Whose stone fell according to the zodiac sign?
In nature there are various types of gems that are stunning in their colors and variety of shades. Opal, perhaps, deserves the top spot on this list – a stone that was literally sent to us from outer space. By the way, this is not just an unfounded statement, but a completely probable fact, because it was recently discovered on Mars. Opal has an attractive and even mystical beauty. He is able to attract glances, surprise and enchant. Its main feature is, of course, its unique color. When you look at it, you get the impression that thousands of multi-colored rainbow sparks flash and go out on its surface. It has powerful energy, so it is perfect as a talisman and assistant. Today we will talk about this amazing stone, which, although it does not belong to the first order precious stones, occupies its own special place in the jewelry industry.
Short story
The word “opal” takes its roots from the Sanskrit word “upala”, which literally means “precious stone”. Mentions of this gem appeared a long time ago – back in the days of Ancient Rome. It was celebrated by famous figures of that time. Thus, the writer Pliny called this gem “the love of a youth.” He also described one interesting case involving opal. Emperor Mark Antony learned that one of the senators had a gem of amazing beauty. He wanted to buy it from him, but he flatly refused, because he considered this stone his amulet and talisman. Such obstinacy on the part of the senator outraged the emperor, and he did everything possible to have him expelled, as a result of which the senator was forced to leave Rome. In Australia it is considered the national stone. There is one interesting legend of its origin. According to it, God descended along the rainbow into the world of people to share with them his knowledge about the structure of the world order. And where he walked on the ground, stones of the most amazing colors remained.
What is this stone?
Opal is a mineraloid whose characteristics are very similar to quartz. The variety of shades makes this gem extremely popular in jewelry, because jewelry with it looks very original even in a laconic design. All opals, regardless of their color, have a pearlescent luster. This stone has different percentages of water – from 13 to 30%. The moisture content largely determines its basic properties. Precious opals, which are classified as precious stones, have a water content of 6 to 10%. Accordingly, the more moisture a gem contains, the higher its level of transparency. By the way, opals have the property of drying out completely, as a result of which they become brittle and can crack. For this reason, it is recommended to regularly wear jewelry with opal, which can maintain the required level of moisture in the composition, “feeding” it from the air and evaporation of the human body. Opal has an interesting optical effect – opalescence. When the stone comes under light, it begins to glow with pearlescent iridescent tints. It looks fascinating, which is why jewelry with this gem is so popular.
Main types of opals
The classification of opals is based on its shades. It is believed that there are more than 130 varieties of stone, but we will consider only the main ones.
White opal
The stone has an almost transparent color, but at the same time it has a bluish shimmer, which is especially noticeable under the sun’s rays. It is used in the production of various jewelry that harmonizes well with white hair color.
black opal
Black Australian opal is considered the most valuable. It is mined, as the name suggests, only in Australia. The gem can be completely black, or contain various shades: purple, dark brown, dark green, etc.
Boulder opal
These gems differ from ordinary opals in their solidity and varied color play. It is considered one of the most valuable specimens, second only to black opal. It is distinguished by a variety of shades, among which orange, green, blue and yellow predominate. Bolder means “noble”.
fire opal
This category includes gems of various shades: orange, honey, bright red, etc. It does not have any special play of color, but when you look at the stone for a long time, you get the feeling that a real flame is flaring up inside it.
The gem with such an unusual name has a white and blue color. When exposed to sunlight, a yellow-golden glow is observed.
The gem has a cloudy structure. Color – milky white. It has an interesting ability to change color depending on the environment. In particular, its beauty is fully revealed when immersed in water, when it begins to shimmer in an amazing way.
This is a completely transparent and colorless stone, so at first it may seem that it looks quite dull. But as soon as the rays of the sun hit it, it immediately begins to sparkle. Externally it is very difficult to distinguish it from glass.
