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Who needs a sun stone?

SUN STONE – a jewelry and semi-precious stone, a type of feldspar (microcline, oligoclase, sometimes labradorite), which has a predominantly orange-brown background color and contains a large number of small, shimmering inclusions of crystals. The unusual golden tint of the sunstone is due to the interference of light rays. And the pinpoint highlights of crimson, yellow and orange shades are associated with the reflection of light from the surface of inclusions, which are represented by small crystals of hematite, ilmenite or other minerals (magnetite, copper, goethite). English name: Sunstone Other names (synonyms): Aventurine feldspar (aventurine feldspar, adventurine feldspar), aventurine moonstone, heliolite Origin of the name: The name “sun stone” or “heliolite” has ancient Greek roots. It comes from helyos, which means sun, and lithos, which means stone. New items with Sunstone in the product catalog Products with Sunstone are presented in the following categories:

  • Stones and minerals,
  • Decorations,
  • Products and souvenirs,
  • Cabochons and cutting,
  • Stones in esotericism
  • class Silicates
    • subclass Frame (tectosilicates)
      • Feldspar
        • not a mineral Sunstone
          • synonym Heliolite (sun stone)

          Oregon Sunstone is a labradorite containing inclusions of copper crystals instead of hematite.
          Based on their composition, there are varieties: aventurine labradorite (labradorite with inclusions of ilmenite, magnetite or copper), aventurine cancrinite, oligoclase sunstone, orthoclase sunstone.

          Color: Gold, orange, red, brown, beige
          Transparency: Transparent, translucent
          Cleavage: Perfect
          Brittleness: Brittle
          Sunstone has found wide application as jewelry and decorative stone.
          Medicinal properties

          Sunstone is an excellent healer of depression, blues, melancholy, apathy, mental trauma and nervous disorders – it fills the Soul and subconscious with soft and warm sunlight. Has a beneficial effect on the psyche and nervous system. Its energy helps fill the entire body with soft warmth. Also, the sunstone has a general strengthening effect on the body, increases the vital energy of the owner and lifts his mood. Useful for “Water natures” who need the element of Fire.

          Sunstone fills with moderately active energy, which does not seethe, but calmly and constantly nourishes a person in all areas, filling him at the same time with strength, self-confidence and the joy of being. It will help you find inner peace, wisdom and understanding of others. Sunstone stimulates positive thinking and intuition, in terms of understanding how to act in a given situation and everything will end well. It has a bright, sunny energy that awakens a thirst for life in a person.
          Sunstone can be used to harmonize: YIN-YANG, female-male, Water and Fire elements, as well as other opposites.

          Interesting Facts

          On August 4, 1987, at the Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon (USA), the sunstone was recognized as the state gemstone of this state.

          In the ancient Scandinavian sagas there are references to an unusual Sun Stone, which is capable of opening the pilot’s “third eye,” allowing him to see the sun behind the clouds even during heavy fog.

          Sunstone is a member of the gem-quality feldspar group of minerals. He is famous for his adventurousness, which is often called a “schiller.” Sunstone may also be marketed as “aventurine feldspar”, but currently the term aventurine is primarily used only in reference to the green quartz known as “aventurine”. Not all sunstones exhibit strong adventurism or schillerism. The intensity of the optical phenomenon depends on the size of the inclusions, which usually consist of hematite or goethite. Smaller inclusions tend to show more shine, while larger inclusions usually appear as shiny metallic reflections with sparkles.

          Sunstone is typically orange to reddish in color and its shiny appearance is reminiscent of the sun, hence its name “sunstone”. In fact, there are several different varieties of sunstone available today. Sunstone can be a variety of plagioclase feldspar (oligoclase sunstone) or potassium feldspar (orthoclase sunstone). Oligoclase sunstone is more common than orthoclase sunstone. Essentially, any form of aventurine feldspar can be marketed as “aventurine feldspar”. Sunstone is the official gemstone of the state of Oregon, USA.

          • Sunstone Identification
          • Origin of Sunstone
          • Buying a sunstone
          • Gemological properties of sunstone
          • sun stone; Related Gems
          • Sunstone Mythology
          • Sunstone Jewelry
          • Caring for Sunstone Gemstones

          Sunstone Identification

          Sunstone can often be identified by its brilliant aventurism alone, but can sometimes be confused with other opportunistic gemstones such as aventurine quartz, or even other similar feldspars such as orthoclase. Moonstone . It can also be confused with goldstone, a man-made Italian glass with copper inclusions. Sunstone is slightly softer than quartz, with a hardness rating of 6 to 6,5 on the Mohs scale. Its density ranges from 2,62 to 2,65, and its refractive index ranges from 1,525 to 1548. Sunstone is also known to exhibit perfect cleavage, which can be a useful distinguishing feature.

          sun stone; Origin and sources

          Although deposits of sunstone can be found in various locations around the world, there is no single source from which it is mined commercially. Some of the most significant, notable deposits come from India, Canada, Madagascar, Norway, Russia and the United States (Oregon, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Utah). Oregon, USA, is famous for producing sunstone with traces of copper.

          Buying a sunstone and determining the cost of a sunstone

          Sunstone color

          Sunstone typically has a red-brown body color with a metallic shimmer effect caused by tiny platelets. hematite, goethite or pyrite. Sunstone from Oregon, USA, shimmers with copper inclusions. Schiller sunstone typically produces a gold, red, orange, or yellow sheen, but it can also sometimes appear green or blue.

