Who should not wear a garnet stone?
Red stones have always attracted attention, as if reflecting the hidden power of flame, passion, and power. One of them that has accompanied man since ancient times has acquired a special relationship. Broadly speaking, garnet is a deep cherry colored gemstone. From the point of view of mineralogy, it is more likely to be a semi-precious stone; it contains compounds of aluminum, silicon, and calcium. Additional impurities (iron, magnesium, manganese) affect the shade of the mineral. Garnet is inferior in hardness to corundum and diamond, but is quite durable. Crystals in the form of dark grains resemble the “Phoenician apple”, which is why Albert the Great gave it that very recognizable name. In addition to its undeniable aesthetic value, garnet is in great demand in industry. Construction, electronics, abrasive and laser technologies now cannot do without working with natural stones and synthetic analogues. This explains the increased interest in all types of minerals.
Garnet is a gem of impossible color
- Almandine is a very common mineral, cherry or with a purple tint. First discovered in Asia Minor.
- Pyrope is darker, the color is rich, sometimes brownish. It began to be mined in the Middle Ages on the lands of the modern Czech Republic. Nowadays the deposits of South Africa and Yakutia are being developed.
- Spessartine can be orange, pink or brown. It is found in small quantities throughout Europe and Namibia.
- Rhodolite combines pink and purple shades. It was discovered in Africa, in Sri Lanka.
- Grossular has an unexpected green color. It is mined from the depths of the USA, Russia, and Brazil.
- Andradite brings together rare stones and frequent finds. The most varied colors – from yellow or green to red and brown. It may even be black (melanitis). Known from the mines of Azerbaijan, as well as some regions of Russia.
- Another unusual variant of garnet is called uvarovite in honor of the famous scientist S.S. Uvarov. Its green color rivals the brilliance of emerald.
Many of these stones are known by other names. Some, like chameleons, change colors depending on the lighting. But all of them have firmly taken their place in jewelry art, embodying new creative ideas and wishes.
Garnet is a stone whose properties are amazing
The scarlet mineral was highly valued in ancient times. In the East, the crowns of rulers were encrusted with crystals, emphasizing power, strength, and luxury. They also remembered the fickle nature of the female heart, attributing loving qualities to the pomegranate. True passion, ardent feelings, family happiness were considered the merit of a ring with such a stone.
Green garnets are considered assistants in other matters. With them you can establish a business, show character strengths, achieve determination and success. Rare black garnets are still in demand among strong-willed men. It was worn by warriors, clergy, and high-ranking officials.
Medieval scientists had little doubt that pomegranate had healing properties. The bright color, reminiscent of blood, was associated with vitality. Protection from injury, treatment of heart disease, strengthening the body – this is just a short list of what pomegranate is capable of.
Esoteric sciences looked closely at the crimson mineral as a powerful conductor of spiritual forces. If a person is ready for full dedication, then pomegranate will help him show his best qualities, drive away the blues, and share energy.
Garnet stone – who is suitable according to the horoscope
The red color of the mineral and the protection of the stormy planet Mars already predisposes one to the fiery Zodiac Signs. In a sense, this is true, but the true meaning of pomegranate is broader and richer:
- for mature, experienced Lev this is a real find that allows you to stay on the right path in life,
- Sagittarius pomegranate will help curb your explosive nature,
- this is a real talisman Capricorn, capable of revealing talents, quickly eliminating uncertainty,
- rebellious Scorpio is also very predisposed to the mineral, because with it he can understand himself,
- Devam you will be much calmer with pomegranate, your creative abilities will increase,
- Aquarius together with a well-chosen decoration, they will receive the support and protection of higher powers.
It is undesirable for hot-tempered Aries, as well as reserved Taurus, to wear a garnet. Water signs – Pisces and Cancer – can choose only green varieties of stone, but in most cases it will be just an elegant decoration, without any magical properties.
Garnet stone – price and quality
The cost of a stone depends on a number of factors. Origin, size, purity, color, possible defects shift the counter in different directions. For particularly rare varieties, the price reaches several hundred dollars per carat. Red garnets are more common and therefore cheaper than collectible green or black ones.