The milky stone is completely opaque. Outwardly, it resembles porcelain, so it is actively used in jewelry. In India there is a legend that cacholong is the congealed milk of a sacred cow.
Wax opal
A stone with a waxy luster, with a brown color that may give off a yellowish tint.
Star opal
One of the most unusual specimens, which is distinguished by asterism, i.e. iridescent colors reminiscent of a star.
A gem with a bright green color, which makes it look like chrysoprase. It is distinguished not only by its color, but also by its greater hardness compared to other opals.
Main deposits
- Australia. This is the undisputed leader of this list, where up to 95% of all gems mined in the world are found. Accordingly, the most interesting and unique specimens are found here. In addition to black, there are also Australian harlequin opals, which have a bizarre coloring reminiscent of the clothes of a jester.
- Mexico. In this country, fire-colored stones prevail. It is quite possible that this is due to the fact that the character of the Mexicans themselves is quite “fiery” and explosive.
- Ethiopia. Deposits in this country were discovered not so long ago – only 15 years ago. As a rule, stones are presented in white, gray and light orange, but there are also brighter shades: red, golden, etc. Particularly noteworthy is chocolate opal, which has a rich brown color.
- Peru. The stones in this country are blue and blue-green in color. Peruvian gems have the effect of pleochroism, i.e. they change color depending on the viewing angle. They contain the largest amount of water, so they are most susceptible to changes under different environmental conditions. For this reason, they require especially careful treatment of themselves.
In Russia they are not found so often, but there are still deposits. They are located in Primorye, Altai, Transbaikalia and Kamchatka.
To one degree or another, opals are found in almost every country, but not all of them can boast of jewelry value. Moreover, in many European countries there are practically no these stones left, because they have been actively mined for many years, which has led to the depletion of reserves.
Healing and magical properties
Opal is a stone that has certain magical properties. Previously, they believed that he was able to accumulate human emotions. For this reason, it was not recommended to be worn by those who harbor anger, hatred, envy and other negativity in their souls.
Magical properties largely depend on the shade of the gem:
- Black stone has very strong energy, so it can emotionally “crush” a person with a weak character. It is believed that it increases the craving for vicious pleasures. But if you are a strong personality and you know how to control yourself, then such a gem can become your amulet, bringing good luck in all your endeavors.
- White and pink opal have a calmer energy. They are considered an amulet for creative individuals, helping to develop their creative inclinations. In the East, these stones are considered a talisman for a happy family life. They also protect against damage, natural disasters and various diseases.
- Fire opal is suitable for people who do business. It helps in business activities, allowing its owner to achieve his goals.
- Green opal is a faithful companion of healers, which helps them make correct diagnoses. It is believed that it contributes to the patient’s recovery and speedy rehabilitation.
Lithotherapists consider opal a healing stone. The list of its healing properties is quite extensive:
- Beneficial effects on human immunity. Constantly wearing jewelry with opal allows you to replenish the reserve of internal energy necessary for the successful recovery of the body after an illness.
- Stabilization of the nervous system. It helps a person cope with stress, calm down and assess the surrounding situation more soberly.
- Help with thyroid problems. This is very important because thyroid hormones affect cellular metabolism, cardiac and mental activity, maintain body temperature, etc.
- Treatment of joint diseases. The gem helps relieve inflammation and also accelerates cell regeneration.
Opal is also believed to improve vision. But it is necessary to understand that all these beneficial properties are not scientifically substantiated, therefore, if you have serious health problems, you need to seek qualified medical help.
Opal – who is it suitable for according to their zodiac sign?
Opal is capable of accumulating human emotions, so it can become an ideal life companion for people who have good thoughts and positive energy.
Representatives of all zodiac signs can wear it, but most of all it helps two of them:
- Capricorn. Opal helps representatives of this zodiac sign cope with certain character traits that often interfere with normal communication with others: excessive anxiety, inattention to the feelings of other people, etc. At the same time, Capricorns, as a rule, have a calm disposition, so they go well with opal. The gem also makes a person more self-confident, which helps not only in communicating with people, but also in achieving career success.
