Who can wear a serpentine stone?
Serpentine is a unique stone. Despite its beauty, it is not considered precious, but its popularity does not suffer from this. Serpentine, as this gem is otherwise called, is loved not only for its cheapness and attractive appearance – everything is much more complicated. The properties of the serpentine and its meaning in the magic of stones – this is what we will tell you about today. Lithotherapists and jewelers also love the stone. But the gem has a character, and not every person will like it. How to achieve harmony with your stone? This is what you will find out.
History of the mineral
There is a story based on the biblical story of Adam and Eve. The ancestor of mankind tasted the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and choked. A small piece of fruit fell to the ground and turned into a serpentine – a stone reminiscent of the Tempting Serpent and his meanness.
Interestingly, a snake is not always an evil and insidious creature. The ancient Slavs revered snakes, and even a symbol with a snake image has reached us. It was called the same as our stone – Serpentine.
An equally interesting legend is told by the inhabitants of the Ural Mountains. They believed that their homeland was protected by the Great Snake, a powerful spirit favorable to the local residents. Like any other snake, it shed its skin. The scales from it turned into coils.
Colors and varieties
Serpentine is an opaque mineral, sometimes it can be translucent. It has many varieties that differ in color, shade, pattern. Antigorite is a yellow or yellow-green mineral with a glassy luster, inexpensive. Bowenite is a translucent gem of light green or pale yellow color. Externally similar to jade. Verdanite is a dark green swamp colored gemstone with black veins. Rich in magnesium. Vernantite is a deep green mineral with sparkles. Williamsite is a stone with a bluish sea tint, very expensive. Nigrescite – color ranges from dark green to black. Ophiocalcite (serpentine marble) is a stone riddled with veins of calcite and dolomite. Ophite is a somewhat translucent, uniformly green stone without inclusions. Porcellophyte is an opaque gem, similar in appearance to porcelain. Retinolite is a dark orange or sand-colored mineral that casts black. Ricolith (poisonous serpentine) is a bright green gem, clearly striped. Satellite is a rare variety. An iridescent green mineral with a cat’s eye pattern. Ural (noble serpentine, mosswort) is a gem of pale olive or light green color. Has small black inclusions. Like any stone, the coil is subjected to tumbling (processing), which emphasizes its external characteristics.
Serpentine magic
The gem is able to absorb negative influences, so that magical objects will be protected from external threats. A person who strives for self-improvement and unlocking potential needs to wear an amulet with a serpentine. If the stone is contraindicated according to your zodiac sign, then you can simply include it in the interior of the room. The gem is able to send inspiration to the wearer, improve memory, and show the right path. The legend of the Snake indicates that the mineral also has dangerous properties. Magic rituals involving a stone can bring dangerous trials into your destiny. Anyone who fails to cope with them will go astray from the path of life and may even die. But if a person overcomes temptation with honor, then his abilities will increase many times over.
Medicinal properties
It is not for nothing that the coil has another name – apothecary stone. After all, it has medicinal properties: calms, relieves stress;
relieves headaches, migraines;
helps with colds;
accelerates recovery after fractures, dislocations, bruises;
accelerates the healing of cuts;
relieves vasospasm;
reduces blood pressure;
improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys;
strengthens the immune system;
removes toxins from the body. But you should not rely on it as a full-fledged medicine, it is only an adjuvant in the treatment of diseases.
Who suits the zodiac sign
The stone does not suit everyone’s horoscope. His favorites are Virgo and Capricorn. For Virgos, this is a symbol of success and happiness in every sense. The mineral will develop creative inclinations, help find solutions to pressing issues, enhance sensuality and the intention to improve oneself. The owner of the coil will finally pay attention to those around him and will become more interesting to the opposite sex. For Capricorns, the stone will help them become stronger and more resilient, more confident in their own abilities, and therefore calmer. The impulsive zodiac sign will become less intrusive when communicating with friends or colleagues. This is a real amulet for the Capricorn athlete. And also those who are not able to finish what they started or arrive on time – the serpentine will quickly put an end to such character flaws. For Libra, the stone will help them consciously make important decisions in case of doubt, avoid spontaneity, be less interested in what does not directly concern them, and make friends with logic. The coil will make Aries more educated in communication, more balanced. Protects from liars. Interacting with a stone will not reduce the sign’s own energy. For Taurus, the stone means a barrier to unreasonable risk, support in terms of health and attractiveness. The mineral will make the owner more selective in communication – he will understand who is worth spending his time on and who is not worthy of it. For Gemini, the serpentine will add confidence and push them to new acquaintances and endeavors. Their lifestyle can change dramatically. Among those for whom the stone is suitable is the steadfast and firm Leo. The mineral will only strengthen his character, at the same time adding faith in his own strength. The coil will help you do several things at the same time, which Leos do quite often. The Leo boss will strengthen his leadership positions and leadership qualities, becoming more disciplined and purposeful under the influence of the stone. Scorpio, owning a gem, will decide on large-scale projects that seem impossible. For Sagittarius, the mineral will be an assistant in practical everyday affairs and will help to be noticed in society. A stone for Aquarius will become a symbol of change. He faces a real revolution in his destiny – dormant talents will be revealed, and with them career prospects in a new field. The energetic properties of the serpentine are incompatible with Pisces and Cancers – under the influence of the green talisman, these too emotional, but energetically weak natures will not resist temptations, will lose themselves, and degrade as individuals. The result is a quiet, never-ending depression or a violent breakdown.
