Tips for stone care

Why is a diamond valuable?

For more than a hundred years, diamond jewelry has been an object of desire for millions of women. They are embodied in cinema, glorified in musical works, adorn the most beautiful women in the world, and rings decorated with these precious stones become the desired acquisition of every bride. What lies behind the history of diamonds and why do they attract such interest among jewelry lovers? From carbon to splendor The essence of a diamond is that it is a cut diamond, which is the strongest and most durable of the minerals formed in the depths of the earth. Diamonds were originally valuable primarily for their hardness and were used for industrial purposes. However, Indian miners noticed the potential appeal of these minerals, realizing that they could shine with a beautiful light when the sun’s rays were passed through them, reflecting them off their polished edges. So they developed diamond cutting techniques using smaller diamonds. An important moment in the history of diamonds came in 1919 when engineer Marcel Tolkowsky proposed a standard cut with 57 facets known as the “round cut” or “brilliant cut,” designated KR-57. This cut allows light to shine through the 33 facets on the top of the stone and reflect off the 24 facets below, making the diamond especially bright and brilliant. This type of cut is the most popular among the Zbird collections and requires special care in selecting the clarity of the gemstones. However, before we move on to discuss this aspect, let’s understand what the phenomenon of diamond popularity is all about.
The price of genuine love
In 1888, shortly after the discovery of diamond deposits in the city of Kimberley, located in South Africa, the De Beers Consolidated Mines Company was founded. By the beginning of the 95th century, it already controlled XNUMX% of the world diamond market and set prices for stones. It was precisely at the request of De Beers that marketers from the advertising agency NW Ayer came up with the tradition of giving women a diamond engagement ring, arguing that the larger the diamond, the deeper the love. It was then that diamonds became the main decoration of Hollywood actors on the red carpet and became an integral part of films. If in the early 1940s only 10% of American girls received a diamond ring for their engagement, then within forty years their number had increased sevenfold. Zbird Diamonds The jewelry brand Zbird uses natural diamonds in its collections that are pre-certified by the GIA (Gemological Institute of America), the world’s leading laboratory. The GIA certifies diamonds starting at 0,30 carats and evaluates their clarity, carat, color and cut, which determine their value. Diamonds weighing 0,30 carats and above have an individual number laser-etched onto the girdle (the middle surface of the diamond), confirming the certified quality and authenticity of the stone. Zbird collections also include diamonds smaller than 0,30 carats, which are not GIA certified, but are carefully examined by gemologists certified by the State Gemological Center of Ukraine and authorized to conduct examinations. The production facility employs an expert group of gemologists who carry out quality control, examination and evaluation of diamonds based on their main characteristics. Only after this the precious stones are transferred to jewelers to create jewelry. Zbird not only integrates diamonds into contemporary gold settings, but also offers unique designer combinations with sapphires, emeralds, Australian opals, ceramics, pearls and mother-of-pearl. In the brand’s collections you can even find blue and black diamonds, which are a real innovation in jewelry. It is also worth noting that working with black diamonds has become possible only in the last 20 years, as they require a special approach to cutting. How to choose the perfect diamond from Zbird? The Zbird brand purchases diamonds for its jewelry that first undergo rigorous testing and receive a GIA certificate, which guarantees their impeccable quality. You can check the quality of diamonds by referring to the contents of the certificate. It is important to note that diamonds weighing less than 0,30 carats do not receive a GIA certificate, but undergo mandatory examination by gemologists certified by the State Gemological Center of Ukraine and have the right to assess the quality of diamonds. The quality of a diamond is assessed based on four main criteria: color, clarity, cut and carat. Diamonds, called “a woman’s best friend,” are one of the most valuable and delightful gemstones. They can add a sophisticated look to any piece of jewelry and reflect your sense of style. However, caring for diamonds requires knowledge and attention. In this article, we will present you with some tips for caring for your diamonds. A diamond pendant or pendant is the perfect choice for a unique gift for yourself or a loved one. Diamonds are unique, just like each person’s fingerprints. They emit a unique radiance that is difficult to reject. Diamonds are graded based on several factors, the most important of which is their carat. Simply put, a carat is a unit of measurement. used for weighing diamonds (and other gemstones). A carat is a metric unit of measurement equal to 200 milligrams. Each carat is divided into 100 points, allowing for precise measurements. Sometimes diamonds weighing less than one carat are described only by their scores. For example, a jeweler might call a 0,75-carat diamond “seventy-five-fold.” Carats and decimals are used to describe diamonds weighing more than one carat. Thus, a stone weighing 1,09 carats could be called a one-point-nine diamond. The diamond must be over 2265 carats equal to one pound in the imperial measurement system used here in the United States. The largest diamonds are, of course, the rarest and most valuable. However, even if you have two diamonds of the same carat, their value may differ significantly. This is because carat is just one of the “4 Cs” taken into account when determining the value of these incredible stones. If you need help understanding the carat scale of a diamond, you’ve come to the right place. In this post, we will discuss a diamond’s carat weight and other factors used to determine the value of a diamond. Let’s dive in!