          The purity and shine of sunstone

          Sunstone is usually translucent or opaque, although some very thin materials can be very transparent. Sunstone is famous for its sparkling inclusions. It is the presence of these inclusions that is responsible for its attractive schiller or adventurism. When cut and polished, sunstone has a glassy luster that is often called sparkling.

          Cut and shape of the sun stone

          Sunstone typically has large, flat surfaces that are best for maximizing the reflection of metallic inclusions. Some translucent or opaque materials can also be cabochon-cut, especially those that exhibit an iridescent or star-like effect (asterism). The most common shapes include ovals, pears and rounds, but other funky shapes can be found.

          Treatment with sun stones

          Sunstone is not known to be treated or enhanced in any way.

          Gemological properties of sunstone:

          Chemical formula: (Ca,Na)[(AlSi)2Si2O8]; Sodium calcium aluminum silicate
          Crystal structure: (triclinic), rare, solid aggregates
          Color: Orange, red, brown, pink
          Hardness: 6 to 6,5 on the Mohs scale
          Refractive index: from 1,525 to 1,548
          Density: from 2,62 to 2,65
          Split: Ideal
          Transparency: Transparent, translucent to opaque
          Double refraction or birefringence: 0,010
          Shine: vitreous body
          Fluorescence: Dark brown-red

          Please refer to our Gem Glossary for detailed information on gemology-related terms.

          Sunstone: Related or Similar Gemstones

          Sunstone belongs to a very large group of feldspar minerals, which are actually the most common minerals on earth, followed by quartz. Feldspars vary slightly in composition and are divided into two main branches based on their chemical composition: potassium feldspar and plagioclase feldspar.

          Potassium feldspar gemstones include orthoclase (moonstone) and microcline (amazonite). Orthoclase exhibiting adularescence is known as “moonstone”. Plagioclase feldspars, which are a mixture of calcium and sodium, include labradorite (rainbow moonstone), andesine, and oligoclase (sunstone). Some popular trade names for varieties of sunstone include “Oregon sunstone”, “cat’s eye sunstone” and “star sunstone”.

          Sunstone mythology, metaphysical and healing properties of crystals

          Sunstone is believed to have several metaphysical properties. Practitioners of Paganism and Wicca often use sunstone for alternative and crystal healing. Traditionally, sunstone is associated with good fortune, good fortune and wealth. In ancient times, this stone was used by the natives for trade and exchange. It was believed that the sunstone was worn by the Vikings as a talisman and used for navigation because it was associated with the sun. It was often used to invoke the power and influence of the sun, and as a protective stone. In ancient Greece, the sun stone was believed to symbolize the sun god. Many believed that it could bring warmth, life and abundance to those who wear or wield it.

          Denial of responsibility: metaphysical and alternative healing powers and properties of crystals should not be taken as verified advice. Traditional, ceremonial and mythological knowledge about gemstones is compiled from various sources and does not represent the exclusive opinion of SETT Co., Ltd. This information does not replace the advice of your doctor. If you have any medical condition, please consult a licensed healthcare provider. GemSelect does not guarantee any claims or representations regarding the healing or astrological properties of the stone and cannot be held liable under any circumstances.

          Sunstone Gemstones and Jewelry Design Ideas

          Sunstone is not one of the most popular gemstones, but it is quite suitable for most jewelry. It is slightly softer than quartz and exhibits perfect cleavage along with splinter fracture and brittle strength, meaning that some care is required when caring for sunstones. For this reason, sunstone jewelry is best suited for earrings or pendants, but can also be worn in rings and protective styles with some caution. Sunstone is often cabochon cut, tumbled, or polished into sunstone beads. Sunstones decorated with beads are ideal for making necklaces and bracelets. Faceted Sunstone can be cut into a variety of fancy shapes, perfect for any fashion accessory.

          Note: Buy colored gemstones by size, not by carat weight. Colored stones vary in size to weight ratio. Some stones are larger and others are smaller than diamonds in weight.

          Care and Cleaning of Sunstone Gemstone Jewelry

          Sunstone is not very durable or hard compared to most other types of jewelry gemstones such as quartz, tourmaline, or sapphire. Since regular dust often contains quartz, simply wiping the dust off your sunstone can end up scratching the surface and deteriorating the polish. Sunstone can also have a grainy splinter fracture, meaning it requires care when cutting or wearing. Do not use harsh chemicals or cleaning products to clean gemstones. Avoid using ultrasonic cleaners or steamers. Simply use mild soap and a soft cloth to clean your gemstones. Rinse the gemstone thoroughly under warm water to remove any remaining soap.

          Always remove sunstone jewelry before exercising, playing sports, or doing heavy housework such as washing dishes. When storing sunstone gemstones, keep them separate and away from other types of gemstones and jewelry. If possible, wrap your sunstone gemstones individually in soft cloth and place them in a fabric-lined jewelry box for added protection.

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          • Arabic | معلومات عن حجر الشمس عن الأحجار الكريمة – GemSelect
          • 中文 | 日光石宝石信息 – GemSelect
          • English | Sunstone Gemstone Information – GemSelect
          • French | Informations sur les pierres précieuses de la pierre de soleil – G.
          • German | Informationen zu Sonnenstein-Edelsteinen – GemSelect
          • Italian | Sunstone Informazioni sulle pietre preziose – GemSelect
          • Japanese | サンストーンの宝石情報 – GemSelect
          • Korean | Sunstone 원석 정보 – GemSelect
          • Portuguese | Informações sobre Pedras Preciosas da Pedra do Sol – GemSelect
          • Spanish | Piedra solar Information sobre piedras preciosas – GemSelect

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