Therapeutic properties

Who can wear jadeite stone?

Jadeite is a semi-precious stone. Externally similar to jade. According to one version, the name comes from the Spanish “piedro de jade”, translated as “kidney stone”. Perhaps because of the healing properties of the stone or because it is often shaped like a kidney. In the English version, “axestone” means “stone of axes.” Jadeite is 4 times harder than granite.

A little history about the jadeite stone

Known for several thousand years. The first mentions were found in ancient Chinese treatises. Jadeite was used to decorate the clothes of emperors and Chinese nobility, to make the most expensive dishes, and to line the imperial baths. jadeite stones for baths and saunas In China, jadeite and jade were designated by the same hieroglyph, similar to the hieroglyph for “emperor.” Yellow crystals were especially valued. The Chinese call the mineral “Stone of Heaven”. It could not be sold, so the stone came to Europe from America. jade bracelet The Aztecs and Mayans considered jadeite a sacred stone. They decorated temples with it, made ritual figurines, but they also did not distinguish it from jade. Only in the mid-nineteenth century did the French scientist Demur determine that these were two independent minerals. jade earrings

This is interesting! In Thailand, in a specially built temple there is an “Emerald Buddha”, which is several centuries old. A small statue made of green monolithic stone.

Upon visual inspection, scientists determined that it was not an emerald, but without special research it is impossible to determine whether it is jade or jadeite; it is impossible to conduct research, since this is the sacred talisman of Thailand. jadeite stones for baths and saunas

Jadeite stone deposits

There are much fewer deposits of jadeite than jade, so it is a rarer and more valuable mineral. There are about ten deposits worldwide. In Russia, deposits have been discovered in Khakassia, the Northern Urals, the Far East and the Krasnodar Territory. ring with jadeHigh quality minerals are mined in Burma. According to the Chinese, connoisseurs of this semi-precious stone, Russian stones from Khakassia are only slightly inferior in quality.

  • Low quality stones are mined in Mexico and the USA and are not used for jewelry.
  • Large deposits in Guatemala, Myanmar, China. Small deposits are found in Kazakhstan and India.

jadeite stones for baths and saunas

Physical and chemical properties of jadeite stone

The mineral belongs to sodium and aluminum silicates. It is formed in the mountains under conditions of high pressure and low temperatures. It has fairly high hardness and a fibrous structure.

Contains about 60 chemical elements. The largest percentages are silicon dioxide (50-60%), aluminum oxide (15-30%) and sodium oxide (10-15%), in small quantities magnesium, iron and calcium oxide. The color of jadeite depends on the content of these elements.

gold jade earrings

Types and color of jadeite stone

The natural mineral comes in all shades of green. There are gray – green, white, bluish, pink, and even black. For jewelers, the most valuable are green, transparent gems. The type of stone is determined by the criteria of color and transparency.

  1. Imperial. Dearest. Its bright green color, transparency, and lack of inclusions make it look like an emerald. Valuable material for jewelers. The cost is equal to emeralds, sapphires, and diamonds.
  2. Commercial. Opaque, green with transparent veins. The color is not bright, shades are olive, marsh. Used in jewelry. Cheaper than imperial.
  3. Chloromelanite. Dark green, opaque with black veins. Looks like marble. Ornamental material for figurines, boxes, souvenirs.
  4. Albit. It is used as jewelry and as an ornamental stone. Opaque, bright green interspersed with other elements, dots and black veins.
  5. Utility. Not a jewelry grade, the cheapest. Matte with a blue tint. There are rare black specimens. Used for lining baths, making souvenirs, and dishes.

This is interesting! In China, jade is a sign of wealth and high social status. The Chinese value it more than diamonds. Many people save money to buy at least one piece of jewelry.

The magical properties of jadeite stone

The ancient Chinese and Aztecs revered jadeite as a sacred stone endowed with magical properties. Since ancient times, it was believed that jadeite protects a person from evil, envious, deceitful people, and helps throughout life.

  • Helps in concluding deals, brings good luck in business. If you hold jadeite in your hand or at least in your pocket during negotiations, this will protect you from deception on the part of your partner.
  • Especially suitable for driven people. Strengthens their faith in their strength and will.
  • Brings peace into the lives of people prone to fear and depression.
  • Protects the well-being of the family, strengthens relationships between spouses, and helps mutual understanding between children and parents.

