Who should not undergo therapeutic massage?
Back massage is extremely beneficial for the beauty and health of the whole body. It increases the flexibility of the spine, normalizes blood circulation and metabolism, prevents and even treats various diseases. Despite all the positive effects of massage procedures, there are conditions when active pressure on tissue can only cause harm. In such cases, kneading or therapeutic back massage is contraindicated.
Absolute contraindications
- Benign and malignant tumors both skin and internal organs. Accelerated metabolism stimulates the division of tumor cells, and thanks to improved blood flow, they spread faster;
- Cardiovascular diseases: varicose veins, vascular thrombosis, heart failure and pathologies in which there is a high risk of internal hemorrhage. Improving circulation can be lethal;
- Infections: gangrene, tuberculosis, venereal diseases, lymphangitis. During the inflammatory process, massage accelerates the spread of bacteria throughout the body and provokes infection of other organs;
- Liver and kidney diseases. This can be either stones in the internal organs or kidney and liver failure. Increased blood flow can lead to an acute attack and even be fatal.
Also, back massage should not be done during pregnancy, especially in the later stages.
If the procedure is recommended for acute indications, it should be performed only after consultation with a gynecologist.
Temporary contraindications
You should avoid massage for a while if you experience symptoms such as:
- Skin problems in the back area: allergic rash, keratinization, irritation, damage. Massage in this case will cause discomfort;
- Increased body temperatureabove 37 degrees for any reason. Improving blood circulation naturally raises the temperature, so the condition will worsen;
- Acute purulent inflammation: abscess, furunculosis, abscesses. Massage can contribute to the growth of inflammation;
- Severe nausea or vomiting. The procedure will increase discomfort and slow down recovery if the symptom is caused by an inflammatory process;
- Heartachewhich may be a symptom of cardiovascular disease. Get examined by a doctor before having a massage so as not to jeopardize your health.
It is also better not to perform massage procedures during menstruation. Stimulating blood circulation can increase the volume of blood released and increase pain.
Despite the rather extensive list of contraindications, there are many conditions for which a back massage will be very useful.
Regular procedures help relieve pain caused by muscle strain or spinal diseases. They prevent and treat pathologies that arise due to immobility, incorrect posture or inadequate load on the back – osteochondrosis, spondylosis, protrusion, herniated disc and many others.
Also, a kneading massage will help stretch the spine, muscles and ligaments. This is useful in disciplines where you need to have a flexible back – for example, in yoga, stretching or dancing.
Performing a back massage is useful both for people without physical training and for athletes – for example, shooters. The procedures reduce the risk of occupational diseases and injuries, speed up recovery and help prepare for new stress.
The article was created for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a specialized specialist. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the materials on the website www.maxmassage.ru belong to Chilikin M.N. and may only be used with his written permission.
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Massage is part of the healing process, as well as a rehabilitation procedure. A set of methods of mechanical impact on certain areas of the body helps relieve tension, improve nutrition, increase elasticity and normalize muscle tone. It can be carried out for prevention or as prescribed by a doctor.
Therapeutic massage of the back muscles should be trusted only to professionals. A competent approach will achieve the expected preventive and therapeutic effect.
Benefits of therapeutic back massage
Sedentary work, low levels of physical activity, and emotional stress have a negative impact on the condition of the spine, back muscles and the entire body. This can cause displacement of the vertebrae, depletion of the intervertebral discs, and the formation of pathological bends. The benefit of back massage lies in its superficial effect on the skin of this area and the absence of a direct effect on the spine.
Doctors recommend that healthy people undergo a massage course once a year.
- improving blood circulation and skin respiration;
- eliminating swelling;
- normalization of the functioning of internal organs;
- increasing the concentration of red blood cells in the blood, which ensures the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues;
- restoration of nerve fiber conductivity;
- elimination of muscle atrophy and contractures.
In addition, the body is quickly cleansed of toxins and waste, the general condition improves, the immune system is strengthened, the quality of the skin improves, and the normal functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands is restored.
How is the procedure performed
The technique of back massage is determined by the patient’s health status and the presence of diseases. Only a doctor can give an objective assessment of the state of health, determine the area of influence and the required number of procedures.