How to care for coil products
- There is no need to wear serpentinite constantly without taking it off, especially if it constantly touches the body. It is not advisable to wear it more than three times a week.
- If you feel tired, depressed, or very anxious, it is better to remove the stone.
- Once every five to six months, the gem needs to be cleaned of dirt. Soapy water and a soft cloth will do.
- In addition to dust and pollution, the stone collects negative energy. To get rid of it, keep the stone for half an hour in running natural water (this could be a spring, stream or even a river). If there are no bodies of water nearby, just a glass of salted or blessed water will do.
- Do not rub the serpentinite after you have taken it out of the water. Just wrap it in cloth and leave it to dry.
- Do not store the mineral with other stones. He will be imbued with negative energy from them and may get scratched.
Only with careful and attentive handling will the coil be able to fully reveal its magical potential.
Serpentinite is a mineral that, due to its unusual color, is called serpentine. The noble stone has a unique pattern similar to the skin of a snake. It has a green tint with yellow splashes and dark veins. Its emerald glow is reminiscent of chrysotile.
The stone has several names, the most common being serpentine, antigorite, moss and toligor. The price of the mineral is not high, and it is often used as a finishing material. However, the snake stone has extraordinary properties – healing and even magical. Souvenirs and jewelry are made from it.
Medicinal properties
In ancient times, serpentine was called an apothecary stone. It was used to make vessels in which medicinal mixtures were stored. It is believed that the mineral can enhance the effect of potions. Even today you can find special boxes made from this stone and intended for storing medicines.
The healing properties of the serpentine stone do not end there. It is used to cleanse the body of toxic substances and waste. Some note the ability of the mineral to soothe headaches. To do this, just wear earrings with serpentinite.
Serpentine stone has a positive effect on blood pressure and prevents vascular spasms. It has been noted that people who wear jewelry with this mineral have a more stable nervous system.
Serpentine activates tissue regeneration in the human body. Wearing necklaces, bracelets and other jewelry will heal cuts and wounds faster. It helps with bruises, dislocations and even fractures.
Constantly wearing the stone helps strengthen the immune system. Previously, it was often weighed on children’s necks, especially in the cold season, which protected them from diseases caused by hypothermia.
In case of inflammatory processes in the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract, serpentine relieves pain. The coil has properties that improve blood circulation in small and large vessels. Some healers claim that the mineral can protect a person from snake venom. Thanks to the stone, memory and logical thinking in children improves.
Insidious magic
The magical properties of the stone are quite great. It strengthens the wearer’s physical strength and intellect. Thanks to the mineral, a person gains amazing intuition, which borders on supernatural abilities. Therefore, the mineral is often used by fortune tellers and predictors.
However, not everyone is allowed to touch the magic of the stone, which is called snake stone for a reason. The mineral is extremely insidious and can subjugate a person if he does not have a strong enough will. Under no circumstances should you test a stone for the sake of interest; this can end very disastrously. Of course, a person will not suffer physically, but his moral principles may change.
Serpentine lures you into the world of entertainment and momentary desires. Over time, a person gets used to this lifestyle, which can cause him to lose his career or family.
If the owner manages to survive and subjugate the mineral, it will become a support for the owner in all areas of life. But even after that it will not stop testing its owner. Therefore, you need to think carefully before buying jewelry with Tomigor.
The stone has a special characteristic: it does not forgive betrayal on the part of the owner. Some peoples consider it bad luck to give your own jewelry. In the case of a coil, this rule should be inviolable. After being transferred to another person, thanks to its strong energy, the stone can take revenge on the previous owner, sending him more and more difficult tests.
Products with the mineral protect owners from bad energy by collecting it on themselves. Therefore, it is recommended to clean jewelry and other items every 7-10 days.
The coil, whose magical properties affect all surrounding objects, is capable of cleansing other stones and metals of negative energy.
Zodiac sign
It’s no secret that the zodiac sign affects a person’s character. But it is character that matters when it comes to such a whimsical stone as serpentine. Who is this mineral suitable for?
Jewelry with a snake stone is suitable for people born under the sign of Capricorn and Virgo. According to the horoscope, these signs are active and inquisitive; possession of the mineral will help them in learning many sciences and secrets, from learning a foreign language to the concept of the essence of being. In addition to intellectual abilities, the amulet can also stimulate physical development, which is important for Capricorns who love sports.
For people born under the sign of Pisces or Cancer, anything with a stone is not at all suitable. Signs whose character is not strong will simply not be able to resist temptation. The serpentine stone can easily incline the subtle nature of these people to temptation, clouding the mind and heart.
Those who are suitable for the mineral can wear it without fear; those signs that may not survive must avoid even approaching the tempter. But there are situations when the serpentine and the zodiac sign are neutral to each other. In this case, you can wear jewelry, but with caution, wearing it only on those days when the person is in a good mood. If mental instability occurs, it is better to hide the product away.