Myths and legends

Who is suitable for ruby ​​jewelry?

Ruby – one of the most famous gemstones, symbolizing love, passion and feelings. Perhaps it’s all about its shades of red, or maybe it’s because it is a representative of the fire element, but its magical properties definitely contribute to a positive outcome in all matters of the heart.
“King of Gems” – this is the meaning of the stone translated from Sanskrit. Since ancient times, this mineral has been considered a symbol of power among monarchs and heads of state. Ruby comes in many shades from soft pink to bloody red. What magical properties is endowed with this symbol of power and eternal love? What secrets does this beautiful gem hide from us?

Magical properties of rubies

Among Buddhists, this gem was considered one of the most deeply revered precious stones. It is the representatives of Buddhism today who believe that the main magical property of this luxurious gem is to generate greatness in a person, which means giving a person a feeling of omnipotence and the possibility of unlimited and irresistible influence on any person.
Rare star ruby, the magical properties of which have been known since ancient times, not only gives greatness, but also strengthens strength, drives away sadness, dispels melancholy and is able to protect against evil magic and the effects of negative emotions and spells. In a person wearing a ruby, the magic of the stone gives rise to a feeling of courage and dignity. This precious mineral can relieve any mental pain and restore the thirst for life.
In the form of a talisman, this gem will help revive lost strength, create harmony of mind and feelings, and revive in its owner the ability for great achievements and exploits.
Ruby, as a representative of the fire element, is a talisman of passion, strength, sexual energy, irresistible love between a woman and a man. It is considered the mineral of lovers, bringing happiness and harmony in love and sex. Pink ruby, the magical properties of which have a special effect on women, gives them fertility and helps them conceive. Ancient magicians believed in its unique ability to help women and girls bear a healthy and strong child, and men to have numerous healthy offspring.
However, ruby ​​is a stone of sincere intentions and pure thoughts, so wearing such a precious talisman is not recommended for people who are unsure of themselves or who are undertaking evil actions.

Ruby stone: magical properties for zodiac signs

In astrology, the stone has the features of the fiery planet Mars. It is the ardor, passion and some cruelty of this planet that endows the mineral with its inherent magical abilities. Mars does not accept duality and insincerity of intentions, so people wearing jewelry with this mineral need to be extremely careful, because it enhances not only the positive character traits of its owner, but also negative ones. A ring and earrings with a fiery red gem will be excellent talismans for Leo – the energy of ruby ​​will make representatives of this zodiac sign sexually attractive to others. This red mineral will help Sagittarians gain self-confidence and find true, sincere love. Taurus should wear pendants, rings or other types of jewelry with extreme caution, since the stone can only enhance the excessive straightforwardness of this sign.
Products with it are not suitable for Virgos. It is absolutely not recommended for emotionally unstable Cancers, Geminis and Scorpios to wear a red gem. You can purchase this precious stone and a wide variety of products with it in St. Petersburg in the online store Other products made from this stone: Ruby is a stone whose magical properties have been known since ancient times. It is notable not only for its beauty, but also for its many medicinal qualities. Next, we will talk about which zodiac signs the crystal is suitable for, as well as about the types of rubies.

History of the stone

Ruby can be classified as a mineral with a rich history. People started talking about it back in ancient times: the first mentions date back to the 6th century BC. The stone was mined in India, but over time the geography of its deposits expanded. For many centuries, rubies were a luxury item. It could only be seen on the jewelry of the elite and royal nobility. In addition to jewelry, rubies were used to decorate valuable books, clothing, and religious paraphernalia. The mineral was especially revered in India. So, the Hindus called it the “stone of life” and the main jewel of all stones. There was a belief that the stone was born after the victory of the gods over the evil demon Val. According to legend, the blood of the defeated man was placed in a vessel, but the Sun God accidentally watered the earth with it. In those places where drops of blood landed, scarlet rubies were born.

Characteristics and description of the mineral

  • It is transparent to light rays.
  • Strength on the Mohs scale is 9 points.
  • However, ruby ​​is a fragile mineral.
  • The fracture of the stone is conchoidal.
  • Density is 4 g per cubic cm.

Is a ruby ​​a gemstone or not?

In Russia, stones used in the manufacture of jewelry are conventionally classified into the following categories of rubies:

  • Jewelry and precious metals;
  • Ornamental;
  • Jewelry and ornaments.

It is not easy to give a definite answer to the question of whether a ruby ​​belongs to precious stones. This is due to the lack of an official document explaining the class of rubies. Various sources have published different interpretations of the stone. At the same time, we can conclude: semi-precious stones are those that are present in the natural environment quite widely. In view of this, semi-precious stones are not expensive and their extraction is relatively simple. This definitely cannot be said about rubies.

The legislation clarifies the situation a little, according to which ruby ​​is part of the group of precious minerals.

What color is it and what does it look like: types and varieties of rubies

Rubies vary in color and other visual characteristics. Next, we suggest learning more about the types of stone and their features.


The famous red transparent stone. Despite the name, it is characterized by an admixture of gray with scarlet splashes. This mixture of palette is the result of the presence of titanium and chromium in the composition of the stone. It is from corundum that real rubies are made as a result of numerous technological treatments.

Refined ruby

In this context, “refinement” is a method of processing rubies aimed at giving them additional strength and visual aesthetics. Today, such methods of refining rubies as heat treatment, thermal diffusion painting, stone impregnation and irradiation are used.