- Scales. This sign is quite friendly, and its representatives are always positive towards the other person. But Libras do not always manage to achieve harmony, because they often suffer from internal contradictions, as well as sudden changes in mood. The gem helps to get rid of this, allowing you to fully enjoy life.
Features of synthetic opal
The gradual depletion of natural reserves of opal contributed to the development of technologies for the production of artificial gems. They can be made from the same natural components that make up natural stone, or from artificial materials. Naturally, opals made using the first technology are valued higher.
Synthetic opal can be very similar to natural opal in its color and pearlescent luster. At the same time, it turns out to be more durable and also resistant to low air humidity.
But, of course, it is much more prestigious to own a natural gem. Here are a few ways to distinguish it from a fake:
- Checking under the sun. Passing through the gem, the rays are refracted. Therefore, on your hand you can observe almost all the colors of the spectrum.
- Place the stone on your tongue. If you have a fake in your hands, it will definitely stick to your tongue. This will not happen with natural stone.
- Presence of bubbles. If under a microscope you notice tiny air bubbles, then this is a fake.
How to care?
Opals require careful treatment. When humidity levels are low, there is a chance that they will lose all the water they contain. This will lead to cracks and even splitting of the stone.
Here are some care tips:
- Jewelry with opal should be stored in a separate box with soft walls. It is also advisable to wrap them in a soft cloth.
- You should clean your jewelry from time to time using warm water and soap. After cleaning, wipe the accessory dry.
- It is recommended to remove jewelry before washing your hands and cleaning. Excess moisture is just as harmful to them as insufficient air humidity.
The online store “Diamonds are Forever” offers a large selection of opal jewelry from famous Russian brands. You can be sure that they will add sophistication to your look, and the variety of shades will allow you to choose the gem that best suits your taste.
Cacholong is a mineral of unusual beauty, captivating with its milky whiteness, grace and tenderness. Today few people know about this gem, but in ancient times it was treated with special awe and respect. Our ancestors called cacholong a female stone, helping to preserve love and the normal course of pregnancy. The history of the mineral is surprisingly rich. In ancient legends and traditions it is considered a sacred stone endowed with magical powers.
Appearance of the gem, ancient legends about it
The name “kacholong” is translated from the Kalmyk language as “river stone”. It has a milky white surface with multi-colored inclusions and a mesmerizing matte shine. Minerals of yellowish, light green, greenish-blue, grayish and greenish-brown shades are also found in nature. Such a variety of colors is given to the stone by the impurities included in its composition. By its origin, the gem is semi-opal, formed as a result of the combination of opal with chalcedony. It is sometimes called white opal or pearl agate.
Cacholong is a stone with an amazing past. In Ancient India, there was a legend according to which it was formed from a frozen drop of milk that fell to the ground from the udder of a cow – an animal sacred to the Hindus, living in Buddhist temples and monasteries. In Mongolia, since ancient times, pearl agate has been considered a symbol of purity and is personified with a delicate lotus flower. The ancient Egyptians associated its origin with the birth of the sacred bull Apis, who was born from a bright moonbeam and was the patron of fertility.
In Ancient Rome, cacholong served as a material for decorating figurines, boxes and other decorative elements. In eastern countries, products inlaid with white opal were considered family heirlooms and passed on from generation to generation. They were hidden under the marriage bed of the newlyweds so that they would soon have a baby.
Cacholong came to Europe in the 18th century and immediately became incredibly popular. It was used not only to decorate jewelry, but also to decorate interior items. Things with pearl agate could be seen in any rich European home. In popularity, the mineral was not inferior to diamonds, emeralds, sapphires and other precious gems.
