Geological classification

Who can wear moonstone?

Discovered by academician A.E. Fersman, the belomorite stone does not have an ancient history, although it was probably known worldwide under other names. It belongs to the feldspar family, which makes up up to 50% of all rocks on the planet. Basically, these are not very expressive minerals, and belomorite looks like a real gem compared to its fellows.

Mysterious mineral light

On the shores of the White Sea, in Karelia, an amazingly beautiful mineral was discovered in 1925. Before that, it was known only to local residents – the Pomors, who did not find any use for the fragile rock. Only geologists noticed this interesting mineral with a pearlescent tint. The smooth fractures of the unusual gem attracted attention with the play of light, as if coming from the depths of the stone. Sparks of bluish, violet, green color, between which an occasional red flash sparkled, were reminiscent of the flickering of the northern sea on white nights. The thickness of the stone massif glowed with a mysterious, even light, reminiscent of the light of the Moon. After the rock samples were polished and processed, and a very poetic description was given to the new mineral, the stone acquired its romantic name – belomorite. It was highly appreciated by master jewelers, who paid attention to the iridescence, the transparent blue reflection on the polished surface, and the “cat’s eye” effect inherent in the mineral on the cabochon-cut inserts. Currently, belomorite is valued on a par with adularia and selenite, and is also called a moonstone. It is used to make simple-shaped figurines, table decorations or paperweights. In jewelry it is found only in cabochon cuts. This is caused by the fragility and fragility of the thin-layered mineral compressed in the thickness of the mountains. Silver is considered the best setting for belomorite inserts. Its dull shine subtly sets off the beauty of the translucent luminous stone. In designer jewelry, cupronickel or nickel silver is also used; their polished surface complements the mother-of-pearl and silk tint of the surface of the stone and the playful flashes of light in its depth.

Magic Stone of the North

The glowing gem attracted the attention of esotericists. From large pieces of rock you can make a magic ball, which enhances the abilities of fortune tellers and clairvoyants. Modern magicians believe that the properties of the stone include the ability to eliminate everything unnecessary and alien, making perception pure, like a smooth chip of a mineral. Thanks to its own glow, belomorite is considered capable of driving away dark forces and nightmares. A piece of stone or a product made from it can be placed under the pillow to have a prophetic dream. This kind of fortune telling can also be used by girls who want to see their betrothed. The pure beauty of the northern stone is also credited with the ability to create in its owner a thirst for purity in thoughts, in personal life and in the home. It is recommended to give it to newlyweds so that the stone will help them organize their own lives and improve relationships within the family, weeding out everything that does not relate to family life. In lithotherapy, the properties of belomorite are used as a good remedy for depression. Watching the play of light in the depths of a stone trinket can calm you down after stress and relieve anxiety. Thanks to the energy of the Moon, the stone is considered feminine and is recommended to be worn in the treatment of gynecological diseases.

Who is Belomorite suitable for?

A stone called a moonstone, which has the pronounced energy of the planet Moon, found on the seashore, is considered a talisman for all water signs of the Zodiac. For Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer, this mineral is considered the most suitable. It corresponds to the character of those born under these signs according to the properties inherent in all minerals that are associated with the Moon and the element of Water: the stone does not put pressure on the character of its owner, changing it, but gently eliminates all unnecessary, negative manifestations from life. It is not recommended to wear jewelry with belomorite for those born under the signs of Fire (Leo, Aries, Sagittarius). With long-term contact with the strong energy of the owner, with problems that arise due to the temperament of such people, the stone can crumble very quickly. But for trigons of Air (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini) and Earth (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo), the gem is suitable both as a decoration and as a talisman. For those who are interested in a belomorite product, it is important to know how to distinguish a fake from an original. Simple glass with an iridescent effect is usually passed off as natural stone. Of course, such an amulet will not have any power, and the money to buy it will be wasted. The main property of the mineral will help distinguish a fake from a natural gem: glass does not change the optical properties. The play of light in the crystal will be constant at any viewing angle. By turning the piece, you can see how the stone turns from shining and iridescent to milky white. A true belomorite can be considered an excellent companion for people corresponding to his horoscope. By solving both internal and external problems, eliminating negativity from the owner’s life, the gem will help streamline life and improve relationships with the world. Moonstone (or adularia) acquired its name due to its similarity with a celestial body due to its blue tint. The second name is in honor of the city of Adula in Switzerland, where the mineral was first discovered. You can also often notice the cat’s eye effect in it. It is not particularly durable, it is quite fragile and very sensitive to shock. Most often, a translucent crystal is colorless, light blue and gray, and a little less often – yellow. Has a characteristic glassy luster. It is an inexpensive semi-precious stone. Adularia deposits are located in the Alps, Sri Lanka (moon stones of the highest quality), Madagascar, as well as in Brazil, India, Australia and the USA. There are several varieties of the mineral: However, the most valuable varieties are adularia and sanidine. People attach great importance to the healing properties of this stone. Initially, it was used to protect against the negative influence of the Earth’s satellite. People suffering from epilepsy wear pieces of minerals on their bodies to provide relief. Sanidine also helps to pacify anger and cope with panic attacks. If you have problems with the genitourinary system, then perhaps you should also purchase a product made from this mineral or just a small crystal. The same should be done for people with problems with the digestive system, as well as women who are pregnant. The magical properties of sanidine are also very interesting. First of all, moonstone amulets are worn by those who want to attract love into their lives. For these purposes, a brooch with an adularia is best suited, which should be worn on the left side of the chest. Wear a moon mineral ring on your left hand if you want to deal with your feelings, calm down and avoid conflicts. To relax, simply change the ring to your right hand. To enhance the effect of meditation, it is worth trying spiritual practice together with a moonstone. This will help reveal the talents and abilities hidden within. That is why creative people choose adularia or products with it as an amulet. Sanidin is great for almost all zodiac signs. The exception is Aries, Sagittarius and Leo; they should be careful with products made from the blue-gray mineral, as they can negatively affect their emotional state. Moonstone is best suited for those born under the sign of Cancer – they should always carry the crystal with them. The mineral should be cared for in a certain way. It’s not difficult if you follow these rules: – prevent impacts and falls of the stone; – do not expose adularia to chemical influences; -re-grind the mineral if it has lost its former shine; – rinse the stone with running water if it becomes dirty. Jewelers make a variety of jewelry from adularia, most often choosing gold or silver for framing. Most often, it is crystals that come from Sri Lanka that are counterfeited, since they are the most valuable. To avoid purchasing a fake, you should carefully study the mineral: real adularia plays with a great variety of shades in the light inside the crystal. Hold the stone in your palm; if it is a fake, it will heat up quickly. With prolonged contact with water, a real stone will lighten and become brighter. Read more: Lapis lazuli is an opaque crystal with a glassy luster. In nature, there are stones of very different blue shades (from light blue to blue-black). They are most valued on the market. The mineral quartz is one of the most common on the globe. It is found in soil, the earth’s crust, and other minerals. Almost 60% of the earth’s crust consists of it. The mineral belongs to khat. It’s not for nothing that the pomegranate got its name: in appearance it resembles the juicy red fruit of the “Phoenician apple”, consisting of grains. But although red garnet is the most popular among jewelers.

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