Mineral Review

Why shouldn t you photograph signs?

Are selfies dangerous, what background should you not be photographed against, and what should you not do with the photo?

27 September 2021 The image of a person has always been surrounded by a mystical aura. Some people believe that even ordinary photography can lead to trouble. Let’s try to understand the strange superstitions that we believe in contrary to common sense.

Why you can’t take pictures of yourself

It is probably now very difficult to find a person who has never taken a selfie. Many people take pictures of themselves using mirrors to update their social media feeds. However, superstitious people say that this is a bad omen. Previously, mirrors were called a portal that separates the worlds of the living and the dead. And old mirrors are completely unfriendly. They supposedly can absorb the energy of their former owners, which will not necessarily be positive. It is also believed that you should not look into the camera lens while shooting. Some believe that then it is easier to damage the image. Therefore, superstitious people, in order not to cause trouble, do not take pictures of themselves, but ask others to do it.

Why you can’t film people sleeping

Is it possible to photograph a sleeping person? This question is asked often. People believe that this is not worth doing. According to legend, during sleep the soul leaves a person, his body becomes completely defenseless. The sleeper’s eyes are closed, which means he is vulnerable to otherworldly forces that can bring trouble to a person.Photo: oprimetax.ru However, this sign has a completely rational explanation. Previously, there was a tradition of photographing the dead as a keepsake. In the photographs, the deceased looked alive, but with his eyes closed, as if he was just sleeping. It’s creepy, but it’s true.

Why you can’t show children’s faces

1. Why you shouldn’t take pictures of sleeping children. According to legend, a photo of a sleeping child is a bad sign. Superstitious parents believe that the Guardian Angel can leave the baby, and then he will begin to get sick. Perhaps there is some truth in this superstition. A child may get scared while filming, which can cause stuttering and other mental disorders. 2. Is it possible to photograph a newborn baby? As for signs with photos of newborns, they are associated with another superstition. It is believed that a baby should not be shown to strangers until it grows up. Typically this period is 40 days or one year. Some believe that a photograph of a child can cause the evil eye or illness, since the child’s defense against negativity has not yet been formed. 3. Why you can’t publish photos of children. People have always been afraid of other people’s anger and envy, and a child is more susceptible than others to the negative influence of others. Some people believe that you can put the evil eye on a baby even without intending to. Therefore, it is not customary to give photographs to either friends or close relatives. Some parents are also categorically against publishing photos of their children on social networks. Allegedly, this can attract failures and illnesses to a child at an early age.

Why you can’t take pictures at a cemetery

  • in cemeteries
  • ruins
  • in destroyed houses
  • abandoned villages.

Many people are attracted by their dark aesthetics, but people believe that the photographs leave traces of the energy that is inherent in this place.

This means that along with the photograph, you can let the negativity of the people who once lived there into your life.

What background should you not take pictures of?

There is a belief that you should not take pictures in places of mass death. These include those where military operations took place, a crime was committed or a disaster occurred.

This is unlikely to be a positive background for the photo. It is believed that the energy of death is present there.

Signs about photographs of the dead

1. Is it possible to photograph the dead? People believe that dead people should never be photographed. Some believe that the camera lens can become a place of passage to the other world. That is why, according to legend, all mirrors in the house are covered with cloth before the funeral. They say that if the soul of the deceased enters this world, it will no longer be able to get out and will bother relatives. Moreover, the spirit can become attached to the place where the photo was taken.

2. Why you can’t keep photographs of the dead. In the past, deceased relatives were often photographed, and their images are still kept in home archives. What should you do with photographs of the deceased? People believe that it is better to get rid of them or burn them, since such things can negatively affect the living. Some are convinced that in houses where portraits of deceased relatives are hung on the walls, grief and despair settle in, quarrels begin, illnesses and misfortunes come. They say that you should not store such photos in albums next to photographs of living people, or carry them in your wallet. It’s better to create a separate folder for this and put it away.

3. Why you can’t put your photograph in the coffin of the deceased. This ritual is practiced by the so-called black magicians. Supporters of such rituals “go to the next world” along with the deceased in order to unite with him. They even read spells over the photos. People have always been afraid of sorcerers and witches and avoided them. However, some still believe in the mystical power of such people.

Why you shouldn’t take pictures of the sunset

There is a belief that there are so-called “dead seasons”. These are periods of withering nature, sunsets.

Some say that images of autumn forests and winter landscapes carry negative energy.

They believe that a photograph with the fading of nature or the setting of the Sun can subsequently have a negative impact on the life of its owner and harm his health.

Why can’t you take a photo in front of the road?

People believe that it is not worth taking photographs before a long journey. If you break this ban, you may not return home.

However, we have all seen photographs of famous travelers who go not only on long hikes or voyages, but even into space.

Why you shouldn’t take pictures while pregnant

According to the superstition, it is not advisable for a pregnant woman to be photographed – she will have a miscarriage.

True, just look at the pictures of domestic or world stars. They demonstrated their special position more than once, and then gave birth to completely healthy children.

Signs: wedding photos

1. You cannot take photos before the wedding. It is believed that a photo of the bride and groom together before the wedding is a sign of imminent separation. But, most likely, only the newlyweds themselves are to blame for the breakups, who are not ready to compromise, psychologists say.

2. You cannot photograph the bride alone. Rumor has it that the young woman will end up without a partner. Nobody knows why this is so, but many follow these rules.3. You cannot give your photographs for correspondence acquaintance with your future husband. Some believe that this can be used to damage a person. However, dating sites are still thriving, which means that the sign is bypassed by many.

