Why should you take calcium at night?
Calcium is an important macronutrient that is involved in key physiological and biochemical processes of cells [1] https://ru.wikipedia.org/. A deficiency of the mineral can affect the functioning of the musculoskeletal system and the body as a whole. Special means are designed to compensate for the lack of macronutrients. We’ll talk about why calcium supplements are needed, to whom they are indicated, and how to drink calcium tablets correctly in this article.
Calcium tablets: harm and benefit
- For the musculoskeletal system. Calcium is involved in the processes of contraction and relaxation of muscles, is responsible for the formation of bones [2] Marushko Yu. V., Polkovnichenko L. N., Tarinskaya O. L. Calcium and its importance for the child’s body (literature review) [Electronic resource] // Modern pediatrics. — 2014, 5 (61), p. 46–52. – URL:http://www.irbis-nbuv.gov.ua/. The content of the element affects bone mineral density [3] https://ru.wikipedia.org/: to reduce the risk of fractures (especially in old age), stimulate the antiresorptive effect of hormones on bone tissue and prevent the development of osteoporosis, it is important to maintain normal calcium levels.
- For the nervous system. Responsible for the processes of excitation and transmission of nerve impulses.
- For the urinary system. Calcium is important in the prevention of urolithiasis. With sufficient intake of the mineral, the likelihood of the formation of kidney stones decreases [4] Lutsenko A. S., Rozhinskaya L. Ya. The role and place of calcium and vitamin D preparations for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis [Electronic resource] // Osteoporosis and osteopenia. — 2017, 20 (2) p. 69–75. — URL: https://core.ac.uk/ .
- For the cardiovascular system. Adequate calcium intake is necessary to maintain normal blood pressure and reduce vascular permeability. The mineral takes part in blood clotting processes. Maintains heart rate [5] https://medikas.uz/.
- For other systems and the body as a whole. Responsible for the regulation of cell division and acid-base balance.
- During pregnancy. Calcium ensures the normal course of pregnancy and is necessary for the development of the fetus. Responsible for the activation of enzymes and endocrine glands.
- For a healthy appearance. Calcium helps maintain healthy teeth, nails, skin and hair. Important for good health.
The human body is unable to synthesize macronutrients on its own; calcium enters the body from the outside. The main source of the mineral is food. A significant amount of it is found in seeds (chia, sesame), dairy products, nuts, seafood, legumes, some vegetables and herbs [6] https://ru.wikipedia.org/.
Calcium intake rate
According to the methodological recommendations of the Federal Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology of the Russian Federation [7] https://www.rospotrebnadzor.ru/, an adult 18–59 years old is prescribed 1000 mg of calcium daily, after 60 years – 1200 mg every day. Children from three to 18 years old are recommended to consume 900–1200 mg of the mineral per day (the exact dosage depends on age). Unfortunately, for the majority of the Russian population, daily calcium intake is less than 50% of the norm [8] Nikitinskaya O. A., Toroptsova N. V. Social program “Osteoscreening Russia” in action [Electronic resource] // Farmateka. — 2012, No. 6, p. 90–93. – URL: https://pharmateca.ru/.
According to studies, only 9% of women and 6% of men receive the required amount of calcium [9] Lutsenko A. S., Rozhinskaya L. Ya. The role and place of calcium supplements and vitamins D for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis [Electronic resource] // Osteoporosis and osteopenia. — 2017, 20 (2) p. 69–75. — URL: https://core.ac.uk/ . These statistics are largely due to the fact that people do not consume enough calcium in their diet. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of each person, because the daily norm may vary depending on the state of health.
Why take calcium tablets?
If the usual diet does not meet the body’s needs for the mineral, the doctor may recommend special calcium supplements. Such funds can be used as an additional source of macronutrients. And in some cases, for example, when a person experiences an increased need for a mineral, taking calcium tablets becomes a necessary measure. Calcium is prescribed to pregnant women and nursing mothers, patients who have undergone surgery, and people over 50 years of age, when bone demineralization increases.
Special calcium preparations in tablet form can be used not only as an additional source of the mineral, but also to compensate for its deficiency. A lack of calcium can develop against the background of age-related hormonal changes in women (during menopause). Various diseases and conditions can also lead to hypocalcemia, for example, kidney disease, pancreatic disease, impaired synthesis of parathyroid hormone, vitamin D deficiency and others [10] https://www.msdmanuals.com/.
What harm can calcium tablets cause?
