History of use

Why do you need an obsidian mirror?

The English occultist John Dee owned an obsidian mirror, with the help of which he summoned spirits and predicted the future. Related video An obsidian mirror owned by Renaissance mystic John Dee is of Aztec origin, new research has revealed. Gizmodo reports. Renaissance thinker John Dee was born in 1527 and was interested in a wide variety of topics, ranging from mathematics, geometry, astronomy and astrology, to alchemy and the occult. From 1550 to 1570, Dee was Queen Elizabeth I’s scientific advisor, but he always had an affinity for the supernatural. By the 1580s, Dee had become seriously interested in fortune-telling in an attempt to predict the future. Among his tools were crystals, including real crystal balls, as well as several mirrors, one of which was made of obsidian. Historians had previously suggested that the hand-held obsidian mirror was of Aztec origin. And new research has confirmed this theory. An archaeologist from the University of Manchester and his team carried out a geochemical analysis of the mirror, in particular, they used X-ray fluorescence analysis. “Obsidian is ideal for this type of analysis. This rock only occurs near a limited number of volcanoes, so the number of potential sources is small and we largely know their composition,” says Campbell. In the case of John Dee’s mystical mirror, its chemical fingerprint matched that of Mexican obsidian. Most likely, the mirror was created by the Aztecs in the city of Pachuca. The interest of Europeans in such mirrors could have been caused by the way in which the Aztecs themselves used the artifacts. Obsidian mirrors were spiritual objects that were used for healing, protection from evil spirits, and capturing souls. Experts say the Aztecs had a deity called Tezcatlipoca, whose name translates to “smoking mirror.” The deity had an obsidian mirror with him, with the help of which he observed the actions of people on earth. The unusual mirrors apparently made a lasting impression on European colonizers, who sent the artifacts home as treasured possessions. It is known that Dee was also interested in the Spanish conquest of America, and probably heard stories about obsidian mirrors. After Dee’s service to Queen Elizabeth I ended, he traveled around Europe with Edward Kelly, a famous medium who claimed to be able to communicate with spirits and angels through crystal balls. Dee and Kelly often performed “magical” experiments in front of the royal family, but Dee eventually found himself in poverty. The British became less tolerant of various kinds of occult practices, which directly affected Dee’s earnings. He died in poverty at the age of 81. The location of Dee’s grave remains unknown. Dee’s obsidian mirror eventually fell into the hands of the English writer and politician Horace Walpole. Today the artifact is kept in the British Museum.

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All over the world they know that a mirror is a mystical object capable of accumulating information and storing it in itself. We know many stories about the so-called “through the looking glass”. Stories that describe that the mirror is a kind of portal between worlds through which one can gain knowledge. A special attitude towards old mirrors is also confirmation that it is not necessary to have special knowledge. It is enough to just touch a little on folklore and focus your attention. Everyone knows that breaking a mirror can lead to a series of bad luck. Although, with a careful and respectful attitude, you can get away with nothing more than disappointment.

Fortune telling using mirrors was common in Rus’. These rituals, bordering on folk traditions, have survived to this day. After all, what young girl did not ask questions during Epiphany fortune-telling, in the circle of her young friends? Probably almost every one. Ukraine preserves ancient traditions very well and this cannot but rejoice.

Black obsidian is a stone formed from volcanic rocks. A stone of great power and widely used in magic. It has different names in all corners of the world, but they are all mystical, from “Devil’s Claws” to “Gaze of the Abyss.” Obsidian is a stone that has powerful magical properties, such as connection with the subtle world. When combined with a mirror, obsidian forms a powerful black reflective surface that, when handled, can bring a person into contact with the other world. Compared to an ordinary mirror, a black obsidian mirror has a more directional vector in working with magic, namely, it can allow a deeper study and understanding of the issue, while also having protective properties for its owner. In one of the ancient treatises, the following words are written about obsidian: “It is pitch black and true as death.” This stone was used by the ancient Sumerians, so we can be glad that we have such an ancient object today.

How should you handle a black obsidian mirror to get maximum effect and work without breaking the rules? First of all, the mirror must be placed on any stand that is convenient for you. By the way, as mentioned above, when working with an obsidian mirror, you do not need to install any protection, since this function is performed by the stone. This is a clear advantage. Further. You must understand that this is a serious magical attribute. You must treat him with respect, and in no case with humor.

If you decide to buy an obsidian mirror for the first time, this is your new serious stage on the path of magic and witchcraft. Look at it, study it, get to know it. When working with him, you should never feel afraid. Actions must be smooth and confident. Work in a room with dim lights, play very quiet relaxing music, or use incense. Light a candle that will perform exclusively the function of lighting and relate to your question (choose in our catalog a candle that corresponds to the topic that interests you: red – in matters of love, blue – questions about a partner’s fidelity, green – about financial issues, etc.) .

Make sure that nothing disturbs or distracts you. Also, you should not be stressed or nervous – all this will interfere with proper work. Greet the mirror, express your respect to it – this way you will get to know each other and set it up for work. After this, ask the question you are interested in, look in the mirror. But don’t try to look into the depths, defocus your vision. You will feel when the process begins. You may stop hearing music, and the room will change its shape slightly. The main thing is not to be afraid. Whatever you see, remember: an obsidian mirror provides protection. Nothing from the other world will penetrate ours.

The main thing is to remain calm and breathe evenly. If you feel that you are making contact with spirits who have come to answer your questions, greet them. Ask: “Can I ask you questions?” *ask a question that interests you* “Can I come again?” After you receive answers, be sure to thank those who communicated with you. Next, say goodbye. It is important to say the word “goodbye” because you do not know who you will work with next time.

At the initial stages of work, you should not look in the mirror for more than 15 minutes. Wipe the mirror with a clean towel, wrap it in black cloth, or any other material you see fit. Still, now this is your attribute of work, every magician and witch knows how best to handle their things. Keep the mirror in a place inaccessible to anyone except you.

Order a black obsidian mirror on our website, select from the catalog the items that you will need for your work. Delivery will ensure the rapid appearance of this desired magical attribute wherever you live – in Kyiv or any other city. We wish you only clear knowledge, we advise you to adhere to all the rules (although we have no doubt that you will handle such items with extreme caution and respect), we are always waiting for you. Good luck with your work!

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