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Why is cat s eye called that?

Cat’s Eye – the original name of a greenish-yellow variety of chrysoberyl (cymophane) with a specific light effect of a glare running across the surface. The effect was first described by Haüy in 1798. This optical phenomenon reminds the observer of a cat’s eye. Cat’s eye is not one mineral, but a group of minerals. It usually consists of minerals with greenish tints that resemble a real cat’s eye, which is how the stone got its name. Along the axis of the stone there is a light stripe, which creates an amazing resemblance to the real eye of a representative of the cat family. This band is visible due to the numerous microscopic inclusions that are present inside the mineral. These may be particles of asbestos or actinolite. If these elements are located in the same direction to each other, then a mirror reflection effect is created. This optical effect (iridescence) is best observed in polished cabochons, but is often visible even on an untreated chip or cut of the stone when turning it. It is most pronounced in chrysoberyl. Minerals such as quartz with inclusions of fibrous minerals, tourmaline with a system of microscopic mutually parallel internal channels-voids oriented along the main axis, scapolite, fibrolite (fibrous sillimanite), parallel-fibrous varieties of jade and diopside can also have a “cat’s eye effect”. If the term “cat’s eye” is used without specifying the mineral, then it refers to chrysoberyl. In chrysoberyl, this effect is due to the reflection of light from microscopic hollow channels or inclusions oriented parallel to one of the crystallographic axes. And in stones such as “hawk’s eye” and the products of its natural weathering – “tiger’s eye” and “bull’s eye”, the iridescence is due to the parallel-fine-fiber structure of the aggregates, akin to the structure of asbestos. Quartz cat’s eye is one of many varieties of the mineral quartz, which is relatively rare in nature. This stone is quartz with the finest and specifically arranged systems of parallel hollow channels or hair-like inclusions of asbestos minerals. Thin inclusions (actinolite, amphibole-asbestos) grow into quartz, captured by the crystal as it grows. These inclusions are sometimes partially or completely destroyed, dissolved, or replaced by quartz, in the latter case representing pseudomorphs of quartz based on the inclusion mineral. The term “quartz cat’s eye” is used primarily among amateur stone cutters and jewelers, while the correct designation for such a stone is “quartz with a cat’s eye effect.”

Place of Birth

Chrysoberyl cat’s eye is a very valuable jewelry stone. Its best samples are mined in Sri Lanka and Madagascar. Also known from the Malyshevskoe deposit (Emerald Mines, Middle Urals, Russia). Deposits of quartz cat’s eye are known in Brazil, India, and Sri Lanka (secondary deposits – pebbles).

Cat’s eye jewelry and its prices

Stones with the cat’s eye effect are jewelry, usually their cost is not high. Inexpensive jewelry usually uses an imitation cat’s eye – beautiful colored glass that even a layman can distinguish from the original. Usually jewelers use clear or slightly cloudy real cat’s eye. All other bright shades of this stone can be safely considered a fake. There is also cat’s eye chrysoberyl. This stone, unlike quartz, is quite expensive. Chrysoberyl stones include ruby, sapphire, and beryl stones.

Magical properties

Cat’s eye is a kind of very “loving” stone. The fact is that it brings love and sympathy to its owner from the people around him, making this person more faithful in friendship and married life. Jewelry with a cat’s eye is most suitable for people who are timid and unsure of themselves – the stone gives them courage and charm. Among other things, the stone is considered a peacemaker. It protects a person from conflicts, helps to establish lost and broken ties with old friends, and attracts the favor of superiors. If you give this mineral to your enemy, then soon the relationship between these people will change significantly, and only in a positive direction. It is possible that after this gift the enemy will become not just an acquaintance, but a true true friend. Peacekeeping stones will be an excellent help for people who have problems with communication and establishing relationships in society. Also, the cat’s eye is great for girls and boys, helping them adapt to adulthood and more easily survive the “transitional age”.

Medicinal properties

Not only a magician, but also an excellent doctor came from a cat’s eye. Since he himself represents the eye, he pays special attention to the organs of vision. Treats eye diseases, eliminates fatigue, helps to see better at night. It is especially recommended to wear a cat’s eye for people working at a computer or with papers. If you are tired, just apply the stone to your eyes for a couple of minutes. It is also believed that the stone copes with many diseases of the cardiovascular system. May normalize blood pressure during surges. For high blood pressure, it is recommended to wear yellow or orange stones, and for low blood pressure, green or blue stones. Often, cat’s eye was used and is still used to this day by people suffering from respiratory diseases. Pneumonia, sore throat, flu, even asthma – cat’s eye helps cure such ailments. For greater effect, the stone should be worn around the neck in the form of a pendant or beads. The stone stimulates and tones digestion, helps cope with indigestion, and can even have a laxative effect. It promotes rapid healing and restoration of damaged tissue. Depression, neuroses and other disorders are easier to overcome with this stone. It will help you find inner peace and spiritual harmony.


