efficiency. Virgos and Pisces will be able to “make friends” with sapphire: thanks to the stone, representatives of these signs will gain confidence in their abilities, eloquence and the trust of others. Aries needs the stone to pacify temper, and Cancers need it to normalize the nervous system.


The most popular gemstone has long been surrounded by many legends. Diamond is often called the “eagle stone”. According to one legend, Julius Caesar had a diamond talisman that helped him in battles. And it was found in the liver of an eagle. There are also stories that in the past diamonds were found with the help of these mountain birds. Treasure seekers covered the nest with the eagle chick with glass. Unable to get inside, the bird began to bring diamonds and throw them on the glass to break it. People took the stones collected in the nest for themselves. The magical properties of diamonds have been known since ancient times. It was considered a powerful amulet against evil forces and an amulet that enhances the owner’s energy. A hunter who took a talisman with a diamond with him could not return home without prey, the traveler’s road was easy, and the warrior received powerful protection in battle. Diamonds have been used in many areas of life, sometimes in ways completely incomprehensible to us. The diamond was considered an analogue of a lie detector in medieval legal proceedings: if the defendant was guilty, the stone dimmed, if innocent, it shone even brighter. The woman in labor was given a diamond in her hands to facilitate the process. Jealous wives used a diamond to test their spouses’ fidelity. They placed diamond rings on their marital beds and watched which way the stone would point. If not against his wife, woe to the traitor! There are also several “rules” for wearing these royal stones. For example, it is believed that in order to achieve maximum energy output from a diamond, it should be worn on the neck or left hand. A diamond purchased independently will get to know its new owner for 7–10 days before it begins to bestow its miraculous properties on him. While the gifted stone will adjust to your aura in the first hours. And one more important rule – you should start wearing a diamond when you feel absolutely happy.
It is believed that it is ideal for the zodiac signs of the Fire element. The properties of a diamond are especially revealed if its owner is Aries. However, this stone also has a beneficial effect on Leo and Sagittarius.
The mineral is also used in alternative medicine. There is such a thing as “diamond water”. To prepare it, you need to lower the stone or decoration into a glass of water and leave it overnight. The “miracle drink” should be drunk in the morning. This “medicine” has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire body.


Eastern sages claimed that the ruby ​​gives its owner the strength of a lion, the fearlessness of an eagle and the wisdom of a snake.
There are many stories and legends about the ruby. The Burmese legend about the origin of the ruby ​​tells of the eagle Lala, who lived across the Irrawaddy River, high in the mountains, in one of the silicon caves. Lal was very handsome and strong, and not only birds, but chamois, goitered gazelles and even saber-horned antelopes avoided meeting him. But time passed and Lal inexorably began to grow old and soon completely lost his strength. “You need to be born on time and die on time. This is the basis of the foundations of existence!” – said the eagle and, making a last effort above himself, rose high, high into the sky and folded his wings there. And all the birds and animals saw how, illuminated by the first rays of the rising sun, Lal fell onto a sharp rock and stained the bank of the Irrawaddy River with blood. Splashes of eagle blood turned into bright transparent stones. This is how the world’s best blood-red noble Burmese rubies appeared. In Rus’, they talked about gems, whose power rejuvenates and allows you to attract only good people. The stone was called Yakhont, and its magic was associated with love affairs.
The stone gives women attractiveness, helps them find a soul mate, and fulfill their role as a wife and mother.
Ruby is able to enhance the qualities of human character, and this applies to both its positive and negative traits.
Serves as a talisman in moments of communication with a carrier of negative energy, helps in case of natural disasters and accidents. In some mystical way, it knows how to warn its owner about impending danger.
It is capable of both awakening and strengthening the psychic abilities of the owner, and protecting him from the influence of alien dark forces.
An interesting point: a gem can protect its owner from envious people, from the evil eye, but only from an honest and kind person. Otherwise, the talisman yacht strengthens negative energy, becoming an energy vampire.
Ruby crystals were used in medicine. Of course, this was available to only a few: royalty and nobility. Charlatans “treated” ordinary people with similar stones, and took a lot of money for the laying procedure.
It was believed that as soon as one carat was touched to the chest, in 1 minute the blood was renewed and the heart became younger. People were not afraid of the price and agreed. Ancient Egyptian astrologers associated rubies with the fiery signs of the Zodiac – Aries, Sagittarius and Leo.