In the old days they believed that magical abilities helped control the weather, pacify hurricanes, and cause rain.

Jadeite protects the owner throughout his life. According to legend, if a stone breaks, it means it has taken on the negativity and threat directed at a person. This stone can no longer be worn. We must bury him, not forgetting to thank him for his protection.

jadeite stones for baths and saunas

Healing properties of jadeite stone

In Eastern medicine, this mineral has always been used for healing. To get rid of ailments, the stone was applied to biologically active points.

Chinese healers believe that it is useful to take water procedures in a jadeite bath and use dishes made from this gem.

This improves immunity, rejuvenates the body, and normalizes the functioning of internal organs.

  • From the name “kidney stone” it is clear that it helps in the treatment of kidney diseases and urology.
  • It is advisable for patients with diabetes to constantly wear jadeite to prevent diabetic nephropathy.
  • Wearing a talisman on the chest calms aggressive, hot-tempered people and extinguishes conflicts.
  • Relieves spasms and colic.
  • Has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  • Beads on the neck improve the condition of hypertension.

Stone compatibility with zodiac signs

Best suited for Leo, Libra and Sagittarius. Contraindicated for Capricorns, it can bring them misfortune, and has a negative effect on mental abilities.

pendant with jade

The strong energy of the mineral suppresses the vital forces of representatives of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. May lead to depression.

  • Leo – calms, pacifies a hot temper, relieves emotional stress. Makes you more tolerant and sociable.
  • Sagittarius – protects against the evil eye, improves family relationships.
  • Aries – Directs energy in a useful direction, strengthens the connection between generations in the family. Frees you from anxiety and unreasonable fears.
  • Taurus – improves health. Representatives of this sign can themselves be good lithotherapists.
  • Virgo – complete harmony with nature. Helps summer residents and farmers grow crops.
  • Libra – the positive energy of the stone helps you become more confident, believe in yourself, and choose the right decisions.
  • Gemini – Protects against bad influences and negative situations. Strengthens the will.
  • Aquarius – helps to be tolerant of others.

Application of jadeite stone

High-quality transparent gems are used to make jewelry – rings, bracelets, earrings, brooches, pendants. Opaque and not very expensive, they are used to make souvenirs, figurines, chess, and boxes.

The cheapest variety, “Utility,” is used to make bathtubs, sinks, dishes, and is used as a facing material.

The use of jadeite in baths was known back in Ancient China.

  • It is resistant to temperature changes and high humidity; when heated, it ionizes the air and releases methecsilicic acid, which has a rejuvenating effect on the body.
  • For the steam room, they usually use crushed stone, much less polished.
  • Used in the decoration of baths and saunas. The ability of the mineral to absorb metals is used to purify water.

jadeite stones for baths and saunas

How to care for a cat

It is enough to wash your jewelry 1-2 times a year with warm water and soap, rinse and dry gently. Do not use household chemicals or keep them in the sun for a long time.

With proper handling and care, jadeite products retain their luxurious appearance for centuries. Museums have exhibits in excellent condition that are not hundreds, but thousands of years old.

How to distinguish from jade and fake

Aventurine, green marble, and chrysoprase can be passed off as an expensive gem.

  • To verify the authenticity of the stone, you need to examine it in bright light through a magnifying glass with high magnification; tangled fibers will be visible.
  • Jade has straight fibers, while fakes have no fibers at all. The stone is heavy in weight. It does not heat up quickly in the hand and remains cool.

When pebbles are tapped against each other, it produces a deep resonant sound. Jadeite is durable and can scratch glass.

Jadeite is a rare healing stone. Jadeite is a green stone, similar in appearance to jade, but completely different in structure. “Piedradejade” is how the people of Central America dubbed the mineral, adopting an expression from the Spanish language, which can be translated as “kidney stone.”