The most expensive are gems with a color changing effect. One such copy was sold for several million dollars at auction. Large stones are processed in a special way, for example, this is how the Order of the Golden Fleece was decorated.
Natural stone can be purchased as a finished product. Paradoxically, artificial garnets are much more expensive due to the complexity of manufacturing. But fakes still occur; they can only be identified using special tricks.
5 ways to distinguish a garnet from a fake:
- Natural stones often contain small inclusions, darkening, color inhomogeneity. They may not be very expensive, but they are nothing like perfectly clean glass or plastic.
- Ancient stones are typically cut in the form of a cabochon, while modern ones have a round shape, sometimes “princess” or “emerald”. Fake gems are not always made in this style.
- Real pomegranate capable of scratching glass and remaining intact. This method is difficult to implement if the stone is securely set in the setting or is too small for analysis.
- Experienced jewelers advise looking at the stone in the light. The natural mineral scatters the sun’s rays with rainbow highlights.
- The most desperate way is boiling water test. Natural garnet will remain undamaged, but cheap inserts will lose color or even collapse in an aggressive environment.
Garnet in decorations
The stone is considered universal and is used in almost all types of jewelry. There are certain nuances of selection and combination developed over the long history of the famous mineral.
The darker the stone, the lighter the metal. Therefore, pyropes are set in silver or white gold, and light red or green stones can be combined with yellow and red gold. Small samples of gems are found in earrings and brooches, and large ones become the basis of beads and bracelets.
Garnet earrings often have an elongated shape, showcasing heavy, elongated stones. Such minerals have a very formal appearance and are suitable for formal events and evening dress codes. But if you wish, you can choose elegant carnations for every day.
Large stones fit perfectly into massive rings, signets, and vintage-style jewelry. They are credited with the most powerful magical properties and are advised to be worn on the left hand, on the side of the heart. The symbolism of the color red predisposes romantic models to engagement rings.
Rosaries, crosses and pendants with garnet are made from dark varieties of the gem. Dark colored necklaces are typically worn for special occasions. Brooches often take the form of pomegranates, insects and flowers, brightly drawing attention to the carefully chosen image. But ethnic style bracelets are well suited for everyday wear.
To decide how to wear jewelry with garnet, you should pay attention to combinations with other stones:
- emerald and sapphire feel garnet is an excellent neighbor,
- dark agates next to it look advantageous,
- cubic zirconia will be a compromise due to the variety of shades and affordable price.
Garnet should not be worn together with diamonds, turquoise, pearls and rubies. The reason for this decision is not considered to be the difference in colors, but the opposition of natural energies.
How to properly clean pomegranate jewelry
Since the stone is natural and not as durable as a diamond or sapphire, it requires careful handling. The most dangerous environmental factors are direct sunlight, chlorine compounds and inorganic acids. The stone can also break from a sharp blow, so it should be stored inside a jewelry box.
You can clean garnet jewelry at home. You will need a mild soap solution and a soft cloth. After the jewelry has been dipped, it must be wiped dry, minimizing contact with a damp environment.
Table salt is considered a good way to cleanse stone – it can be used instead of soap or even in dry form. Being near her, the pomegranate gets rid of the emotions and memories accumulated by the owner. And in case of emergency, the jewelry can always be taken to a jewelry workshop.
Pyrope translated into Russian means “like fire.” This is a stone of real passions and thrills.
Interesting facts about pyropes
There are several legends about pyrope garnet. There are several varieties of garnets, but this one is the most popular and mysterious; it has enormous power, although in monetary terms it is not an expensive type of stone.
The first mention of pyropes dates back to ancient times; even in the Bible there is a mention of this legendary stone.
During the Great Flood, the Earth was covered with water. But Noah somehow miraculously managed to guide the Ark across the endless waters day and night. He had no way to start a fire, how much flammable material would he have needed for such a long voyage? The creator of the Ark had a fiery red pyrope in which a living flame glowed. It was this gem that led him and showed him the path to salvation. It is not without reason that in ancient times, red garnet was considered the stone of sailors, a guard against unexpected storms and storms. This is an excellent talisman for people involved in water tourism.