Carat weight value

Whether you’re shopping for women’s diamond engagement rings or any other type of diamond jewelry, understanding carat weight is critical. In addition to making sure you’re choosing a quality piece, knowing the carat scale of a diamond can help you get a good deal. Despite what many people think, carats are not used to describe the size of a diamond. These valuable stones are weighed in carats, and experts estimate their size by measuring length and width in millimeters. Because diamonds come in different shapes and sizes, two stones of the same carat often have completely different appearances. For example, round cut diamonds have less depth than fancy cut diamonds such as princess diamonds. As a result, a round cut stone can appear larger than a princess cut diamond even though it weighs the same (or even less). Choosing good cut stones will allow you to get the most bang for your buck when purchasing diamonds. They are usually more widespread because they are not as deep. This makes them appear larger than their carat weight would suggest.

How Carats Affect Prices

The value of a diamond increases exponentially depending on its weight. Once a stone reaches a critical weight, its value increases. The critical weight of diamonds is 0,30 carat, 0,40 carat, 0,50 carat, 0,70 carat, 0,90 carat, 1,00 carat, 1,50 carat, 2,00 carat, 3,00 carat, 4,00 .5,00 carats, 10,00 carats and XNUMX carats. Diamond cutters strive to keep the weight of each stone at or above a critical level to ensure maximum value. If you’re looking to save on your next diamond purchase, keep the “magic sizes” in mind. Diamonds of certain sizes are more expensive because they either have a critical weight or are in high demand. By visual inspection, it is impossible to distinguish a 1-carat diamond from a 0,99-carat stone. However, the cost varies greatly. So-called custom-size diamonds offer significant savings, so they are a great option if you like the look of diamonds. bold and luxurious men’s diamond rings but looking for a cost effective option. You can also save money by purchasing lab-grown diamonds rather than natural stones. Diamonds grown in laboratories have the same physical, optical and chemical properties as their natural counterparts, but are much cheaper.

4 Factors in Diamond Pricing

When grading diamonds, appraisers consider four factors known as the “4 Cs.” Carat is one of the main factors that buyers pay attention to when purchasing jewelry with these precious stones. However, carat weight is certainly not the only factor that matters. To get a piece you love that fits your budget, you need to consider and balance all the 4 Cs – carat, cut, color and clarity. Let’s take a closer look at the remaining 3 C’s since we already discussed carat.


Each diamond is professionally cut to enhance its brilliance, sparkle, fire and overall beauty. They were once cut by hand, but modern diamonds are machine cut to ensure precision and quality. A diamond cut scale is used to measure the characteristics of light when it touches a diamond. Before they are cut, rough diamonds are often opaque on the outside and have little or no shine because they lack edges that reflect light. When light hits a cut diamond, it reflects within the stone and returns to your eyes in what we consider to be radiant. The way a diamond is cut significantly affects the light characteristics and plays a huge role in the brilliance of the stone. If you’re looking for a striking diamond that’s sure to turn heads, look for a diamond rated “good” or higher on the cut scale. Fair and poverty Diamonds rated Fair or Poor have significant light leakage, often because they are too shallow or deep in height. They have very little sparkle and are less visually attractive than stones higher on the scale. Most reputable jewelers do not sell diamond items rated “fair” or “poor” in the cut category. Good “Good” cut diamonds allow some light to pass through, but still have a lot of brilliance. They shine brightly and are often trimmed to a “good” standard to achieve a certain style or appearance. If you are looking for diamond jewelry that offers an excellent combination of price and beauty, jewelry with fine cut stones is an excellent choice. Very good Diamonds rated “Very Fine” are brilliant and have minimal light leakage. They reflect almost the entire potential of the stone. Diamond cutters often cut stones to achieve a “Very Good” grade to improve their other characteristics, including carat, color and clarity. Great Diamonds cut to the Excellent standard are the most brilliant and brilliant gemstones in the world. They are expertly cut to provide maximum sparkle and highlight the exquisite beauty of high quality diamonds. Only about three percent of all diamonds fall into this premium category, although they are becoming more common as manufacturing and cutting technologies continue to improve.


