Who should not wear black tourmaline?
As you know, stones and zodiac signs have their own special connection, which can be traced in their properties and characters, in their influence on each other. Always selection of natural stone As a talisman, you should start by searching for a suitable mineral. In particular with tourmaline, the situation largely depends on the color of the crystal. Tourmaline is a rather strong stone that may not be suitable for everyone and not in every form. You should always pay attention to your compatibility with the stone and its color. It is best for Aries to buy for themselves green tourmaline, it will help calm the fiery disposition of the sign and give balance to the spiritual component. Tourmaline is not very suitable for Gemini and Taurus; it is better to choose some other stone as a talisman. Let Cancers take a closer look at blue or blue tourmalines, expensive, but reminiscent of the water element of the sign. It is important to wear the stone not too long or too often, so that it does not bring disharmony. But at the same time, the mineral will add sensuality and intuitiveness to the life of Cancer. Who is tourmaline suitable for? especially for Leos. These stones aim this sign at achieving goals, confidence and the desire to act here and now. For Leo, these are very useful properties. For the effect to show itself, it is better to take red or pink tourmalines. These were once worn by royalty. For Virgos, tourmaline is indifferent; it will do neither harm nor good. Libra should immediately take a closer look at the pink or soft green versions of the stone. In this case, the mineral will give confidence, which representatives of this sign so lack. All this will help Libra make the right decisions and not doubt them. Suitable as a talisman for Scorpio black tourmaline, Sherl. It is better if it is inserted into a ring or ring. The stone will give visionary abilities to the owner and strengthen intuition. Also, Scorpios with the stone will begin to feel a little better. Neuroses, anxiety, panic attacks will be eliminated, and the effects of stress and overwork will generally be neutralized. Sagittarius can take a closer look at almost any tourmaline; all of them will become good talismans for the sign. The stone will help the wearer reveal his talents and realize himself in life. The talisman will help you find a common language with people, as well as bring things started to completion. Tourmaline will also be useful for Capricorns. It will help this sign become calmer and more confident, and solve psychological problems. The stone will give you strength and reward you with success and wealth. To do this, it is best to take a yellow or brown stone. It is better to choose a gold frame. Tourmalines for Aquarius It is best to choose in blue, sea color. Such stones will guide you on a creative path, help you understand yourself and find new friendly connections. Tourmalines are contraindicated for Pisces, as they are too strong for this sign and can confuse him or set him on the wrong path. Such dreamy natures can go too deep into soul-searching, which is fraught with psychological problems. Tourmalines are not suitable for everyone, as can be seen from the above information. This is a difficult mineral; you need to find an approach to it, and also initially choose the right gem, focusing on your zodiac sign. ☘Therapeutic properties of the stone In addition to magical properties, many natural minerals also have healing properties. This is an ancient stone, and therefore it has been used by mankind since time immemorial. He is revered in the East, but in Europe he became known not so long ago. In many ways, its beneficial properties can be explained by its interesting feature of constantly maintaining an electric field around itself. Tourmaline is the only stone of its kind. Plus, the mineral is also credited with a small amount of infrared radiation. Stone therapy depends, first of all, on its composition, and therefore on its color. For example, green stones are good for treating internal organs, lungs, blood vessels, and are excellent at calming the nerves. Blue minerals improve immunity and treat back diseases. Black tourmalines are considered very strong, they protect against toxins, and therefore are recommended for people employed in hazardous industries. All tourmalines, without exception, increase cell regeneration, improve metabolism, and reduce blood pressure. It is clear that any item that can heal has its own contraindications. For example, tourmalines should not be used during fever or immediately after wounds or injuries. If a person wears a pacemaker, pendant with tourmaline will not be the best solution for everyday wear, since the stone has its own, albeit small, electric field. It should be used with caution by children and pregnant women, as well as those who have thyroid problems. ☘Areas of stone application Tourmaline is used not only as a beautiful stone for jewelry. It is also used in various other areas, for example, using its electric field. This way you can polarize the air, which is what the Chizhevsky lamp effect is based on. The stone can be ground into powder, which is used to release energy. It is used to make tourmaline fiber, which is used to create special fabrics used for medical purposes. Glass lenses are also made from crystals. Thanks to the ionization of the stone, that is, its ability to attract dust, small debris, blades of grass, the stone began to be used in radio engineering, where such features are very useful for high-frequency devices. ☘Jewelry made from natural tourmaline stone The main area of application of tourmaline, of course, remains jewelry. Since ancient times, people have loved to decorate themselves with stones, and tourmalines have been