Geological classification

Whose birthstone is amethyst according to the horoscope?

Amethyst is a type of quartz and is translated from Greek as “not to be drunk.” Most often you can find blue, red-violet or bluish-pink mineral.

History of the stone

Even the ancient Greeks and Romans used pebbles in order not to get drunk and not to say too much. They willingly carried it with them and also decorated dishes. To do this, the wine at feasts was diluted with water until the drink became the color of amethyst. It was believed that it calms nerves, brings peace, good luck, and settles disputes. From mythology, a beautiful legend has reached us that Dionysus, the god of winemaking, once saw the beautiful nymph Amethys and, falling in love, began to pursue her. However, she preferred a simple shepherd to him and did not accept courtship. In the end, she was forced to turn to Artemis, begging to save her from the attention of the jealous Dionysus. She turned the nymph into stone, and no matter how hard Dionysus tried to revive his beloved, it was all in vain. He sprinkled the pebble with his magical wine, but it only absorbed the drink, becoming purple in color. A little later, Zeus split the stone, whose magnificent fragments scattered throughout the earth. In addition, amethyst is known as “monastic” or “bishop’s”, since the robes of clergy in Jerusalem were decorated with it. Amethyst has many varieties that differ in magical properties, color and price. The most expensive are transparent samples. By color you can distinguish: 1. Purple is the most common. Usually from soft lilac to almost black. Protects against drunkenness, is used in meditation, helps people find a source of spiritual strength within themselves. 2. Prasiolite, or also called green amethyst. Nature does not create a green gem, these are ennobled products. They are obtained by calcining light quartz. A peculiar lemon shade is obtained due to needle-like inclusions. The green mineral will help you find inner harmony and create positive and fulfilling relationships with others. This stone will help in developing business and establishing business relationships, unlocking creative potential, and protecting you from internal conflicts. 3. Pink amethyst – the most sensitive to sunlight, has opaque specks that highlight its beauty. Ideal as a gift for those who want to enjoy life and relationships. Sincere love, tender affection and friendship, a feeling of complete mutual understanding – this is all the magic of the pink pebble. It will help women improve their emotional state. 4. Black crystals are the rarest and are valued by sorcerers because. in a magical sense they are considered the most powerful. They are valued for their amazing properties of removing radiation and negativity (stress, anger, anger) and are found only in the Uruguay deposit, where they formed over millions of years. 5. Lavender quartz is obtained by calcining pink quartz. 6. Blue amethyst is rare, as is black.

Magical properties

It is believed that amethyst promotes spiritual self-knowledge, allows you to find harmony in life and enlightenment. The talisman will provide protection from negative witchcraft influences and diseases. It also helps to avoid conflicts and troubles. Purple quartz protects against insomnia, bad habits and attachments, and is also a symbol of purity, purity, and tranquility. For those who live by strict moral principles, it will also be a good talisman. Amethyst is sensitive to the reaction of its wearer, so if a conflict is brewing, it is better to remove the jewelry and then rinse it in running water. Harmony with the crystal will help you sense hypocrisy and insincerity in people, as well as get rid of hot temper and irritability. One of the magical effects of amethyst is that it helps in love, protects the family hearth from temptations and outside influences, preventing infidelity. Therefore, it is good as a gift between people in love or spouses. Another distinctive feature of the stone is that it predicts the weather, darkening before a storm. Crystals improve the material well-being of the family and attract wealth into the house if the raw mineral is placed in the southwestern side of the house. It is believed that amethyst can improve hormonal levels and saturate the blood with oxygen. Beads normalize the functioning of the digestive system and help cope with diseases of the lungs and heart. Also, to maintain youth, you can gently massage your face with beads. Purple amethyst energizes water well, helps relieve swelling and bruises, relieves pain, and joint diseases. Earrings can help with ear infections or hearing problems. For migraines or headaches to subside, you need to gently massage the affected area with the mineral.
Also, if you put a pebble under your child’s pillow, he will sleep soundly.
If the stone is used for medicinal purposes, it is important that it touches the skin and the best setting is silver.

Zodiac sign compatibility

The stone is close to the element of air and represents the planets Neptune and Saturn. Amethyst is of particular value for Aquarius: the mineral protects them from the negativity of others and develops intuition.
The nugget embodies all the qualities that Aquarians possess – calmness, wisdom, honesty.
Pink amethyst is suitable for representatives of this sign, as well as for Gemini and Capricorn. Leos and Aries, representing the fire element, are characterized by an active emotional background. Often they cannot cope with their own feelings, which manifests themselves in hot temper and aggressiveness.
Amethyst in lilac and blue shades will help you gain balance and restraint. For Sagittarius, the gem brings good luck and helps strengthen family relationships. For Virgos, Libra and Scorpios, a dark-colored nugget (“black king”) is suitable. This type of gem helps to overcome the selfishness inherent in the autumn signs of the Zodiac.
In addition, the dark crystal neutralizes negative thoughts and helps to distinguish ill-wishers among others. For Cancer or Pisces, the stone is of great importance, because the nugget helps them recover from illnesses.
Lavender gem in gold will help in career matters and strengthen marriage bonds. The only sign that should not wear amethyst jewelry is Taurus. The stone can negatively affect him, suppressing positive energy. If you want to purchase this nugget, it is better to choose a green-colored crystal (prasiolite).