What not to do with photos

  • Why can’t you tear up photographs? Because, according to legend, you can cause serious harm to the person depicted on it
  • Is it possible to burn photographs of living people? Superstitions claim that this can affect a person’s fate and lead to troubles
  • According to the superstition, three people cannot film together. They believe that the person standing in the middle can become seriously ill
  • It is believed that you should not photograph a cat, especially a black one – this will bring trouble
  • You should not take a photo with a clock in the background – this will shorten your life
  • A blurry photograph is a sign of imminent illness
  • It is considered a bad omen when a photograph suddenly fades, showing someone next to the deceased. They believe that living things are in danger
  • Why can’t you crop your head in a photo? According to legend, a person can be affected by a disease

  • Spots appeared on the picture: another signal that trouble awaits
  • A photograph of the deceased falling is a bad omen, especially if the glass and frame break. Some believe that this is a warning, a serious threat hangs over the person
  • According to signs, photographs cannot be given as gifts. It is believed that through a photo you can cause harm, send illnesses and misfortunes
  • It is believed that you should not give your photo to your loved one – you may end up alone
  • You cannot keep photos of enemies and people with whom you are in a quarrel at home. The energy of such a photo is negative and will harm and ruin your mood.

Whether or not to believe in omens is up to everyone to decide for themselves. Some photos are really unnerving, scary or cause negative emotions.

But psychologists note that many people “cheat” themselves. Fears arise primarily because there is no confidence in oneself and one’s abilities.

Rainbow Spring
Beauty and Health Center
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Moscow, Sivtsev Vrazhek lane, 29/16

Rainbow Spring
Beauty and Health Center

Moscow, Bolshoi Tishinsky Lane, 24

  • on Sivtsev Vrazhek
  • on Bolshoi Tishinsky

Health Center Rainbow Spring
+7 495 542-11-42

5 things you shouldn’t photograph

There are many superstitions and signs associated with photographs. Knowing what or who not to photograph can help you avoid serious problems in the future. Don’t put yourself and your loved ones in danger.

We recently wrote about when and why you shouldn’t look in the mirror. You might think that these signs have no power and no rational explanation, but this is not at all the case. There are things that are dangerous to your energy, and if your protection is weak, they can harm your health, well-being and luck. With photographs the situation is absolutely similar.

Why photos can be dangerous Many of you have probably watched horror films or documentaries about how ghosts are depicted in photographs. There are many theories of scientists about this. The main one says that at the moment of photographing, for a split second, the world of the dead and the world of the living lose their border. It is not completely known whether ghosts can influence us in this way.

Here the opinions of experts are divided: some say that ghosts in photographs are just a reflection of the invisible, otherworldly, and some argue that this is the very moment when evil spirits can burst into our world. This moment is enough to make you sick or bind negative energy to yourself.

Church ministers and esotericists had a negative attitude towards photography immediately after the appearance of cameras. People thought it was strange that some kind of box was making an instant picture of what was happening. After some time, strange photographs with strange faces and figures began to appear. Then people realized that they had invented a kind of bridge between the worlds of good and the world of evil.
Of course, today few people are ready to give up memorable photographs because of simple superstition. However, there are some things that are better to be aware of before picking up a camera.

Signs with photographs Always remember who and what you cannot photograph, so as not to bring trouble to yourself and your loved ones:
You can’t take pictures of sleeping people. This is especially true for infants and young children in general, as they are the most vulnerable. Their souls are pure and immaculate, therefore they will be the best place for the refuge of evil spirits. Open eyes can always protect you from demons, because you can see them, and they are almost powerless if you look at them. It is better for these entities to remain in the shadows, to be unnoticed, so they live next to sleeping people, but cannot influence them. At the moment of photographing, you blur the line, giving demons and ghosts access to human energy. Of course, few of them are aggressive, but why take the risk?

You can’t take pictures of your reflection in a mirror. In most cultures and religious teachings, a mirror is described as a magnet for evil spirits. This is a kind of negative reservoir, a portal between us and ghosts. This is especially true for two mirrors that create an infinite reflection. Under no circumstances should you photograph this, since at this moment you are in close proximity to everything connected with spirits and their world. It is important to remember here that not only the moment itself is dangerous, but also the photograph, since this portal between worlds can be transferred. It retains its power, so throw away such photos without a second thought.

You cannot take photographs of the dead. This is a very common sign, which suggests that this can make the soul of the deceased lose peace forever. His spirit will live in the place where the body was. If it was an angry soul, then strange things will happen in the house. If you do take such a photo, then store it separately from other photos.

You can’t take pictures of black cats. Yes, cats cleanse the energy of the house. They are our friends and very sweet creatures, but they can easily become possessed. Photographing sleeping black cats and cats is doubly dangerous, because, as we have already explained, demons interact better with the sleeping body during photography. Cats are not protected, so they are easily influenced by otherworldly forces.

You cannot take pictures against the backdrop of ruins, ruins and abandoned houses. The energy there is negative. It is transmitted in the photo and infects the whole house with failures. It is advisable not to take such photos, but if you do decide, then store them in a non-residential area such as a garage, attic and do not place them in plain sight.

Finally, remember a few important rules: do not give your photographs to those who are on bad terms with you, or to those who are connected with these people, so that they do not damage you. In this regard, it is better to hide your photos on social networks, giving access only to family and friends. Also, do not have photos of those who hate you or whom you hate in your home. Your enemies will take your spirits away.

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