Who is contraindicated for Stone Therapy?
Stone therapy, or stone treatment in other words, is a very recent practice of healing and preventing various diseases for our compatriots. Therefore, like everything new, it arouses both increased interest and a certain degree of mistrust among ordinary people. But is this technique so new? What is its operating principle based on? What indications and contraindications exist for the use of stone therapy? We will try to answer all these questions.
History of stone therapy
The art of treatment using the healing energy of stones originated in the countries of the East, where their magical power has long been valued and the individual character of each breed was attributed. Over time, travelers who visited the East and experienced the healing properties of stones brought this secret knowledge to European countries, including Russia.
How does stone therapy work?
Without discounting the energy and rather mystical power of stones, we can say that the stone therapy method is also based on thermotherapy – the effect of temperature differences to improve lymph and blood circulation. In addition, placing stones on active points of the human body during stone therapy also carries elements of reflex action.
Stones for stone therapy
To paraphrase the classic, we can say that not all stones are equally useful. And that’s a fact! Therefore, only certain types of stones are used for stone therapy. So, for hot stone massage, which promotes complete relaxation of muscles and creates a feeling of peace, mental balance and physical peace, only basalt, jadeite and dolomite are used. The extraction of stones for stone therapy, which improve local blood circulation and accelerate metabolic processes in tissues, is carried out in Indonesia, Argentina, Peru and Hawaii. For massage with cold stones, which is carried out only in alternation with hot ones and at the same time increases muscle tone, eliminates stagnation of venous blood and causes temporary constriction of blood vessels, marble, jadeite and sedimentary marine rocks are used. The main suppliers of stones for stone therapy, which help improve the circulation of oxygenated blood to tissues, are the USA, Russia, Greece and Italy. For chakra massage, which promotes not only the opening of certain chakras, but also the release of energy, only semi-precious minerals are used, the main extraction of which is carried out in Nepal, Tibet, India and the USA. A special place among stones for stone therapy is occupied by shungite, the only deposit of which is located only in Russia. It is used both for hot stone massage and chakra massage. After all, this is the only mineral that can cleanse the human aura and body of all negative manifestations.
Indications for stone therapy.
No other massage has such a wide range of applications. After all, with the help of stone therapy techniques you can get rid of:
- for muscle pain
- heaviness in the legs and back
- body fat
and many diseases that can be treated with reflexology.
In addition, stone therapy helps relieve stress and depression, accelerates metabolic processes in tissues and has a beneficial effect on the human immune and autonomic systems. In combination with the use of draining, relaxing or strengthening essential oils, this technique can be an excellent addition to any massage technique, since it is thanks to stone therapy that a deep effect on the tissue becomes possible.
Contraindications for stone therapy
Despite all the attractiveness of treatment with stones, stone therapy also has a number of contraindications, in which the use of this technique is not only not recommended, but can also pose a threat to human life. Under no circumstances should you resort to this procedure if you have:
- Infectious diseases with fever
- Mental disorders
- Skin inflammatory processes
- Oncological diseases
- Pregnancy and the puerperium
However, with a fairly large list of contraindications, the effect obtained as a result of stone therapy is incomparable, so consult your doctor and enjoy relaxation on the massage table of an experienced master. Be healthy!
- Visceral chiropractic in old Russian medicine Few of our compatriots are familiar with such a method of manual therapy as visceral chiropractic. However, those who managed to experience its miraculous influence on themselves find this method of treatment very to their taste. After all, thanks to this procedure you can get rid of many chronic diseases forever.
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- Segmental reflex massage Surely, many of you have heard the concept of segmental reflex massage, because it belongs to the category of classic options. However, not everyone knows what this concept includes and why such a massage should be performed. Let’s try to figure it out.
Myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, hypertension, brain stroke are becoming very “younger” in modern society. At the moment, it is not nonsense to meet in a hospital a patient with one of these diagnoses under the age of 30-40 years.
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Massage using heated stones: is stone therapy harmful or beneficial?
Almost all people, regardless of their social status and age category, try to stay healthy and keep themselves in shape. Various methods are used for these purposes. Some people try to regularly visit gyms, others go to spas, and others use diets. Most people who want to monitor their external and internal condition strive to regularly use various massages for health purposes to help improve blood circulation, relax the muscle corset and relieve tension. Stone massage is considered one of the most popular massage techniques.
What is stone therapy?
Many people have heard this name, but not everyone understands what it means. In simple terms, this term means a massage, but not an ordinary one. The massage therapist performs all his actions using heated and cool stones. Using this type of massage, which came to us from the east, has a number of advantages:
- the patient’s body completely relaxes;
- the influx of positive energy accelerates;
- the body comes to complete harmony with the surrounding world.
The effect of stone therapy is based on the direct energy and temperature effect on the biologically active points of stones. For this procedure, they are selected only round, without chips and always in two colors – black and white in quantities of 54 and 18 pieces, respectively. During massage manipulations, the massage therapist alternates them with each other.
In addition to these stones listed above, you will also need another stone at room temperature. The environment during a stone therapy session should be completely relaxed: soft colors, gentle smells, natural sounds (rustling leaves, the sound of a stream, birdsong) or calm music.