The massage therapist must have knowledge of anatomy, as well as have information about the state of the patient’s peripheral nervous system and musculoskeletal system, and previous heart and vascular diseases. In addition, practical experience and certification are important, which will allow you to conduct a massage session at a high level and achieve the desired effect after completing the course. After one session, you can notice an improvement in your condition, but the therapeutic effect is achieved only after completing the entire course.
The procedure is carried out in a special room on a massage table. The patient should lie on his stomach, stretch his legs along the body and relax. To increase comfort, the massage therapist can place special rollers under the chest, abdomen and forehead.
Before starting the session, the specialist must:
- warm up your hands to make the touch more comfortable;
- Apply a special gel or massage oil to your palms, which improves gliding and increases the effectiveness of the procedure.
A therapeutic massage session begins with light stroking with both hands. The massage therapist begins to move from the lumbosacral region and ends in the area of the supraclavicular fossa and armpits. As the impact increases, the specialist can identify problem areas that require special attention.
The massage therapist then performs palm and fingertip rubbing, combining various techniques to increase blood flow. This stage is completed with intense stroking, after which they move on to kneading. The specialist increases the activity of the treatment by gathering the skin into folds and moving it in different directions. Kneading helps eliminate pain and relax muscles.
The therapeutic massage session ends with vibration (effleurage, patting, chopping movements).
The average session duration is 15-30 minutes.
Incorrect massage technique can lead to discomfort in the back.
Types of therapeutic back massage
Therapeutic massage techniques can be European and Oriental. The European system is characterized by the presence of different techniques and a deeper impact, while oriental massage combines superficial techniques and acupressure.
Also, the types of therapeutic massage depend on the purpose. It could be:
- sports massage that supports the body of people leading an active lifestyle;
- wellness, aimed at eliminating pain and strengthening muscles;
- cosmetic, improving the appearance of the skin and body.
All massage manipulations have a positive effect on the body, healing it.
Therapeutic back massage can be either manual or machine-assisted. Often these types of techniques are combined and also combined with physiotherapy and kinesiotherapy.
Indications for back massage
Experts recommend, in the absence of contraindications, to undergo a massage course once a year. This is an effective means of preventing various diseases, as well as back pain.
Other indications for therapeutic massage:
- myositis;
- regular occurrence of pain in the back;
- first degree scoliosis;
- chronic fatigue syndrome;
- muscle hypotonicity;
- hypotension;
- radiculitis;
- osteochondrosis;
- rehabilitation after sprains or other injuries;
- frequent colds;
- spinal hernia;
- posture disorders;
- cosmetic defects of the skin;
- lumbago;
- sciatica.
In the absence of contraindications, therapeutic massage can be prescribed at any age. Often this technique is combined with other types of treatment, for example, exercise therapy, physiotherapeutic procedures, and drug therapy.
Contraindications to back massage
A distinctive feature of the procedure is its safety, but there are also contraindications for back massage. Typically, this treatment method is not recommended for use in:
- oncological diseases;
- acute infectious pathologies;
- feverish conditions;
- tuberculosis;
- infectious diseases and injuries of the skin, including hematomas, burns, rashes;
- mental disorders;
- exacerbation of chronic diseases;
- severe forms of spinal curvature;
- pregnancy;
- severe diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems in the stage of decompensation;
- pathologies of the spine, which are accompanied by severe pain and movement disorders.
Correct implementation of massage techniques improves well-being, reduces pain, increases activity and ability to work.
Massage manipulations have a positive effect on the functioning of the circulatory, nervous and lymphatic systems, improve the functioning of internal organs, sebaceous and sweat glands. In addition, regular massage helps improve the appearance and condition of the skin, as well as restore muscle tone.
Therapeutic back massage includes four treatment methods (stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration). The technique of performing the procedure is determined individually depending on the patient’s health condition and indications for the massage.
Only professionals should be trusted to improve the health of the body through massage manipulations. This is very beneficial for the body, so we recommend that all vacationers at the Magistralny sanatorium regularly attend this type of procedure. Sanatorium “Magistralny” offers reasonable prices for back massage. After just 2-3 sessions you will notice the positive effect of this pleasant and useful procedure performed by professional massage therapists.