Why do pomegranate stain your hands?
I’ve been peeling pomegranates, my nails have been black for three days now, I can’t wash them off, and it’s a shame to cut them off. comment
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12 answers:
10 years ago I think the best remedy is to rub it with lemon. If you don’t have it, then you can “soak” your hands in a solution of bleach and warm water, about a liter of water – a small coffee cup of bleach. Or wash something in it – for example, a white kitchen towel. And bleach it, and your hands and nails. The remedy is correct – this is how I wash my hands after many hours of kneading black grapes for wine. Only after the procedure, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly and apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream to them. the author of the question chose this answer as the best
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Milol ika Taira [191K] 5 years ago After working in the garden or after peeling certain vegetables, often the nails and cuticles become mercilessly black and unwashable, which greatly shows the imperfections of the nails and nail plates. Helps in these unpleasant moments baby soap in large pieces of 200 grams. You can also use regular laundry soap of any percentage. I usually use 72 percent soap. To remove black stains from your hands after vegetables, you need to soap something intended for washing with one of these types of soap and wash it by hand. Your nails will look snow-white. After washing the clothes, if the blackness remains, you can make a bath for your nails and hands from starch. If the washing option does not suit you, you can rub your nails with regular food soda, which scrubs stains well, gets rid of odors, bacteria, germs, fungi and, in general, many problems. And the third option, if you didn’t like the first two, is to buy a white nail pencil and do French manicure! comment
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5 years ago You can try cleaning your nails with lemon, as you were already advised here. Just cut a slice of lemon and dip your nails in it, or try rubbing it. Then rinse with warm water. By the way, this procedure is excellent and strengthens the nail plate. You can simply use vegetable oil. Take a cotton pad, slightly heat the sunflower oil and treat the nail plates. Do this once, wait a couple of minutes and repeat again. Then, without washing off the oil, treat your nails with liquid antibacterial soap. After this, you can rinse your hands. If necessary, all manipulations can be repeated. You can also try salicylic alcohol to clean pomegranate nails. comment
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Syshk a [151K] 5 years ago I see that many popular methods have already been listed here and I will not repeat them. My method is also popular and universal. Just wet the cotton wool keroseneor any other fuel and lubricant such as gasoline, solvent and so on. True, after this you will have to wash your hands thoroughly with soap. But this method is universal. I think everyone has kerosene or any other solvent in their home. But for lemon or white, you will probably have to go to the store, which will waste your time and extra money. And girls also have all sorts of nail polish removers, which are also solvents. In general, there are several options for clearing blackness on fingernails; all that remains is to choose which one is more convenient and preferable for you. comment
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ameti st [70.4K] 10 years ago There are folk remedies, thanks to our grandmothers) In such cases, or just for the sake of whiteness of the tips of my nails, I choose one of two procedures. The first is lemon. The second is an aloe leaf. In both cases, you need to put the marigolds into the pulp of lemon or aloe and hold for a while, but the longer the better. Do it several times and then evaluate the result. comment
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Eleni I [447K] 5 years ago Pomegranate is a tasty and juicy fruit. But when you had to clean it with your hands, removing the skin from the outside, your hands get dirty, and the darkening remains under the nails. It is better to immediately remove traces of juice. You can even do this with just water: wash with cool water, then wash after a minute. But if the contact of the juice with the skin was more than two minutes, then simple means can no longer be used. If children need to scrub their hands, it is better to choose gentle methods, for example, vegetable oil. The same applies to overly sensitive skin. It is better to take heated oil and, after wetting a swab or cotton wool pad, process it, let it sit on the skin, and repeat a little later. Next we wash, three. You can prepare a bath filled with grated baby soap and hold your hands in it. After a while, where the marks have not gone away, rub with soap, rub, clean, and rinse. A nourishing cream will also help. First, wash your hands with soap, then apply cream and wait at least a couple of minutes, massaging, repeat after 5 minutes. Antiseptics in liquid or gel form also help. Apply where stains have appeared. You can also try wet wipes. An aggressive but immediate option is the use of lemon juice. They also use alcohol or laundry soap. Pomegranate is a tasty and healthy fruit, the season of which many are looking forward to. Having bought a long-awaited fruit, you want to immediately peel it and enjoy it. However, there are concerns that it will take a long time to wash after cleaning the pomegranate. To avoid such problems, let’s look at how to cope with the task – how to wash your hands from pomegranate juice. Depending on how much time has passed since the contamination, a method is chosen that will help cleanse the skin.
Cleansing methods for sensitive hand skin
If a couple of minutes have passed after contamination and the skin on your hands is sensitive to various irritants, then products such as:
Sunflower oil
Heat the oil a little, soak a cotton swab in it and treat the skin. Leave the oil on the skin for a couple of minutes, then, without cleansing your hands, repeat the procedure again. After 3-4 minutes, lather your hands with soap, take a sponge and gently rub the remaining stains. Wash the hands. To obtain the desired effect, the procedure can be performed several times.
Baby soap
Grate the soap or cut into small pieces, dilute with warm water. When it dissolves, lower your hands into the prepared solution and hold them there for five minutes. If the pomegranate marks have not completely disappeared, soap these areas again and rub with a sponge. Then keep it in the solution for 2-3 minutes and rinse with clean water. The same procedure can be carried out using laundry soap. However, its effect on the skin will be more aggressive, so after completing the manipulations to get rid of spots, the skin must be well moisturized.
Nutritious cream
A nourishing cream will help get rid of fresh dirt. Wash soiled hands thoroughly with soap. Then wipe dry and apply a large amount of cream. Leave it on the skin for 5 minutes, massaging into the spots. Then wash off with cool water and soap.
Contaminated areas can be treated with a liquid or gel antiseptic. Also, special wet wipes will help get rid of pomegranate stains. After any cleansing method, the skin must be moisturized. If the stains do not disappear, then the question arises, what else can be used? For dried pomegranate juice stains on the skin, there are the following ways to get rid of them:
For small pomegranate stains from dirt, you can simply clean the skin with a cotton pad soaked in lemon juice. If the stains are strong, and the pomegranate juice is not washed off by regular wiping, then you should prepare a warm water-lemon solution at the rate of the juice of one lemon per 500 milliliters of water and hold your hands in it for 25-30 minutes. When the water cools, add hot water. After completing the procedure, wash your hands with soap. You can clean your nails and fingertips by dipping them in the pulp of a lemon cut in half. If fresh lemon is not available, a citric acid bath will do.
Pomegranate juice can be removed with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol. To do this, treat the contaminated areas, then rinse your hands with warm water and apply a nourishing cream. After 15 minutes, remove any remaining cream with a paper towel or soft natural cloth. However, we must remember that each of the cleansing methods affects the top layer of skin and damages it, so if you have time, it is better to wait until the pomegranate stains go away on their own. But when there is no opportunity to “sit out” at home, it is worth choosing what and how best to clean your hands from pomegranate from the suggested tips. You may be interested in
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