Tips for stone care

Who is tourmaline quartz suitable for?

In nature, there is a hairy stone, which has a rather unusual appearance. And all because it resembles a piece of resin in which hairs are frozen. This unique type of fossil is the most expensive of its family and belongs to the class of quartz rocks. Rock crystal of this variety has in its structure admixtures of other minerals, which in a certain combination give such an unusual inclusion and combination of elements. They look like needles or thin hairs located in the middle of the crystal.

brief information

There is a very beautiful legend that mentions the hairy stone. It says that the goddess of love Venus, having descended from Olympus to Earth, decided to swim in the purest spring. A couple of strands fell out of her beautiful locks and remained in the water. When the goddess discovered the loss, she decided to return and take her hair, but at that time it was already winter and the spring froze, and the curls in it. Seeing how beautifully the golden hairs shimmered in the ice, Venus decided to turn the water into rock crystal and take the curls with her. There is another legend. According to him, once Venus was combing her golden hair on the shore of a mountain lake and forgot her comb there. And since the goddess’s hair had great power, the river nymphs decided to take it for themselves. But they could not divide the curls and entered into a fierce argument. Venus heard their screams and decided to turn the strands into stone so that no one would get them.

In this regard, the stone has several names – it is the hair of Venus, the arrows of Cupid, the stone of love. In eastern countries, this mineral is called the beard of Mohammed and the sacred stone of the East.

Description of quartz hairy

This mineral is mined from the depths of the earth, where it forms into beautiful clusters of crystals. During growth, these agglomerates include a certain part of the liquid, gases and minerals of other types and retain them within themselves. The Venus hair stone is a rock crystal that contains a needle-like and hair-like combination of components such as rutile crystals, black tourmaline, actinolite and goethite. The largest specimens tend to be dark in color in black and brown tones, while the finer formations are lighter in color, ranging from light yellow, gold to various shades of orange. The color depends on which element has become dominant in the composition of the stone. For example, a crystal with asbestos will have an unusually beautiful silver or white tint, and tourmaline quartz will have a rich green color. There is a certain type of quartz in which the combination of minerals is arranged in a certain pattern and at a certain angle. This structure gives the effect of a pattern inside the mineral in the form of a fine lattice or mesh. This crystal is called saguenite. The most beautiful and sought after is rutile hairy quartz; it has an almost diamond shine and high transparency. Crystals of this particular type are widely used in jewelry. Physical properties that the Venus hair stone has:

  1. Hardness – 7 units. according to the Mohs scale.
  2. Colors are mostly missing. But minerals are often found in a wide range of colors.
  3. There is no crystal cleavage.
  4. Trigonal syngony.
  5. The refractive index of light in a crystal ranges from 1,544 to 1,553 units.
  6. The dispersion indicators are 0,009.

The largest deposits of this mineral are located in Brazil, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Russia, India, USA, Greece and Mexico. In the Northern Urals, several types of this mineral were mined; there were deposits of quartz with the inclusion of black tourmaline.

Depending on the deposit of the mineral, not only its chemical characteristics change, but also its physical properties. For example, tourmaline quartz, mined in India, is less durable and more fragile. But Brazilian quartz is considered to be of the highest quality and unique; it arouses great interest not only among jewelers, but also among collectors. The fact is that it is in Brazil that crystals are mined that have star-shaped patterns inside.

Rutile quartz (video)


Humanity has learned to mine such an unusual stone since ancient times. Its beauty was appreciated by ancient jewelry masters. Tourmaline quartz was the most popular, as contrasting inclusions captivated the eye and created amazing patterns inside the mineral. It was used to make amulets and amulets, and also created bright jewelry for women.

In the modern world, this stone is used quite actively in the jewelry industry. The mineral has a relatively low cost, so products with it are accessible to the masses. It is used in both jewelry and crafts. Figurines and even some decorative elements are created from this mineral. Due to its strength, the stone can be used as a material for creating frames for mirrors or candlesticks. Quite often, jewelers combine this mineral with pearls, cubic zirconia, and amethyst. Agate looks great next to it.

Healing properties

Tourmaline or rutile quartz is believed to have a number of healing properties. It is recommended for use for nervous disorders. People suffering from apathy and long-term depression need to wear this stone around their neck. For this purpose, it is necessary to purchase the mineral in golden and light yellow shades: they have a more beneficial effect on the psyche and bring some harmony to a person’s inner world. In ancient times, it was believed that the Venus hair stone could weaken the effect of poison after a snake bite.

Lithotherapists claim that hairworm can speed up the healing process for colds, and also improves immunity and removes radionuclides from the body. It is recommended to use this stone for women with hormonal imbalance. This mineral affects the body in a certain way and helps restore its functioning. People suffering from insomnia and loss of appetite are advised to purchase a product made from this fossil and place it in the bedroom.

Quartz hairy (video)

The magical properties of the stone

Tourmaline quartz was especially revered by the ancient Egyptians. It was believed that he could change the course of a person’s destiny. Oracles used the magical properties of the stone and made amulets and amulets from it. Its main property was to relieve a person from loneliness and help in finding happiness and love in marriage. Tourmaline quartz is often called a love stone, attributed to it the ability to slow down the aging process and make its owner’s appearance more attractive. It is believed that if you wear the stone on your body, it will bring good luck and success to the opposite sex.