According to the biblical legend about the emerald, this stone was adorned with the crown of Lucifer. During the expulsion from heaven to hell, the stone fell out and landed on earth, where it was made into a vessel known as the Holy Grail. First, the vessel went to the Queen of the South, then to Solomon. During the Last Supper, Christ drank from this vessel, and after the crucifixion, a few drops of Jesus’ blood were collected in it.
The magical properties of emerald have been known for a long time. It was believed that he was able to extinguish any quarrel, as he compensates for negative energy. When worn constantly, it gradually pacifies the temper of people who are quick-tempered and have an unstable psyche. The main meaning of the stone is the fight against evil human tendencies. It symbolizes wisdom and insight, and if the person to whom it was given is unfaithful, it fades and acquires a brownish tint. Emerald can be used in a magical ritual to establish peace in the house. To do this, the crystal is moved from room to room, leaving it in the most visible place for 12 hours. Thanks to its magical properties, the stone frees the house from negative energy. It can be used as an amulet against the evil eye and, unlike most gems, can be passed on by inheritance while preserving all the positive qualities. Emeralds strengthen sincere love. If a lover owns the stone, then the emerald becomes brighter, but if it went to an unfaithful person in marriage, then the stone becomes dull and may even crumble. They say that when the Hungarian king Beila IV hugged his unfaithful wife, the emerald on his ring immediately split into three parts. Like most green stones, emerald is closely associated with the energy of money. Emeralds give their owners prosperity and well-being if these funds become a cause of joy, and not a way to cause harm to someone.
If you need to remember a large number of facts, you should hold an emerald in your hand or wear jewelry with it while reading or listening. Emerald is a stone of vision. He relaxes his eyes. In ancient times, the mineral was thrown into water, and in the morning they washed their eyes with it. Helps with skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema). Stabilizes blood pressure and helps avoid stress. Saves from migraines. Treats mental disorders. For example, panic attacks.
Known as the main stone of youth and spring, emerald is an ideal talisman for young mothers and very young girls. In ancient times, the stone was given to pregnant women, and after the birth of the baby, the emerald was placed in the baby’s cradle as a talisman. This stone has long been considered a symbol of death. It was born thanks to radiation, but it was used to treat serious diseases. It is not surprising that due to its mourning color, morion has gained fame as a mystical stone. Numerous legends that explain the origin of his name also indicate a connection with otherworldly forces. Since ancient times in Rus’, the mineral was called “mor”, which translated meant “death”. According to one legend, the first owner of Morion was the evil sorceress Morena, who brought people only death and misfortune. As long as the sorceress wore a ring with a black stone on her finger, she remained immortal. In one of the battles between good and evil, Morena accidentally dropped the ring and died. However, the magical power of the stone was so strong that over time it was able to resurrect its owner, and she continued to walk the Earth and sow death. In ancient times, it was believed that if you accidentally encountered morion on the way or someone brought it into the house, it was necessary to immediately neutralize the negative impact of the stone. To do this, the mineral was baked in bread. After which it turned into a yellowish-brown stone. The disappearance of the black color meant the loss of magical powers. Ural miners also burned morion crystals in dough, but they pursued completely different goals. The fact is that when slowly heated to three hundred degrees Celsius, the color of morion warms up and the stone acquires a golden hue, making it look like tea topaz. It was thanks to this technology that morions were often passed off as more noble and valuable minerals. In ancient China, morion was treated practically. Residents of the Middle Kingdom made glass for glasses from the mineral. In Ancient Egypt, thin plates of black stone also served to protect the eyes from the bright sun. So Pharaoh Tutankhamun owned some of the first sunglasses made of morion with bronze scents. In ancient Sumer, seals were made from the mineral. It was believed that any agreement sealed with such a sign would bring good luck in business. Morion became known in Russia from the end of the 17th century, but for a long time no one perceived it as jewelry. Only a hundred years later, when all of Europe became interested in mysticism and spiritualism, and mourning jewelry with black stones came into fashion, did morion gain recognition. Most often, brooches or rings with silhouettes of deceased relatives or other symbols of grief carved in stone were made from the mineral. At that time, mysterious stories associated with morion were quite common. Many saw their own death in the black mineral, some managed to summon the spirits of deceased relatives who did not want to return to the afterlife, and for some the stone even moved them in space. Although morion has a reputation as a stone that can bring misfortune, lithotherapists actively used it for medicinal purposes. In ancient books on folk medicine, it is written that if you wear it around your neck, melancholy will disappear and diseases associated with the cardiovascular system will disappear. Morion acquired such a rare color among minerals under the influence of radioactive radiation. It is typical for rocks in which stone formation occurs, such as granite. Although morion was formed under the influence of natural radiation, it itself is absolutely safe for human health. In the 20th century, the use of morion became more prosaic. Parts for radio electronics and electrical engineering began to be made from the mineral. The cost of morion has never been high, especially in Russia, where large deposits of the mineral are located in the Urals. In addition to its rich black color, morion is also interesting because its crystals reach enormous sizes. In Kazakhstan, for example, record-breaking samples weighing up to seventy tons are found. Subscribe to what interests you!

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