Like any drug, calcium supplements have contraindications and can sometimes cause adverse reactions. The negative effect of calcium in tablets may be due to incorrect dose selection, violation of the rules of administration, and also ignoring contraindications. An overdose is manifested by problems with the gastrointestinal tract, increased fatigue, heart rhythm disturbances and other unpleasant symptoms. To avoid harm and get only benefits from calcium tablets, it is important to follow the recommendations on the package, not exceed the daily dosage, and be sure to consult a doctor before starting the course.
It is generally accepted that the best sources of calcium are dairy products. However, scientists have found that the body spends a lot of energy on the absorption of calcium contained in milk, including from its own calcium reserves.
How to take calcium tablets
In order not to harm the body, you need to know how to properly take calcium tablets. Let us list the basic rules for taking such drugs.
- Take the full course. To get the maximum benefit from taking calcium, it is important to take the tablets every day for the period indicated in the instructions or approved by your doctor. The full course can last from one to several months, depending on the dosage of the drug. Irregular use will most likely not bring the desired result, and longer therapy can lead to an overdose.
- Do not exceed or reduce the dosage. The rate of consumption of a particular calcium preparation depends on the patient’s age and state of health. For children 11–18 years old and adults over 60 years old, the daily calcium intake is higher and is 1200 mg [11] https://www.rospotrebnadzor.ru/. Also, the dosage may be increased for pregnant women, people with diagnosed osteoporosis and in some other cases.
- Follow the recommendations of a specialist. Individual dosage selection is required, and some patients require specialist supervision throughout the entire preventive or treatment course. Therefore, you cannot neglect the consultation of your doctor.
- Take calcium along with vitamin D. Vitamin D is key to calcium homeostasis, maintaining bone health and reducing the risk of fractures. Thus, the modern view of the complex treatment and prevention of osteoporosis involves the prescription of combined calcium and vitamin D preparations (usually in the form of cholecalciferol, or D3). Studies have shown that the combined intake of these microelements (compared to placebo) reduced bone loss in patients [12] Calcium and vitamin D3: from osteoporosis to multimorbidity of cardiovascular diseases [Electronic resource] // Attending physician. – 2012. – URL: https://www.lvrach.ru/. The importance of taking calcium and vitamin D together is also mentioned in the clinical recommendations of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation [13] https://rae-org.ru/.
In this case, it is important to choose the appropriate drug: with the required dosage of calcium, with vitamin D in the composition, with a small list of contraindications and adverse reactions, and preferably affordable. Here are several remedies that are used to prevent and treat calcium deficiency.
“Calcium-D3 Nycomed Forte”
Used for the prevention and treatment of calcium and vitamin D deficiency3, as well as as part of complex therapy and to prevent the development of osteoporosis and its complications [14] https://calciumd3.ru/. One tablet contains 500 mg of elemental calcium and 400 IU of vitamin D3. For the treatment and prevention of calcium and vitamin D deficiency3 Children 3–12 years old are advised to take one tablet per day, children over 12 years old and adults – two tablets per day (can be divided into two doses). The duration of the course is a minimum of four to six weeks. The drug is contraindicated in children under three years of age, people with hypersensitivity to the components, hypercalcemia, severe renal failure and some other patients. The average retail price of the drug is 589 rubles per package of 60 tablets [15] According to IQUIA Solutions LLC, January–March, 2021. .
* Number in the State Register of Medicines: P N013355/01 [16] https://grls.rosminzdrav.ru/.
“Calcium 600” from Solgar
Dietary supplement can be used as an additional source of calcium and vitamin D3 [17] https://solgarvitamin.ru/ . Contains 600 mg calcium and 300 IU vitamin D3. You should take one Calcium 600 tablet per day. Contraindicated for children and those with intolerance to the components. Pregnant and breastfeeding women can take the drug with caution – with the permission and under the supervision of the attending physician. The average retail price of a package (60 pieces) is 1172 rubles [18] According to IQUIA Solutions LLC, January–March, 2021. .
* dietary supplement. Not a medicine.
“Kalcemin Advance”
Prescribed for the prevention and complex therapy of osteoporosis of various origins, for the prevention and treatment of calcium and vitamin D deficiency, magnesium, zinc and some other minerals [19] https://www.calcemin.ru/. One tablet contains 500 mg of calcium and 200 IU of vitamin D3. The composition also contains other active ingredients: magnesium, zinc, copper, manganese, boron. To treat calcium and vitamin D deficiency, you should take one tablet two to three times a day, for preventive purposes – one tablet twice a day. The duration of the course is two to three months. The drug is contraindicated in children under 12 years of age, people with sensitivity to the components, urolithiasis, renal failure and some other conditions. The average retail price of a package with 60 tablets is 762 rubles [20] According to IQUVIA Solutions LLC, January–March, 2021. .
