Why does wood turn to stone?
petrified wood – fossil, wood from trees that grew in past geological epochs, replaced by various silica minerals (chalcedony, quartz or amorphous opal). At the same time, the structure of the tree is often well preserved – for example, growth rings are clearly visible. Petrified (or petrified from the Greek πέτρος – stone) forest is a significant accumulation of wood fossils in a small area. The fossilization process occurs underground when the tree becomes buried under sediment but does not deteriorate due to lack of oxygen. Mineral-rich water flowing through the sediment brings minerals into the plant cells, and when the lignin and cellulose break down, the rock remains in its original shape. In this case, all organic matter is replaced by minerals (often silicates such as quartz), and the original microscopic structure of the tree is preserved. The hardness of the mineral is 5,5-6 on the Mohs scale. Glass or wax luster. Composition – silica SiO2 with impurities. The presence of certain impurities of chemical elements, such as iron, manganese, copper, in water (mud) during petrification (petrification process) gives the resulting petrified wood one or another color from a fairly wide range of colors. So, for example, if carbon predominates in the impurities, the color will be black, if cobalt, chromium or copper will be green or blue, iron oxide will be red, brown or yellow, manganese will be pink or orange, manganese oxide will be black or yellow. Wood that has been petrified can have different textures. The reason for this is many factors. Let’s take a closer look at the existing textural varieties of petrified wood, as well as how they were formed.
- Spotted petrified tree – the most common decorative variety. Typically, spotted-colored varieties of petrified wood are highly decorative ornamental stones of opal-chalcedony composition with a significant admixture of iron hydroxides. This three-component composition with a variable ratio of opal, chalcedony and iron hydroxides causes an uneven spotted color and, accordingly, a spotted and banded-spotted texture. The spotting of the stone is formed by chalcedony spherulites and tiny globules of iron hydroxides. In some cases, the spotting of the stone is caused by relics of wood replaced by chalcedony, preserving the outline of cells and their chains against the background of a structureless opal mass. The color of this type of stone includes all shades of brown – from very light (almost white) to dark brown (almost black).
- Lens texture. When large pores and cells in the rock are filled with chalcedony, opal and iron hydroxides, lens-shaped and spectacle-like microstructures develop. Lenses are usually oriented linearly. Linearity in some cases is emphasized by the development of iron hydroxides along the same lines.
- Concentrically zoned petrified wood. The stone is characterized by an alternation of differently colored opal or opal-chalcedony concentric stripes, emphasizing the pattern of annual growth rings of wood in a cross section. In a longitudinal section, the stone has a clearly defined linear-banded texture. Alternating white, beige and brown layers are typical for samples from the Siziman deposit (Khabarovsk Territory); light gray and cream layers in petrified wood from the Kurdyumovskoye deposit (Primorye), where the pattern of the stone is complicated by the finest wavy cracks radiating from the center of the cut. Light and dark brown zones are typical of petrified wood from the Goderdza deposit (Georgia) and the Sariar occurrence (Armenia). Light grayish and pinkish-brown tones and a thin alternation of layers are characteristic of the stones of the Lvov deposit.
- Homogeneous petrified wood includes varieties with an almost uniform or unclearly zoned structure and different colors (from white to black). The zoning of the stone is unclear and is not due to the difference in the color of the annual rings, but only to the presence of lines limiting them. Unclear-zoned petrified wood, although inferior in decorativeness to the varieties noted above, is also an original ornamental stone. The most interesting in this group is light-colored (up to white) petrified wood, the so-called “woody opal”. The texture of opal wood is mostly unclearly zonal without a clear pattern, homogeneous. The stone usually retains the primary structure of wood (deposits of the Caucasus, Crimea). Opal wood is a high-quality ornamental and collection material.
- Jet tree. Black jet tree is characteristic of the deposits of Kamchatka and Chukotka, and is found in Adjara (Utkisubani and Riketi occurrences) and in Transcaucasia (Goderdzskoe and Artmulinskoe deposits). It is characterized by a carbon-carbonate or carbon-opal composition. The clear lines of the growth rings form a concentric, sometimes wavy-concentric pattern. Black petrified wood is similar in decorative qualities to jet or black jade and can be used in the form of inserts, in mosaics and carvings.