The ancient Egyptians, who, as is known, revered cats, projected their attitude towards these animals onto the precious stone. The gem was found in tombs along with other precious objects. Priests decorated sistras, musical instruments used to perform religious rituals dedicated to the goddess Isis, with cat’s eyes. There is a legend about a pharaoh who owned a ring with such a stone. If the pharaoh observed a “blinking” cat’s eye, this meant the displeasure of the gods and sacrifices had to be made to appease them.

Interesting fact

Traditionally, bead bracelets with such gems are worn on the right hand, which is not always convenient for right-handed people. Today on the market there are many options for counterfeiting such minerals. Some are created so skillfully that even professionals cannot immediately distinguish them from natural stones.

Signs of the zodiac

The main thing for him is the love of his owner. But the most useful cat’s eye will be for representatives of the zodiac signs of the element of water – Rakov, Scorpios, Pisces. With them, the protective properties of the cat’s eye are most clearly manifested. Astrologers say that these signs simply need such a talisman. In addition to water signs, the cat’s eye pays special attention to women of the sign Scales. It is believed that it will enhance their natural sophistication, femininity and attractiveness, thereby attracting the attention of men.

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Eye quartz. These are stones radially overgrown with needles of asbestos or crocodolite crystals. Their beauty is largely determined by the iridescence of these crystals. Cat’s eye – sprouts olive-green needles, hawk’s eye – darker, blue-green, tiger’s eye – rusty-red needles. For their characteristic shine, color and shimmering elongated strip of light, polished ulexites are often called “cat’s eyes.” It is believed that stones such as ulexite are capable of attracting the attention of other people to their owner, creating a certain halo of attention around them. Ulexite is named after the German chemist G. L. Ulex. Since ancient times, this stone has been endowed with mystical properties, perhaps due to its unusual growth: the cat’s eye grows in needles. Because of this feature, it is sometimes called a relative of crystal. The color of cat eye varieties ranges from white to green. For example, a white cat’s eye helps to reveal a person’s creative abilities, stimulates his desire for knowledge, and is a talisman for children and mothers. For a young mother wearing this stone, the cat’s eye develops intuition and strengthens her spiritual connection with her child. The violet variety of this mineral is a talisman that protects love. This stone also promotes the development of imagination, acting abilities, and the realization of the owner’s creative potential. A green cat’s eye develops extrasensory abilities in a person and gives him a powerful charge of positive energy. All varieties of this mineral protect its owner from damage and the evil eye. Mystics call these stones “wood minerals.” All of them have the properties of “amulets”, that is, they protect and guard their owner. They protect health and life from attacks by enemies. At the same time, the cat’s eye protects most of all in love, the tiger’s eye protects in economic activity, and the falcon’s eye protects in the fight against enemies.
In addition, the tiger’s eye especially protects against unreasonable pangs of jealousy. Some say that these stones sharpen intuition and give rise to a premonition of trouble, others claim that rings decorated with “eyes” begin to “feel” on the hands when danger approaches, become heavier, get in the way, and thereby warn the owner about it. Modern experts on the mystical properties of stones believe that jewelry with “cat’s eye” ulexite can help influence other people. Such a stone is able to “remember” the individual qualities of its owner, although such “information imprinting” does not occur immediately, but only after a long time. Allows the owner to better and more meaningfully communicate with others, gives a certain aura of attractiveness and at the same time elusiveness. Helps to subjugate others – as if by hidden methods, when submission comes not from strength, but from attentive and somewhat indifferent understanding.
