Therapeutic properties

Who can wear charoite stone?

This incredibly beautiful gem is a rarity in the world of stones. No wonder its name comes from the word “enchanting“, since the stone fascinated even its discoverers with its appearance. Of course, they were also guided by the name of the Chara River, which flows thirty kilometers from the field. Charoite has, in addition to its famous color, a characteristic silky shine, and in some samples there is even a “cat’s eye” effect. This is a very durable stone that retains its color even when melted at a temperature of about 1000° C. Charoite is a valuable ornamental stone that has an attractive appearance and takes polish well. You can distinguish many decorative varieties of charoite rock: they all differ slightly in shades, as well as in the nature of the arrangement of grains and mineral fibers. Processing can reveal the unique appearance of each sample. Decorative items of all sizes are made from charoite: from cabochons, ring inserts and beads to vases, boxes, candlesticks and writing utensils. The cladding of the lobby of the Aeroflot building in Paris is made of charoite plates. Due to its rare occurrence in nature, charoite is also a valuable collectible mineral, and as a tumbling, unprocessed or polished rock fragment, it is very popular among gem lovers. Geological certificate By its nature, charoite is a complex calcium silicate with the formula K(Ca,Na)2Si4O10(OH,F)×H2O. The mineral is painted in rich purple and lilac tones of different shades, has a characteristic fibrous structure and silky shine. A pearlescent tint is often noticeable. The rock is found with accompanying minerals: black aegirine, honey-yellow tinaxite, cloudy white feldspar and others, and the rock is called charoititis. Hardness on the Mohs scale is 6. The only deposit of charoite (“Lilac Stone”) is located in Russia, Eastern Siberia. It is unique: nowhere else in the world are there not only deposits of the mineral, but even single charoite grains. Medicinal properties The gem is very successful in lithotherapy. It is recommended to apply charoite to a sore spot to relieve discomfort, and also massage acupuncture points in small pieces. Some people recommend wearing charoite beads as a remedy for tension headaches. It is believed that charoite is able to support the overall immunity of the body and reduce the frequency of inflammatory processes. The stone has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, can normalize blood pressure, and have a positive effect on the liver. In Eastern medicine, it is believed that charoite can slow down the aging of the body. Magical properties Many note the interesting effect of charoite on the subjective speed of time: with its help, you can quickly get through a difficult period, get used to changing time zones or daily routines. This mystical stone will help you “enter the flow” and will be a good companion in meditation. Charoite is able to bring harmony, calm and tranquility, and prudence into a person’s inner world; Give clarity to your thoughts and help you quickly and painlessly adapt to changing circumstances. The gem can also serve as an assistant in marital relationships, protecting the family from evil interference from outside and discord from within. A person whose talisman is charoite is able to feel the world around him more deeply and subtly; he is characterized by restraint, calmness and wisdom, developed intuition. This is a talisman of philosophers and poets. Feng Shui and Chakra Correspondence Charoite has receptive Yin energy, and according to the Feng Shui system, it enhances the influence of the Earth element. In this regard, its presence is recommended in the following areas:

  • southwestern Zone of relationships and marriage: paired figurines or objects made of charoite;
  • central Health Zone: charoite ball or any thing that seems attractive to you;
  • northeastern Zone of intuition and contemplation: writing utensils made of charoite, figurines, symbols of wisdom (snake, owl).

Also the presence of this stone in small quantities will be good in the eastern, south-eastern, north-western and western zones.

Charoite corresponds to the heart (Anahata) and throat (Vishuddha) chakras, but especially to the crown (Sahasrara). Meditations with charoite can develop the will to understand and transform the world.

For zodiac signs

In astrology, this mineral is considered the patron of the elements of Air and Earth. He is best suited to people of the signs Gemini and Libra, but he will also be favorable to representatives of other signs.

Amulets and Talismans

The color violet has long been considered a symbol of the highest truth. A stone of this color will bring inspiration and creative insights to its owner, and will help develop intuition. A pendant or ring with charoite can attract people who will open up new opportunities for your development. A ring with charoite promises its owner unexpected encounters leading to success. A charoite figurine in the house works as a guardian of family and relationships, bringing love and mutual understanding and the affection of friends into people’s lives.

To use the healing qualities of the gem, it is recommended to wear beads, and for anxiety and nervousness – bracelet with charoite. However, it is not recommended to wear the gem constantly.

Charoite is a fairly durable stone, but it is still worth protecting it from impacts. If it gets dirty, you can wash it in warm water, then dry it thoroughly with a soft cloth.

Other products made from this stone:

Charoite is a special ornamental stone that is very rare and found exclusively in Russia. Despite this, he managed to quickly win the hearts of many people around the world, because he has a unique, amazing beauty.

How the charoite stone was discovered

This mineral was first discovered in the middle of the last century in Yakutia. It was found on the watershed of a couple of rivers: Chara and Tokko. The man who discovered charoite was a Russian geologist named Vladimir Grigorievich Ditmar.

