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Whose symbol is the cross?

The symbol of the spiritual and ideological unity of civil society is the five-pointed morning star – the symbol of Jesus ascending to heaven, who is in the status of the highest citizenship – “King of kings”.

When I say “evolution,” I mean not biological, but the evolution of consciousness https://youtu.be/. · 29 Nov 2021

I don’t know about civil society, but in general the Christian cross encrypts the unity of humanity with God.

The horizontal crossbar represents the plurality of people, the vertical crossbar represents the uniqueness of omnipotence. In order to gain omnipotence, to move to the next stage of evolution, humanity needs to become Someone One. God-manhood, the Body of Christ (as the Apostle Paul said).

But this is sooooo difficult, it is a change of consciousness, repentance and the Last Judgment.

Therefore, at the intersection is the Crucified God-Man. One must identify with Him. But in our time of prosperity, few people want this.

But this is the only way to achieve unity in society. People should unite not into an anthill (ants already have one), but into a “god-anthill.”

Religious scholar, teacher. Topics: religious studies, philosophy, theology, metaphysics. · 18 Feb 2022

The cross is a symbol of Christianity, meaning the painful suffering of Jesus Christ, for the sake of the salvation of all mankind. Therefore, the Cross is a symbol of salvation, just as the human body also has a symbol of the cross, which actualizes all its capabilities and abilities of God-likeness in space-time, that is, the dynamic phenomenon of a substantial carrier (soul) in the fullness of life, which has a direct connection with the body Christ and the soul of man as the bearer of ideal reality and the world system of Integrity and Unity. Therefore, the Symbol of the Cross has a real and Actual Reality.

Our fairy tales with the number “7” are about the structure of our subtle system. Our life is fabulous) November 25, 2021

The symbol of the cross has been around since ancient times, when there was no Christianity yet.
At the subconscious level, this choice is made by us; we have a cross in us; according to fate, we “carry the cross.”

It is in the people themselves, in the culture itself. in creativity..
Ideology simply cannot remove this; it is based on this and stands.
Our spirituality began a long time ago, and there the Cross is a symbol of Purity, that is, faith in God must be pure.

Christianity is a faith that takes its roots from there – from the ancient knowledge embedded in us. having a connection through symbols..

The cross is a symbol!
Symbols are the pure definition of our divine qualities within us..
Letters modified this definition, for example:
Life is miserable..
Love is playing at love..

Many holy symbols have been “transformed” through new words and added letters. since the low in a person had the right to be expressed through words.

And this right was given.
Yes – freedom of speech, expression of one’s thoughts. which we still demand – until now..

But what freedom of speech?
We received this freedom, and the action is behind it..

This right is given to us from above. the right to make mistakes. in feelings!
But this was not advised to us: it is not necessary to eat from the tree.

Or maybe because the choice between good and evil will become more “hardened” from this?
If there are low-frequency worlds, two-dimensional?

Maybe we’ll have to go down there someday?
And you need to be resilient, well prepared for this hell, creating conditions and undergoing training here?

In Orthodoxy, the symbol of the cross carries a deep spiritual meaning. It symbolizes the self-sacrifice that Jesus made for the sake of all mankind, giving hope for salvation and eternal life. The cross can be depicted in various forms, some have a crucifix with the body of Christ, there are crosses without a crucifix, but each carries a unique spiritual meaning. The Calvary cross is one of the oldest designs of the cross. These are the crosses that Old Believers use.

The image of the Calvary cross is familiar to everyone; we see it on the clothes of priests, on temple dishes, on body crosses, on icons. It encrypts the whole story of a great event that changed the entire history of the world.

The cross depicts the cross itself on which Christ was crucified, Mount Golgotha ​​on which the execution took place, the Head of Adam – a skull located in a cave inside the mountain, instruments of execution, as well as inscriptions that explain the picture of the crucifixion.

The Calvary cross is made eight-pointed in memory of Christ’s crucifixion, or the image of the eight-pointed Calvary cross is inscribed in the traditional four-pointed cross. The cross itself consists of a vertical beam and a wide board placed on it at a height of just over two-thirds.

Above the horizontal beam and parallel to it is a short board, such as was nailed to the instrument of execution before it began, with the text inscribed by Pontius Pilate “Jesus of Nazareth, Ruler of Judea.” All Christian Calvary crosses have the same text, only in Church Slavonic.

At the bottom of the cross there is a short board placed diagonally, a conventional pedestal, nailed after the crucifixion. These are symbolic scales of human sins. Her right side is slightly higher than her left. The Holy Scriptures say that two criminals were executed on either side of Jesus. And the one on the right repented and received salvation and eternal life, while the other one on the left found himself eternal suffering.

The cross is depicted at the foot, symbolizing Mount Golgotha. Golgotha, literally translated as “skull,” is referred to in the Holy Scriptures as “Place of Execution.” On crosses it is depicted as a hill or a pyramid, or as three steps. Moreover, the steps also have special meanings, the bottom one is called Faith, the middle one is Love, and the top one is Charity.

Nearby there are two letters “GG” – “Mount Golgotha”, as well as “ML” – “Place of the Execution” and “RB” – “Paradise will be”.

Under the hill there is a skull – “the head of Adam”. The letters “G” and “A” are placed nearby. Adam’s skull, washed with the blood of the crucified Jesus, symbolizes the sins of mankind, which were atoned for by the Son of God at the cost of his life. According to one version, Adam’s skull appeared in the caves of Golgotha ​​as a result of the Flood, according to another, Adam was originally buried here.

On both sides of the cross there is always a Spear and a Cane with a sponge at the end – symbols of the torture and torment that Jesus underwent for the sake of cleansing people from sins. They are marked with the letters “K” and “T”.

The body of Christ is not on the schematic representation of the cross; it is indicated by the monograms “Is Xc” – Jesus Christ next to the wide crossbar.

Above the eight-pointed cross is the inscription “King of Glory,” which symbolizes that with his life and death Christ acquired all earthly glory.

At the top of the cross it is also customary to write “Son of God,” which shows the divine nature of the Savior.

The cross must have the inscription “NIKA”, which means “defeated”, “victory”. With this word Jesus rose again.

Such a visual image of the execution of the Savior, which is the Cross of Calvary, has become the most popular and revered symbol of Christianity. It is applied as a pectoral cross, it is a relic and a particle of the Lord’s Grace, and it is not at all only a sign of monks, clergy or a cemetery. And it doesn’t matter what material the cross is made of, silver, gold, wood or other materials.

You can purchase Calvary crosses in our store.

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