Commonly found in engagement and wedding rings, clear stones known as white diamonds are the most common option. However, both natural and lab-grown diamonds are available in a wide range of colors, including yellow, pink and green. However, according to the standards set by the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) for natural diamonds and the International Gemological Institute (IGI), the color of a diamond is graded on a scale of D to Z based on its color. flaw colors. The less color a stone has, the higher its grade. Keep in mind that fancy color diamonds are graded differently and are not included in this scale. D is the highest and best grade on the diamond color scale, reserved for completely colorless stones. Z is the lowest class. The scale starts at D to avoid confusion as other gemstones are graded on a scale that includes AAA, AA, A and B. The color of a diamond can be assessed by viewing the stone face down against a white background. Gemologists also compare diamonds set in GIA-tested cubic zirconia to color shades known as “master stones.” Diamond Color Df (Colorless) Diamonds rated DF are completely colorless or have minor traces of color that can only be detected by a gemologist. Less than one percent of all diamonds fall into this category. Diamond Color Gj (Almost Colorless) Diamonds in this range have small traces of color but usually appear colorless to the untrained eye. They have a brilliant shine and offer a great balance of price and lack of color. Approximately 15 percent of gem-quality diamonds are of this color. Diamond Color KM (Pale Color) KM series diamonds have a faint brown or yellow tint. The color dulls the shine slightly and is usually fairly easy to spot. Forty percent of diamonds are in the KM range. Diamond Color Nz (Light Color) New Zealand color grade diamonds have an obvious brown or yellow tint. They are the least valuable and many jewelers do not sell them due to their poor appearance.


The last (but not least) of the four Cs is clarity. As diamonds grow—both in nature and in laboratories—microscopic defects and impurities can develop. These imperfections, known as inclusions, are common and make each diamond unique. They also affect the clarity and value of diamonds because they can reduce shine by preventing light from refracting properly. Diamonds with the fewest inclusions receive the highest grade. However, since many imperfections can only be observed under a microscope, they do not necessarily detract from the overall beauty of the stone. The clarity scale for diamonds ranges from FL to I3, with FL being the best. Florida (flawless) FL grade diamonds have no inclusions inside or on the surface. Flawless diamonds are extremely rare, with less than 0,1 percent of all gem-quality diamonds falling into this category. If (internally flawless) IF diamonds do not have inclusions but have very minor surface imperfections that are only visible under 10x magnification. Stains do not affect the shine, which is why these stones are great. Vvs1 (very, very slightly enabled) The VVS1 diamond has tiny inclusions that are almost impossible to detect even at 10x magnification. Although they are cheaper than FL and IF diamonds, to the naked eye they appear almost the same. BBC2 (very, very slightly included) VVS2 diamonds also have tiny imperfections, but these are easier to detect under magnification than the inclusions found in VVS1 stones. Again, they do not detract from the sparkle or brilliance of the diamond and are invisible to the naked eye. Vs1 (very slightly included) VS1 is a popular transparency line because it offers an excellent balance of beauty and price. VS1 diamonds have minor inclusions that are only visible under magnification and have minimal impact on brilliance. VS2 (very lightly included) When magnified, inclusions in VS2 diamonds appear slightly larger than those in VS1 diamonds. Imperfections remain invisible without magnification. Sl1 (slightly included) SL1 diamonds sparkle brilliantly despite having imperfections that are usually invisible to the untrained (and unaided) eye. It is still considered high quality and allows buyers to pay more attention to weight, color or cut. Sl2 (slightly included) SL2 diamonds are brilliant but have inclusions that can be seen with the naked eye upon close inspection. I1 (Included) The I1 diamond has visible inclusions but still shines brightly. Diamonds in this category are an excellent choice for those looking for affordable diamond jewelry. I2 and I3 (included) Diamonds in grades I2 and I3 have noticeable inclusions that detract from their brilliance and beauty. For this reason, many high-end jewelers do not sell diamonds graded below I1.


Whether you’re shopping for a women’s Rolex, whether the face is encrusted with diamonds or other high-end jewelry, understanding the karat is extremely important. However, keep in mind that this is not the only thing worth paying attention to. Also remember that carat refers to the weight of the diamond, not its size. Sometimes the cut makes a lower carat stone appear larger than a higher carat stone. Although for some people the carat is the most important of the 4 Cs, it is very important to give the other 3 Cs equal attention. By finding a diamond with the perfect balance of carat, cut, color and clarity, you can get a stunning stone that suits both your taste and your budget. Frost NYC has high quality diamond jewelry for every occasion. And the description of each diamond includes information about the carat and quality of the stone. We source our diamonds from sites around the world and strive to offer the highest quality products at very competitive prices. Shop now to find your new diamond jewelry or women’s gold chains!

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