* Number in the State Register of Medicines: (P N015747/01) [21] https://grls.rosminzdrav.ru/.
Calcium deficiency in Russia is quite widespread. As you age, the likelihood of developing a mineral deficiency only increases. You should not wait for irreversible complications, especially since the modern pharmaceutical market provides a wide selection of calcium preparations for the prevention and treatment of deficiency conditions.
*** The material is not a public offer. Price information is for reference only and is current as of October 2021.
All information related to health and medicine is presented for informational purposes only and is not a reason for self-diagnosis or self-medication.
- 1,3 https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calcium_in_living_organisms
- 2 Marushko Yu. V., Polkovnichenko L. N., Tarinskaya O. L. Calcium and its importance for the child’s body (literature review) [Electronic resource] // Modern Pediatrics. — 2014, 5 (61), p. 46–52. — URL: http://www.irbis-nbuv.gov.ua/cgi-bin/irbis_nbuv/cgiirbis_64.exe?C21COM=2&I21DBN=UJRN&P21DBN=UJRN&IMAGE_FILE_DOWNLOAD=1&Image_file_name=PDF/Sped_2014_5_12.pdf (access date: 03.06.2021 XNUMX) .
- 4,9 Lutsenko A. S., Rozhinskaya L. Ya. The role and place of calcium and vitamin D preparations for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis [Electronic resource] // Osteoporosis and osteopenia. — 2017, 20 (2) p. 69–75. — URL: https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/206555123.pdf (access date: 03.06.2021/XNUMX/XNUMX).
- 5 https://medikas.uz/kalciy/
- 6 https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calcium_in_living_organisms#Nutrition
- 7,11 https://www.rospotrebnadzor.ru/documents/details.php?ELEMENT_ID=4583
- 8 Nikitinskaya O. A., Toroptsova N. V. Social program “Osteoscreening Russia” in action [Electronic resource] // Farmateka. — 2012, No. 6, p. 90–93. — URL: https://pharmateca.ru/ru/archive/article/8412 (access date: 03.06.2021/XNUMX/XNUMX).
- 10 https://www.msdmanuals.com/ru-ru/professional/endocrine-and-metabolic-disorders/electrolyte-disturbances/hypocalcemia
- 12 Calcium and vitamin D3: from osteoporosis to multimorbidity of cardiovascular diseases [Electronic resource] // Attending physician. – 2012. – URL: https://www.lvrach.ru/2012/04/15435396 (access date: 03.06.2021/XNUMX/XNUMX).
- 13 https://rae-org.ru/system/files/documents/pdf/kr342_deficit_vitamina_d_u_vzroslyh.pdf
- 14 https://calciumd3.ru/
- 15,18,20 According to IQUIA Solutions LLC, January–March, 2021.
- 16 https://solgarvitamin.ru/product/calcium-600/0415
- 19 https://www.calcemin.ru/
- 21 According to ALPHARM LLC, January–March, 2021.
- 23
Dudnik Maria Viktorovna Executive editor
Calcium deficiency does not appear immediately. With a slight decrease in the mineral content in the body, a significant negative reaction most likely will not follow. However, a steady trend towards a decrease in calcium levels inevitably leads to the appearance of unpleasant symptoms: muscle cramps, spasms, deterioration of the skin, teeth, hair and nails, and heart rhythm disturbances.
What do you need for healthy bones and joints?
Osteoporosis in women: causes and signs of disease development, treatment and prevention of osteoporosis
Tuesday, January 15.06.2021
What should the level of calcium be in the human body and what are the dangers of deviations from the norm?
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It is not uncommon for people to use various vitamin and mineral supplements, as well as a variety of other dietary supplements, to optimize and enrich their diet. And although the use of multivitamins has decreased somewhat recently, the use of vitamin D and dietary supplements with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids has increased significantly.
Some of the most popular dietary supplements include probiotics, omega-3 fatty acids, multivitamins, vitamin C, turmeric, calcium and magnesium.
It is worth paying attention to when and how these dietary supplements are taken – for example, with or without food, in the morning or in the evening, before or after training (if you play sports).
The timing and circumstances of dietary supplement use can have an impact on both safety and effectiveness. Certain supplements may also be contraindicated if you have certain health conditions or if you are taking certain medications.
Here are some simple and useful recommendations for using the most common dietary supplements.