Indications and contraindications for stone therapy
Massage with stones, unlike other varieties, has a fairly wide range of applications. Applying warm stones to various parts of the body allows you to relax muscles well, relieve pain in the cervical region or back, free the human body from waste and toxins and relieve stress. With the help of stone therapy, you can eliminate most diseases that can be cured through reflexology (direct impact on biologically active points), for example, osteochondrosis, and also eliminate the following problems:
- muscle pain and headaches;
- circulatory disorders;
- cellulite and sagging skin;
- disruptions in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system;
- heaviness constantly present in the back and legs;
- accumulation of fatty deposits, waste, toxins and excess fluid.
In addition, massage with stones has a beneficial effect on the autonomic and immune systems, helps accelerate tissue metabolism, and effectively relieves a person from depression, increased nervousness and stress. But, despite the presence of a wide range of advantages, stone therapy, like any other medical technique, has a number of contraindications, in the presence of which massage with stones can create an immediate threat to life. It is strictly unacceptable to use stone therapy if a person has a history of the following ailments:
- Mental disorders.
- Oncological processes.
- Inflammatory skin diseases.
- Infectious diseases occurring with high fever.
In addition, stone therapy is not recommended during pregnancy and the early postpartum period.
Stone massage technique
Before the massage procedure, you need to take a shower, because clean skin will better perceive the healing power of aromatic oils and the warmth of the stones. A stone therapy session includes several successive stages:
- Preparing the stones. They must be disinfected before each use, and then immersed for several minutes in a container with water heated to 44-55°C.
- Skin preparation:
- the patient lies down on the couch;
- The masseur applies aromatic oil to his skin and performs a kneading massage.
Direct impact on energy points: [list] heated stones are taken out of the water, wiped dry with a towel and laid out on reflex zones located on the legs, near the buttocks, on the back and at the base of the neck; small stones are inserted between the toes; as soon as the stones have cooled down , they are replaced with hot ones, and heating can also be alternated with cooling, using marble with a temperature of 0-25°C for this purpose.
Massage. Massage movements are performed using stones of varying degrees of roughness and different sizes. The difference between their effects is as follows:
- rough stones are used to stimulate blood circulation, deep massage and skin cleansing;
- smooth ones are used for muscle relaxation and relaxation.
During the massage, depending on the goal being pursued, regular or vibrating movements are used, which can be performed with varying pressure and speed, and be circular or linear.
Therapeutic effects of stone therapy
Massage performed with stones is intended not only for general strengthening of the body, but is also aimed at treating a number of diseases. Thanks to stone therapy, it is possible, if not completely cured, to alleviate the course and reduce the manifestations of negative symptoms of the following diseases:
- Cholecystitis (cholelithiasis). Heated stones are placed on the 9th, 10th and 11th vertebrae for half an hour. 5-10 such sessions are performed, after which sand and small pebbles begin to come out of the gallbladder.
- Pathologies of the genitourinary organs. The stones should be located in the sacrum area. The same arrangement of minerals is required if a person suffers from enuresis.
- Pancreatitis. To normalize the functioning of the pancreas, stones are placed in the projection of the 7-9 vertebrae, to the right of the spinal column.
- Stomach ulcer. To heal ulcerative lesions, stones are placed in the same way as for pancreatitis, only to the right of the spine.
- Headache. Relief of painful sensations is achieved by working warm stones on the neck and collar area.
- Angina and heart pain. Mineral elements are placed along the lower edge of the left clavicle for 20 minutes.
In addition to treating the listed diseases, stone massage can be used to eliminate swelling from different parts of the body and relieve muscle spasms. For this purpose, a hot stone is placed on the painful area for 20 minutes. However, it must be remembered that the therapeutic type of procedure should be carried out only by specialists with a medical education. After a personal conversation with the patient and his examination, they can individually select the most suitable treatment area and massage technique, which will allow them to achieve high therapeutic results.
What results can I expect from stone therapy?
Any person who has completed a course of stone therapy sessions in a specialized institution that has the necessary licenses, as well as a staff of qualified and experienced specialists, is guaranteed relief from negative processes occurring in the body, as well as an influx of positive energy and unforgettable pleasure. Masters who perform this type of massage talk about the following guaranteed results:
- increased immunity;
- improvement of blood circulation;
- relief of muscle pain;
- cleansing pores and removing accumulated toxins;
- the appearance of a relaxation effect, relaxation of the whole body;
- activation of the intensity of muscle tissue functioning;
- elimination of swelling due to the active removal of excess fluid and toxins from the body.
The main advantage of warm and cold stone massage is that it has many options. The stone therapy procedure can always be adapted to a specific person, depending on his age category, existing medical indications, personal wishes, time of year and day.
Where to go for quality stone therapy?
In different institutions, the procedures for such a specific massage may differ in their quality and effects. In cosmetology centers, such procedures are aimed at achieving relaxation, tonic and restorative effects, and a specific disease is best treated with stone therapy in specialized clinics.
When choosing a medical institution for conducting health sessions, you must first of all be interested in the qualifications and experience of the specialists working in the clinic, because the result of treatment depends on their competent actions. It is best to seek out real professionals by recommendation, and the services of massage therapists who claim at the first meeting that there are no contraindications to stone therapy should be immediately refused.