Place of Birth
Unique accumulations of petrified wood (“petrified forest” in Holbrook) are located in the central part of Arizona (USA), since 1906 this area has been declared a Petrified Forest National Park. At the end of the 65th century. extensive deposits of dense petrified wood, the best in the world in terms of color and pattern, were discovered here; fragments of petrified wood, replaced by fine-crystalline quartz, occur in Triassic conglomerates. Petrified Araucaria trunks are completely devoid of branches and twigs, the largest of them reach a length of 3 meters and a diameter of 1 meters, fragments 6-150 m long predominate. Less significant locations are known in the USA in the states of Washington, Oregon, as well as in India, Iraq, Syria and other countries. In Greece, the petrified forest in the west of the island of Lesvos, with an area of 2 km1985, has had the status of a natural monument since XNUMX.
The Goderdzskoye deposits in Georgia are famous (in 1911, near the Goderdza Pass, a cemetery of large trunks covered with volcanic ash was discovered, where numerous trunks of petrified trees with a diameter of 20 to 70 cm are enclosed in the tuffs), Sariarskoe in Armenia (accumulations of petrified wood are developed in fine-clastic tuff conglomerates and tuff sandstones over an area of about 1,5 km 2 ), Lvovskoe in Ukraine (in the sands of the Middle Miocene, fragments of trunks up to 0,5 m in diameter and up to 2 m in length are found), Tuzkul and Chabakty in Southern Kazakhstan. Significant finds of petrified wood in Russia were made in the Volga region (Samara region, Kamyshinsky district), Central Siberia, Kamchatka, Chukotka and the Primorsky Territory; some interesting finds were repeatedly noted in the European part of Russia.
Petrified wood jewelry and its prices
Petrified wood has been used as a raw material for jewelry since ancient times. The value of the samples is associated with the originality of shape, design and age of many millions of years, which is valued by collectors. Artificial petrified wood is used in interior decoration and park areas. The petrified tree is considered the emblem of the Canadian province of Alberta and the American state of Washington.
In many ancient countries, this stone was used to make jewelry, inlay products and inserts for pendants. And in the 19th-20th centuries, vases, candlesticks, tabletops and candelabra were made from this stone. At a certain period in history, wax for candles was made from petrified wood. Nowadays, petrified wood is a very popular material for making beads and artistic items. The cost of petrified wood depends on how beautiful the pattern on the cut of the trunk is.
The unique pattern and high hardness make petrified wood in demand in many areas. First of all, this is a high-quality finishing material, which, in combination with glass, rock-forming minerals and metal, creates a unique and stylish decor for the room.
Sections of large trees are used to make countertops, cabinets, sinks, stands, mantelpieces, which are made in a variety of variations, while leaving the natural shape of the edges or giving the product strict geometric parameters. Despite the fact that furniture made from fossil wood is heavy, it looks impressive when combined with modern home furnishings.
The price of petrified wood furniture depends on its size, texture and quality of material. For example, the cost of a tabletop with legs varies from $350 to $1000. The price of the sink will be $400-700. A stand designed in the shape of a panda figurine is more expensive. Its cost reaches $1200.
Fragments of petrified wood are used in crafts, making souvenir table sets, balls on stands, carved animal figures, ashtrays, vases and candelabra. A souvenir egg on a stand made of petrified wood costs from $60 to $150. The cost of wood cuts presented in the form of panels, depending on the size, is $200-1200. Tumbled crystals measuring 1-3 cm, intended for making magical items, can be purchased at an affordable price from 0.5 to 2 $.
Petrified wood is used in jewelry to create jewelry with unique designs. An elegant pendant with a polished stone in a silver frame can be purchased for $50; the cost of a ring, depending on the size of the processed crystal, ranges from $25 to $50.