Medicinal properties

According to experts who study the properties of natural stones, amethyst will be useful for women, men, and children. • The mineral will strengthen the nervous system, normalize weight, and also improve overall hormonal levels.
• In addition, by saturating the blood with oxygen, the amethyst mineral has a beneficial effect on the kidneys, liver, stomach and intestines.
• The stone is also recommended for those who seek to prolong youth. It can relieve swelling, bruises, improve skin color, and reduce the number of wrinkles.
• Amethyst jewelry also helps with headaches, insomnia, and fears.
• Amethyst helps strengthen the immune system, making it easier to cope with a cold.
• The mineral will relieve stress, accumulated negativity, and overexertion.
• Affects the development of memory and helps to concentrate in work.
• In relationships, it helps strengthen feelings and protects against temptations.
• Amethyst should be worn by people who want to have a child.

In order for the stone to last as long as possible, several rules must be followed:

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Which Scorpio stones will bring good luck to this zodiac sign is of interest to most people for whom the topic is relevant. Talismans and amulets based on minerals have always attracted people with their magical powers. For a long time, many people have made various amulets from stones, based on the zodiac sign and date of birth of a particular person.

Scorpios are usually strong personalities with extraordinary abilities. Most sorcerers and witches belong to this sign. Scorpios have always been feared, as they believed that their energy could have a destructive effect. However, sometimes a given zodiac sign has such a negative impact on itself.

In order to direct strong energy flows in the right direction, talismans for Scorpios made from certain stones have been made for a long time. Don’t underestimate the capabilities of most minerals. After all, they can bring both benefit and harm. That is why it is important to know which option to give preference to in a particular case.

Which stone is suitable for Scorpios?

Representatives of the fair sex belonging to this sign will be interested to know which stone is suitable for Scorpio women. It is quite difficult for an inexperienced person to understand the variety of options. Therefore, one should give preference to one or another stone, summing up personal characteristics.

Topaz is a kind of amulet for Scorpio. It is worn in order to get rid of negative influences from the outside. Despite the fact that this zodiac sign has an impulsive character, it can be easily manipulated by pulling certain strings. Topaz will allow you to become more decisive and develop intuition. Get rid of seasoned manipulators and simply dishonest people. A woman who uses topaz as a talisman can preserve her beauty and youth for many years.

Which stones are suitable for Scorpio women according to the horoscope, you should understand in more detail, because there are enough options. Amethyst will help this sign improve mental abilities and gain wisdom. This is the best talisman for women who want to keep the emotional sphere of their lives under control. Amethyst makes the fair sex stronger and more confident. Thanks to this stone, you can make the right decision, starting from reason, and not from surging emotions.

Scorpio mascot stones

Amethyst will become a faithful assistant for a Scorpio woman. However, you need to know that when making jewelry from this stone, you should frame it in silver, with which it is best combined. Amethyst allows you to develop extrasensory abilities and better feel each person. Talismans made from this stone bring good luck in business and study. Amethyst cools the inflamed mind and allows you to make the right decision.

Gemstones for Scorpios should also be chosen wisely. When purchasing diamonds, you need to be especially picky about the shade. Dark colors are most suitable for the fair sex with the zodiac sign Scorpio.

Diamond will be a bright decoration for most girls. Even in Ancient Egypt, they believed that such a gem would protect against the evil eye if worn as a pendant. A diamond decorating a ring not only looks impressive, but also protects against the evil eye. If you give preference to earrings, you can improve your academic success. Diamond goes best with silver and gold.

Stones for Scorpio women by date of birth

Stones for Scorpio women based on their date of birth will help them in all areas of life, nourishing their best qualities and eliminating negative aspects of their personality. The first decade of the sign is the period from October 24 to November 2. People in this period are too selfish and ambitious. Amethyst, tiger’s eye, malachite and rock crystal are suitable for such people. Women wearing such stones stand firmly on their feet and strengthen their self-confidence. In addition, talismans made from the listed minerals help smooth out the negative aspects of people born in the first decade.

A talisman for Scorpio, born from the 3rd to the 13th, should be made from the following stones: turquoise, coral and sardonyx. Most girls of this sign who belong to the second decade are kind and noble. They are very impulsive and capable of feats. An amulet made from any of the listed options will become a faithful assistant and slightly cool the ardor of Scorpio, who can get involved in dangerous activities.

Zodiac sign stones born in the third decade from the 14th to the 22nd are aquamarine, beryl and topaz. Women of this period often fall in love, are very emotional and have a difficult character. It is not so easy to find an approach to them. People born in the third decade often become famous because they have a creative nature.

Opal is an individual amulet for all Scorpios. It allows you to develop the talent and individual characteristics of such difficult individuals. Since talisman stones for a given zodiac sign are selected depending on personal characteristics, opal is best worn by jealous and insecure women. This mineral will allow you to be more confident and dispel bad thoughts, as well as calm those whose temperament is steep and impulsive.

Agate is universal for this sign. A black stone is sometimes a powerful amulet against oneself. Agate can truly become a lifeline for an overly emotional person who finds it difficult to make a decision. This amulet is suitable for people who are accustomed to looking at life through rose-colored glasses and perceive reality not as it is. Agate will also protect overly trusting representatives of this sign. Those who constantly carry a stone with them should not be afraid of difficult situations or negative influence from outside. On the eve of an important meeting, you can put the agate in your pocket or wear any jewelry with this stone. However, you should not wear such talismans every day.

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