known multi-colored crystals for quite a long time. They were perfect for creating decorations, both simple and special royal ones. Tourmalines have been especially loved in the East for a long time. In Europe, their popularity waxed and waned. Last time jewelry with tourmalines are coming back into fashion. They are complemented with gold, silver, and platinum. With the latter metal, jewelry looks most elegant. Among the products there are various models – rings, necklaces, bracelets, pendants, rings. Rings with natural tourmaline stone look very aristocratic and brilliant. Any decoration turns out luxurious with this stone. Prices for tourmaline can vary widely. The cost depends on the color of the stone. For example, green and pink are considered the most common and quite affordable. The blue and blue colors of the mineral are considered rare. Also among the unique varieties are polychrome samples. Recently, craftsmen have learned to produce synthetic tourmaline. It is produced in laboratory conditions, it turns out almost identical to natural. It is used not only for insertion into jewelry, but also for technical and industrial purposes. Such stones usually cost much less than the originals. Unfortunately, such minerals can often be passed off as real. Therefore, when purchasing, you should study the stone well and ask the seller for a certificate for the product. Buy jewelry only from trusted large sellers. If you suspect a fake, you can submit the product for examination to a specialist. We have collected interesting facts about the impressive gemstone. Tourmaline is a popular mineral in jewelry. There are more than 10 types of this stone in all colors of the rainbow. The most famous: rubellite, paraiba, schorl, verdelite. The Dutch brought it to Europe from Sri Lanka (Ceylon) in the 18th century. It was then that from the inhabitants of Ceylon, the Sinhalese, they heard the word “tourmaline”, which means “colored stones”. It was Russian scientists who found out that the “Caesar’s Ruby” weighing 255,75 carats is not a ruby at all, but a rubellite, that is, red tourmaline, originating in Burma.
Tourmaline: brief description and facts
- The first class includes diamond, emerald, ruby, alexandrite, and blue sapphire.
- The second contains jadeite and other shades of sapphire.
- Red tourmaline (rubellite) was among the third class gemstones along with spinel, aquamarine, white and fire opal and topaz.
- Blue, green, pink and polychrome tourmaline are class 4 gemstones.
Any tourmaline looks luxurious, but jewelry made from it is cheaper than other precious stones.
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How to avoid counterfeit tourmaline
In order not to buy a fake, you need to focus on the following qualities of a natural mineral:
- Tourmaline is much heavier than plastic and heats up quickly in your hands.
- If you rub the gem between your palms, it will attract hair.
- Natural stone always has inclusions. This is the name given in gemology (the science of stones) to any material that is trapped within a mineral during its formation. If a stone does not have a single fragment inside, it is a fake.
- Natural tourmaline is difficult to scratch.
- The gemstone changes color depending on the lighting. If this does not happen, most likely, what you have in front of you is a fake.
Neon Paraiba tourmaline got its name in honor of the Brazilian state where it was first discovered. This was in 1987, that is, relatively recently.
Tourmaline is a whole group of gems that are found in the rock with different frequencies. For example, green stones are usually classified not in the third, but in the fourth group. Why such injustice? Gemologists (specialists who study rocks) have concluded that the green mineral is often found in nature.
The same cannot be said about Paraiba tourmaline. Turquoise gem is rare and its beauty can outshine first-order minerals. Paraiba is also called “heitorite” – in honor of Heitor Dimas Barbosa. The Brazilian was obsessed with mining gems and spent several years searching for a mineral of a beautiful color.
Tourmaline: magical properties for women
In esotericism, it is believed that the tourmaline stone has magical properties: its energy provides protection that helps in different areas of life. It is most suitable for women, as the mineral gives confidence, helps to relax, and is also responsible for harmony.
The strength of tourmaline depends on the color of the mineral:
- Red and pink tourmalines symbolize love and fidelity. Women under the influence of this amulet become more attractive. If there are problems in a relationship, the girl needs to wear jewelry with tourmaline. It will renew the attraction between partners, help find mutual understanding and preserve love.
- Green stone – a godsend for everyone who is somehow connected with creativity. The amulet will bring inspiration, strength and the desire to create. Also, emerald tourmalines reliably protect a person from negativity and are responsible for balancing emotions.
- Black tourmaline, or schorl, It is recommended to give to children. The mineral will become a protection against bad energetic influences (damage, the evil eye), but will also act as a shield against failures – even banal falls, abrasions and bumps.
- Indigolites, that is, blue gems, must be worn by schoolchildren and students. The mineral increases the thirst for knowledge, improves mental abilities, and also helps to find the truth and draw the right conclusions. In China and India there is a sign that tourmaline brings determination and determination, so people take it with them to an exam, interview or meeting.
- Blue Paraiba tourmalines build a connection with higher powers, develop spirituality and intuition. Therefore, it is recommended to use it during meditation.
