Who is Chrome Diopside stone suitable for?
Chrome diopside – origin and significance of the mineral
Chrome diopside – a stone, quite a popular stone, both among jewelers and consumers. This popularity is based on the similarity in appearance of the processed stones with one of the most beautiful expensive minerals – emeralds, but their cost is much lower. Jewelers and stone connoisseurs know that deep green minerals are found. Minerals of a dark green (closer to black) color are no less common. The color of the mineral depends on the percentage of chromium in it. If chromium diopsides of a yellowish hue are mined in the deposit, it means that they contain impurities of ferric iron. Sometimes brown crystals may occur. Chrome diopsides of the last two colors are much less common. The attractiveness of the mineral lies in its high purity and amazing brilliance of the edges after going through the cutting process, at a relatively low cost of the products. Distinctive features of the mineral are low hardness (up to 6 units in accordance with the Mohs scale) and density from 3,2 to 5,5 g / cubic meter. cm. The mineral has a layered structure. If chrome diopside crystals are placed under ultraviolet light, they fluoresce. Chrome diopside crystals weighing no more than 2 carats are used in jewelry. This is due to the great fragility of the mineral when cutting, as well as the fact that almost all mined stones have defects, albeit minor ones. In finished jewelry, the most highly valued are emerald step-cut crystals in the form of a square or baguette. You can find jewelry with round or oval cuts (cabochons). Jewelry made from chrome diopside in frames made of blackened silver or gold are recognized as the most beautiful and elegant.
Medicinal properties of Chromediopside
Alternative medicine, treatment methods of sorcerers and healers note a fairly wide range of possibilities for using the medicinal properties of Chromediopside. Even official medicine recognizes the presence of some medicinal properties of the mineral and the possibility of its use, in some cases, as an addition to prescribed courses of treatment. In case of severe stress, nervous tension, attacks of fear, often false, with increasing signs of irritation, healers recommend sitting alone with a faceted Chromediopside crystal as often and as long as possible, admiring the play of color shades and flashes of its edges, peering into the depths of the crystal, while moving away from any thoughts and experiences. Such communication with the stone will help relieve tension; The level of irritability will decrease significantly, depression will pass quickly, and false fears will disappear quickly.
With direct contact with the body, headaches are reduced in many patients.
The stone helps lower high blood pressure. The stone is useful in the treatment of certain heart disorders, in particular arrhythmias, and restores normal heartbeat.
Quite positive results are observed when using the mineral to activate metabolic processes in the body.
Some doctors use alternative medicine to alleviate conditions associated with dependence on weather conditions.
Recommendations from lithotherapists: In order to restore the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, a piece of Chrome Diopside jewelry set in gold should be worn on the right side of the person.
To provide significant assistance in the treatment of bronchial and pulmonary diseases, one should wear a piece of stone jewelry set in a silver frame on the left side of the person.
Magical properties of Chromediopside
Psychics claim that Chromediopside has strong internal energy, which, when merging with the owner’s energy, can give him vitality and suppress negative influences directed by ill-wishers and envious people. Jewelry with this stone, used as a talisman, harmonizes the surrounding space and a person. As an amulet, a talisman with chrome diopside can protect the owner from many troubles, bad influences, the evil eye, some types of damage, and reduce the likelihood of diseases. It enhances such a quality of the soul as: kindness, strengthens the intuitive principle. A stone that has gone through the cutting process, but without a setting, can normalize emotions and restore a state of peace and balance.
Who is Chromediopside suitable for according to the horoscope? Chrome diopside and Zodiac Signs
Chrome diopside is a fairly universal stone that can, to one degree or another, help people who were born under the auspices of any of the zodiac constellations. The stone is especially favorable for people born under the auspices of the constellations Taurus, Libra, and Pisces. Taurus Jewelry made from Chromediopside will help in recognizing the honest or deceitful intentions of people. Based on an understanding of intentions, they will help you plan your actions correctly. It will eliminate indecision in implementing these plans.
Vesam an amulet made from a mineral will give sensuality, which means it will add bright colors to many events.
In life Pisces the mineral will bring new sensations, relieve melancholy, and give confidence that life is wonderful.