Today, cacholong stone is mined only in Eurasia. Its largest deposits are located:
- in the Russian Federation (Transbaikalia, Kalmykia, Stavropol, Eastern Siberia);
- In Kazakhstan;
- in Armenia;
- in Iceland;
- in Mongolia;
- China.
Despite its mesmerizing color and brilliance, white opal rarely has a flawless appearance, which is why its price is relatively low. The cost of the gem is also influenced by the fact that it often contains chalk. Because of this, under the influence of moisture, the surface of the mineral can quickly crack and lose its attractive appearance. To extend the life of products with cacholong, experts advise storing them away from water and dampness.
Magical and healing properties of pearl agate
Cacholong is closely associated with magic. In esoteric teachings, he is the personification of goodness and spiritual purity of man. Sorcerers often use the mineral to perform magical rituals. It has also found its application in relaxation sessions. The gem helps to return a favorable atmosphere to the home, increase wealth, improve relationships between family members, and preserve love and passion between spouses. It puts you in a positive mood and helps relieve nervous tension and depression. White agate is indispensable for career growth and business. It allows you to avoid conflict situations at work, attract profitable business deals, preserve and increase capital.
The properties of cacholong stone allow it to have a beneficial effect on its owner. A person whose body is decorated with at least one pearl agate is distinguished by balance and a fair attitude towards others. The gem senses the state of its owner, improves his mood, protects him from stress and outbursts of anger. Wearing a product with cacholong allows you to improve your health, get rid of chronic diseases and prolong the youth of the body.
Cacholong will help a lonely girl look more attractive in the eyes of men and achieve happiness in her personal life. She should wear jewelry with this stone when visiting crowded places, and then a fateful meeting will not be long in coming.
The healing properties of cacholong have made it a popular stone among the fairer sex. In many countries, this gem symbolizes motherhood, promotes easy childbirth and maintenance of lactation. In order to carry and give birth to a child without any problems, the expectant mother should keep a small cacholong in her pocket or on her stomach throughout her pregnancy. After childbirth, the mineral allows the young mother to maintain lactation and has a calming effect on her newborn baby.
Men should not ignore the beneficial properties of pearl agate. According to lithotherapists (specialists who use stones for medicinal purposes), cacholong has a beneficial effect on the condition of the male reproductive system. If a representative of the stronger sex wears a ring with this mineral on the middle finger of his left hand, then he will not be familiar with problems with potency until his old age. But wearing jewelry on the right hand will allow the stronger sex to increase the amount of seminal fluid produced and improve the viability of sperm. This property of kahalong should be taken into account by men who have difficulty conceiving a child.
White opal will help strengthen marital relationships and bring back passion and love. To do this, the husband and wife need to decorate their wrists with bracelets inlaid with this mineral.
For people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cacholong will help normalize the digestion process and forget about health problems. To get rid of the disease, they need to take water infused with pearl agate.
Lithotherapists recommend using greenish cacholong in the treatment of glaucoma. Regular contemplation of the matte shine of the mineral will allow a sick person to reduce intraocular pressure without the use of medications.
Choosing a stone according to your zodiac sign
Who does the horoscope advise to wear white opal? According to astrologers, the stone is ideal for people born under the sign of Taurus. A talisman with cacholong will give them good health and attract good luck and wealth into life. The mineral is also quite friendly towards Libra. It will help a representative of this sign find their purpose in life, become more confident and successful. But in order to feel the power of a gem, a person must have pure thoughts.
For a woman born under the sign of Pisces, the cacholong opal will allow her to discover the gift of clairvoyance and become a respected healer in society. But the stone is contraindicated for Aries, as it can further increase their temper. Scorpios should not wear cacholong products. The gem will deprive representatives of this zodiac sign of peace of mind and plunge them into deep depression.
Most often, cacholongs are framed in a silver frame. Rings, pendants and other jewelry made from it should be purchased on the 18th lunar day, and worn after 4 days. In this case, the magical and healing properties of the stone will manifest themselves in the best possible way.