Who can wear chrysoprase stone?
The name of the gem comes from the Greek words “chrysos” – gold or golden and “prasos” – leek. In the old fashioned way, the stone is sometimes called plasma or chrysoprase. The formation of chrysoprase occurs under low-temperature conditions, in serpentines and nickel-containing ores, during weathering and severe erosion. Gems are found in the form of layers, lenses and nodules that fill cracks in the surrounding rocks. Natural chrysoprase is a rather rare mineral. Natural chrysoprase has a cryptocrystalline structure; it is presented as tiny crystalline grains indistinguishable to the eye. The shape of the crystals is often hexagonal and prismatic. Chrysoprase is the most expensive green variety of chalcedony, valued primarily for its inimitable color rather than its pattern, texture or design. The gem owes its specific color range to various impurities containing nickel compounds. The translucent mineral stands out with amazingly colorful shades of green, as if glowing from within. The color of the stone is heterogeneous, so each specimen has an inimitable structural pattern. Based on color intensity and main shade, chrysoprase is conventionally divided into three varieties: spotted, apple green and emerald green. Samples with an emerald tint are the most beautiful and expensive. They are translucent, but characterized by good light transmission – directed light passes through a five-centimeter layer of the mineral. The apple-green subgroup is less transparent and may not allow light to pass through in some places. The possibility of translucency is limited to a layer of two centimeters. Spotted specimens with uneven color are the least valuable. As a variety of chalcedony, the gem has decent hardness. The luster of the mineral is waxy or glassy.
Under the influence of sunlight or excess heat, chrysoprase can fade, that is, lose the intensity of color. To restore it, just wet the stone or wrap it in a damp cloth. Cleaning the mineral is simple; you only need to rinse with clean water and wipe with a soft cloth.
Chrysoprase stone has medicinal properties.
Experts in alternative treatment methods advise using natural chrysoprase for diseases of the visual organs, ears, throat, nasal cavity, and asthma attacks. The stone is effective, in essence, for all ailments associated with the respiratory tract. Lithotherapists mention the beneficial effect of the mineral on lymphatic activity and the inflamed thyroid gland. The use of the gem relieves various inflammations and alleviates the symptoms of infectious diseases. Like other identical natural minerals of green colors, chrysoprase softens the feeling of weather dependence, especially during magnetic storms. The use of chrysoprase helps overcome stress and complications after it, eliminates depression and excessive suspiciousness. The stone corrects the performance of the endocrine glands, equalizes pressure and stimulates blood flow. Gemstone chrysoprase relieves pain from joint ailments, rheumatism and various arthritis. The main way to use the mineral is to wear chrysoprase jewelry. Water is also infused with the help of a gem. For this purpose, the stone is placed in water and taken out in the sun for approximately 5-6 hours. Water charged by this method is used as a medicinal drug for colds.
Chrysoprase stone has magical properties.
The magic of chrysoprase lies in the ability to perfectly cope with slander, damage, envy and the evil eye. The stone is considered a source of good luck, endless optimism and an assistant in difficult endeavors. Natural chrysoprase patronizes those who are proactive and enterprising, the desire for transformation, innovators, discoverers and inventors. This is a talisman of discovery and innovation. It is believed that chrysoprase attracts reliable people, good mood and joyful emotions. The mineral is very useful for attracting tender, new feelings. The stone is a symbol of finding friendship and sincere relationships. The gem relieves tormenting memories and depressing thoughts about past failures. Thanks to its green color, chrysoprase bestows confidence, psychological endurance, prudence and stamina. It is extremely useful for business people, businessmen, bankers, as it instills courage to make important, risky and responsible decisions. Chrysoprase stone is considered a source of optimism. It is distinguished by surprisingly rich shades of life-affirming green. Translucent chrysoprase seems to glow from within; they are very beautiful and are readily used by jewelers to create expensive jewelry. Rotate the photo with your mouse or finger.
Properties of chrysoprase – description
Chrysoprase is the name given to green chalcedony, whose physical properties include hardness of 6,5-7,0 units on the Mohs scale, density of 2,6 g/cm³ and a waxy surface luster. The mineral owes its green color appearance to various inclusions containing nickel. The color of chrysoprase is often heterogeneous, and each such sample has a unique structural pattern.
