Rare and valuable minerals

Who should wear a moonstone?

Admiring the cold, flickering glow of the moonstone, I want to believe that this gem is really a messenger from distant Galaxies, an alien from outer space. But despite its unearthly beauty, the mineral is of completely earthly origin. Moonstone was formed in the depths of our planet and belongs to the group of feldspars. The first place where the amazing mineral was discovered was a mountain in Switzerland called Adul, in honor of which the valuable find was named “adular.” Fragile and delicate with a deep moonlight, the stone is highly valued by jewelers all over the world.


Adularia is a transparent or translucent rare natural mineral; it belongs to the group of semi-precious stones. It owes its unusual lunar glow to its peculiar thin-plate crystal lattice. Rays of light refracting at the edges create the effect of inner radiance. The surface of the gem emits a glass or silk shine. Moonstone has many colors: white, gray, purple, peach, pink, green, blue, yellow. There are also colorless, transparent “uniques”, but the most popular are rainbow-colored specimens. These are delicate crystals that shimmer in gray and blue with a high degree of shine.

History of the stone

If you believe ancient mythology, the moonstone is a petrified ray of the heavenly night body. Indian sages endowed the gem with the ability to bestow mystical powers, control fate, and discover the unknown. In India today, adularia is considered a magical symbol of happy love and good luck. To the Greeks, moonstone revealed what an ordinary person could not see. In every nation where a mysterious gem appeared, it became overgrown with myths and legends. The main deposits of the stone are concentrated in India and Burma. Mining is carried out in Brazil, Tanzania, Mexico, and Madagascar. In Russia, deposits of adularia were found near St. Petersburg.

Magical properties

  • make a person gentle and merciful;
  • add patience, sensuality;
  • relieve stress, get out of depression;
  • move away from conflict situations.

But the main purpose of the moonstone is to attract true love to its owner, get rid of loneliness, and help in preserving the most beautiful feeling. In order for this ability of the gem to manifest itself most strongly, astrologers recommend wearing a product made of natural stone on the left side of the chest, closer to the heart. For a woman, a brooch with a delicate adularia would be an excellent solution.

If a moonstone falls into the hands of a notorious egoist, a closed and callous person, he will still strive to teach a person to love, to open his heart to true feelings and the path to happiness. In such a situation, the ring with the lunar treasure should be worn on the finger of the left hand.

Medicinal properties

Adular is an excellent “psychotherapist”. It has been observed that the stone extinguishes outbursts of anger, controls the emotional state, helps overcome depression, and improves mood. A natural healer is able to reduce the number of epileptic seizures and relieve insomnia.

Astrologers claim that the stone has a mysterious connection with the Moon. People with unstable psyches are susceptible to changes in the phases of the lunar cycle. The gem stabilizes the mental state of such patients and significantly improves their quality of life. Supports adularia and people with diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Moonstone has a particularly beneficial effect on the fair sex. It helps them in love, motherhood, takes away fatigue, restores energy, and reveals hidden talents.

Properties of the stone according to zodiac signs

A charming moonstone skillfully attracts attention to its owner or mistress. The power of the mineral increases during the waxing moon phase, and during the full moon its magic is especially strong. The stone has individual specifics of communication with representatives of different signs of the Zodiac.

Aries (21.03 – 20.04)

With an active lifestyle and a desire to be ahead, restless Aries often lose sight of rivals and envious people, whose negative messages can ruin life. Moonstone will not allow selfishness or unclean thoughts to harm the owner. Adularia will liberate an Aries woman and will not allow her to be lonely. The gem will teach you order and sharpen your intuition.

Taurus (21.04 – 20.05)

For Taurus, the moonstone will become a healer of spiritual wounds; it will teach them to sincerely enjoy life and see its positive sides. The shining mineral will give you a feeling of happiness and peace of mind. A Taurus man will always find the right way out of a situation, take care of his health and choose an active lifestyle. Taurus women will pay more attention to their appearance, become prettier and find a reliable life partner.

Gemini (21.05 – 20.06)

Together with Adularia, love, good work, and wealth will come into Gemini’s life. In short – happiness! The lunar talisman will protect against the evil eye and improve health. Shy Gemini men will be liberated, unpredictable men will learn wisdom and sanity. The versatility of a woman of the sign will not prevent her from making the right decisions, becoming collected and successful.