The stone deposit was discovered only a couple of decades later during the construction of the Yakut Baikal-Amur Mainline.

  • Charoite immediately attracted the attention of people, and it was decided to start looking for its analogues.
  • Such an order was given to Yu.G. Rogov, so he went to France.
  • There he was busy comparing the sample given to him with minerals stored in the Louvre collection.
  • At that time it was believed that it represented the complete set of breeds existing in the world. However, Rogov did not find stones similar to charoite.

As it turned out, it was a completely new rock, previously unknown to any geologists. Louvre employees immediately became interested in such a find and offered Rogov a large sum of money for the sample, but he, naturally, refused.

Charoite received its current name in the 77th year of the last century. The stone was named after the rivers where it was first found. It was in that year that the name was officially registered.

earrings with charoite

Physical and chemical properties of charoite stone

This mineral belongs to the pyroxene group. It is a rather soft ornamental stone. What attracts most and makes it special is the delightful lilac shade.

jewelry with purple gemstones

  • Charoite acquires this color due to a small amount of manganese in the composition, which is combined with oxides of elements such as aluminum, iron, strontium and sodium.
  • At the same time, the mineral is colored unevenly: unique patterns spread across its entire surface. They are curved stripes of different sizes and colors.
  • They can be white, light lilac, lavender or even brownish.

There are charoites that have an unusual feature: if they are polished, they will exhibit a certain “cat’s eye” effect. Such minerals are incredibly rare and cost a lot of money.

Charoite stone deposits

As already mentioned, charoite can be found exclusively in Russia. So far, its only deposit has been discovered, located in the middle of Yakutia and the Irkutsk region.

brooches with charoite

  • It is very small, which is why reserves of the mineral are rapidly running out.
  • Because of this, local authorities decided to introduce some restrictions: to prohibit the extraction of more than one hundred thousand tons of this stone during the year.
  • In addition, mining charoite is not so easy.
  • The problem is that its deposit is located in an incredibly cold place – on the top of a mountain.
  • This territory is also a seismic zone, which also causes inconvenience.

Due to such complexities, charoite has a very high cost. Thus, the price of one kilogram of this unprocessed mineral is approximately one hundred US dollars. But ready-made, processed gems can cost fifty to eighty dollars for one small stone. The color of the stone also affects the cost.

Healing and magical properties of the stone charoite

Although charoite was discovered not so long ago, specialists in the field of esotericism and lithotherapy managed to study and evaluate it. This gem is an energy accumulator, capable of absorbing, storing and transmitting it.

That is why charoite plates are often used to improve the condition after an injury and protect against possible infection.

jewelry made from purple natural stones

To do this, just put them on damaged and sore areas. Charoite has also found use in massage. If you massage acupuncture points with it, you will be able to get rid of migraines and fever.

  • There is also an opinion that charoite can help in removing kidney stones. In addition, the stone has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, helping to relax, calm down and get rid of stress in a fairly short time.
  • This mineral is often used by psychics and soothsayers. He assists them in pouring into the flows of energy, in uniting with natural forces.
  • If you place a small figurine made from this gem in your home, you will be able to harmonize family relationships.

It is recommended to place them in places where family members are most often. For example, it could be a living room or a kitchen.

If you leave a charoite figurine in the bedroom, it will have a beneficial effect on mutual understanding between partners and improve their intimate life.

Chara set 1 charoite

Who is the Charoite stone suitable for?

This stone is best suited for those people who tend to go into deep discussions and delve into their thoughts. It is also ideal for creative individuals as it puts you in the right mindset to create something.

The mineral can also set a person up for philosophical reflection and help concentrate thoughts.

Those who are engaged in writing, scientific activities or art are recommended to place charoite talismans near their workplace.

  • If we talk about the signs of the Zodiac, it is worth noting that charoite is a stone of Venus.
  • That is why it is more suitable for air signs (Libra, Aquarius and Gemini).
  • With other signs of the Zodiac, Charoite may not manifest itself or do so almost imperceptibly.

A huge advantage is that this mineral is not capable of carrying aggression within, so in any case it will serve as an excellent talisman for its owner.

Charoite stone care

In order for a charoite product to serve for a long time, it should be handled correctly and carefully. Household chemicals are dangerous for him.

Under their influence, the mineral loses its attractive shine, which means its appearance begins to deteriorate.

  • The gem must be wiped from time to time.
  • It is best to use plain water and a soft cloth for care.
  • And to maintain its remarkable shine, it is recommended to wipe the stone with a silk or velvet cloth.

business card holder charonite

Charoite likes when the sun’s rays fall on its surface. This makes it brighter and helps clear away negative energy.

If you properly care for charoite, it will delight you for a long time. This gem is an amazing talisman and can significantly improve the well-being of its owner.

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