It is not recommended to use tourmaline quartz for a long time, as it enhances the perception of the invisible world and enhances supernatural abilities, therefore in ancient times it was worn exclusively by oracles, magicians and people of creative professions. It was believed that the poet was visited by a muse, and the artist found his inspiration after looking at the hair of Venus for a long time on the stone.

The magical properties of this mineral are still used today. Jewelers make paired jewelry that people in love should put on each other, then their feelings will be strong and the union will be long.

To ensure that the magical properties of the stone are not lost, it is not recommended to wear items with other minerals at the same time.

Astrologers recommend using tourmaline quartz for people born under the zodiac signs Leo and Cancer. It is believed that it will bring them good luck and happiness in their personal lives.

– this is transparent quartz with thin needle-shaped inclusions of black color of different thicknesses, which are produced by black tourmaline (sherl) against the background of transparent or milky quartz crystals.

It is believed that thanks to this dual nature (sherl and quartz together), a natural balance of polar energies is created. Like any quartz, tourmaline quartz is a powerful healer and energy enhancer, increases muscle strength and protects against radiation, enhances psychic abilities and aligns with spiritual purpose, effectively conserves energy, stimulates the immune system, and is useful for soothing burns. And black inclusions of tourmaline neutralize negative energy and protect the owner of the stone from harmful influences. The support of tourmaline quartz will be useful to everyone who is involved in charity or some socially useful work.

Muslims consider tourmaline hairy quartz with black straight crystalline inclusions to be sacred stones, calling them Mohammed’s beard. Also in the East, this stone was considered the most precious and was called the Philosopher’s Stone of the East.

It is believed that any tourmaline helps maintain wealth in the home, especially if wealth is expressed in jewelry and works of art. The owner of tourmaline is lucky in his personal life. It strengthens love and friendship for many years to come. There is evidence that tourmalines can be indicators of radioactivity. Tourmaline is used to increase the intensity of light. It can be placed on the altar, in the children’s room, etc. Tourmaline seems to surround a person with a strong protective field. The owner of such a stone feels confidence, security, peace, and therefore the desire to create and create everything new and unusual. This stone can be an excellent talisman for testers in any field, for people involved in applied arts, for pilots and advertising agents. Women can keep this stone under their pillow as a talisman, while men should carry it in their trouser pockets.

The healing properties of tourmaline

As healers, tourmalines have a positive effect on the nervous system, sleep, endocrine and immune systems. The unique tourmaline stone treats well the circulatory system and the reproductive function of the body. The stone neutralizes negative emotions. Of all the green stones, tourmaline has the most powerful anti-aging qualities. As a stone of lower energies, it is perfect as a remedy for sexual disorders, impotence, etc. In men, it strengthens potency. For base people they can be an aphrodisiac, making sexual energy uncontrollable. The stone is considered a powerful healing agent for cancer. According to some reports, tourmalines can be indicators of radioactivity, and the blood of cancer patients detects very specific radiation. When healing, tourmaline is placed between the chakras to conduct energy from one chakra to another. It is especially good to use it together with rhodochrosite and malachite on the solar plexus to unite energies. Of all the minerals existing on earth, only tourmaline carries a permanent electric charge, for which it is called a crystalline magnet.

When heated, tourmaline creates a low-frequency magnetic field and emits anions, which act as follows:

  • cellular metabolism increases, metabolism improves;
  • local blood flow improves;
  • the functioning of the lymphatic system is restored;
  • endocrine and hormonal systems are restored;
  • nutrition in organs and tissues improves;
  • immunity is strengthened;
  • contribute to the balance of the autonomic nervous system (this is a system of excitation and inhibition of the psyche);
  • providing the body with life-giving energy;
  • The quality of the blood improves, blood circulation and blood thinning are stimulated, so that the blood flows into the finest capillaries, giving the body vitality.
  • Cleans blood vessels, charges plasma;
  • used for liver diseases;
  • improve sleep;
  • restore nerves after stressful situations;
  • improve complexion;
  • strengthen the potency and sexual function of the body;
  • improves vision, improves memory;
  • relieve headaches, relieve dizziness;
  • odor elimination and antibacterial properties.

In order to charge, you need to hold it in the sun for a while.

Being a natural mineral, Tourmaline has no side effects. In the body of every person, with the correct ratio of positive and negative charges, a weak current of 0,06 mA flows. Tourmaline crystals produce a current of exactly the same magnitude. This makes it possible to restore energy balance. Tourmaline is the only mineral that has a long-lasting source of energy – the sun. The negative ions and weak thermal energy produced from this mineral ultimately create natural natural energy. Tourmaline is a fairly hard mineral (hardness: 7-7,5). Only in the 80s did the Japanese manage to grind the mineral into the smallest dust. In Japan, they created a fiber that includes crystal tourmaline and natural thread Fiber of Dreams. Korea invented liquid tourmaline and combined it with natural fibers. We received textiles, linen, and clothing. Currently, this stone is in the spotlight and is considered as a healing agent. Winalite scientists have spent over 7 years studying and developing the practical application of tourmaline fabrics in Love Moon pads. Tourmaline absorbs energy. It absorbs everything, and emits infrared energy – the vital energy of the sun. The ability to have a current on the surface, infrared radiation makes it possible to form negative ions upon contact with air. And when there is a sufficiently large number of them, we get a healing effect

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