- Colorless stones help achieve balance and tranquility and are responsible for grounding.
In addition, tourmaline of any color, according to occultists, is protection from damage, envy and gossip. Multicolor samples, in turn, will give the owner good luck and success in his endeavors.
Black tourmaline: who is the stone suitable for and what is special about it
Alexandra Molodyakova
Author of themed crystal sets
The black gem, or sherl, stands apart; it is even called the witch’s stone. In specialized stores you can purchase entire sets of magical utensils made from schorl. It is believed that it allows you to look beyond the boundaries of the other world and reflects negative energy directed at the owner. But only a strong-willed person can cope with the strong energy of a black gem. Otherwise, the stone will be even more emotionally draining.
The magical properties of the sherl can be enhanced by a gold frame. For example, a gold pendant or ring with black tourmaline will not only become a talisman against evil people and misfortunes, but can also cause visions and help to sense a person’s true intentions. The mineral helps to cope with resentment and anger, jealousy and envy.
According to the zodiac sign, black tourmaline is most suitable for Scorpios. This strong sign can “tame” the energy of the stone. Therefore, representatives of the constellation can constantly wear jewelry made of schorl: black tourmaline will not harm them. It is advisable for other signs to wear such amulets from time to time.
The healing properties of tourmaline
The healing properties of types of tourmaline and other stones do not have an evidence base. Therefore, you should consult your doctor before using minerals or any other alternative treatment. The following popular beliefs related to the health benefits of this stone are not recommendations.
It is believed that all types of tourmaline saturate the body’s cells with oxygen and displace excess free radicals. This happens due to the electric charge of the stone; the size of the gem does not matter.
In alternative medicine, tourmaline is recommended to be worn to combat:
- diseases of the endocrine system;
- cardiovascular diseases;
- psychological disorders;
- skin defects;
- infectious diseases;
- tumors;
- spasms;
- circulatory disorders.
To start “tourmaline” prevention, you need to buy a stone of the desired color, because each shade has its own direction.
- Green – necessary for rejuvenating the body and stimulating the immune system. It can also help with kidney, liver and heart diseases.
- The blue mineral is an aid to weight loss. It is believed that indigolites eliminate disruptions in the hormonal system, provide cleansing and normalize metabolic processes.
- Paraiba is responsible for the reproductive system: it increases libido, helps with infertility, and gives emancipation.
- Red crystal helps improve the functioning of the heart and circulatory system.
- Yellow is harmony: relieves stress and anxiety. It can be used to treat insomnia or depression.
- The healing magic of a black gem can even relieve alcohol or any other addiction. Wearing a stone protects against viruses and germs, strengthens the immune system, promotes concentration and improves memory.
Black tourmaline repels negative radiation from humans, including from electrical appliances. Special medical plates made from this mineral are worn for joint pain, problems with bones and the musculoskeletal system in general. Soap with the addition of black tourmaline strengthens hair and nails, improves skin condition. The stone, ground into powder, is used internally for circulatory problems.
At the same time, not a single mineral will bring the same health benefits as evidence-based medicine.
Compatibility of tourmaline with other minerals by element
Alexandra Molodyakova
Author of themed crystal sets
Tourmaline belongs to the air element, therefore it is combined with sapphire, citrine, sardonyx, quartz, and carnelian. Also suitable for combination: rock crystal, lapis lazuli, chalcedony, amazonite. The listed breeds will enhance each other’s magical properties, thereby creating more powerful energy.
Stones of the Earth element are also compatible with “air” minerals. These include jade, sarder, jet, melanite, jadeite, and labradorite. You can also use chrysoberyl, hematite, morion, and zircon for combination. Together they will provide the owner with protection from negativity and attract positive emotions into life.
“Air” gems conflict with minerals of the Water element. Therefore, tourmaline does not combine with:
- emerald,
- pearls,
- corals,
- alexandrite,
- heliotrope,
- aquamarine,
- opal
These stones will conflict and take away each other’s magical power. As a result, their owner will not feel any positive influence, and in some cases will only receive harm.
Combination by planets
In astrology, it is advised to combine gems that are associated with the same planet. Tourmaline, for example, belongs to Mercury, so its pair must belong to this planet. That is, they will fit:
- emerald,
- citrine,
- chrysolite,
- topaz,
- nephritis,
- cornelian,
- jasper,
- turquoise.
Mercury conflicts with Mars, so the nugget cannot be worn at the same time as ruby, garnet, or coral. Together they create negative vibrations that can cause anxiety and self-doubt, as well as attract problems.
Tourmaline is a gem that surprises with its colors and magical properties. If you choose the right pair for it, your life can change for the better.