Multivitamins contain both water- and fat-soluble vitamins, and sometimes also minerals. It is recommended to take half a dose in the morning, during breakfast, and the second half of the daily dose during the main meal (lunch or dinner). Taking multivitamin dietary supplements with food is generally safer. For example, B vitamins and vitamin C may cause stomach pain or nausea when taken on an empty stomach. Fat-soluble vitamins will not provide any benefit if taken without a small amount of fat, such as an egg or vegetable oil. However, excessive use of fat should be avoided, as this interferes with the absorption of water-soluble vitamins from the gastrointestinal tract.
If you use individual vitamins or minerals, you should pay attention not only to the timing of their intake, but also to the combination with other dietary supplements. For example, fat-soluble vitamin K2 is preferably taken with food containing some fat, in the afternoon or evening. Calcium can be taken during the day, but magnesium is best taken at night and not combined with meals. The average healthy person requires about 200 mcg of vitamin K2 per day, but if simultaneously taking high doses of vitamin D, this amount may be higher. People using vitamin K antagonists (medicines that reduce blood clotting) are not recommended to use dietary supplements with vitamin K2, so be sure to consult with your doctor before using any dietary supplements.
Zinc should not be taken with calcium and/or iron as they may interfere with the body’s absorption of zinc.
You should also avoid taking calcium or vitamin E with iron, as they interfere with iron absorption.
Iron is also best taken on an empty stomach, either in the morning or afternoon.
Magnesium, which is one of the essential minerals for our body, is best taken in the evening and is not dependent on food intake. In this case, it is better to take magnesium and calcium (if you are taking calcium) at the same time.
If you exercise regularly, consider consuming calcium and magnesium in a 1:2 ratio respectively during your pre-workout meal. Although the ideal ratio of magnesium to calcium is considered to be 1:1, most people get much more calcium than magnesium from their diet.
Vitamin B12 is quite poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, so it is best taken on an empty stomach to optimize absorption. Vitamin B12 may also interact with a variety of medications, including medications for bone loss, cancer, gout, high blood pressure and gastric hypersecretion, such as H2 blockers and proton pump inhibitors, so you should consult your doctor before using it.
Indigestible dietary fiber – fiber – can interfere with the body’s ability to absorb fat, so most of these dietary supplements are best taken separately from any dietary supplements containing polyunsaturated fatty acids. Remember that these supplements slow down the movement of food through the stomach and intestines, so they are best taken at least three or four hours before training or competition, or towards the end of the day. Psyllium is best taken two hours after meals with a full glass of water. When it comes to omega-3 PUFA supplements, they can cause stomach upset if taken immediately before a workout, so it’s best to take them before breakfast, along with your multivitamin.
Also keep in mind that krill oil supplements are contraindicated for people with shellfish allergies.
You should not take dietary supplements containing omega-3 PUFAs if you have a bleeding disorder or are taking anticoagulants.
Dietary supplements containing bromelain and papain, when taken with food, can improve digestion. Although there is currently no reliable evidence for the effectiveness of bromelain in reducing muscle soreness after exercise, if you are taking bromelain for this purpose, use it on an empty stomach after exercise, in the morning or afternoon.
Probiotics help maintain and restore normal intestinal flora by supplying beneficial bacteria to our body. They are best taken on an empty stomach, two to three hours before the first meal or after the last meal. It also makes sense to reduce your consumption of processed foods and sugar to increase the effectiveness of probiotic supplements.
Typically, antioxidant dietary supplements such as resveratrol, astaxanthin, vitamin E, and ubiquinol are fat soluble and are best taken with a fatty meal.
It is optimal to take ubiquinol, dividing the daily dose into 2 doses, during main meals with dishes containing fats.
Vitamin E and astaxanthin can be taken once daily with a fatty meal to increase absorption.
Dietary supplements containing resveratrol can be taken on an empty stomach.
Taking antioxidant dietary supplements by athletes or people who exercise regularly immediately before exercise has the interesting effect of reducing insulin sensitivity. It also interferes with the body’s ability to protect itself from oxidative damage. For this reason, antioxidant dietary supplements should be taken before meals and only during truly challenging competitions (training). In all other cases, these dietary supplements should be taken as late as possible after training.
As a rule, the more varied and nutritious your diet, the fewer dietary supplements you will need. A balanced diet is the best way to provide the body with all the nutrients the body needs.
Vegetarians and vegans may be among the few who actually need to take certain dietary supplements, since many important nutrients are found only in animal products.
Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin B12 are the very first examples of nutrients that come to mind that people who adhere to a vegetarian or vegan diet do not receive enough. But the lack of any nutrients, vitamins, minerals can cause significant damage to health.
Also, dietary supplements can be very useful for certain macro- and micronutrient deficiencies in your diet. You just need to keep in mind that the more supplements you take, the more difficult it becomes to do it correctly and for maximum health benefits.
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