Types of chrysoprase and colors
The color of jewelry chrysoprase can be more or less intense, and according to the main tone they can be divided into three types – emerald green, apple green and spotted. Chrysoprase with an emerald tint are especially beautiful and have the highest price. They are classified as translucent, but are characterized by high light transmission – a ray of light can pass through a layer of mineral 5 cm thick. Apple green chrysoprases are less translucent and may include areas that do not transmit light. Such minerals are classified as first-class jewelry raw materials. The limit of their translucency is a layer 2 cm thick. Heterogeneously colored spotted chrysoprase is less valuable and is classified as an ornamental stone.
Products with chrysoprase
The popularity of jewelry with chrysoprase varies in different periods of time. They were highly valued in the Ancient world – Egypt, Greece, Rome. The stone was inserted into the center of the jewelry composition and was often framed with lapis lazuli or small diamonds. The next wave of popularity for products with chrysoprase rose in the middle of the 18th century and has not subsided to this day. Jewelers process the stone in the form of high (emerald green stones) or low cabochons and insert them into rings, earrings, and pendants made of precious metals.
Catalog of products with chrysoprase:
- Sets with chrysoprase
- Gold rings with chrysoprase
- Stylish earrings with chrysoprase
- Bracelets with chrysoprase
- Pendants and pendants with chrysoprase
- Elegant gold brooches with chrysoprase
- All jewelry with chrysoprase
How to clean chrysoprase
Chrysoprase have one peculiarity – the color intensity lost under the influence of sunlight can be restored. To do this, just moisten the stone by wrapping it in a wet cloth or simply holding it in your palms. This is a mineral that wants to be worn so that it will retain its original color for a long time.
To clean chrysoprase, you need clean running water and a soft cloth. Since the stone can change color not only from sunlight, but also simply from excess heat, it should not be overheated.
Chrysoprase deposits
The places where nature created the conditions for the formation of chrysoprase are nickel-containing rocks. Their deposits are very rare and the main deposits are located in Australia. The green variety of chalcedony is also mined in the USA (California and Oregon) and Brazil. There are large deposits in Poland and in the vicinity of Yekaterinburg in Russia.
The meaning of chrysoprase stone
The chrysoprase stone was of great importance to Alexander the Great. The great commander believed in its ability to attract good luck and happiness, and before battles he attached it to his belt. According to the spiritual practices of Hinduism, chrysoprase is a stone of the heart chakra, its energy unites with the power of the heart and helps to fulfill its aspirations.
Whose stone is chrysoprase – horoscope, zodiac sign
According to those who correlate the energetic effects of minerals with horoscopes, chrysoprase stone is ideal for such zodiac signs as Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. He provides less intense support to Cancers, Taurus, Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius. People born under the signs of Aries, Leo, Libra and Scorpio are advised to be careful with chrysoprase. But he cannot do much harm to them either, since he is not inherently capricious.
Medicinal properties of chrysoprase
Alternative medicine prescribes the use of chrysoprase remedies for sore throats and ears, asthma attacks and other ailments associated with the respiratory system. It also talks about the positive effect of the mineral on the functions of the thyroid gland, lymphatic system and visual organs. Chrysoprase, according to lithotherapists, alleviates the patient’s condition during infections and various inflammations, including joints, helps treat depression and smoothes out the symptoms of menopause.
The magical properties of chrysoprase
Chrysoprase has been used as an amulet since ancient times. Its magical properties are used to protect oneself from the evil eye and slander. In addition, it is believed that it helps active and seeking people in their endeavors. Among the magical properties of chrysoprase is helping to attract tender feelings. It helps open the heart to new love, helping to get rid of memories of past failures.
Catalog of products with chrysoprase:
- Sets with chrysoprase
- Gold rings with chrysoprase
- Stylish earrings with chrysoprase
- Bracelets with chrysoprase
- Pendants and pendants with chrysoprase
- Elegant gold brooches with chrysoprase
- All jewelry with chrysoprase