Cancer (21.06 – 22.07)

The Moon is the patron planet of this zodiac sign. A talisman with a lunar gem will be a wonderful life partner for Cancers. He will tell you the right path, teach you to choose true life values, and relieve emotional stress. Loyalty and harmony will reign in the Cancer woman’s family, love and peace will reign in her heart. For a Cancer man, adularia is an amulet of love, a good mentor in life, bringing the gift of persuasion and eloquence.

Leo (23.07 – 23.08)

Representatives of the Leo sign have enormous internal strength; moonstone will help them use it correctly and get the maximum return from the application of energy. For Leo men, the gem will bring generous gifts of fate: good health, psychological comfort, good luck in love. For delightful “Lionesses,” the stone will add beauty and calm pride, ensuring harmony and well-being in the family.

Virgo (24.08 – 23.09)

Adular will emphasize the positive traits of the Virgo woman: hard work, perseverance, intelligence, memory. At the same time, it will remove excessive shyness, replacing it with sociability. The gem will bring new friends into the mistress’s life, among whom will be her future husband. Stingy with compliments and indecisive, Virgo men will become gallant gentlemen, learn to make the right decisions and move towards the goal.

Libra (24.09 – 23.10)

All Libras should definitely purchase a mystical shimmering mineral to get rid of the negative influence of the Moon. The stone will bring calm, stability, balance. It will enhance the natural beauty and tenderness of Libra women, their sociability, mental abilities, and kindness. Men will receive a romantic mood, rhetorical abilities, the opportunity for creativity and good earnings in life.

Scorpio (October 24.10 – November 22.11)

The magical power of moonstone will be very useful for Scorpios. The Scorpio man is distinguished by his honesty and responsibility, so that there is no temptation to go astray from the right path, carry an adular with you. He will impart wisdom, give a surge of strength and inspiration. For an uncompromising Scorpio woman, the stone will help her create a family, softening her character and making her attractive to men. It will attract true love into the life of its owner.

Sagittarius (23.11 – 21.12)

Moonstone is ready to remove uncertainty, fear of the future, and constraint from Sagittarius. The mineral will absorb all the negativity, expanding the positive aspects of character. Sagittarius men will tune in to romantic relationships and want to build a family nest. The gem will transform the straightforwardness of a Sagittarius woman into sociability, develop her intuition, and have a positive effect on motherhood.

Capricorn (December 22.12 – January 20.01)

The ability of a moonstone to attract love into the owner’s life is perfectly confirmed by the example of a Capricorn woman. To a loving representative of the sign, the shining mineral bestows fidelity, reciprocity, and understanding. She will learn to masterfully get out of difficult situations and become emotionally balanced. The Capricorn man will learn to treat people’s feelings with care, tame his temperament, and receive protection from external negativity.

Aquarius (21.01 – 19.02)

Aquarians are smart, kind-hearted, and have an even, non-hostile character. But absent-mindedness often prevents them from achieving their goals. Next to the lunar talisman, minor troubles will no longer distract a man from business, he will have a reliable shield from the attacks of ill-wishers, and his self-confidence will be strengthened. The stone will present the most valuable gifts to the Aquarius woman – love, family, extraordinary attractiveness.

Pisces (20.02 – 20.03)

Conflicting Pisces do not know how to use the talents and abilities that nature has endowed them with. They prefer to go with the flow of fate. The moonstone will give them motivation, shake them up, and direct them to great things and accomplishments. The Pisces man will engage in self-development, and the woman will have a desire to “emerge” from her routine and engage in creativity.

How to distinguish a natural stone from a fake

To make an imitation moonstone, glass or plastic is used. They are tinted, repeating the colors of the adularia. But it is possible to distinguish such a fake:

  • the fake quickly heats up from the heat of the hands;
  • Crystals created by nature have air bubbles and voids inside. A fake has no flaws;
  • The surface of natural stone is silky and pleasant to the touch, contact with it soothes and gives a feeling of calm. Glass or plastic are not capable of generating emotions;
  • if you place a natural gem in water, it becomes brighter, colors appear more clearly, and new, previously invisible shades appear. The fake behaves more modestly, it simply becomes cleaner.