Jadeite is a rare healing stone. Jadeite is a green stone, similar in appearance to jade, but completely different in structure. “Piedradejade” is how the people of Central America dubbed the mineral, adopting an expression from the Spanish language, which can be translated as “kidney stone.” The most valuable is imperial jadeite, a transparent stone with a characteristic green color. Other natural samples of the mineral can have a whole palette of shades: from dark emerald to light green. Moreover, jadeites are found in completely different colors: white, orange, brown, lilac and even dark gray, almost black. There are just over 10 places around the world where this stone is mined, and therefore it is considered quite rare. In Russia, jadeite was found only in two regions: in the Urals region and in the south of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Kazakhstan can boast of a fairly large deposit.

Healing properties of Jadeite

Centuries ago, jadeite was dubbed the “kidney stone,” and for good reason. People have noticed that the mineral helps cope with kidney diseases. However, you should not rely entirely on the stone: by itself it does not have a healing effect, but it can greatly enhance the effect of medications. This property has made jadeite widespread in the treatment of all internal organs. It is used by women to correct reproductive functions and by men to enhance potency. Jadeite is actively used in non-traditional treatment methods that have been known for centuries. One of these methods is stone therapy (from the English “stone” – stone), massage with stones. Exposure of the body to heated jadeite will help a person get rid of negative emotions, accumulated negative energy, and various diseases. The mineral itself is also thoroughly cleaned after use: washed with running water and placed in a saturated saline solution. When intensely heated, jadeite begins to release ions beneficial to the body. Thanks to this property, a stone of lower quality, the so-called “bath jadeite,” has become common in saunas. Bathing procedures using jadeite are becoming increasingly popular.

Jadeite for zodiac signs

[Scales] Jadeite has a positive effect on people under the sign of Libra. The stone can guide the owner on the right path, including radically improving his life. Having such a talisman, Libra will gain confidence in the future and believe in their own strength. Framed in jewelry, jadeite indulges extreme hobbies and reasonable risks in the life of the owner, but at the same time completely protects him from adversity. So Libra will only have to enjoy their successes. [Virgo] Jadeite is especially in tune with those people of this sign who prefer to spend time in nature and be in unity with it. However, the stone will also have a beneficial effect on all other aspects of Virgo’s life. Plants planted at home, in the garden or vegetable garden will grow and bear fruit. Relations with the younger generation will develop as well as possible. And grief and sorrow will not penetrate into the lives of the Virgos themselves. [A lion] Sometimes, for overly hot-tempered Leos, jadeite will help stabilize their internal state, bringing more prudence, patience and balanced decisions into their lives. [Fish] Pisces, living under the protection of the element of Water, can sometimes show excessive shyness, modesty and indecisiveness. Jadeite will help them develop the necessary courage and self-confidence, and this will not keep them waiting for additional attention from the opposite sex. With jadeite, Pisces will be the center of attention.

Magical properties of Jadeite

Jadeite, according to popular belief, is a powerful magical amulet. Since ancient times, people have worn this stone as a talisman to protect themselves from adversity, primarily from the negative energetic influence of others. Jadeite is considered a reliable protector from other people’s envy, gossip, and bad thoughts towards its owner. At the same time, it will also protect you from very specific troubles: for example, pickpocketing and theft on the street. The stone is able to develop and strengthen in a person such qualities as a penchant for analytics, logical reasoning, and insight. That is why jadeite is recommended for people working in the field of jurisprudence.

Jadeite in Feng Shui philosophy, influence on the chakras

Jadeite affects the heart chakra “Anahata”. Its element is the cardiovascular system, chest organs, spinal cord and spine, human sensuality and emotionality. Manipura, the energy center of the solar plexus, which is responsible for the functioning of the liver, spleen, and the digestive system as a whole, is also under the positive influence of jadeite. The presence or absence of will in a person is associated with the state of this particular chakra.

Jadeite is a stone for peace of mind!

The main property of jadeite is to bring peace, inner peace, and mental balance into the life of its owner. Under the influence of the amulet, a person will get rid of far-fetched fears, vicious thoughts, and negative ideas. Those who wear jadeite are distinguished by their ability to avoid quarrels and conflicts, maintain balance, and self-control. These people are always intellectuals. Being such a person under the protection of a jadeite amulet is simple: the stone seems to be a reliable wall protecting the owner from meanness, baseness and obscenity on the part of other people.

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