An excellent amulet against all types of damage, the evil eye and enemies. How a talisman helps its owner get to the enemy and be unnoticed, but will not allow enemies and wild harmful animals. It protects property, develops in a person the ability to foresee events, gives sensitivity to the slightest manifestations of aggression, loyalty, prudence and love. The cat’s eye becomes a faithful servant of all who strive for high spiritual goals, while choosing honest paths. Possessing predictive abilities, it has been considered a mysterious and magically powerful stone in all centuries. It makes both the owner and those around him frank to the point of paradox, but it gives the owner invincibility. The cat’s eye is aggressive towards the enemies of its beloved owner and can cause them a lot of trouble if you just draw their attention to the stone. Indispensable in the treatment of mental disorders, depression, excessive aggressiveness, phobias, fears, and skin diseases. It perfectly helps the healing of wounds, bruises, fractures, all colds and helps the body acquire persistent protective reactions. It relieves fatigue well, so you can keep vases, boxes, balls and other items on display at home. The stone has the property of predicting the state of health and life events: it becomes different to the touch. Cat’s eye has a beneficial effect on the pancreas and spleen, promotes concentration, enhances regeneration and relieves pain. Gives the owner great endurance and patience. Develops will. Cat’s eye, the name of various gems in which an iridescent strip of light moves when the stone is turned. This optical effect (iridescence) is best observed in polished, round, coffee-bean-shaped stones (cabochons). It is most pronounced in chrysoberyl. Minerals such as quartz with inclusions of fibrous minerals, tourmaline, scapolite, fibrolite (fibrous sillimanite) and diopside can also have a cat’s eye effect. If the term “cat’s eye” is used without specifying the mineral, then it refers to chrysoberyl. In chrysoberyl, this effect is due to the reflection of light from microscopic hollow channels or inclusions oriented parallel to one of the crystallographic axes; in other minerals, iridescence is due to the parallel-fine-fiber structure of the aggregates, reminiscent of the structure of asbestos. The most preferred colors are greenish or honey-yellow (chrysoberyl cat’s eye).
Stones with cat’s eye effect.
Chrysoberyl cat’s eye. The name “cat’s eye” usually refers to chrysoberyl cat’s eye. This gemstone is named for the appearance of the “cat’s eye” – a single sharp, vertical line on the cabochon when light is reflected from its surface. The ancient Catholics were familiar with the chrysoberyl cat’s eye already by the first century; in the East it was believed that pressing the cat’s eye on the forehead between the eyes would provide a person with clarity of foresight. In Sri Lanka, the historical source of chrysoberyl cat’s eye, it was believed to provide protection against demons.
The effect, called cat’s eye (“chatoyancy”), comes from the word chat, meaning “cat” in French. The effect is caused by numerous parallel needle-like inclusions within the stone. The light reflected from these inclusions is concentrated on the curved surface of the cabochon. In quality material, a single sharp line of light should appear exactly in the middle of the cabochon when lit directly from above, but when lit from the side the band will move off-center and appear more diffuse, the band will also appear fainter in clearer stones.. becomes less visible as the number decreases. needle-shaped inclusions. But even if a good clear “eye” stripe appears, but the stone is opaque, such material is not considered high quality. The base of the cabochon is usually made convex to enhance the “eye” effect. But when buying “bare” stones, you should not choose a stone with a too convex base, since such a stone will be difficult to fix in the product.
The ideal color for a chrysoberyl cat eye is a milk-and-honey color; but most stones are lemon yellow, greenish yellow, or dark brown. The main sources of chrysoberyl cat’s eye are Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Brazil, and India. There are approximately fifty varieties of stones that can exhibit the cat’s eye effect, including emerald, tourmaline, quartz, apatite, and zircon. If the stone contains needle-like inclusions oriented in one direction and is cut in a cabochon, a cat’s eye effect may appear. Such stones should be named by their type with the prefix “cat’s eye”.
Tourmaline cat’s eye. This material is mined in fairly large quantities, but usually does not have high transparency and a clear cat’s eye effect. Low quality material is opaque, but usually tends to exhibit a distinct cat’s eye effect due to the abundance of inclusions. In more transparent examples, the cat’s eye effect becomes weaker due to a decrease in the number of inclusions. Common colors for cat’s eye tourmalines are green, blue.
Emerald cat eye. There are emeralds with a wonderful cat’s eye effect among the stones from Brazil. Stones with good color and a clear eye effect are very expensive, and can reach maximum prices of $20 for a five-carat stone. Cat’s eye emeralds from Colombia have also begun to appear on the market.
Tiger’s Eye is a brown variety of quartz with a cat’s eye effect. Hawk’s eye or hawk’s eye is a similar variety of quartz that is blue-green in color. Tiger’s eye is mined in huge quantities in South Africa and is extremely inexpensive.

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