Magical properties
Amulets made from petrified wood have different properties, since it matters what type of tree the stone “came from” and what symbol is engraved on the amulet (if there is one). Various properties have been attributed to petrified wood. This is the stone of dreamers and people living in dreams. People who experience failure in material spheres. Petrified wood talismans help such people get rid of illusions, directing their thoughts into a material direction. Wearing this stone helps them achieve earthly blessings. But that is not why he is valued. Wearing this stone will help you learn to appreciate what you have. The presence of products made from this stone in the house helps to establish family ties and smoothes out conflicts. Petrified wood is one of the oldest Slavic amulets that protected against murderers, thieves and rapists.
Petrified wood has a beneficial effect on all people living in the house, helps strengthen family ties and improve relationships.
Our ancestors have long paid attention to this wonderful “stone” and carved all kinds of amulets from it that protected against thieves, murderers, fires, diseases, the evil eye and damage. So you can not just carry a piece of petrified wood with you, but cut out any amulet from it that will help you protect yourself from troubles and misfortunes. (For example, on a piece of wood you can depict a Kolovrat – an ancient symbolic image of the sun with rays emanating from the disk.
This is one of the oldest Slavic amulets. So, for example, the eight-rayed Kolovrat symbolized the power of sunlight and the protection of a person from the machinations of evil forces, damage and the evil eye, because, as you know, everything unclean and evil is afraid of the life-giving rays of the sun.) Such an amulet can be carried with you, or you can keep it at home, each time promising him to return – in this case, the amulet will protect not only your home, but also yourself from troubles and misfortunes that may happen to you during the day.
However, when dealing with petrified wood, we are not only talking about the energy of the “stone” itself. Some trees could be used in magical rituals, thanks to which they acquired special powers. For example, the trunk of a huge oak tree was found in the Dnieper River, which had lain in the water for at least a thousand years. Boar jaws were firmly nailed to the trunk. Naturally, this tree was once an integral part of ancient rituals. In ancient times, the oak itself was associated with the thunder god Perun and was considered a symbol of power, strength and hardness.
Medicinal properties
This stone helps its wearer deal with stress of various origins. Accumulates and increases the vitality of its owner. Strengthens immunity. There are also known cases in history of using this stone as a remedy for arthritis (planks carved from petrified wood are applied to sore joints), but it helps not only with arthritis.
It is believed that pieces of petrified wood can relieve pain of any origin, you just need to apply them to the sore spot (petrified wood is especially good for arthritis). They also help normalize blood pressure, relieve tension, overcome stress, prevent nervous and mental illnesses, and strengthen the immune system. Pieces of petrified wood give their owner vitality and protect them from various diseases.
5 interesting facts
- Chinese scientists discovered the oldest specimens of this stone next to the remains of dinosaurs (100 million years old). This stone is a symbol of the state of Washington and the Canadian province of Alberta.
- According to ancient legends of the Navajo Indians, petrified trees are nothing more than the claws of a giant monster that hunted people. The Indians, going on a long journey, always brought pieces of petrified wood as a sacrifice to the gods, hoping for their patronage and protection. Indians of other tribes believed that petrified wood was the shafts of arrows and spears, once thrown by the mighty thunder god Shinauav.
- The Udmurts believed that petrified tree branches found in the water were the fingers of Vumurt, an evil spirit who lived under water (analogous to our merman). They believed that Vumurt often broke his fingers, in the place of which new ones quickly grew. Broken fingers turn to stone. Their distinctive feature is that, being dead, they are always cold: even if you put them on the stove or carry them in your bosom, they will not heat up. Such branches were called “devil’s fingers” and were used by healers in the treatment of various diseases. It was believed that wounds, even the most severe ones, if covered with a crushed damn finger, would soon heal. Devil’s fingers were used not only as a medicine, but also as a talisman protecting human homes and all household members from evil.
- Petrified wood is so popular all over the world that postage stamps are dedicated to it in many countries.