In addition to helping in matters of the heart, adularia is considered a talisman for travelers. A stone set in silver will help you easily overcome the path and return home safely. In a similar way, a mysterious amulet helps us on the path of life; with its unique ghostly radiance it points in the right direction to happiness.

Moonstone is an unusual gem (sodium calcium silicate), which surprises and fascinates with its milky bluish glow and magical play of light and color. It cannot be confused with other stones. It is unique not only due to its color, but also to its properties. We will tell you about moonstone properties and reviews in this article.

There are several types of moonstone:

  • adularia – transparent and translucent stone;
  • belomorite – milky white and yellowish stone from the White Sea coast;
  • black moonstone, which is named labradorite

Moonstone in silver and gold jewelry has been popular for periods. For example, in the early 90s, fashionistas all over the world hunted for products with moonstone and bought it “under the counter.” A few years later it completely disappeared from sale. But exactly a year ago, world jewelry brands again paid attention to such an unusual stone, making it the “highlight” of many collections. As a result, buyer interest grew again, and jewelry companies did not have time to respond to their desires. The online store Crystal Shop and the Ukrainian manufacturer Kristall Artdeco quickly picked up the trend and created a lot of jewelry made of 925 sterling silver with moonstone.

Where is natural moonstone mined?

Good quality stones are mainly mined in Sri Lanka and South India, as well as Madagascar. Lesser quality ones are mined in Australia, Burma, Brazil, Tanzania, Norway and Sweden.

Moonstone: myths and legends

Moonstone is covered in legends and myths. For example, in ancient times it was considered the creation of Satan, who observed Eve and one day noticed that she was admiring the moon. Satan created the moonstone, which captured Eve’s imagination and created temptation and greed in the hearts of people.

There is also another legend. People believed that the moonstone had an origin in every stone, but not many were destined to become a jewel. Many factors had to come together – the stone had to lie in a certain place, for a certain amount of time, and always in the moonlight. All this time, the pebble absorbs the light of the moon and begins to glow. It was believed that the person who finds this stone becomes clairvoyant.

Adularia (moon stone) was also used by Chaldean magicians in their fortune telling. On the new moon, when the stone became cold, the magicians placed it under the tongue and predicted fate.

Magical properties of Moonstone

  • Moonstone is a talisman for temperamental people. It helps them control their emotions and not waste them.
  • The Moon Stone can become an amulet for people who want to discover the gift of clairvoyance. It will help you look into the past and see the future.
  • An amulet for people who have suffered some kind of severe psychological trauma. Its glow excites daydreaming, softens character and makes a person more sensual and gentle, reduces tension.
  • Moonstone is a talisman of love. It is he who will help you express your thoughts beautifully and accurately. Well, for lovers, the stone brings fidelity and understanding.

Healing properties of moonstone

  • Silver jewelry with moonstone will protect you from uncontrollable outbursts of anger. In addition, they will ease epilepsy attacks and cure insomnia.
  • Doctors who practice alternative medicine believe that moonstone has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the genitourinary system, as well as on digestive functions. It is believed that moonstone even facilitates childbirth.

Children are also advised to wear jewelry with a moonstone (a pendant with a moonstone or earrings made of silver or gold). He will help the child discover his talents and show them.

Moon stone – which zodiac sign suits?

Aries, Leo and Sagittarius should be wary of Moonstone. Of course, it will not have a harmful effect, but it will be able to influence the mood and emotional state.

Read also the article “What is suitable for zodiac signs”

Well, Cancers need to constantly wear moonstone in jewelry! It will reveal their creative potential, fill their hearts with love, help them find a common language with others, and protect them from troubles. In a word – it will become a talisman for life!

Jewelry with moonstone: ring, pendant or earrings – what to choose?

Like any natural or artificially grown gem, Moonstone in jewelry requires care. You must take care of the stone, protect it. Moreover, moonstone has its own weak points, which include relatively low hardness. Therefore, it must be protected from shock and exposure to chemicals. But the lost shine is easily restored through repeated sanding and polishing.

In the Crystal online store you can find many sets with moonstone. With large stones – silver earrings, pendant and ring “Flora”, set “Boundweed”, “Water Lily”. With medium-sized stones – ring, earrings and “Fantasy” bracelet. With small stones – a 925 sterling silver bracelet “Harlequin” and a “Month” set.

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