In Ancient Greece it was believed that pyrope also contains a flame, but the flame of the Earth and volcanoes. Other sources claim that pomegranate came to Earth from heaven itself. When Adam and Eve were expelled from Eden to the cold Earth, the woman stole one of the pomegranate fruits so as not to die of hunger in an unknown place. Whether she wanted to share him with Adam remains a mystery of this legend. But when Eve cut the fruit, she saw that its kernels had turned into stone, exactly reminiscent of the seeds of a pomegranate fruit. There was no limit to people’s grief. No matter how the man and woman tried to warm the nucleoli with the warmth of their breath, they failed. But pyrope stone still contains the breath of primitive people and their thirst for life.
The magical properties of pomegranate
The stone clearly contains witchcraft power. Internal fire greatly affects the energy of the owner of the stone. Therefore, no one should wear a pomegranate all the time.
Pyrope is a stone of passion. If the owner of the mineral is “burning” with some idea, then the garnet will direct all its power to help its owner. The stone is good for businessmen who are just thinking about starting their own business and solving several problems at the same time. For athletes who go towards their goal, to victory. You can take the stone with you during training. This is one of the few minerals that does not need to touch the body of its carrier. They are able to influence the owner from a distance.
Pyrope garnet can rekindle the faded passion between spouses. Sometimes, over the years of living together, love passion subsides, husband and wife are no longer attracted to each other in bed. But if love is still alive, then pomegranate can stir up the lost desire and sexuality of life partners. It is enough just to place a decoration or product with a piece of this mineral in the bedroom.
Astrologers believe that pyrope is best suited for cold-looking Virgos. These signs of the zodiac circle do not know how or do not like to express their emotions, but sometimes it is necessary. Pyrope will be an excellent talisman for Scorpios and Aries; these representatives of the Zodiac are ruled by the red planet Mars. And the pomegranate is considered a talisman of this planet and the signs under its control. Gemini and Aquarius should avoid wearing garnets frequently. These representatives of the air element are the most emotional; they do not require additional stimulation.
The mineral pyrope is more of an evening and night stone; during the daytime it is better to wear another variety of garnet – delicate rhodolite.
Pyrope is also considered a stone of love, but this is not entirely true. He will show his strength where passion and flame rage: in love, in success, in achieving his goal. Sometimes the stone “gets used” to the owner so much that it even conveys his emotional mood. If the owner of the stone is overwhelmed by any idea, then the garnet shines and sparkles. And if you are sad and apathetic, then the stone dims and loses its shine.
Healing properties of the mineral
Any variety of pomegranate – green, red or pink – can normalize blood pressure. This is the only mineral that can reduce eye pressure in its owner. In adulthood, many people suffer from an eye disease – glaucoma. The stone will not cure the disease, but will maintain eye pressure at the same level or even reduce it slightly, which will help avoid loss of vision.
Garnet stone cures heart disease if worn in the form of beads or pendants. The only exception would be arrhythmia. If a person suffers from arrhythmia, then he should refrain from wearing a pomegranate.
But for pregnant women, pyrope will become a real amulet. Towards the end of pregnancy, some representatives of the fair sex suffer from gestosis, which causes increased blood pressure. Pomegranate has a gentle effect on the pregnant woman’s body without harming the baby.
If products with pomegranate are applied to the belly of the expectant mother once a day for 15-20 minutes, the blood flow between mother and child will improve, and the placenta will also perform its functions better.
Pyrope stone can make childbirth less painful and ease the emotional state of firstborns before this magical process – the birth of a new life.
Previously, healers and sorcerers used fire pomegranate to relieve pain and heat during inflammatory processes. But pyrope became not only a stone that relieves inflammation, but also stops bleeding, heals small wounds and cuts, and alleviates the condition of the patient with combat wounds. This is the stone of fighters, soldiers and warriors.