Chrome diopside stone care
Chrome diopside is a fragile and soft mineral that is easily damaged even by minor mechanical stress. To avoid chips and scratches, it is recommended to wear jewelry with this stone especially carefully. Particular care should be taken with rings containing this stone. We recommend removing them when carrying out dirty work or work where there is a risk of damaging the stone. It is advisable to store jewelry made from this stone separately from other jewelry. Clean the stone with warm soapy water. CHROMDIOPSID – chromium-containing variety of the mineral diopside. English name: Chrome-diopside Other names (synonyms): Chromian diopside, chrom-diopside, Siberian emerald, chromium diopside, Yakut emerald First isolated and described: According to Bukanov V.V. (2008, p.30), chrome diopside is described by Dana JD (1892). Origin of the name: The chrome diopside variety is named for the characteristic impurity in the mineral diopside, which causes the emerald green color. New items with Chrome diopside in the product catalog Products containing Chrome Diopside are presented in the following categories:
- Decorations,
- Cabochons and cutting
- class Silicates
- subclass Chain/tape (inosilicates)
- Pyroxene group
- subgroup of Clinopyroxenes
- mineral Diopside
- variety Chromediopside
Leopardite – trade name of ornamental stone from the Inagli deposit (Yakutia); is a chrome diopside rock of emerald green color with black spots of serpentinized dunite (the English term leopardite has other meanings)
Hidaka jade – an ornamental stone popular on the island of Hokkaido in Japan, composed of chrome diopside with an admixture of the minerals uvarovite, chromite and pectolite.Composition (formula): CaMgSi2O6 with Cr admixture up to 2% in terms of Cr2O3
Color: Yellowish-green to dark green
The shade of green is determined by the ratio of various impurities in the composition of chromium diopside, in addition to Cr 3+, at the Inagli deposit these are Fe 2+, Fe 3+ and TiTrait Color: Greenish White
Transparency: Opaque, transparent, translucent
Cleavage: Medium
Fracture: Uneven, conchoidal
Luster: Glass
Hardness: 5,5-6,5
Density (specific gravity), g/cm3: 3,22-3,40
Brittleness: BrittleSpecial properties: Some samples of chrome diopside exhibit blue or brown fluorescence in ultraviolet light.
To imitate jewelry chrome diopside, use:
• synthetic minerals with a similar color (cubic zirconia, garnets, spinel, corundum)
• doublets and triplets: glass + natural or synthetic chrome diopside (diopside)
• diopside glass, which is usually cutTypes of refining of jewelry chrome diopside:
• impregnation with adhesives
• impregnation with coloring compounds
• surface coloringMorphology
Chrome diopside forms granular to confluent masses, less often prismatic crystals and aggregates.
OriginChrome diopside forms in mafic and ultramafic igneous and metamorphic rocks.
Chrome diopside inclusions were discovered in the Odessa iron meteorite.
Inclusions of chrome diopside (along with chrome spinel) are characteristic of diamonds from Yakutia.Application
Chrome diopside (jewelry varieties) is the most valuable cut variety of pyroxene minerals.
Medicinal propertiesIt is believed that the color of the chrome diopside stone has a calming effect on the nervous system, and this improves mood and increases vitality.
According to lithotherapist V.A. Kuznetsov, chrome diopside stone promotes positive energy exchange with the environment, has a good effect on the gastrointestinal tract and strengthens the immune system. V.A. Kuznetsov recommends chrome diopside for older people.The chrome diopside stone is said to reduce the desire to argue, protect against conflict and promote reconciliation; in difficult life situations it helps to see the world in different colors and gives hope.
There is an opinion that the chrome diopside stone gives women high self-esteem, and for men it indicates a rather large financial flow.Effect on chakras
Chrome diopside stone acts on the Anahata chakra.Interesting Facts
The development of colored stones (in particular, chrome diopside) in the USSR was facilitated by the creation of the All-Union Trust “Colored Stones” in 1966.
The Inagli deposit (named after the river) of jewelry chrome diopside is confined to the Inagli massif of intrusive rocks (Loach Lapchaty, Aldan, Yakutia), the area of which is about 20 square meters. km. The massif has been explored since 1940. In the USSR, 445 kg of gem-quality chrome diopside was mined at the Inagli deposit.
In 2010, Vostok LLC received a license to develop Inagli. It develops both open-pit and underground, using manual jackhammers. Of the dozen outlined chromium diopside-containing vein zones, only one is of industrial importance. In addition to chrome diopside, vermiculite is mined at the Inagli deposit.
One of the local names for chrome diopside, siberite (siberite), ambiguous because it is assigned to the pink variety of tourmaline, rubellite (the mineral most often found to be elbaite).
- mineral Diopside
- subgroup of Clinopyroxenes
- Pyroxene group
- subclass Chain/tape (inosilicates)