- Plant fossils are also found in the Moscow region. Small fragments of petrified wood are found in chalk deposits on the banks of the Volgushi River, near the Tourist station. Cretaceous sands with rare fragments of ammonite shells were formed in shallow coastal waters, and they preserved pieces of wood replaced by stone. The preservation of the samples there is quite good; various tissues of the tree trunk are visible. Another place in the Moscow region where petrified wood is found is the Gzhel quarries. There, in the black clays, which in some places overlap the main thickness of the red clays, there are fragments of wood replaced by pyrite. But the quality of the samples there is very low – the wood looks charred and also oxidizes very quickly in air. These fossils appear to date back to the Jurassic period. Very interesting and large pieces of petrified wood can be found in the Peski quarry. Apparently, somewhere not far from those places in the Jurassic period there was dry land, from where tree trunks fell into the sea, where they were buried among ammonites and belemnites. In all these places it was possible to find only parts of the trunks, without imprints of bark and leaves, so it is quite difficult to determine the species of the samples.
Signs of the zodiac
It is known that each zodiac sign has its own mineral, which suits it best in character and is a reliable amulet. Petrified wood works best Gemini. It helps them quickly solve material problems, become more practical and realistic. It is known that this substance is necessary for those people who tend to dream a lot and have their head in the clouds, and their any attempts to bring what they want to life always end in failure.
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Experts consider petrified wood as a special substance with strong energy. A small piece of petrified wood will teach a person to enjoy life and appreciate what you have. Magicians often use this material when performing various rituals. Some people claim that it can even prolong life.
Description of the mineral
Tree death is a natural process. Over time, their remains turn into fossils. Wood is affected by various minerals, so over time it can change its color to red, yellow, blue and even purple. Instead of annual rings, amazing patterns are formed on the cut. They are visible both in longitudinal and transverse sections. Ancient petrified wood can be easily sanded and cut, despite the fact that this material is highly durable and dense.
There are several types of petrified wood:
- Saturated with opal, the structure is homogeneous and white.
- The combination of opal, chalcedony and iron hydroxide makes the structure mottled or banded with a brown tint.
- Black fossils contain opal or carbonate and always carbon. Visually they are very similar to black agate.
- The concentrically zoned fossil is rich in chalcedony and opals. They color the growth rings brown, beige or white. As a result, the structure of the material becomes banded.
The only difference between fossilized trees found in different places on the planet is their amazing, unique coloring. Some deposits are recognized as nature reserves, so mining in them is prohibited.
A bit of history
The ancient Romans believed that petrified wood could solve any problems. A person who carries a piece of this mineral with him gets rid of illusions, and therefore quickly finds a way out of any, even the most difficult situation. The stone tree relieves anger and melancholy, teaches you to enjoy life and welcome any changes. With its help, a person realizes what he needs from life and achieves his goals. In Assyria and Babylonia, such fossils were used as common ornamental material. They made it from:
- pendants;
- rings;
- countertops;
- candelabra;
- flowerpots.
According to the legend of the Navajo Indians, petrified wood is the claws of a huge monster that hunted people. Before a long journey, the Indians sacrificed stone wood to their gods, hoping that this would protect them from evil spirits along the way. The Udmurts believed that the fossils were the broken fingers of the evil spirit Vumurt. They called the petrified tree devil’s fingers and used its branches to treat various diseases. It also served as a talisman to protect the home from evil people.
Some view this material as a universal symbol of the universe. Amulets are made from it, which are a symbol of the global connection of times.
Medical and magical properties
Like other minerals, wood stone has numerous medicinal properties. People who wear jewelry made from such material are more resistant to various infections and can easily endure any stress. A piece of the mineral will help people suffering from arthritis. Petrified wood is a great helper for those who live in their fantasies and suffer failures in the financial sphere. It helps to cope with money problems and achieve many earthly blessings, but at the same time not become a stingy person.
Modern people buy amulets made of petrified wood to attract wealth and quickly achieve their goals. This stone helps to overcome any obstacles, teaches you to rejoice in achievements and enjoy all the blessings of life, but at the same time not get hung up on the material sphere.
The unique structure and excellent hardness make petrified wood in demand and popular. It looks great in combination with glass and metal. Sections of large trees can be used to make furniture, sinks, various stands, etc. Such products fit perfectly into a modern interior. The debris is used to make jewelry, carvings, and souvenirs.