We are talking about a natural, almost unprocessed mineral. It is inferior in performance properties to its treated “brothers”. Often such stones end up on the market without any processing at all. Even though they do not look very aesthetically pleasing, they are more expensive than their synthetic counterparts.

Artificial ruby

Synthetic stone has a number of features:

  • The color is richer and brighter than untreated rubies.
  • The color does not become dull even after many years.
  • This ruby ​​is neutral against ultraviolet rays.
  • The service life of such rubies is almost limitless.
  • Increased degree of hardness compared to natural ones.
  • Easy to care for: they do not need to be cleaned with special products and care should be taken to store them carefully.
  • Rubies are resistant to heavy mechanical loads, falls, and shocks.

Due to its artificial origin, the stone is inexpensive and is the most budget-friendly solution.

Features of hydrothermal ruby

The market situation shows that finding natural rubies is extremely problematic. If you can find one, most likely it will not be devoid of some defects. The way out of the situation is hydrothermal stones. They are grown in laboratory conditions and their visual presentation is preserved. They look impeccable in comparison with natural ones.

Hydrothermal minerals come in both blood red and cherry red. The pearl among this group of stones are examples of rubies in the “pigeon’s blood” shade. They are distinguished by a rich, pure red color with a barely noticeable purple undertone.

How to recognize a natural ruby ​​and distinguish it from a fake one?

It is unlikely that it will be possible to identify a fake from a photo. Here are effective methods that allow you to separate artificial stones from natural rubies:

  • The first and most important thing is the price. It serves as one of the key evaluation criteria. If the cost of rubies is suspiciously low, but the seller insists on its naturalness, this is a reason to think about it. A natural gemstone cannot be priced below the market: it is unlikely that anyone will trade at a loss. If in doubt about the origin of a mineral, ask the seller for a certificate of authenticity.
  • Another way is to check rubies using the scratch method. You need to draw a stripe with it on any rough surface. If you see a mark after, it is not a real mineral. Most likely, what you have in front of you is a product made of plastic or glass.
  • You can also detect counterfeit rubies by eye, if you look closely. Natural stones look more noble, their shade is more complex. Counterfeits are distinguished by dullness and some faded color.
  • A guarantee of the accuracy of the inspection is to show the stone to the appraiser.

Magical properties of rubies

The stone has many qualities revered among supporters of magic:

  • It is believed that the ruby ​​stands guard over noble people. It is used as a talisman, guardian of the hearth and family.
  • The stone symbolizes peace of mind, harmony, balance. Because of this, he is appreciated by women who are more emotional by nature.
  • The mineral is known as a love talisman, giving protection to loving hearts and taking care of their bright future.
  • The ruby ​​is designed to attract prosperity to the owner, protect against dangerous temptations and dubious decisions. It drives away melancholy and melancholy, promotes mental and physical healing.
  • Ruby is a source of positive energy, joyful mood, and a sense of satisfaction with life.

Note: The listed and many other magical properties are attributed not only to natural, but also to synthetic stones.

Healing properties of the mineral

Since ancient times, ruby ​​has been classified as a medicinal mineral and is actively used in healing. It is believed that it helps fight sleep disorders, anxiety, and strengthens the nervous system.

The stone helps improve brain activity, restore memory, and relieve chronic fatigue syndrome. It is used for depression and frequent stress.

Many believe in the benefits of rubies for diseases of the heart and blood vessels. It is in demand among those suffering from hypertension, as it has a positive effect on blood pressure.

Certain types of rubies (for example, corundum) help with blood diseases, epilepsy, and bronchial asthma. They are also used to cleanse the body and strengthen its protective functions.

Compatibility of ruby ​​with zodiac signs

The stone combines harmoniously with representatives of almost all signs, except Libra and Virgo:

  • Aries. Ruby is their assistant in achieving their goals.
  • Taurus. The stone helps in mitigating negative character traits, combating laziness and aggression.
  • Gemini. It is believed that those wishing to start a family should have such a stone with them.
  • Cancer. Ruby promotes the realization of potential in career, creativity, and love.
  • a lion. Rubin tames his rebellious, tough character, adapting his disposition to certain life scenarios.
  • Scorpio. The stone is their companion to wisdom and compliance.
  • Sagittarius. With the help of rubies, it will be easier for him to find himself in life, choose a field of activity and development.
  • Capricorn. Ruby is useful for him in achieving financial success.
  • Aquarius. Thanks to the mineral, representatives of the sign show more loyalty to others.
  • Pisces. For them, ruby ​​means a source of bright, energizing energy and positivity.

Ruby in jewelry

The stone is widely used in jewelry, even being quite rare. They decorate accessories, precious items, clothing, and interior luxury items. In historical museums you can find numerous exhibits from ancient times, lavishly decorated with rubies.

How much does a real ruby ​​cost?

Prices may vary and depend on the characteristics of the stone:

  • The cost of 1 carat can be $6.
  • If we are talking about a stone of 5 carats or more, the price increases tens of times.
  • An average quality ruby ​​costs from $700 per carat.

Answers to frequently asked questions

What is the reason for the red color of rubies?

The shade is affected by the chromium content in the chemical composition. The more it is, the brighter the stone will be. Intense red – the result of heat treatment of rubinoa.

What is the hardness of a ruby ​​on the Mohs scale?

According to this indicator, the stone is inferior only to the diamond. The hardness of rubies on the scale is 9 points.

What are the rules for caring for a ruby?

The stone should be stored in a soft fabric bag or case. It is important to protect it from direct sunlight. Use microfiber to clean rubies. The stone, washed under warm water, must be wiped dry with a napkin.

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